path: root/sysconfig/network-scripts
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Diffstat (limited to 'sysconfig/network-scripts')
2 files changed, 372 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdown-aliases b/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdown-aliases
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6334d2f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdown-aliases
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# removes aliases of device $1
+if [ "$device" = "" ]; then
+ echo "usage: $0 <net-device>"
+ exit 1
+. network-functions
+# This is the same messy sed script as in the ifup-aliases script.
+eval ` ifconfig | sed -e ' /^[^[:space:]]*:[0-9]*/ { s|^\([^:]*\):\([0-9]*\).*$|X=x; TMP="\2"; [ "$device" != "\1" ] \|\| |g; b; }; /^[^[:space:]]/ { s|.*|X=x; [ 0 = 0 ] \|\| |g; b; }; /inet addr:[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]* *Bcast:[0-9.]* *Mask:[0-9.]*/ { s|^.*inet addr:\(\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\) *Bcast:\([0-9.]*\) *Mask:\([0-9.]*\).*$|eval " rdev_${TMP}_addr=\1; rdev_${TMP}_mb=\7_\6; rdevip_\2_\3_\4_\5=${TMP}; rdev_LIST=\\\\"\\\\$rdev_LIST \\\\${TMP}\\\\"; " \|\| |g; b; }; s|^.*$||g; ' ` X=x;
+for DEVNUM in $rdev_LIST ; do
+ ifconfig $parent_device:$DEVNUM down
+ do_netreport=yes
+# notify programs that have requested notification, if we changed anything
+if [ -n "$do_netreport" ]; then
+ do_netreport
diff --git a/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-aliases b/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-aliases
index 805579e4..c94d9e17 100755
--- a/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-aliases
+++ b/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-aliases
@@ -1,6 +1,62 @@
-# adds aliases of device $1
+# configures aliases of device $1
+# This script goes out of its way to arrive at the configuration of ip
+# aliases described in the ifcfg-$DEV:* and ifcfg-$DEV-range* files from
+# whatever existing configuration it may be given: existing aliases not
+# specified in the configuration will be removed, netmasks and broadcast
+# addrs will be updated on existing aliases, and new aliases will be setup.
+# range specification files:
+# One can specify ranges of alised ipaddress using ifcfg-$DEV-range* files.
+# Specify multiple ranges using multiple files, such as ifcfg-eth0-range0 and
+# ifcfg-eth0-range1, etc. In these files, the following configuration variables
+# specify the range:
+# IPADDR_START -- ipaddr to start range at. eg ""
+# IPADDR_END -- ipaddr to end range at. eg ""
+# CLONENUM_START -- interface clone number to start using for this range. eg "0"
+# The above example values create the interfaces eth0:0 through eth0:253 using
+# ipaddrs through, inclusive.
+# Other configuration variables such as NETMASK and BROADCAST may be specified
+# in the range file and will apply to all of the ipaddresses in the range. Range
+# files also inherit configuration from the ifcfg-$DEV file just like normal.
+# Note that IPADDR_START and IPADR_END are required to be in the same class-c
+# block. I.e. IPADDR_START= and IPADDR_END= is
+# not valid.
+# speed with large sets of interfaces:
+# Considerable effort was spent making this script fast. It can efficiently
+# handle a thousand ip aliases on one interface.
+# With large sets of ipaddresses the NO_ALIASROUTING=yes configuration is
+# highly recommended. (This can be specified in ifcfg-$DEV and inherited.) This
+# prevents this script from setting up routing details for the virtual
+# interfaces, which I don't think is needed, because outgoing traffic can use the
+# main interface. However, make your own conclusions on what you need.
+# My test setup of four class C address blocks on a P166 took 25 seconds of
+# which 16 seconds of this was spent in the ifcconfig calls. Without the
+# NO_ALIASROUTING=yes config an additional 12 seconds is spent in route calls.
+# notes on internals:
+# This script uses the bash "eval" command to lookup shell variables with names
+# which are generated from other shell variables. This allows us to, in effect,
+# create hashes using the shell variable namesspace by just including the hash
+# key in the name of the variable.
+# This script written by: David Harris <dharris@drh.net>
+# Principal Engineer, DRH Internet
+# June 30, 1999
if [ "$device" = "" ]; then
@@ -8,11 +64,292 @@ if [ "$device" = "" ]; then
exit 1
-while : ; do
- if [ ! -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/$device:$current ]; then
- exit 0
+. network-functions
+ #
+ # Grab the current configuration of any running aliases device info is placed into
+ # variables in the form: rdev_$DEVICE_addr, dev_$DEVICE_mb and rdevip_$IPGLOP.
+ # A list of all the devices is created in rdev_LIST.
+ #
+# sorry this is all one line -- it didn't work on multiple lines for me
+eval ` ifconfig | sed -e ' /^[^[:space:]]*:[0-9]*/ { s|^\([^:]*\):\([0-9]*\).*$|X=x; TMP="\2"; [ "$device" != "\1" ] \|\| |g; b; }; /^[^[:space:]]/ { s|.*|X=x; [ 0 = 0 ] \|\| |g; b; }; /inet addr:[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]* *Bcast:[0-9.]* *Mask:[0-9.]*/ { s|^.*inet addr:\(\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\) *Bcast:\([0-9.]*\) *Mask:\([0-9.]*\).*$|eval " rdev_${TMP}_addr=\1; rdev_${TMP}_mb=\7_\6; rdevip_\2_\3_\4_\5=${TMP}; rdev_LIST=\\\\"\\\\$rdev_LIST \\\\${TMP}\\\\"; " \|\| |g; b; }; s|^.*$||g; ' ` X=x;
+if [ -z "$rdev_LIST" ]; then
+ no_devices_are_up=yes
+##for DEVNUM in $rdev_LIST ; do
+##eval "
+##echo \"rdev_${DEVNUM}_addr = \$rdev_${DEVNUM}_addr\"
+##echo \"rdev_${DEVNUM}_mb = \$rdev_${DEVNUM}_mb\" ";
+##echo ""; echo "-----"; echo ""
+ #
+ # Store configuration of the parent device and network
+ #
+# read from the /etc/sysconfig/network
+eval ` (
+ . /etc/sysconfig/network;
+ echo network_GATEWAY=$GATEWAY\;;
+ echo network_GATEWAYDEV=$GATEWAYDEV\;;
+) `
+# read defaults from the parent config file
+[ -f $PARENTCONFIG ] || {
+ echo "Missing config file $PARENTCONFIG." >&2
+ exit 1
+eval ` (
+ echo default_NETMASK=$NETMASK\;;
+ echo default_BROADCAST=$BROADCAST\;;
+ echo default_GATEWAY=$GATEWAY\;;
+ echo default_GATEWAYDEV=$GATEWAYDEV\;;
+) `
+function ini_env ()
+ #
+ # Read the alias configuation files and enable each aliased
+ # device using new_interface()
+ #
+function new_interface ()
+ ipa=$IPADDR; ipb=${ipa#*.}; ipc=${ipb#*.};
+ IPGLOP="${ipa%%.*}_${ipb%%.*}_${ipc%%.*}_${ipc#*.}";
+ eval "
+ ipseen=\$ipseen_${IPGLOP}; devseen=\$devseen_${DEVNUM};
+ ipseen_${IPGLOP}=$FILE; devseen_${DEVNUM}=$FILE;
+ ";
+ if [ -n "$ipseen" ]; then
+ echo "error in $FILE: already seen ipaddr $IPADDR in $ipseen" >&2;exit 0
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$devseen" ]; then
+ echo "error in $FILE: already seen device $parent_device:$DEVNUM\ in $devseen" >&2; exit 0
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$DEVICE" -o -z "$IPADDR" ]; then
+ echo "error in $FILE: didn't specify device or ipaddr" >&2 ; exit 0
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$NETMASK" ]; then
+ eval `/bin/ipcalc --netmask ${IPADDR}`
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$BROADCAST" ]; then
+ eval `/bin/ipcalc --broadcast ${IPADDR} ${NETMASK}`
+ nma=$NETMASK; nmb=${nma#*.}; nmc=${nmb#*.};
+ NMGLOP="${nma%%.*}_${nmb%%.*}_${nmc%%.*}_${nmc#*.}";
+ if [ ${nma%%.*} -eq 0 ]; then ipnm_a=0; else ipnm_a=${ipa%%.*}; fi
+ if [ ${nmb%%.*} -eq 0 ]; then ipnm_b=0; else ipnm_b=${ipb%%.*}; fi
+ if [ ${nmc%%.*} -eq 0 ]; then ipnm_c=0; else ipnm_c=${ipc%%.*}; fi
+ if [ ${nmc#*.} -eq 0 ]; then ipnm_d=0; else ipnm_d=${ipc#*.}; fi
+ CACHENAME="${NMGLOP}_${ipnm_a}_${ipnm_b}_${ipnm_c}_${ipnm_d}"
+ eval "
+ if [ -z \"\$bcastcache_${CACHENAME}\" ]; then
+ eval `/bin/ipcalc --broadcast \$IPADDR \$NETMASK`
+ bcastcache_${CACHENAME}=\$BROADCAST
+ else
+ BROADCAST=\$bcastcache_${CACHENAME}
+ fi
+ ";
+ fi
+##echo "";
+##echo "----------------------------"
+##echo "device = $DEVICE"
+##echo "ipaddr = $IPADDR"
+##echo "netmask = $NETMASK"
+##echo "broadcast = $BROADCAST"
+##echo "devnum = $DEVNUM";
+##echo "";
+ if [ "$no_devices_are_up" = "yes" ]; then
+ setup_this=yes
+ else
+ setup_this=""
+ eval "
+ rdev_addr=\$rdev_${DEVNUM}_addr;
+ rdev_mb=\$rdev_${DEVNUM}_mb;
+ rdev_mark=\$rdev_${DEVNUM}_mark;
+ rdevip=\$rdevip_${IPGLOP};
+ ";
+ if [ -n "$rdev_addr" ]; then
+ if [ "$rdev_addr" = "${IPADDR}" ]; then
+ newmark=keep
+ if [ "$rdev_mb" != "${NETMASK}_${BROADCAST}" ]; then
+ setup_this=freshen
+ else
+ setup_this=no
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ "$rdev_mark" != "remove" ]; then
+##echo "removing device $parent_device:${DEVNUM} (devnum conflict)"
+ /sbin/ifconfig $parent_device:${DEVNUM} down
+ do_netreport=yes
+ fi
+ newmark=remove
+ setup_this=yes
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$rdev_mark" -a "$rdev_mark" != "$newmark" ]; then
+ echo "error in ifcfg-${parent_device}:\* files" >&2 ; exit 0
+ fi
+ eval " rdev_${DEVNUM}_mark=\$newmark ";
+ else
+ setup_this=yes
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$rdevip" -a "$rdevip" != "${DEVNUM}" ]; then
+ eval " mark_remove=\$rdev_${rdevip}_mark ";
+ if [ -n "$mark_remove" -a "$mark_remove" != "remove" ]; then
+ echo "error in ifcfg-${parent_device}:\* files" >&2 ; exit 0
+ fi
+ if [ "$mark_remove" != "remove" ]; then
+ eval " rdev_${rdevip}_mark=remove ";
+##echo "removing device $parent_device:$rdevip (ipaddr conflict)"
+ /sbin/ifconfig $parent_device:$rdevip down
+ do_netreport=yes
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "$setup_this" = "freshen" ] ; then
+ # we can do the freshen stuff right now
+##echo "freshening device $DEVICE"
+ /sbin/ifconfig $DEVICE netmask $NETMASK broadcast $BROADCAST;
+ fi
+ if [ "$setup_this" = "yes" ] ; then
+##echo "setting up device $DEVICE"
+ ifconfig ${DEVICE} ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
+ if [ "$NO_ALIASROUTING" != yes ]; then
+ route add -host ${IPADDR} ${DEVICE}
+ # this is broken! it's only here for compatibility with old RH systems
+ if [ "${GATEWAY}" != "" -a "${GATEWAY}" != "none" ]; then
+ route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1 ${DEVICE}
+ fi
+ if [ "${GATEWAY}" != "" ]; then
+ if [ "${GATEWAYDEV}" = "" -o "${GATEWAYDEV}" = "${DEVICE}" ]; then
+ # set up default gateway
+ route add default gw ${GATEWAY} ${DEVICE}
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/static-routes ]; then
+ #note the trailing space in the grep gets rid of aliases
+ grep "^$1 " /etc/sysconfig/static-routes | while read device args; do
+ /sbin/route add -$args $device
+ done
+ fi
+ do_netreport=yes
+ ifuplocal_queue="$ifuplocal_queue $DEVICE"
+ fi
- /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup $device:$current
- current=`expr $current + 1`
+if [ "$BASH_VERSINFO" ]; then shopt -s nullglob; else allow_null_glob_expansion=foo; fi
+for FILE in ifcfg-${parent_device}:* ; do
+ ini_env;
+ . $FILE;
+ new_interface;
+for FILE in ifcfg-${parent_device}-range* ; do
+ ini_env;
+ . $FILE;
+ ipaddr_prefix=${IPADDR_START%.*}
+ ipaddr_startnum=${IPADDR_START##*.}
+ ipaddr_endnum=${IPADDR_END##*.}
+ if [ "${IPADDR_START%.*}" != "${IPADDR_END%.*}" ]; then
+ echo "error in $FILE: IPADDR_START and IPADDR_END don't argree" >&2; exit 0
+ fi
+ if [ $ipaddr_startnum -gt $ipaddr_endnum ]; then
+ echo "error in $FILE: IPADDR_START greater than IPADDR_END" >&2; exit 0
+ fi
+ ipaddr_num=$ipaddr_startnum
+ ipaddr_clonenum=$CLONENUM_START
+ while [ $ipaddr_num -le $ipaddr_endnum ]; do
+ IPADDR="$ipaddr_prefix.$ipaddr_num"
+ DEVICE="$parent_device:$ipaddr_clonenum"
+ new_interface;
+ let 'ipaddr_num=ipaddr_num+1'
+ let 'ipaddr_clonenum=ipaddr_clonenum+1'
+ done
+ #
+ # Remove any devices that should not be around
+ #
+for DEVNUM in $rdev_LIST ; do
+ eval " rdev_mark=\$rdev_${DEVNUM}_mark ";
+ if [ -z "$rdev_mark" ]; then
+##echo "removing device $parent_device:${DEVNUM} (lingering)"
+ /sbin/ifconfig $parent_device:${DEVNUM} down
+ do_netreport=yes
+ fi
+ #
+ # Notify of new device creation
+ #
+if [ -n "$do_netreport" ]; then
+ do_netreport
+if [ -x /sbin/ifup-local ]; then
+ for DEVICE in $ifuplocal_queue ; do
+ /sbin/ifup-local ${DEVICE}
+ done