path: root/docs/installer/eu/testing.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'docs/installer/eu/testing.xml')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/docs/installer/eu/testing.xml b/docs/installer/eu/testing.xml
index 30c41cae..499c9667 100644
--- a/docs/installer/eu/testing.xml
+++ b/docs/installer/eu/testing.xml
@@ -17,17 +17,17 @@
<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="live-liveMode.png"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para>You get this screen if you selected "Boot Mageia". If not, you get the
-"<link linkend="doPartitionDisks">Partitioning</link> step"</para>
+ <para>Pantaila hau lortuko duzu "Mageia Abiarazi" hautatu baduzu. Ezezkoa bada,
+"<link linkend="doPartitionDisks">Partizio</link> urratsa" lortuko duzu</para>
<title xml:id="testing2-ti1">Hardwarea probatzen </title>
- <para>One of the Live mode goals is to test if the hardware is correctly managed
-by Mageia. You can check if all devices have a driver in the Hardware
-section of the Mageia Control Center. You can test the most current devices:</para>
+ <para>Live moduaren helburuetako bat Mageian hardware-a ondo kudeatuko dela
+probatzea da. Gailu guztiak gidari bat dutela egiazta dezakezu Mageia
+Kontrol Guneko Hardware atalean. Gailurik gaurkoagoak proba ditzakezu:</para>
@@ -70,11 +70,10 @@ irten botoia sakatu dezakezu.</para>
<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="live-liveMode-install.png"/>
- <para>To launch the installation of Mageia LiveCD or Live DVD to the hard disc or
-SSD drive, simply click on the icon "Install on Hard Disk". You will get
-this screen, and then the "<link
-linkend="doPartitionDisks">Partitioning</link> step" as for the direct
+ <para>Mageia LiveCD edo Live disko gogorrean edo SSD disko DVD instalazioa
+abiarazteko, egin klik ikonoan "Hard Disk instalatu" on. Pantaila honetan,
+eta, ondoren, "<link linkend="doPartitionDisks">Partizio</link> urratsa"
+zuzeneko instalatzeko gisa jasoko duzu.</para>