path: root/sysconfig.txt
blob: 576400a4a234b83d19184695dbc345a8402b945b (plain)
Files in /etc/sysconfig


  deprecated values from earlier releases:

    CLOCKMODE=GMT indicates that the clock is set to UTC
    CLOCKMODE=ARC on alpha only indicates the ARC console's
      42-year time offset is in effect

  currently correct values:

    UTC=true indicates that the clock is set to UTC; anything
      else indicates that it is set to local time
    ARC=true on alpha only indicates the ARC console's
      42-year time offset is in effect; otherwise the normal
      Unix epoch is assumed
    ZONE="filename" indicates the zonefile under /usr/share/zoneinfo
      that /etc/localtime is a copy of, for example:

     This determines the display manager started by /etc/X11/prefdm


  BOOTUP=<some bootup mode>
     BOOTUP=color means new (as of RH6.0) boot display. 
     BOOTUP=verbose means old style display
     Anything else means new display, but without ANSI-formatting
  LOGLEVEL=<a number>
     Sets the initial console logging level for the kernel.
     The default is 7. 8 means everything (including debugging);
     1 means nothing except kernel panics. syslogd will override
     this once it starts.
  RES_COL=<a number>
     Column of the screen to start status labels at. Defaults to 60
  MOVE_TO_COL=<a command>
     A command to move the cursor to $RES_COL. Defaults to nasty
     ANSI sequences output by echo -e.
  SETCOLOR_SUCCESS=<a command>
     A command to set the color to a color indicating success.
     Defaults to nasty ANSI sequences output by echo -e setting
     the color to green.
  SETCOLOR_FAILURE=<a command>
     A command to set the color to a color indicating failure.
     Defaults to nasty ANSI sequences output by echo -e setting
     the color to red.
  SETCOLOR_WARNING=<a command>
     A command to set the color to a color indicating warning.
     Defaults to nasty ANSI sequences output by echo -e setting
     the color to yellow.
  SETCOLOR_NORMAL=<a command>
     A command to set the color to 'normal'. Defaults to nasty
     ANSI sequences output by echo -e.
     Set to 'no' to disable the key check for interactive mode.

  obsoleted values from earlier releases:

       Setting this to 'no' used to disable the magic sysrq key and
       Stop-A (break on serial console) on SPARC. This setting has been
       moved into kernel.sysrq and kernel.stop-a settings respectively in
       /etc/sysctl.conf. Setting either of them there to 0 disables it,
       setting it to 1 enables it.
       Setting this to 'no' used to disable the Stop-A (break on
       serial console) key on SPARC.
       This setting has been moved into kernel.stop-a setting in
       /etc/sysctl.conf. Setting it there to 0 disables it,
       setting it to 1 enables it. The setting should be present
       on SPARC only.


  KEYTABLE=<keytable file>
     for example: KEYTABLE="/usr/lib/kbd/keytables/us.map"
     If you dump a keymap (using 'dumpkeys') to
     it will be loaded on bootup before filesystems are mounted/checked.
     This could be useful if you need to emergency type the root password.
     This has to be a dumped keymap, as opposed to copying the shipped
     keymap files, as the shipped files include other maps from the
     /usr/lib/kbd/keytables directory.
    on SPARC only, sun means a sun keyboard is attached on /dev/kbd,
    pc means a PS/2 keyboard is on ps/2 port.


  XEMU3=yes|no (emulate three buttons with two buttons whenever
    necessary, most notably in X)

  In addition, /dev/mouse points to the mouse device.


  HOSTNAME=<fqdn by default, but whatever hostname you want>
  GATEWAY=<gateway IP>
  GATEWAYDEV=<gateway device> (e.g. eth0)
  NISDOMAIN=<nis domain name>
  IPXAUTOPRIMARY=on|off (note, that MUST be on|off, not yes|no)
  IPXAUTOFRAME=on|off (again, not yes|no)
    Enable or disable global IPv6 initialization

  All the IPX stuff is optional, and should default to off.

  obsoleted values from earlier releases:

      This setting has been moved into net.ipv4.ip_forward setting
      in /etc/sysctl.conf. Setting it to 1 there enables IP forwarding,
      setting it to 0 disables it (which is the default for RFC compliance).
      Setting this to yes used to automatically defragment IPv4
      packets. This is a good idea for masquerading, and
      a bad idea otherwise. This setting was moved into
      net.ipv4.ip_always_defrag setting in /etc/sysctl.conf. It
      is no longer valid for 2.4 kernels.


  Contains lines of the form:

    <device> host|net <arguments to route command>

  <device> may be a device name to have the route brought up and
  down with the device, or "any" to have the correct devices calculated
  at run time.
  For example:
  eth0 host eth0
  adds a host route through eth0 to, while
  any net netmask ppp0
  adds a network route to the network through ppp0.
  Contains lines of the form:

    <device> ipv6network ipv6gateway
    <tunneldevice> ipv6network

  <device> must be a device name to have the route brought up and
  down with the device

  For example:
  eth0   fec0:0:0:2::/64                         fec0:0:0:1:0:0:0:20
   adds a route for IPv6 network fec0:0:0:2::/64 through fec0:0:0:1:0:0:0:20
  eth0    2000::/3				3ffe:400:100:f101::1
  eth0    3ffe::/16				3ffe:400:100:f101::1
   so-called "default" route for clients

  sit1    2000::/3
  sit1    3ffe::/16
   adds routes through virtual tunnel sit1



  This is used for setting up raw device to block device mappings.
  It has the format:
  	<rawdev> <major> <minor>
        <rawdev> <blockdev>
  For example: 
     /dev/raw/raw1 /dev/sda1
     /dev/raw/raw2 8 5


  PCIC_OPTS=<socket driver (i82365 or tcic) timing parameters>
  CORE_OPTS=<pcmcia_core options>
  CARDMGR_OPTS=<cardmgr options>


  ADIR=/.automount  (normally never changed)
  MOUNTPTS='/net /etc/amd.conf'  (standard automount stuff)
  AMDOPTS=  (extra options for AMD)


    Tape device.  Use the non-rewinding one for these scripts.
    For SCSI tapes this is /dev/nst#, where # is the number of the
    tape drive you want to use.  If you only have one then use
    For IDE tapes you use /dev/ht#, where # is the number of the tape
    drive you want to use (usually ht0).
    For floppy tape drives use /dev/ftape.

    Person to mail to if the backup fails for any reason

    Time to sleep between tape operations.  Some drives need a bit
    more than others, but 5 seems to work for 8mm, 4mm, and DLT

    This worked fine for 8mm, then 4mm, and now DLT.  An optimal
    setting is probably however much data your drive writes at one

  SHORTDATE=$(date +%y:%m:%d:%H:%M)
    A short date string, used in backup log filenames.

  DAY=$(date +log-%y:%m:%d)
    This is used for the log file directory.

    Regular date string, used in log files.

    Root of the logging directory

    This is the file name the incremental backup will use to store
    the incremental list.  It will be $LIST-{some number}.

    For counting as you go to know which incremental list to use

    For rewinding when done...might not use.

    The file in which we keep our list of backup(s) we want to make.

    yes implies -bd (i.e., listen on port 25 for new mail)
    given to sendmail as -q$QUEUE
    -q option is not given to sendmail if /etc/sysconfig/sendmail
    exists and QUEUE is empty or undefined.


  LANG= set locale for all categories, can be any two letter ISO
    language code
  LC_CTYPE= localedata configuration for classification and conversion
    of characters
  LC_COLLATE= localedata configuration for collation (sort order) of
  LC_MESSAGES= localedata configuration for translation of yes and no
  LC_NUMERIC= localedata configuration for non-monetary numeric data
  LC_MONETARY= localedata configuration for monetary data
  LC_TIME= localedata configuration for date and time
  LC_ALL= localedata configuration overriding all of the above
  LANGUAGE= can be a : separated list of ISO language codes
  LINGUAS= can be a ' ' separated list of ISO language codes

  The above variables are used in /etc/profile.d/lang.sh.

  SYSFONT= any font that is legal when used as
	/usr/bin/consolechars -f $SYSFONT ...
    (See console-tools package for consolechars command)

  UNIMAP= any SFM (screen font map, formerly called Unicode mapping
    table - see consolechars(8))
	/usr/bin/consolechars -f $SYSFONT --sfm $UNIMAP
  SYSFONTACM= any ACM (application charset map - see consolechars(8))
        /usr/bin/consolechars -f $SYSFONT --acm $SYSFONTACM
  The above is used by the /sbin/setsysfont command (which is run
  by rc.sysinit at boot time.)

/etc/sysconfig/harddiskhd[a-h] (for specific devices)
  These options are used to tune (E)IDE hard drives -
  read the hdparm man page for more information

    Set this to 1 to enable DMA. This might cause some 
    data corruption on certain chipset / hard drive
    combinations. USE WITH CAUTION AND BACKUP.
    This is used with the "-d" option
    Multiple sector I/O. a feature of most modern IDE hard drives,
    permitting the transfer of multiple sectors per I/O interrupt,
    rather than the usual one sector per interrupt.  When this feature
    is enabled, it typically reduces operating system overhead for disk
    I/O by 30-50%.  On many systems, it also provides increased data
    throughput of anywhere from 5% to 50%.  Some drives, however (most
    notably the WD Caviar series), seem to run slower with multiple mode
    enabled. Under rare circumstances, such failures can result in
    massive filesystem corruption. USE WITH CAUTION AND BACKUP.
    This is the sector count for multiple sector I/O - the "-m" option
    (E)IDE 32-bit I/O support (to interface card). USE WITH CAUTION.
    Enable drive read-lookahead (safe)

    Add any extra parameters you want to pass to hdparm here.

Files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/


  Symlinks to /sbin/ifup and /sbin/ifdown, respectively.
  These are the only two scripts "in" this directory that should
  be called directly; these two scripts call all the other
  scripts as needed.  These symlinks are here for legacy purposes
  only -- they'll will probably be removed in future versions, so
  only /sbin/ifup and /sbin/ifdown should currently be used.

  These scripts take one argument normally: the name of the device
  (e.g. eth0).  They are called with a second argument of "boot"
  during the boot sequence so that devices that are not meant to
  be brought up on boot (ONBOOT=no, see below) can be ignored at
  that time.


  Not really a public file.  Contains functions which the scripts use
  for bringing interfaces up and down.  In particular, it contains
  most of the code for handling alternative interface configurations
  and interface change notification through netreport.


  Not really a public file.  Contains functions which the scripts use
  for bringing IPv6 on interfaces up and down, like addresses, routes,
  forwarding handling and static or automatic tunneling.

/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<interface-name> and

  The first defines an interface, and the second contains
  only the parts of the definition that are different in a
  "alias" (or alternative) interface.  For example, the
  network numbers might be different, but everything else
  might be the same, so only the network numbers would be
  in the alias file, but all the device information would
  be in the base ifcfg file.

  The items that can be defined in an ifcfg file depend on the
  interface type.  The really obvious ones I'm not going to
  bother to define; you can figure out what "IPADDR" is, I
  think...  :-)

  Base items:
    NAME=<friendly name for users to see>
      Most important for PPP.  Only used in front ends.
    DEVICE=<name of physical device (except dynamically-allocated PPP
      devices where it is the "logical name")>
      modify /etc/resolv.conf if peer uses msdns extension (PPP only) or
      DNS{1,2} are set, or if using pump or dhcpcd. default to "yes".
      provide DNS addresses that are dropped into the resolv.conf
      file if PEERDNS is not set to "no".
      modify firewall to attempt to allow DNS through. Defaults to 'yes'.

  If BOOTPROTO is not "none", then the only other item that
  must be set is the DEVICE item; all the rest will be determined
  by the boot protocol.  No "dummy" entries need to be created.

  Base items being deprecated:
    NETWORK=<will be calculated automatically with ifcalc>
    BROADCAST=<will be calculated automatically with ifcalc>

  IPv6-only items for real interfaces:
      enable or disable IPv6 configuration for this interface
      enable or disable forwarding of incoming IPv6 packes on this
       interface (perhaps moved to sysctl in the future)
      specify primary static IPv6 address here
    IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES=<list of ipv6 addresses>
      a list of secondary IPv6 addresses (perhaps useful for virtual hosting)
        IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES="3ffe:400:100:f101::10/64 3ffe:400:100:f101::11/64"

  IPv6-only items for automatic tunnel interface: 
    Virtual interface name: sit0
      enable or disable IPv6 configuration for this interface
    (Perhaps this configuration will be moved to /etc/rc.d/init.d/network in the future)
  IPv6-only items for static unnumbered tunnel interface:
    Virtual interface name: sit1..
      enable or disable IPv6 configuration for this interface
    IPV6TUNNELIPV4=<ipv4 address of foreign tunnel endpoint>
      specify IPv4 address of a foreign IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel endpoint
    IPV6ADDR=<ipv6address>/<prefixlength> [OPTIONAL]
     local IPv6 address of a numbered tunnel

  Ethernet-only items:
    configuration matrix for IPX.  Only used if IPX is active.
    Managed from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-ipx
    ARP=yes|no (adds 'arp' flag to ifconfig, for use with the
      ethertap device)
    PROMISC=yes|no (enable or disable promiscuous mode)
    ALLMULTI=yes|no (enable or disable all-multicast mode)

  PPP/SLIP items:
    MODEMPORT=<device, say /dev/modem>
    LINESPEED=<speed, say 115200>
    DEFABORT=yes|no (tells netcfg whether or not to put default
      abort strings in when creating/editing the chat script and/or
      dip script for this interface)
      (meaningless with WVDIALSECT)
  PPP-specific items
    WVDIALSECT=<list of sections from wvdial.conf to use>
      If this variable is set, then the chat script (if it
      exists) is ignored, and wvdial is used to open the
      PPP connection.
    DEFROUTE=yes|no (set this interface as default route? yes is default)
    DEBUG=yes|no (defaults to yes)
      turns on/off pppd and chat (if used) debugging.
    ESCAPECHARS=yes|no (simplified interface here doesn't let people
      specify which characters to escape; almost everyone can use
      asyncmap 00000000 anyway, and they can set PPPOPTIONS to
      asyncmap foobar if they want to set options perfectly)
    HARDFLOWCTL=yes|no (yes imples "modem crtscts" options)
    PPPOPTIONS=<arbitrary option string; is placed last on the
      command line, so it can override other options like asyncmap
      that were specified differently>
    PAPNAME=<"name $PAPNAME" on pppd command line> (note that
      the "remotename" option is always specified as the logical
      ppp device name, like "ppp0" (which might perhaps be the
      physical device ppp1 if some other ppp device was brought
      up earlier...), which makes it easy to manage pap/chap
      files -- name/password pairs are associated with the
      logical ppp device name so that they can be managed
    REMIP=<remote ip address, normally unspecified>
    DISCONNECTTIMEOUT=<number of seconds, default currently 5>
      (time to wait before re-establishing the connection after
      a successfully-connected session terminates before attempting
      to establish a new connection.)
    RETRYTIMEOUT=<number of seconds, default currently 60>
      (time to wait before re-attempting to establish a connection
      after a previous attempt fails.)
    RETRYCONNECT=yes|no (defaults to yes)
      If this is yes, then we will re-run pppd if it exits with a 
      "connect script failed" status.  Otherwise, only one attempt
      is made to bring up the connection.  Note that some connect
      scripts (for example, wvdial) might do their own retries (such
      as BUSY or NO DIALTONE conditions).
      If this is set, this will cause ppp-watch to exit after
      the specified number of attempts.
      Switches on demand-dialing mode using pppd's "demand" option.
      The amount of time the link needs to be inactive before pppd will
      bring it down automatically.
      The amount of time to wait at boot before giving up on the

  IPPP-specific items (ISDN)
    AUTH=[+pap] [-chap]
  ippp0 items being deprecated:
    BOOT=[on|off] will be converted to ONBOOT=[yes|no] by netconf
    LOCAL_IP=     will be converted to IPADDR by netconf
    REMOTE_IP=    will be converted to GATEWAY by netconf


  chat script for PPP or SLIP connection intended to establish
  the connection.  For SLIP devices, a DIP script is written
  from the chat script; for PPP devices, the chat script is used


  A write-only script created from the chat script by netcfg.
  Do not modify this.  In the future, this file may disappear
  by default and created on-the-fly from the chat script if
  it does not exist.


  Called when any network device EXCEPT a SLIP device comes
  up.  Calls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-routes to
  bring up static routes that depend on that device.  Calls
  /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-aliases to bring up
  aliases for that device.  Sets the hostname if it is not
  already set and a hostname can be found for the IP for that
  device.  Sends SIGIO to any programs that have requested
  notification of network events.

  Could be extended to fix up nameservice configuration, call
  arbitrary scripts, etc, as needed.


  Set up static routes for a device.


  Bring up aliases for a device.


  Called by dhcpcd once dhcp configuration is complete; sets
  up /etc/resolv.conf from the version dhcpcd dropped in

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9362 9363 9364 9365 9366 9367 9368 9369 9370 9371 9372 9373 9374 9375 9376 9377 9378 9379 9380 9381 9382 9383 9384 9385 9386 9387 9388 9389 9390 9391 9392 9393 9394 9395 9396 9397 9398 9399 9400 9401 9402 9403 9404 9405 9406 9407 9408 9409 9410 9411 9412 9413 9414 9415 9416 9417 9418 9419 9420 9421 9422 9423 9424 9425 9426 9427 9428 9429 9430 9431 9432 9433 9434 9435 9436 9437 9438 9439 9440 9441 9442 9443 9444 9445 9446 9447 9448 9449 9450 9451 9452 9453 9454 9455 9456 9457 9458 9459 9460 9461 9462 9463 9464 9465 9466 9467 9468 9469 9470 9471 9472 9473 9474 9475 9476 9477 9478 9479 9480 9481 9482 9483 9484 9485 9486 9487 9488 9489 9490 9491 9492 9493 9494 9495 9496 9497 9498 9499 9500 9501 9502 9503 9504 9505 9506 9507 9508 9509 9510 9511 9512 9513 9514 9515 9516 9517 9518 9519 9520 9521 9522 9523 9524 9525 9526 9527 9528 9529 9530 9531 9532 9533 9534 9535 9536 9537 9538 9539 9540 9541 9542 9543 9544 9545 9546 9547 9548 9549 9550 9551 9552 9553 9554 9555 9556 9557 9558 9559 9560 9561 9562 9563 9564 9565 9566 9567 9568 9569 9570 9571 9572 9573 9574 9575 9576 9577 9578 9579 9580 9581 9582 9583 9584 9585 9586 9587 9588 9589 9590 9591 9592 9593 9594 9595 9596 9597 9598 9599 9600 9601 9602 9603 9604 9605 9606 9607 9608 9609 9610 9611 9612 9613 9614 9615 9616 9617 9618 9619 9620 9621 9622 9623 9624 9625 9626 9627 9628 9629 9630 9631 9632 9633 9634 9635 9636 9637 9638 9639 9640 9641 9642 9643 9644 9645 9646 9647 9648 9649 9650 9651 9652 9653 9654 9655 9656 9657 9658 9659 9660 9661 9662 9663 9664 9665 9666 9667 9668 9669 9670 9671 9672 9673 9674 9675 9676 9677 9678 9679 9680 9681 9682 9683 9684 9685 9686 9687 9688 9689 9690 9691 9692 9693 9694 9695 9696 9697 9698 9699 9700 9701 9702 9703 9704 9705 9706 9707 9708 9709 9710 9711 9712 9713 9714 9715 9716 9717 9718 9719 9720 9721 9722 9723 9724 9725 9726 9727 9728 9729 9730 9731 9732 9733 9734 9735 9736 9737 9738 9739 9740 9741 9742 9743 9744 9745 9746 9747 9748 9749 9750 9751 9752 9753 9754 9755 9756 9757 9758 9759 9760 9761 9762 9763 9764 9765 9766 9767 9768 9769 9770 9771 9772 9773 9774 9775 9776 9777 9778 9779 9780 9781 9782 9783 9784 9785 9786 9787 9788 9789 9790 9791 9792 9793 9794 9795 9796 9797 9798 9799 9800 9801 9802 9803 9804 9805 9806 9807 9808 9809 9810 9811 9812 9813 9814 9815 9816 9817 9818 9819 9820 9821 9822 9823 9824 9825 9826 9827 9828 9829 9830 9831 9832 9833 9834 9835 9836 9837 9838 9839 9840 9841 9842 9843 9844 9845 9846 9847 9848 9849 9850 9851 9852 9853 9854 9855 9856 9857 9858 9859 9860 9861 9862 9863 9864 9865 9866 9867 9868 9869 9870 9871 9872 9873 9874 9875 9876 9877 9878 9879 9880 9881 9882 9883 9884 9885 9886 9887 9888 9889 9890 9891 9892 9893 9894 9895 9896 9897 9898 9899 9900 9901 9902 9903 9904 9905 9906 9907 9908 9909 9910 9911 9912 9913 9914 9915 9916 9917 9918 9919 9920 9921 9922 9923 9924 9925 9926 9927 9928 9929 9930 9931 9932 9933 9934 9935 9936 9937 9938 9939 9940 9941 9942 9943 9944 9945 9946 9947 9948 9949 9950 9951 9952 9953 9954 9955 9956 9957 9958 9959 9960 9961 9962 9963 9964 9965 9966 9967 9968 9969 9970 9971 9972 9973 9974 9975 9976 9977 9978 9979 9980 9981 9982 9983 9984 9985 9986 9987 9988 9989 9990 9991 9992 9993 9994 9995 9996 9997 9998 9999 10000 10001 10002 10003 10004 10005 10006 10007 10008 10009 10010 10011 10012 10013 10014 10015 10016 10017 10018 10019 10020 10021 10022 10023 10024 10025 10026 10027 10028 10029 10030 10031 10032 10033 10034 10035 10036 10037 10038 10039 10040 10041 10042 10043 10044 10045 10046 10047 10048 10049 10050 10051 10052 10053 10054 10055 10056 10057 10058 10059 10060 10061 10062 10063 10064 10065 10066 10067 10068 10069 10070 10071 10072 10073 10074 10075 10076 10077 10078 10079 10080 10081 10082 10083 10084 10085 10086 10087 10088 10089 10090 10091 10092 10093 10094 10095 10096 10097 10098 10099 10100 10101 10102 10103 10104 10105 10106 10107 10108 10109 10110 10111 10112 10113 10114 10115 10116 10117 10118 10119 10120 10121 10122 10123 10124 10125 10126 10127 10128 10129 10130 10131 10132 10133 10134 10135 10136 10137 10138 10139 10140 10141 10142 10143 10144 10145 10146 10147 10148 10149 10150 10151 10152 10153 10154 10155 10156 10157 10158 10159 10160 10161 10162 10163 10164 10165 10166 10167 10168 10169 10170 10171 10172 10173 10174 10175 10176 10177 10178 10179 10180 10181 10182 10183 10184 10185 10186 10187 10188 10189 10190 10191 10192 10193 10194 10195 10196 10197 10198 10199 10200 10201 10202 10203 10204 10205 10206 10207 10208 10209 10210 10211 10212 10213 10214 10215 10216 10217 10218 10219 10220 10221 10222 10223 10224 10225 10226 10227 10228 10229 10230 10231 10232 10233 10234 10235 10236 10237 10238 10239 10240 10241 10242 10243 10244 10245 10246 10247 10248 10249 10250 10251 10252 10253 10254 10255 10256 10257 10258 10259 10260 10261 10262 10263 10264 10265 10266 10267 10268 10269 10270 10271 10272 10273 10274 10275 10276 10277 10278 10279 10280 10281 10282 10283 10284 10285 10286 10287 10288 10289 10290 10291 10292 10293 10294 10295 10296 10297 10298 10299 10300 10301 10302 10303 10304 10305 10306 10307 10308 10309 10310 10311 10312 10313 10314 10315 10316 10317 10318 10319 10320 10321 10322 10323 10324 10325 10326 10327 10328 10329 10330 10331 10332 10333 10334 10335 10336 10337 10338 10339 10340 10341 10342 10343 10344 10345 10346 10347 10348 10349 10350 10351 10352 10353 10354 10355 10356 10357 10358 10359 10360 10361 10362 10363 10364 10365 10366 10367 10368 10369 10370 10371 10372 10373 10374 10375 10376 10377 10378 10379 10380 10381 10382 10383 10384 10385 10386 10387 10388 10389 10390 10391 10392 10393 10394 10395 10396 10397 10398 10399 10400 10401 10402 10403 10404 10405 10406 10407 10408 10409 10410 10411 10412 10413 10414 10415 10416 10417 10418 10419 10420 10421 10422 10423 10424 10425 10426 10427 10428 10429 10430 10431 10432 10433 10434 10435 10436 10437 10438 10439 10440 10441 10442 10443 10444 10445 10446 10447 10448 10449 10450 10451 10452 10453 10454 10455 10456 10457 10458 10459 10460 10461 10462 10463 10464 10465 10466 10467 10468 10469 10470 10471 10472 10473 10474 10475 10476 10477 10478 10479 10480 10481 10482 10483 10484 10485 10486 10487 10488 10489 10490 10491 10492 10493 10494 10495 10496 10497 10498 10499 10500 10501 10502 10503 10504 10505 10506 10507 10508 10509 10510 10511 10512 10513 10514 10515 10516 10517 10518 10519 10520 10521 10522 10523 10524 10525 10526 10527 10528 10529 10530 10531 10532 10533 10534 10535 10536 10537 10538 10539 10540 10541 10542 10543 10544 10545 10546 10547 10548 10549 10550 10551 10552 10553 10554 10555 10556 10557 10558 10559 10560 10561 10562 10563 10564 10565 10566 10567 10568 10569 10570 10571 10572 10573 10574 10575 10576 10577 10578 10579 10580 10581 10582 10583 10584 10585 10586 10587 10588 10589 10590 10591 10592 10593 10594 10595 10596 10597 10598 10599 10600 10601 10602 10603 10604 10605 10606 10607 10608 10609 10610 10611 10612 10613 10614 10615 10616 10617 10618 10619 10620 10621 10622 10623 10624 10625 10626 10627 10628 10629 10630 10631 10632 10633 10634 10635 10636 10637 10638 10639 10640 10641 10642 10643 10644 10645 10646 10647 10648 10649 10650 10651 10652 10653 10654 10655 10656 10657 10658 10659 10660 10661 10662 10663 10664 10665 10666 10667 10668 10669 10670 10671 10672 10673 10674 10675 10676 10677 10678 10679 10680 10681 10682 10683 10684 10685 10686 10687 10688 10689 10690 10691 10692 10693 10694 10695 10696 10697 10698 10699 10700 10701 10702 10703 10704 10705 10706 10707 10708 10709 10710 10711 10712 10713 10714 10715 10716 10717 10718 10719 10720 10721 10722 10723 10724 10725 10726 10727 10728 10729 10730 10731 10732 10733 10734 10735 10736 10737 10738 10739 10740 10741 10742 10743 10744 10745 10746 10747 10748 10749 10750 10751 10752 10753 10754 10755 10756 10757 10758 10759 10760 10761 10762 10763 10764 10765 10766 10767 10768 10769 10770 10771 10772 10773 10774 10775 10776 10777 10778 10779 10780 10781 10782 10783 10784 10785 10786 10787 10788 10789 10790 10791 10792 10793 10794 10795 10796 10797 10798 10799 10800 10801 10802 10803 10804 10805 10806 10807 10808 10809 10810 10811 10812 10813 10814 10815 10816 10817 10818 10819 10820 10821 10822 10823 10824 10825 10826 10827 10828 10829 10830 10831 10832 10833 10834 10835 10836 10837 10838 10839 10840 10841 10842 10843 10844 10845 10846 10847 10848 10849 10850 10851 10852 10853 10854 10855 10856 10857 10858 10859 10860 10861 10862 10863 10864 10865 10866 10867 10868 10869 10870 10871 10872 10873 10874 10875 10876 10877 10878 10879 10880 10881 10882 10883 10884 10885 10886 10887 10888 10889 10890 10891 10892 10893 10894 10895 10896 10897 10898 10899 10900 10901 10902 10903 10904 10905 10906 10907 10908 10909 10910 10911 10912 10913 10914 10915 10916 10917 10918 10919 10920 10921 10922 10923 10924 10925 10926 10927 10928 10929 10930 10931 10932 10933 10934 10935 10936 10937 10938 10939 10940 10941 10942 10943 10944 10945 10946 10947 10948 10949 10950 10951 10952 10953 10954 10955 10956 10957 10958 10959 10960 10961 10962 10963 10964 10965 10966 10967 10968 10969 10970 10971 10972 10973 10974 10975 10976 10977 10978 10979 10980 10981 10982 10983 10984 10985 10986 10987 10988 10989 10990 10991 10992 10993 10994 10995 10996 10997 10998 10999 11000 11001 11002 11003 11004 11005 11006 11007 11008 11009 11010 11011 11012 11013 11014 11015 11016 11017 11018 11019 11020 11021 11022 11023 11024 11025 11026 11027 11028 11029 11030 11031 11032 11033 11034 11035 11036 11037 11038 11039 11040 11041 11042 11043 11044 11045 11046 11047 11048 11049 11050 11051 11052 11053 11054 11055 11056 11057 11058 11059 11060 11061 11062 11063 11064 11065 11066 11067 11068 11069 11070 11071 11072 11073 11074 11075 11076 11077 11078 11079 11080 11081 11082 11083 11084 11085 11086 11087 11088 11089 11090 11091 11092 11093 11094 11095 11096 11097 11098 11099 11100 11101 11102 11103 11104 11105 11106 11107 11108 11109 11110 11111 11112 11113 11114 11115 11116 11117 11118 11119 11120 11121 11122 11123 11124 11125 11126 11127 11128 11129 11130 11131 11132 11133 11134 11135 11136 11137 11138 11139 11140 11141 11142 11143 11144 11145 11146 11147 11148 11149 11150 11151 11152 11153 11154 11155 11156 11157 11158 11159 11160 11161 11162 11163 11164 11165 11166 11167 11168 11169 11170 11171 11172 11173 11174 11175 11176 11177 11178 11179 11180 11181 11182 11183 11184 11185 11186 11187 11188 11189 11190 11191 11192 11193 11194 11195 11196 11197 11198 11199 11200 11201 11202 11203 11204 11205 11206 11207 11208 11209 11210 11211 11212 11213 11214 11215 11216 11217 11218 11219 11220 11221 11222 11223 11224 11225 11226 11227 11228 11229 11230 11231 11232 11233 11234 11235 11236 11237 11238 11239 11240 11241 11242 11243 11244 11245 11246 11247 11248 11249 11250 11251 11252 11253 11254 11255 11256 11257 11258 11259 11260 11261 11262 11263 11264 11265 11266 11267 11268 11269 11270 11271 11272 11273 11274 11275 11276 11277 11278 11279 11280 11281 11282 11283 11284 11285 11286 11287 11288 11289 11290 11291 11292 11293 11294 11295 11296 11297 11298 11299 11300 11301 11302 11303 11304 11305 11306 11307 11308 11309 11310 11311 11312 11313 11314 11315 11316 11317 11318 11319 11320 11321 11322 11323 11324 11325 11326 11327 11328 11329 11330 11331 11332 11333 11334 11335 11336 11337 11338 11339 11340 11341 11342 11343 11344 11345 11346 11347 11348 11349 11350 11351 11352 11353 11354 11355 11356 11357 11358 11359 11360 11361 11362 11363 11364 11365 11366 11367 11368 11369 11370 11371 11372 11373 11374 11375 11376 11377 11378 11379 11380 11381 11382 11383 11384 11385 11386 11387 11388 11389 11390 11391 11392 11393 11394 11395 11396 11397 11398 11399 11400 11401 11402 11403 11404 11405 11406 11407 11408 11409 11410 11411 11412 11413 11414 11415 11416 11417 11418 11419 11420 11421 11422 11423 11424 11425 11426 11427 11428 11429 11430 11431 11432 11433 11434 11435 11436 11437 11438 11439 11440 11441 11442 11443 11444 11445 11446 11447 11448 11449 11450 11451 11452 11453 11454 11455 11456 11457 11458 11459 11460 11461 11462 11463 11464 11465 11466 11467 11468 11469 11470 11471 11472 11473 11474 11475 11476 11477 11478 11479 11480 11481 11482 11483 11484 11485 11486 11487 11488 11489 11490 11491 11492 11493 11494 11495 11496 11497 11498 11499 11500 11501 11502 11503 11504 11505 11506 11507 11508 11509 11510 11511 11512 11513 11514 11515 11516 11517 11518 11519 11520 11521 11522 11523 11524 11525 11526 11527 11528 11529 11530 11531 11532 11533 11534 11535 11536 11537 11538 11539 11540 11541 11542 11543 11544 11545 11546 11547 11548 11549 11550 11551 11552 11553 11554 11555 11556 11557 11558 11559 11560 11561 11562 11563 11564 11565 11566 11567 11568 11569 11570 11571 11572 11573 11574 11575 11576 11577 11578 11579 11580 11581 11582 11583 11584 11585 11586 11587 11588 11589 11590 11591 11592 11593 11594 11595 11596 11597 11598 11599 11600 11601 11602 11603 11604 11605 11606 11607 11608 11609 11610 11611 11612 11613 11614 11615 11616 11617 11618 11619 11620 11621 11622 11623 11624 11625 11626 11627 11628 11629 11630 11631 11632 11633 11634 11635 11636 11637 11638 11639 11640 11641 11642 11643 11644 11645 11646 11647 11648 11649 11650 11651 11652 11653 11654 11655 11656 11657 11658 11659 11660 11661 11662 11663 11664 11665 11666 11667 11668 11669 11670 11671 11672 11673 11674 11675 11676 11677 11678 11679 11680 11681 11682 11683 11684 11685 11686 11687 11688 11689 11690 11691 11692 11693 11694 11695 11696 11697 11698 11699 11700 11701 11702 11703 11704 11705 11706 11707 11708 11709 11710 11711 11712 11713 11714 11715 11716 11717 11718 11719 11720 11721 11722 11723 11724 11725 11726 11727 11728 11729 11730 11731 11732 11733 11734 11735 11736 11737 11738 11739 11740 11741 11742 11743 11744 11745 11746 11747 11748 11749 11750 11751 11752 11753 11754 11755 11756 11757 11758 11759 11760 11761 11762 11763 11764 11765 11766 11767 11768 11769 11770 11771 11772 11773 11774 11775 11776 11777 11778 11779 11780 11781 11782 11783 11784 11785 11786 11787 11788 11789 11790 11791 11792 11793 11794 11795 11796 11797 11798 11799 11800 11801 11802 11803 11804 11805 11806 11807 11808 11809 11810 11811 11812 11813 11814 11815 11816 11817 11818 11819 11820 11821 11822 11823 11824 11825 11826 11827 11828 11829 11830 11831 11832 11833 11834 11835 11836 11837 11838 11839 11840 11841 11842 11843 11844 11845 11846 11847 11848 11849 11850 11851 11852 11853 11854 11855 11856 11857 11858 11859 11860 11861 11862 11863 11864 11865 11866 11867 11868 11869 11870 11871 11872 11873 11874 11875 11876 11877 11878 11879 11880 11881 11882 11883 11884 11885 11886 11887 11888 11889 11890 11891 11892 11893 11894 11895 11896 11897 11898 11899 11900 11901 11902 11903 11904 11905 11906 11907 11908 11909 11910 11911 11912 11913 11914 11915 11916 11917 11918 11919 11920 11921 11922 11923 11924 11925 11926 11927 11928 11929 11930 11931 11932 11933 11934 11935 11936 11937 11938 11939 11940 11941 11942 11943 11944 11945 11946 11947 11948 11949 11950 11951 11952 11953 11954 11955 11956 11957 11958 11959 11960 11961 11962 11963 11964 11965 11966 11967 11968 11969 11970 11971 11972 11973 11974 11975 11976 11977 11978 11979 11980 11981 11982 11983 11984 11985 11986 11987 11988 11989 11990 11991 11992 11993 11994 11995 11996 11997 11998 11999 12000 12001 12002 12003 12004 12005 12006 12007 12008 12009 12010 12011 12012 12013 12014 12015 12016 12017 12018 12019 12020 12021 12022 12023 12024 12025 12026 12027 12028 12029 12030 12031 12032 12033 12034 12035 12036 12037 12038 12039 12040 12041 12042 12043 12044 12045 12046 12047 12048 12049 12050 12051 12052
# Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1999 MandrakeSoft
# "Dmytro Koval'ov" <kov@tokyo.email.ne.jp>, 1999, 2000
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: DrakX VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2001-09-21 19:50+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-13 18:59+09:00\n"
"Last-Translator: Dmytro Koval'ov <kov@tokyo.email.ne.jp>\n"
"Language-Team: Ukrainian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=koi8-u\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:231
msgid "Configure all heads independently"
msgstr "Сконф╕╜урувати вс╕ мон╕тори незалежно"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:232
msgid "Use Xinerama extension"
msgstr "Користуватися розширенням Xinerama"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:235
#, c-format
msgid "Configure only card \"%s\" (%s)"
msgstr "Настро╖ти т╕льки плату \"%s\" (%s)"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:238
msgid "Multi-head configuration"
msgstr "Конф╕╜урац╕я з к╕лькома мон╕торами"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:239
msgid ""
"Your system support multiple head configuration.\n"
"What do you want to do?"
msgstr ""
"Ваша система може працювати з к╕лькома мон╕торами.\n"
"Що ви хочете настро╖ти?"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:248
msgid "Graphic card"
msgstr "В╕део плата"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:248
msgid "Select a graphic card"
msgstr "Вибер╕ть граф╕чну плату"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:249
msgid "Choose a X server"
msgstr "Вибер╕ть X сервер"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:249
msgid "X server"
msgstr "X сервер"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:307 ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:313
#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:363 ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1435
#, c-format
msgid "XFree %s"
msgstr "XFree86 %s"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:310
msgid "Which configuration of XFree do you want to have?"
msgstr "Яку конф╕гурац╕ю XFree ви хочете мати?"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:321
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your card can have 3D hardware acceleration support but only with XFree %s.\n"
"Your card is supported by XFree %s which may have a better support in 2D."
msgstr ""
"Ваша в╕деоплата може користуватися апаратним прискоренням\n"
"трьохвим╕рно╖ граф╕ки але т╕льки з сервером XFree %s. Ваша в╕деоплата\n"
"п╕дтриму╓ться сервером XFree %s, у якому ви можливо матимете кращий\n"
"супров╕д для двохвим╕рно╖ граф╕ки."

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:323 ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:356
#, c-format
msgid "Your card can have 3D hardware acceleration support with XFree %s."
msgstr ""
"Ваша в╕деоплата може користуватися апаратним 3D прискоренням граф╕ки\n"
"але т╕льки з сервером XFree %s."

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:325 ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:358
#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1435
#, c-format
msgid "XFree %s with 3D hardware acceleration"
msgstr "XFree %s з апаратним прискоренням трьохвим╕рно╖ граф╕ки"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:333 ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:347
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your card can have 3D hardware acceleration support with XFree %s,\n"
msgstr ""
"Ця в╕деоплата ма╓ п╕дтримку апаратного прискорення трьохвим╕рно╖\n"
"граф╕ки, але т╕льки для XFree %s, В╤ДМ╤ТЬТЕ, ЩО ЦЕ ЕКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНИЙ\n"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:335 ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:349
#, c-format
msgid "XFree %s with EXPERIMENTAL 3D hardware acceleration"
msgstr ""
"XFree %s з ЕКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНОЮ п╕дтримкою апаратного прискорення трьохвим╕рно╖ "

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:344
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your card can have 3D hardware acceleration support but only with XFree %s,\n"
"Your card is supported by XFree %s which may have a better support in 2D."
msgstr ""
"Ця в╕деоплата ма╓ п╕дтримку апаратного прискорення трьохвим╕рно╖\n"
"граф╕ки, але т╕льки для XFree %s, В╤ДМ╤ТЬТЕ, ЩО ЦЕ ЕКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНИЙ\n"
"п╕дтриму╓ться XFree %s, який ма╓ кращу п╕дтримку двовим╕рно╖ граф╕ки."

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:364
msgid "Xpmac (installation display driver)"
msgstr "Xpmac (драйвер дисплея для установки)"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:368
msgid "XFree configuration"
msgstr "Конф╕╜урац╕я XFree"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:434
msgid "Select the memory size of your graphic card"
msgstr "Вибер╕ть розм╕р пам'ят╕ Вашо╖ граф╕чно╖ плати"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:492
msgid "Choose options for server"
msgstr "Вибер╕ть параметри для сервера"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:516
msgid "Choose a monitor"
msgstr "Вибер╕ть тип мон╕тору"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:516
msgid "Monitor"
msgstr "Мон╕тор"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:519
msgid ""
"The two critical parameters are the vertical refresh rate, which is the "
"at which the whole screen is refreshed, and most importantly the horizontal\n"
"sync rate, which is the rate at which scanlines are displayed.\n"
"It is VERY IMPORTANT that you do not specify a monitor type with a sync "
"that is beyond the capabilities of your monitor: you may damage your "
" If in doubt, choose a conservative setting."
msgstr ""
"Два дуже важливих параметри - це частота вертикально╖ розгортки\n"
"(тобто - частота, з якою обновлю╓ться зображення на екран╕), та\n"
"найб╕льш важливо - частота горизонтально╖ синхрон╕зац╕╖ (тобто - та\n"
"частота, з якою на екран╕ малюються горизонтальн╕ рядки).\n"
"ДУЖЕ ВАЖЛИВО ПАМ'ЯТАТИ, що ви повинн╕ вибрати такий мон╕тор, параметри\n"
"якого не перевищують справжн╕х параметр╕в Вашого мон╕тора: ╕накше Ви\n"
"можете причинити непоправну шкоду сво╓му мон╕тору. \n"
"Якщо ви ма╓те сумн╕ви щодо характеристик свого мон╕тора вибер╕ть певно\n"
"г╕рший мон╕тор."

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:526
msgid "Horizontal refresh rate"
msgstr "Частота горизонтально╖ розгортки"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:527
msgid "Vertical refresh rate"
msgstr "Частота вертикально╖ розгортки"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:564
msgid "Monitor not configured"
msgstr "Мон╕тор не сконф╕╜урований"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:567
msgid "Graphic card not configured yet"
msgstr "В╕део плата ще не сконф╕╜урована"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:570
msgid "Resolutions not chosen yet"
msgstr "ви ще не вибрали розд╕льну здатн╕сть"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:587
msgid "Do you want to test the configuration?"
msgstr "Чи ви хочете випробувати нову конф╕╜урац╕ю?"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:591
msgid "Warning: testing this graphic card may freeze your computer"
msgstr ""
"Увага!  Тестування ц╕╓╖ граф╕чно╖ плати може призвести до зависання\n"
"Вашого комп'ютера."

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:594
msgid "Test of the configuration"
msgstr "Тестування конф╕╜урац╕╖"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:632 ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:644
msgid ""
"try to change some parameters"
msgstr ""
"попробуйте зм╕нити деяк╕ характеристики"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:632 ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:644
msgid "An error has occurred:"
msgstr "Сталася помилка:"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:668
#, c-format
msgid "Leaving in %d seconds"
msgstr "Виходжу через %d секунд"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:679
msgid "Is this the correct setting?"
msgstr "Це в╕рн╕ установки?"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:688
msgid "An error has occurred, try to change some parameters"
msgstr "Сталася помилка, попробуйте зм╕нити деяк╕ характеристики"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:759
msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Розд╕льна здатн╕сть"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:810
msgid "Choose the resolution and the color depth"
msgstr "Вибер╕ть розд╕льну здатн╕сть та к╕льк╕сть кольор╕в"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:812
#, c-format
msgid "Graphic card: %s"
msgstr "В╕део плата: %s"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:813
#, c-format
msgid "XFree86 server: %s"
msgstr "Сервер XFree86: %s"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:829 ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:1885
#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:298 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:301
msgid "Expert Mode"
msgstr "Експертний режим"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:830
msgid "Show all"
msgstr "Показати все"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:875
msgid "Resolutions"
msgstr "Розд╕льн╕ здатност╕"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1437
#, c-format
msgid "Keyboard layout: %s\n"
msgstr "Розкладка клав╕атури: %s\n"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1438
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse type: %s\n"
msgstr "Тип миш╕: %s\n"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1439
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse device: %s\n"
msgstr "Спец╕альний пристр╕й миш╕: %s\n"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1440
#, c-format
msgid "Monitor: %s\n"
msgstr "Мон╕тор: %s\n"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1441
#, c-format
msgid "Monitor HorizSync: %s\n"
msgstr "Горизонтальна синхрон╕зац╕я мон╕тора: %s\n"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1442
#, c-format
msgid "Monitor VertRefresh: %s\n"
msgstr "Частота вертикально╖ розгортки мон╕тора: %s\n"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1443
#, c-format
msgid "Graphic card: %s\n"
msgstr "В╕део плата: %s\n"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1444
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Graphic card identification: %s\n"
msgstr "В╕део плата: %s\n"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1445
#, c-format
msgid "Graphic memory: %s kB\n"
msgstr "В╕део пам'я╕ть: %sкб\n"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1447
#, c-format
msgid "Color depth: %s\n"
msgstr "Глибина кольору: %s\n"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1448
#, c-format
msgid "Resolution: %s\n"
msgstr "Розд╕льна здатн╕сть: %s\n"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1450
#, c-format
msgid "XFree86 server: %s\n"
msgstr "X сервер: %s\n"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1451
#, c-format
msgid "XFree86 driver: %s\n"
msgstr "XFree86 драйвер: %s\n"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1469
msgid "Preparing X-Window configuration"
msgstr "П╕дготовка конф╕гурац╕╖ X-Window"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1489
msgid "What do you want to do?"
msgstr "Як ви хочете насто╖ти свою систему"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1494
msgid "Change Monitor"
msgstr "Зм╕н╕ть мон╕тор"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1495
msgid "Change Graphic card"
msgstr "Зм╕н╕ть в╕део плату"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1497
msgid "Change Server options"
msgstr "Зм╕н╕ть параметри сервера"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1498
msgid "Change Resolution"
msgstr "Зм╕н╕ть розд╕льну здатн╕сть"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1499
msgid "Show information"
msgstr "Показ ╕нформац╕╖"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1500
msgid "Test again"
msgstr "Ще один тест"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1501 ../../bootlook.pm_.c:156
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Вих╕д"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1509
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Keep the changes?\n"
"Current configuration is:\n"
msgstr ""
"Зберегти зм╕ни?\n"
"╤снуюча конф╕гурац╕я:\n"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1532
#, c-format
msgid "Please relog into %s to activate the changes"
msgstr "Заре╓струйтеся, будь-ласка, ще раз у %s щоб привести у д╕ю зм╕ни"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1552
msgid "Please log out and then use Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace"
msgstr ""
"Будь-ласка, вийд╕ть ╕з системи ╕ пот╕м скористуйтеся Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1555
msgid "X at startup"
msgstr "Стартувати X автоматично"

#: ../../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:1556
msgid ""
"I can set up your computer to automatically start X upon booting.\n"
"Would you like X to start when you reboot?"
msgstr ""
"Я можу настро╖ти Вашу систему так, що X буде стартувати автоматично\n"
"п╕сля завантаження системи.\n"
"Чи ви хочете, щоб X стартував автоматично?"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:6
msgid "256 colors (8 bits)"
msgstr "265 кольор╕в (8 б╕т)"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:7
msgid "32 thousand colors (15 bits)"
msgstr "32 тисяч╕ кольор╕в (15 б╕т)"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:8
msgid "65 thousand colors (16 bits)"
msgstr "65 тисяч кольор╕в (16 б╕т)"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:9
msgid "16 million colors (24 bits)"
msgstr "16 м╕льйон╕в кольор╕в (24 б╕т)"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:10
msgid "4 billion colors (32 bits)"
msgstr "4 м╕льйярди кольор╕в (32 б╕т)"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:106
msgid "256 kB"
msgstr "256 кб"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:107
msgid "512 kB"
msgstr "512 кб"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:108
msgid "1 MB"
msgstr "1 Мб"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:109
msgid "2 MB"
msgstr "2 Мб"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:110
msgid "4 MB"
msgstr "4 Мб"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:111
msgid "8 MB"
msgstr "8 Мб"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:112
msgid "16 MB"
msgstr "16 Мб"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:113
msgid "32 MB"
msgstr "32 Мб"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:114
msgid "64 MB or more"
msgstr "64 Мб чи б╕льше"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:122
msgid "Standard VGA, 640x480 at 60 Hz"
msgstr "Стандартний VGA, 640x480 at 60 Hz"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:123
msgid "Super VGA, 800x600 at 56 Hz"
msgstr " Супер VGA, 640x480 at 60 Hz"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:124
msgid "8514 Compatible, 1024x768 at 87 Hz interlaced (no 800x600)"
msgstr ""
"Сум╕сний з 8514, 1024x768 at 87 Hz черезстрочна розгортка (без 800x600)"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:125
msgid "Super VGA, 1024x768 at 87 Hz interlaced, 800x600 at 56 Hz"
msgstr "Супер VGA, 1024x768 at 87 Hz черезстрочна розгортка, 800x600 at 56 Hz"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:126
msgid "Extended Super VGA, 800x600 at 60 Hz, 640x480 at 72 Hz"
msgstr "Розширений Супер VGA, 800x600 at 60 Hz, 640x480 at 72 Hz"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:127
msgid "Non-Interlaced SVGA, 1024x768 at 60 Hz, 800x600 at 72 Hz"
msgstr "SVGA без черезстрочно╖ розгортки , 1024x768 at 60 Hz, 800x600 at 72 Hz"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:128
msgid "High Frequency SVGA, 1024x768 at 70 Hz"
msgstr "Високочастотний SVGA, 1024x768 at 70 Hz"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:129
msgid "Multi-frequency that can do 1280x1024 at 60 Hz"
msgstr ""
"╤з зм╕нною частотою, який може працювати з режимами до 1280x1024 at 60 Hz"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:130
msgid "Multi-frequency that can do 1280x1024 at 74 Hz"
msgstr ""
"╤з зм╕нною частотою, який може працювати з режимами до 1280x1024 at 74 Hz"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:131
msgid "Multi-frequency that can do 1280x1024 at 76 Hz"
msgstr ""
"╤з зм╕нною частотою, який може працювати з режимами до 1280x1024 at 76 Hz"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:132
msgid "Monitor that can do 1600x1200 at 70 Hz"
msgstr "Мон╕тор, що може працювати з режимами до 1600x1200 at 70 Hz"

#: ../../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:133
msgid "Monitor that can do 1600x1200 at 76 Hz"
msgstr "Мон╕тор, що може працювати з режимами до 1600x1200 at 76 Hz"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:96 ../../any.pm_.c:121
msgid "First sector of boot partition"
msgstr "Перший сектор системного п╕дрозд╕лу (boot partition)"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:96 ../../any.pm_.c:121 ../../any.pm_.c:194
msgid "First sector of drive (MBR)"
msgstr "Перший сектор диску (MBR)"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:100
msgid "SILO Installation"
msgstr "Установка SILO"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:101 ../../any.pm_.c:114
msgid "Where do you want to install the bootloader?"
msgstr "Де ви хочете встановити стартовий блок?"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:113
msgid "LILO/grub Installation"
msgstr "Установка LILO/grub"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:125 ../../any.pm_.c:139
msgid "SILO"
msgstr "SILO"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:127
msgid "LILO with text menu"
msgstr "LILO з текстовим меню"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:128 ../../any.pm_.c:139
msgid "LILO with graphical menu"
msgstr "LILO з граф╕чним меню"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:131
msgid "Grub"
msgstr "Grub"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:135
msgid "Boot from DOS/Windows (loadlin)"
msgstr "Завантажуватися з DOS/Windows (loadlin)"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:137 ../../any.pm_.c:139
msgid "Yaboot"
msgstr "Yaoot"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:145 ../../any.pm_.c:177
msgid "Bootloader main options"
msgstr "Основн╕ опц╕╖ завантажувача"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:146 ../../any.pm_.c:178
msgid "Bootloader to use"
msgstr "Використовувати завантажувач"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:148
msgid "Bootloader installation"
msgstr "Установка завантажувача"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:150 ../../any.pm_.c:180
msgid "Boot device"
msgstr "Пристр╕й завантаження"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:151
msgid "LBA (doesn't work on old BIOSes)"
msgstr "LBA (не працю╓ ╕з старими BIOS'ами)"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:152
msgid "Compact"
msgstr "Компактний"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:152
msgid "compact"
msgstr "компактний"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:153 ../../any.pm_.c:250
msgid "Video mode"
msgstr "В╕део режим"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:155
msgid "Delay before booting default image"
msgstr "Пауза перед завантаженням основно╖ системи"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:157 ../../any.pm_.c:730
#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:938 ../../network/modem.pm_.c:46
#: ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:402 ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:481
#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:603
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Пароль"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:158 ../../any.pm_.c:731
#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:939
msgid "Password (again)"
msgstr "Пароль (ще раз)"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:159
msgid "Restrict command line options"
msgstr "Обмежити опц╕╖ командного рядка"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:159
msgid "restrict"
msgstr "обмежити"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:161
msgid "Clean /tmp at each boot"
msgstr "Очищати /tmp при кожному перевантаженн╕"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:162
#, c-format
msgid "Precise RAM size if needed (found %d MB)"
msgstr "Точний об'╓м пам'ят╕ (RAM). Знайдено %d Мб"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:164
msgid "Enable multi profiles"
msgstr "Дозволити багатопроф╕льн╕сть"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:168
msgid "Give the ram size in MB"
msgstr "Давати розм╕р пам'ят╕ в Мб"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:170
msgid ""
"Option ``Restrict command line options'' is of no use without a password"
msgstr "Опц╕я ``Обмежити опц╕╖ командного рядка'' не ма╓ сенсу без пароля"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:171 ../../any.pm_.c:707
#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:933
msgid "Please try again"
msgstr "Будь-ласка, спробуйте ще раз"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:171 ../../any.pm_.c:707
#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:933
msgid "The passwords do not match"
msgstr "Парол╕ р╕зн╕"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:179
msgid "Init Message"
msgstr "Пов╕домлення при завантаженн╕"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:181
msgid "Open Firmware Delay"
msgstr "Затримка Open Firmware"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:182
msgid "Kernel Boot Timeout"
msgstr "Затримка при завантаженн╕ ядра"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:183
msgid "Enable CD Boot?"
msgstr "Дозволити завантаження з компакт-диску?"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:184
msgid "Enable OF Boot?"
msgstr "Дозволити завантаження OF?"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:185
msgid "Default OS?"
msgstr "Основна система?"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:207
msgid ""
"Here are the different entries.\n"
"You can add some more or change the existing ones."
msgstr ""
"Тут наведен╕ р╕зноман╕тн╕ пункти.\n"
"ви можете або додати ще деяк╕, або зм╕нити т╕, що вже ╕снують."

#: ../../any.pm_.c:217
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Додати"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:217 ../../any.pm_.c:718 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:161
#: ../../interactive_http.pm_.c:153 ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:1846
#: ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:1847 ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:1904
#: ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:1948
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Зак╕нчено"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:217
msgid "Modify"
msgstr "Зм╕нити"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:225
msgid "Which type of entry do you want to add?"
msgstr "Який тип ви хочете додати?"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:226
msgid "Linux"
msgstr "Л╕накс"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:226
msgid "Other OS (SunOS...)"
msgstr "╤нш╕ системи (SunOS...)"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:227
msgid "Other OS (MacOS...)"
msgstr "╤нш╕ системи (MacOS...)"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:227
msgid "Other OS (windows...)"
msgstr "╤нш╕ системи (windows...)"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:246
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Образ"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:247 ../../any.pm_.c:258
msgid "Root"
msgstr "Root"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:248 ../../any.pm_.c:277
msgid "Append"
msgstr "При╓днати"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:252
msgid "Initrd"
msgstr "Initrd"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:253
msgid "Read-write"
msgstr "Запис/читання"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:260
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Таблиця"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:261
msgid "Unsafe"
msgstr "Небезпечно"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:268 ../../any.pm_.c:273 ../../any.pm_.c:276
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Етикетка"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:270 ../../any.pm_.c:281
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Основна"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:278
msgid "Initrd-size"
msgstr "Розм╕р Initrd"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:280
msgid "NoVideo"
msgstr "БезВ╕део"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:288
msgid "Remove entry"
msgstr "Стерти пункт"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:291
msgid "Empty label not allowed"
msgstr "Не дозволяються пуст╕ етикетки"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:292
msgid "This label is already used"
msgstr "Ця етикетка вже використову╓ться"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:597
#, c-format
msgid "Found %s %s interfaces"
msgstr "Знайден╕ ╕нтерфейси %s %s"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:598
msgid "Do you have another one?"
msgstr "Чи ви ма╓те ╕нш╕?"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:599
#, c-format
msgid "Do you have any %s interfaces?"
msgstr "Чи ви ма╓те будь-як╕ %s ╕нтерфейси?"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:601 ../../any.pm_.c:760 ../../interactive.pm_.c:112
#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:715
msgid "No"
msgstr "Н╕"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:601 ../../any.pm_.c:759 ../../interactive.pm_.c:112
#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:715
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Так"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:602
msgid "See hardware info"
msgstr "Перегляньте ╕нформац╕ю про апаратне забезпечення"

#. -PO: the first %s is the card type (scsi, network, sound,...)
#. -PO: the second is the vendor+model name
#: ../../any.pm_.c:637
#, c-format
msgid "Installing driver for %s card %s"
msgstr "Встановлюю драйвер для %s плати %s"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:638
#, c-format
msgid "(module %s)"
msgstr "(модуль %s)"

#. -PO: the %s is the driver type (scsi, network, sound,...)
#: ../../any.pm_.c:649
#, c-format
msgid "Which %s driver should I try?"
msgstr "Який драйвер %s мен╕ спробувати?"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:657
#, c-format
msgid ""
"In some cases, the %s driver needs to have extra information to work\n"
"properly, although it normally works fine without. Would you like to "
"extra options for it or allow the driver to probe your machine for the\n"
"information it needs? Occasionally, probing will hang a computer, but it "
"not cause any damage."
msgstr ""
"В деяких випадках драйвер %s вимага╓ додатково╖ ╕нформац╕╖ для того,\n"
"щоб в╕рно працювати, хоча звичайно працю╓ нормально без не╖. Чи не\n"
"хот╕ли б ви вказати додатков╕ опц╕╖ для нього чи дозволити драйверу\n"
"випробувати Вашу систему, щоб знайти потр╕бну ╕нформац╕ю? ╤нколи таке\n"
"випробовування може привести до зависання комп'ютера, але не повинно\n"
"н╕як зашкодити йому."

#: ../../any.pm_.c:662
msgid "Autoprobe"
msgstr "Автотест"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:662
msgid "Specify options"
msgstr "Вкаж╕ть опц╕╖"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:666
#, c-format
msgid "You may now provide its options to module %s."
msgstr "Тепер ви можете надати його опц╕╖ для модуля %s."

#: ../../any.pm_.c:672
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You may now provide its options to module %s.\n"
"Options are in format ``name=value name2=value2 ...''.\n"
"For instance, ``io=0x300 irq=7''"
msgstr ""
"ви можете тепер використовувати його опц╕╖ в модул╕ %s.\n"
"Опц╕╖ мають формат ``назва=величина назва2=величина2 ...''.\n"
"Наприклад, ``io=0x300 irq=7''"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:675
msgid "Module options:"
msgstr "Опц╕╖ модуля:"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:686
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Loading module %s failed.\n"
"Do you want to try again with other parameters?"
msgstr ""
"Завантаження модуля %s неусп╕шне.\n"
"Хочете спробувати ╕нш╕ параметри?"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:704
#, c-format
msgid "(already added %s)"
msgstr "(вже створений %s)"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:708
msgid "This password is too simple"
msgstr "Пароль занадто простий"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:709
msgid "Please give a user name"
msgstr "Дайте, будь-ласка, ╕м'я користувача"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:710
msgid ""
"The user name must contain only lower cased letters, numbers, `-' and `_'"
msgstr ""
"╤м'я користувача повинно складатися т╕льки з малих латинських л╕тер,\n"
"чисел, `-' та `_'"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:711
msgid "This user name is already added"
msgstr "Це ╕м'я вже зайняте"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:715
msgid "Add user"
msgstr "Додати користувача"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:716
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Enter a user\n"
msgstr ""
"Введ╕ть користувача\n"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:717
msgid "Accept user"
msgstr "Прийняти користувача"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:728
msgid "Real name"
msgstr "Повне ╕м'я"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:729 ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:401
#: ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:480
msgid "User name"
msgstr "╤м'я користувача"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:732
msgid "Shell"
msgstr "Командна оболонка"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:734
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "П╕ктограма"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:756
msgid "Autologin"
msgstr "Авторе╓страц╕я"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:757
msgid ""
"I can set up your computer to automatically log on one user.\n"
"Do you want to use this feature?"
msgstr ""
"Я можу настро╖ти Вашу систему так, що X буде стартувати автоматично\n"
"п╕сля завантаження системи.\n"
"Чи ви бажа╓те скористуватися ц╕╓ю можлив╕стю?"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:761
msgid "Choose the default user:"
msgstr "Вибер╕ть стандартного користувача:"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:762
msgid "Choose the window manager to run:"
msgstr "Вибер╕ть менеджер в╕кон, яким ви хочете користуватися"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:771
msgid "Please, choose a language to use."
msgstr "Вибер╕ть, будь-ласка, мову."

#: ../../any.pm_.c:773
msgid "You can choose other languages that will be available after install"
msgstr ""
"Ви можете вибрати також ╕нш╕ мови, як╕ будуть доступн╕ в систем╕ п╕сля\n"

#: ../../any.pm_.c:785 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:633
msgid "All"
msgstr "Все"

# NOTE: this message will be displayed at boot time; that is
# only the ascii charset will be available on most machines
# so use only 7bit for this message (and do transliteration or
# leave it in English, as it is the best for your language)
#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:259
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Welcome to %s the operating system chooser!\n"
"Choose an operating system in the list above or\n"
"wait %d seconds for default boot.\n"
msgstr ""
"Laskavo prosymo do %s - peremykacha operaciynih system!\n"
"Vyberit' odnu z operaciynikh system v spysku abo pochekajte %d sekund\n"
"poki pochne vantazhytysja persha z inh.\n"

# NOTE: this message will be displayed by grub at boot time; that is
# using the BIOS font; that means cp437 charset on 99.99% of PC computers
# out there. It is the nsuggested that for non latin languages an ascii
# transliteration be used; or maybe the english text be used; as it is best
# The lines must fit on screen, aka length < 80
# and only one line per string for the GRUB messages
#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:835
msgid "Welcome to GRUB the operating system chooser!"
msgstr "Laskavo prosymo do prohramy vyboru operacijnoyi systemy GRUB!"

# NOTE: this message will be displayed by grub at boot time; that is
# using the BIOS font; that means cp437 charset on 99.99% of PC computers
# out there. It is then suggested that for non latin languages an ascii
# transliteration be used; or maybe the english text be used; as it is best
# The lines must fit on screen, aka length < 80
# and only one line per string for the GRUB messages
#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:838
#, c-format
msgid "Use the %c and %c keys for selecting which entry is highlighted."
msgstr "Dlja vyboru pidsvichenogo punktu korystujtesja klavishamy %c ta %c."

# NOTE: this message will be displayed by grub at boot time; that is
# using the BIOS font; that means cp437 charset on 99.99% of PC computers
# out there. It is then suggested that for non latin languages an ascii
# transliteration be used; or maybe the english text be used; as it is best
# The lines must fit on screen, aka length < 80
# and only one line per string for the GRUB messages
#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:841
msgid "Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the"
msgstr ""
"Natysnit' enter shchob zavantazhyty vibranu systemu, 'e' shchob redaguvaty"

# NOTE: this message will be displayed by grub at boot time; that is
# using the BIOS font; that means cp437 charset on 99.99% of PC computers
# out there. It is then suggested that for non latin languages an ascii
# transliteration be used; or maybe the english text be used; as it is best
# The lines must fit on screen, aka length < 80
# and only one line per string for the GRUB messages
#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:844
msgid "commands before booting, or 'c' for a command-line."
msgstr ""
"komandy pered zavantazhennjam, ta 'c' dlja perehodu v komandnyj rezhim."

# NOTE: this message will be displayed by grub at boot time; that is
# using the BIOS font; that means cp437 charset on 99.99% of PC computers
# out there. It is then suggested that for non latin languages an ascii
# transliteration be used; or maybe the english text be used; as it is best
# The lines must fit on screen, aka length < 80
# and only one line per string for the GRUB messages
#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:847
#, c-format
msgid "The highlighted entry will be booted automatically in %d seconds."
msgstr "Pidsvichena systema zavantazhyt'sja avtomatichno cherez %d sekund."

#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:851
msgid "not enough room in /boot"
msgstr "недостатньо м╕сця в /boot"

#. -PO: "Desktop" and "Start Menu" are the name of the directories found in c:\windows
#. -PO: so you may need to put them in English or in a different language if MS-windows doesn't exist in your language
#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:951
msgid "Desktop"
msgstr "Робочий ст╕л"

#. -PO: "Desktop" and "Start Menu" are the name of the directories found in c:\windows
#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:953
msgid "Start Menu"
msgstr "Стартове меню"

#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:972
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You can't install the bootloader on a %s partition\n"
msgstr "Де ви хочете встановити стартовий блок?"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:46
msgid "no help implemented yet.\n"
msgstr "п╕дказка ще не зроблена.\n"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:62
msgid "Boot Style Configuration"
msgstr "Конф╕╜урац╕я стилю установки"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:79
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Файл"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:80
msgid "/File/_Quit"
msgstr "/Файл/_Вих╕д"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:80
msgid "<control>Q"
msgstr "<control>Q"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:91
msgid "NewStyle Categorizing Monitor"
msgstr "Категор╕я мон╕тора нового стилю"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:92
msgid "NewStyle Monitor"
msgstr "Мон╕тор нового типу"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:93
msgid "Traditional Monitor"
msgstr "Звичайний мон╕тор"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:94
msgid "Traditional Gtk+ Monitor"
msgstr "Традиц╕йний мон╕тор Gtk+"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:95
msgid "Launch Aurora at boot time"
msgstr "Вмикати Аврору при завантаженн╕"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:100
msgid "Lilo/grub mode"
msgstr "Режим Lilo/grub"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:102
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are currently using %s as Boot Manager.\n"
"Click on Configure to launch the setup wizard."
msgstr ""
"ви користу╓тесь завантажувачем систем %s.\n"
"Клацн╕ть на \"Настро╖ти\" щоб стартувати пом╕чник установки."

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:104 ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:643
#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:280 ../../standalone/tinyfirewall_.c:57
msgid "Configure"
msgstr "Настро╖ти"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:108
msgid "Boot mode"
msgstr "Режим завантаження"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:136
msgid "System mode"
msgstr "Системний режим"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:138
msgid "Launch the X-Window system at start"
msgstr "Запускати в╕кно X-Window при завантаженн╕"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:143
msgid "No, I don't want autologin"
msgstr "Н╕, мен╕ не потр╕бна автоматична ре╓страц╕я"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:145
msgid "Yes, I want autologin with this (user, desktop)"
msgstr ""
"Так, я хочу автоматично ре╓струватися в систем╕ з цим (╕менем, середовищем)"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:155 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:108
#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:140 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:208
#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:320 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:433
#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:507 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:543
#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:644
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Гаразд"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:156 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:516
#: ../../interactive.pm_.c:122 ../../interactive.pm_.c:286
#: ../../interactive.pm_.c:308 ../../interactive_stdio.pm_.c:27
#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:416 ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:419 ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:716
#: ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:1158 ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:648
#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:115 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:147
#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:313 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:519
#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:658 ../../standalone/tinyfirewall_.c:63
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "В╕дм╕нити"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:224
#, c-format
msgid "can not open /etc/inittab for reading: %s"
msgstr "не можу в╕дкрити /etc/inittab на прочитання: %s"

#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:336 ../../standalone/drakboot_.c:47
msgid "Installation of LILO failed. The following error occured:"
msgstr "Установка LILO неусп╕шна. Сталася помилка:"

#: ../../common.pm_.c:93
msgid "GB"
msgstr "╫б"

#: ../../common.pm_.c:93
msgid "KB"
msgstr "кб"

#: ../../common.pm_.c:93 ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:287
#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:334
msgid "MB"
msgstr "Мб"

#: ../../common.pm_.c:101
msgid "TB"
msgstr "Тб"

#: ../../common.pm_.c:109
#, c-format
msgid "%d minutes"
msgstr "%d хвилин"

#: ../../common.pm_.c:111
msgid "1 minute"
msgstr "1 хвилина"

#: ../../common.pm_.c:113
#, c-format
msgid "%d seconds"
msgstr "%d секунд"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:100
msgid "Please make a backup of your data first"
msgstr "Будь-ласка, створ╕ть спочатку резерну коп╕ю Ваших даних"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:100 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:801
#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:810 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:864
msgid "Read carefully!"
msgstr "Читайте уважно!"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:103
msgid ""
"If you plan to use aboot, be carefull to leave a free space (2048 sectors is "
"at the beginning of the disk"
msgstr ""
"Якщо ви збира╓тесь користуватися aboot, не забудьте залишити в╕льний\n"
"розд╕л (достатньо 2048 сектор╕в) на початку диску"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:122 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:313
#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:328 ../../install_steps.pm_.c:72
#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:37
#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:310 ../../interactive_http.pm_.c:119
#: ../../interactive_http.pm_.c:120 ../../standalone/diskdrake_.c:62
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Помилка"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:159
msgid "Wizard"
msgstr "Пом╕чник"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:181
msgid "New"
msgstr "Новий"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:203 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:206
msgid "Remote"
msgstr "В╕ддалений"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:208 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:479
#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:352 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:523
msgid "Mount point"
msgstr "Точка монтування"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:209
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Параметри"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:211 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:417
#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:534 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:353
#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:488
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Тип"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:223 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:361
msgid "Unmount"
msgstr "Розмонтувати"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:224 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:357
msgid "Mount"
msgstr "Монтувати"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:228
msgid "Choose action"
msgstr "Вибер╕ть д╕ю"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:235
msgid ""
"You have one big FAT partition\n"
"(generally used by MicroSoft Dos/Windows).\n"
"I suggest you first resize that partition\n"
"(click on it, then click on \"Resize\")"
msgstr ""
"ви ма╓те один великий дисковий \n"
"п╕дрозд╕л типу FAT (який в основному\n"
"використову╓ться системами MicroSoft \n"
"Dos/Windows).  Рекомендовано спершу \n"
"зменшити розм╕р цього розд╕лу (клацн╕ть \n"
"на ньому, ╕ пот╕м клацн╕ть на \"Зм╕нити розм╕р\")"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:238
msgid "Please click on a partition"
msgstr "Клацн╕ть, будь-ласка, на п╕дрозд╕л╕"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:240
#, fuzzy
msgid "Please click on a media"
msgstr "Клацн╕ть, будь-ласка, на п╕дрозд╕л╕"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:243
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Please click on a button above\n"
"Or use \"New\""
msgstr "Клацн╕ть, будь-ласка, на п╕дрозд╕л╕"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:244
msgid "Use \"New\""
msgstr ""

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:263 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:517
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Подробиц╕"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:395
msgid "Ext2"
msgstr "Ext2"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:395
msgid "FAT"
msgstr "FAT"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:395
msgid "HFS"
msgstr "HFS"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:395
msgid "Journalised FS"
msgstr "Журнальна файлова система"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:395
msgid "SunOS"
msgstr "SunOS"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:395
msgid "Swap"
msgstr "Swap"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:396 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:952
msgid "Empty"
msgstr "Пусто"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:396 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:373
#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:433 ../../mouse.pm_.c:161
#: ../../services.pm_.c:161
msgid "Other"
msgstr "╤нш╕"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:400
msgid "Filesystem types:"
msgstr "Типи файлових систем:"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:417 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:375
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Створити"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:417 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:419
#, c-format
msgid "Use ``%s'' instead"
msgstr "Зам╕сть цього скористайтеся ``%s''"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:419 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:362
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Стерти"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:423
msgid "Use ``Unmount'' first"
msgstr "Спочатку скористуйтеся ``Розмонтувати''"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:424 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:480
#, c-format
msgid ""
"After changing type of partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
msgstr ""
"П╕сля зм╕ни типу п╕дрозд╕лу диску %s, вс╕ дан╕ на цьому п╕дрозд╕л╕ \n"
"будуть втрачен╕"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:478 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:522
#, c-format
msgid "Where do you want to mount device %s?"
msgstr "Де ви хочете змонтувати пристр╕й %s?"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:500
msgid "Mount options"
msgstr "Параметри монтування:"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:507
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Р╕зноман╕тне"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:525
msgid "Removable media"
msgstr "Зм╕нн╕ нос╕╖"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:532
msgid "Change type"
msgstr "Зм╕нити тип"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:533 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:487
msgid "Which filesystem do you want?"
msgstr "Яку файлову систему ви вибира╓те?"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:564
msgid "Scanning available nfs shared resource"
msgstr "Сканую доступн╕ ресурси NFS"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:569
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning available nfs shared resource of server %s"
msgstr "Сканую доступн╕ ресурси NFS на сервер╕ %s"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:578 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:648
msgid "If the list above doesn't contain the wanted entry, enter it here:"
msgstr ""
"Якщо в наведеному вище списку нема╓ потр╕бного пункту, введ╕ть його тут:"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:581 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:651
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Сервер"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:582 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:652
msgid "Shared resource"
msgstr "Ресурси для сп╕льного використання"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:615
msgid "Scanning available samba shared resource"
msgstr "Сканую доступн╕ ресурси Samba"

#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:626 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:639
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning available samba shared resource of server %s"
msgstr "Сканую доступн╕ ресурси Samba на сервер╕ %s"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:163
msgid "Choose a partition"
msgstr "Вибер╕ть п╕дрозд╕л"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:163
msgid "Choose another partition"
msgstr "Створити ╕нший п╕дрозд╕л"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:188
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Вих╕д"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:210
msgid "Toggle to expert mode"
msgstr "Звичайний > Експерт"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:210
msgid "Toggle to normal mode"
msgstr "Експерт > Звичайний"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:210
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Назад"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:229
msgid "Continue anyway?"
msgstr "Все-таки продовжувати?"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:234
msgid "Quit without saving"
msgstr "Вийти без запису"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:234
msgid "Quit without writing the partition table?"
msgstr "Вийти без запису таблиц╕ п╕дрозд╕л╕в?"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:237
msgid "Do you want to save /etc/fstab modifications"
msgstr "Чи ви хочете записати конф╕╜урац╕ю /etc/fstab?"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:247
msgid "Auto allocate"
msgstr "Автоматично розпод╕лити"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:247
msgid "Clear all"
msgstr "Очистити все"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:247
#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:171
msgid "More"
msgstr "Ще"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:250
msgid "Hard drive information"
msgstr "╤нформац╕я жорсткого диску"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:267
msgid "Not enough space for auto-allocating"
msgstr "Недостатньо в╕льного простору для автоматичного под╕лу"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:273
msgid "All primary partitions are used"
msgstr "Вс╕ основн╕ п╕дрозд╕ли зайнят╕"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:274
msgid "I can't add any more partition"
msgstr "Не можу додати жодного п╕дрозд╕лу"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:275
msgid ""
"To have more partitions, please delete one to be able to create an extended "
msgstr ""
"Щоб мати б╕льше п╕дрозд╕л╕в, з╕тр╕ть один ╕з тих, що ╓. П╕сля цього\n"
"ви можете створити зам╕сть нього к╕лька розширених п╕дрозд╕л╕в"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:285
msgid "Save partition table"
msgstr "Записати  таблицю п╕дрозд╕л╕в"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:286
msgid "Restore partition table"
msgstr "В╕дновити таблицю п╕дрозд╕л╕в"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:287
msgid "Rescue partition table"
msgstr "Авар╕йна таблиця п╕дрозд╕л╕в"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:289
msgid "Reload partition table"
msgstr "Прочитати таблицю п╕дрозд╕л╕в"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:293
msgid "Removable media automounting"
msgstr "Автоматичне монтування зм╕нних нос╕╖в"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:301 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:321
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Вибер╕ть файл"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:308
msgid ""
"The backup partition table has not the same size\n"
"Still continue?"
msgstr ""
"Авар╕йна таблиця п╕дрозд╕л╕в ма╓ ╕нший розм╕р\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:322
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Попередження"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:323
msgid ""
"Insert a floppy in drive\n"
"All data on this floppy will be lost"
msgstr ""
"Вставте дискету в дисков╕д\n"
"Вс╕ дан╕ на ц╕й дискет╕ будуть втрачен╕"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:334
msgid "Trying to rescue partition table"
msgstr "Пробую в╕дновити таблицю п╕дрозд╕л╕в"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:340
msgid "Detailed information"
msgstr "Детальна ╕нформац╕я"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:354 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:590
msgid "Resize"
msgstr "Зм╕нити розм╕р"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:355 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:630
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Перем╕стити"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:356
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Форматувати"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:358
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Активна"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:359
msgid "Add to RAID"
msgstr "Додати до RAID"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:360
msgid "Add to LVM"
msgstr "Додати до LVM"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:363
msgid "Remove from RAID"
msgstr "Видалити з RAID"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:364
msgid "Remove from LVM"
msgstr "Видалити з LVM"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:365
msgid "Modify RAID"
msgstr "Зм╕нити RAID"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:366
msgid "Use for loopback"
msgstr "Використовувати для зворотнього монтування"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:409
msgid "Create a new partition"
msgstr "Створити новий розд╕л"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:412
msgid "Start sector: "
msgstr "Початок (сектор): "

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:414 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:732
msgid "Size in MB: "
msgstr "Розм╕р (Мб): "

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:415 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:733
msgid "Filesystem type: "
msgstr "Тип п╕дрозд╕лу: "

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:416 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:936
#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:1010
msgid "Mount point: "
msgstr "Точка монтування: "

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:420
msgid "Preference: "
msgstr "Установки: "

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:462
msgid "Remove the loopback file?"
msgstr "Стертифайлу зворотнього монтування?"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:486
msgid "Change partition type"
msgstr "Зм╕нити тип п╕дрозд╕лу"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:491
msgid "Switching from ext2 to ext3"
msgstr "Перемикаюсь з ext2 на ext3"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:521
#, c-format
msgid "Where do you want to mount loopback file %s?"
msgstr "Де ви хочете змонтувати файл зворонього монтування %s?"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:528
msgid ""
"Can't unset mount point as this partition is used for loop back.\n"
"Remove the loopback first"
msgstr ""
"Не можу зм╕нити точку монтування даного розд╕лу, оск╕льки в╕н\n"
"використову╓ться для зворотнього монтування. Спочатку в╕дм╕н╕ть\n"
"зворотн╓ монтування."

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:549
msgid "Computing FAT filesystem bounds"
msgstr "Обчислюю меж╕ п╕дрозд╕лу FAT"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:549 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:605
#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:116
msgid "Resizing"
msgstr "Зм╕нюю розм╕р"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:578
msgid "This partition is not resizeable"
msgstr "Розм╕р цього п╕дрозд╕лу неможливо зм╕нити"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:583
msgid "All data on this partition should be backed-up"
msgstr "Потр╕бно зберегти вс╕ дан╕ на цьому п╕дрозд╕л╕"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:585
#, c-format
msgid "After resizing partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
msgstr ""
"П╕сля зм╕ни розм╕ру п╕дрозд╕лу %s, вс╕ дан╕ на цьому п╕дрозд╕л╕ будуть\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:590
msgid "Choose the new size"
msgstr "Вибер╕ть новий розм╕р"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:591
msgid "New size in MB: "
msgstr "Новий розм╕р (Мб): "

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:631
msgid "Which disk do you want to move it to?"
msgstr "На який диск ви хочете перем╕ститися?"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:632
msgid "Sector"
msgstr "Сектор"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:633
msgid "Which sector do you want to move it to?"
msgstr "На який сектор перем╕ститися?"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:636
msgid "Moving"
msgstr "Перем╕щення"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:636
msgid "Moving partition..."
msgstr "Перем╕щаю п╕дрозд╕л..."

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:657
msgid "Choose an existing RAID to add to"
msgstr "Вибер╕ть ╕снуючий RAID, до якого додати"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:658 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:676
msgid "new"
msgstr "новий"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:674
msgid "Choose an existing LVM to add to"
msgstr "Вибер╕ть ╕снуючий LVM, до якого додати"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:679
msgid "LVM name?"
msgstr "Назва LVM?"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:718
msgid "This partition can't be used for loopback"
msgstr "Цей п╕дрозд╕л не може використовуватися для зворотнього монтування"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:730
msgid "Loopback"
msgstr "Зворотн╓ монтування"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:731
msgid "Loopback file name: "
msgstr "Назва файлу зворотнього монтування: "

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:736
msgid "Give a file name"
msgstr "Дайте назву файлу"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:739
msgid "File already used by another loopback, choose another one"
msgstr ""
"╤нший пристр╕й зворотнього монтування вже користу╓ться цим\n"
"файлом. Вибер╕ть ╕нший."

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:740
msgid "File already exists. Use it?"
msgstr "Файл вже ╕сну╓. Користуватися ним?"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:784
msgid "device"
msgstr "пристр╕й"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:785
msgid "level"
msgstr "р╕вень"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:786
msgid "chunk size"
msgstr "розм╕р д╕лянки"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:801
msgid "Be careful: this operation is dangerous."
msgstr "Обережно: ця операц╕я небезпечна."

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:816
msgid "What type of partitioning?"
msgstr "Тип п╕дрозд╕л╕в?"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:834
msgid ""
"Sorry I won't accept to create /boot so far onto the drive (on a cylinder > "
"Either you use LILO and it won't work, or you don't use LILO and you don't "
"need /boot"
msgstr ""
"Я не можу створити /boot так в╕ддалено на диску (на цил╕ндр╕, номер\n"
"якого > 1024).\n"
"Або ви будете користуватися LILO ╕ в╕н не буде працювати, або ви не\n"
"будете користуватися LILO, тод╕ Вам не потр╕бна директор╕я /boot"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:838
msgid ""
"The partition you've selected to add as root (/) is physically located "
"the 1024th cylinder of the hard drive, and you have no /boot partition.\n"
"If you plan to use the LILO boot manager, be careful to add a /boot partition"
msgstr ""
"П╕дрозд╕л, який ви вибрали щоб додати як кореневий п╕дрозд╕л (/)\n"
"ф╕зично розташований поза 1024-м цил╕ндром жорсткого диску.  Кр╕м\n"
"цього ви не ма╓те вид╕леного п╕дрозд╕лу п╕д директор╕ю /boot.  Якщо ви\n"
"плану╓те використовувати LILO, не забудьте додати п╕дрозд╕л для /boot"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:844
msgid ""
"You've selected a software RAID partition as root (/).\n"
"No bootloader is able to handle this without a /boot partition.\n"
"So be careful to add a /boot partition"
msgstr ""
"В якост╕ п╕дрозд╕ла для root (/) ви вибрали програмний RAID.\n"
"Завантажувач╕ не мжоуть працювати з такими п╕дрозд╕лами без п╕дрозд╕лу\n"
"/boot. Тож, будь-ласка, не забудьте додати п╕дрозд╕л /boot."

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:864
#, c-format
msgid "Partition table of drive %s is going to be written to disk!"
msgstr "Таблиця п╕дрозд╕л╕в диску %s буде записано на диск"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:868
msgid "You'll need to reboot before the modification can take place"
msgstr "Щоб зм╕ни почали д╕яти Вам сл╕д перевантажити комп'ютер"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:879
#, c-format
msgid "After formatting partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
msgstr ""
"П╕сля форматування п╕дрозд╕лу %s, вс╕ дан╕ на цьому п╕дрозд╕л╕ \n"
"будуть втрачен╕"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:881
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Форматування"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:882
#, c-format
msgid "Formatting loopback file %s"
msgstr "Форматування файлу зворотнього монтування %s"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:883
#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:419
#, c-format
msgid "Formatting partition %s"
msgstr "Форматування п╕дрозд╕лу %s"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:894
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide files"
msgstr "зб╕й у mkraid"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:894
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move files to the new partition"
msgstr "Недостатньо в╕льного простору для нових п╕дрозд╕л╕в"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:895
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Directory %s already contain some data\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:906
#, fuzzy
msgid "Moving files to the new partition"
msgstr "Недостатньо в╕льного простору для нових п╕дрозд╕л╕в"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:910
#, c-format
msgid "Copying %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:914
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing %s"
msgstr "Видалення LPD..."

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:937 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:996
msgid "Device: "
msgstr "Пристр╕й: "

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:938
#, c-format
msgid "DOS drive letter: %s (just a guess)\n"
msgstr "Л╕тера в ДОС╕: %s (припущення)\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:942 ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:950
#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:1014
msgid "Type: "
msgstr "Тип: "

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:946
msgid "Name: "
msgstr "Назва: "

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:954
#, c-format
msgid "Start: sector %s\n"
msgstr "Початок: сектор %s\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:955
#, c-format
msgid "Size: %s"
msgstr "Розм╕р: %s"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:957
#, c-format
msgid ", %s sectors"
msgstr ", %s сектор╕в"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:959
#, c-format
msgid "Cylinder %d to cylinder %d\n"
msgstr "В╕д цил╕ндру %d до цил╕ндру %d \n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:960
msgid "Formatted\n"
msgstr "Форматований\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:961
msgid "Not formatted\n"
msgstr "Не форматований\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:962
msgid "Mounted\n"
msgstr "Змонтований\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:963
#, c-format
msgid "RAID md%s\n"
msgstr "RAID md%s\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:965
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Loopback file(s):\n"
"   %s\n"
msgstr ""
"Файл(и) зворотнього монтування: \n"
"  %s\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:966
msgid ""
"Partition booted by default\n"
"    (for MS-DOS boot, not for lilo)\n"
msgstr ""
"П╕дрозд╕л, який буде використовуватися для завантаження системи\n"
"     (для завантаження ДОСу, не для lilo)\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:968
#, c-format
msgid "Level %s\n"
msgstr "Р╕вень %s\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:969
#, c-format
msgid "Chunk size %s\n"
msgstr "Розм╕р д╕лянки %s\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:970
#, c-format
msgid "RAID-disks %s\n"
msgstr "Диски RAID %s\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:972
#, c-format
msgid "Loopback file name: %s"
msgstr "Назви файл╕в зворотнього монтування: %s"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:975
msgid ""
"Chances are, this partition is\n"
"a Driver partition, you should\n"
"probably leave it alone.\n"
msgstr ""
"Можливо цей п╕дрозд╕л ╓ п╕дрозд╕лом\n"
"драйвера, вам мабуть не потр╕бно\n"
"його зм╕нювати.\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:978
msgid ""
"This special Bootstrap\n"
"partition is for\n"
"dual-booting your system.\n"
msgstr ""
"Це спец╕альний п╕дрозд╕л для \n"
"можливост╕ подв╕йного \n"
"завантаження системи.\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:997
#, c-format
msgid "Size: %s\n"
msgstr "Розм╕р: %s\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:998
#, c-format
msgid "Geometry: %s cylinders, %s heads, %s sectors\n"
msgstr "Геометр╕я: %s цил╕ндр╕в, %s головок, %s сектор╕в\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:999
msgid "Info: "
msgstr "╤нформац╕я: "

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:1000
#, c-format
msgid "LVM-disks %s\n"
msgstr "Диски LVM %s\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:1001
#, c-format
msgid "Partition table type: %s\n"
msgstr "Тип таблиц╕ п╕дрозд╕л╕в: %s\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:1002
#, c-format
msgid "on bus %d id %d\n"
msgstr "на шин╕ %d id %d\n"

#: ../../diskdrake_interactive.pm_.c:1016
#, c-format
msgid "Options: %s"
msgstr "Параметри: %s"

#: ../../fs.pm_.c:447 ../../fs.pm_.c:457 ../../fs.pm_.c:461 ../../fs.pm_.c:465
#: ../../fs.pm_.c:469 ../../fs.pm_.c:473
#, c-format
msgid "%s formatting of %s failed"
msgstr "%s форматування %s втрачено"

#: ../../fs.pm_.c:506
#, c-format
msgid "I don't know how to format %s in type %s"
msgstr "Не знаю як форматувати  %s типу  %s"

#: ../../fs.pm_.c:568
msgid "mount failed"
msgstr "помилка монтування"

#: ../../fs.pm_.c:588
#, c-format
msgid "fsck failed with exit code %d or signal %d"
msgstr "fcsk зак╕нчилась з кодом помилки %d чи сигналом %d "

#: ../../fs.pm_.c:597 ../../fs.pm_.c:603 ../../partition_table.pm_.c:560
msgid "mount failed: "
msgstr "помилка монтування: "

#: ../../fs.pm_.c:618 ../../partition_table.pm_.c:556
#, c-format
msgid "error unmounting %s: %s"
msgstr "помилка розмонтування %s: %s"

#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:21
msgid "simple"
msgstr "простий"

#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:30
msgid "server"
msgstr "сервер"

#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:461
msgid "You can't use JFS for partitions smaller than 16MB"
msgstr "JFS не можна користуватися на п╕дрозд╕лах розм╕ром менше 16Мб."

#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:462
msgid "You can't use ReiserFS for partitions smaller than 32MB"
msgstr "ReiserFS не можна користуватися на п╕дрозд╕лах розм╕ром менше 32Мб."

#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:471
msgid "Mount points must begin with a leading /"
msgstr "Точка монтування повинна починатися з /"

#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:472
#, c-format
msgid "There is already a partition with mount point %s\n"