#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "initlog.h" #include "process.h" extern regex_t **regList; int forkCommand(char **args, int *outfd, int *errfd, int *cmdfd, int quiet) { /* Fork command 'cmd', returning pid, and optionally pointer * to open file descriptor fd */ int fdout, fderr, fdcmd, pid; int outpipe[2], errpipe[2], fdpipe[2]; int ourpid; if ( (pipe(outpipe)==-1) || (pipe(errpipe)==-1) || (pipe(fdpipe)==-1) ) { perror("pipe"); return -1; } if (outfd) { fdout = outpipe[1]; *outfd = outpipe[0]; } else { if (!quiet) fdout=dup(1); } if (errfd) { fderr = errpipe[1]; *errfd = errpipe[0]; } else { if (!quiet) fderr=dup(2); } if (cmdfd) { *cmdfd = fdpipe[0]; fdcmd = fdpipe[1]; } else { fdcmd = open("/dev/null",O_WRONLY); } ourpid = getpid(); if ((pid = fork())==-1) { perror("fork"); return -1; } /* We exec the command normally as the child. However, if we're getting passed * back arguments via an fd, we'll exec it as the parent. Therefore, if Bill * fucks up and we segfault or something, we don't kill rc.sysinit. */ if ( (cmdfd&&!pid) || (pid &&!cmdfd)) { /* parent */ close(fdout); close(fderr); close(fdcmd); if (!pid) return ourpid; else return pid; } else { /* kid */ int sc_open_max; if (outfd) { if ( (dup2(fdout,1)==-1) ) { perror("dup2"); exit(-1); } } else if (quiet) if ((dup2(open("/dev/null",O_WRONLY),1))==-1) { perror("dup2"); exit(-1); } if (errfd) { if ((dup2(fderr,2)==-1)) { perror("dup2"); exit(-1); } } else if (quiet) if ((dup2(open("/dev/null",O_WRONLY),2))==-1) { perror("dup2"); exit(-1); } if ((dup2(fdcmd,CMD_FD)==-1)) { perror("dup2"); exit(-1); } close(fdout); close(fderr); close(fdcmd); if (outfd) close(*outfd); if (errfd) close(*errfd); if (cmdfd) close(*cmdfd); /* close up extra fds, and hope this doesn't break anything */ sc_open_max = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX); if(sc_open_max > 1) { int fd; for(fd = 3; fd < sc_open_max; fd++) { if (!(cmdfd && fd == CMD_FD)) close(fd); } } execvp(args[0],args); perror("execvp"); exit(-1); } } int monitor(char *cmdname, int pid, int numfds, int *fds, int reexec, int quiet, int debug) { struct pollfd *pfds; char *buf=malloc(8192*sizeof(char)); char *outbuf=NULL; char *tmpstr=NULL; int x,y,rc=-1; int done=0; int output=0; char **cmdargs=NULL; char **tmpargs=NULL; int cmdargc; char *procpath; if (reexec) { procpath=malloc(20*sizeof(char)); snprintf(procpath,20,"/proc/%d",pid); } pfds = malloc(numfds*sizeof(struct pollfd)); for (x=0;x