path: root/src/ppp-watch.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ppp-watch.c')
1 files changed, 420 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ppp-watch.c b/src/ppp-watch.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e3cd257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ppp-watch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+ * ppp-watch.c
+ *
+ * Bring up a PPP connection and Do The Right Thing[tm] to make bringing
+ * the connection up or down with ifup and ifdown syncronous. Takes
+ * one argument: the logical name of the device to bring up. Does not
+ * detach until the interface is up or has permanently failed to come up.
+ *
+ * Copyright 1999 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ */
+/* Algorithm:
+ * fork
+ * if child:
+ * Register with netreport. (now exit implies deregister first)
+ * fork/exec ifup-ppp daemon <interface>
+ * else:
+ * while (1):
+ * sigsuspend()
+ * if SIGTERM:
+ * kill pppd pgrp
+ * exit
+ * if SIGHUP:
+ * reload ifcfg files
+ * kill pppd pgrp
+ * wait for SIGCHLD to redial
+ * if SIGIO:
+ * if no physical device found: continue
+ * elif physical device is down:
+ * wait for pppd to exit to redial if appropriate
+ * else: (physical device is up)
+ * detach; continue
+ * if SIGCHLD: (pppd exited)
+ * wait()
+ * if pppd exited:
+ * if PERSIST: redial
+ * else: exit
+ * else: (pppd was killed)
+ * exit
+ *
+ *
+ * When ppp-watch itself dies for reasons of its own, it uses a return code
+ * higher than 30 so as not to clash with pppd return codes, which, as of
+ * this writing, range from 0 to 19.
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include "shvar.h"
+static int theSigterm = 0;
+static int theSighup = 0;
+static int theSigio = 0;
+static int theSigchld = 0;
+static void
+detach(int now, int parentExitCode) {
+ static int pipeArray[2];
+ char exitCode;
+ if (now) {
+ /* execute -- ignore errors in case called more than once */
+ exitCode = parentExitCode;
+ write(pipeArray[1], &exitCode, 1);
+ close(pipeArray[1]);
+ } else {
+ /* set up */
+ int child;
+ if (pipe(pipeArray)) exit (25);
+ child = fork();
+ if (child < 0) exit(26);
+ if (child) {
+ /* parent process */
+ close (pipeArray[1]);
+ while (read (pipeArray[0], &exitCode, 1) < 0) {
+ switch (errno) {
+ case EINTR: continue;
+ default: exit (27); /* this will catch EIO in particular */
+ }
+ }
+ exit(exitCode);
+ } else {
+ /* child process */
+ close (pipeArray[0]);
+ /* become a daemon */
+ close (0);
+ close (1);
+ close (2);
+ }
+ }
+static void
+doPidFile(char *device) {
+ static char *pidFileName = NULL;
+ char *pidFilePath;
+ int fd; FILE *f;
+ if (pidFileName) {
+ /* remove it */
+ pidFilePath = alloca(strlen(pidFileName) + 25);
+ sprintf(pidFilePath, "/var/run/pppwatch-%s.pid", pidFileName);
+ unlink(pidFilePath); /* not much we can do in case of error... */
+ }
+ if (device) {
+ /* create it */
+ pidFileName = device;
+ pidFilePath = alloca(strlen(pidFileName) + 25);
+ sprintf(pidFilePath, "/var/run/pppwatch-%s.pid", pidFileName);
+ fd = open(pidFilePath, O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT,
+ f = fdopen(fd, "r+");
+ fprintf(f, "%d\n", getpid());
+ fclose(f);
+ }
+fork_exec(int wait, char *path, char *arg1, char *arg2)
+ pid_t child;
+ int status;
+ if (!(child = fork())) {
+ /* child */
+ execl(path, path, arg1, arg2, 0);
+ perror(path);
+ _exit (1);
+ }
+ if (wait) {
+ wait4 (child, &status, 0, NULL);
+ if (WIFEXITED(status) && (WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0)) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+static void
+cleanExit(int exitCode) {
+ fork_exec(1, "/sbin/netreport", "-r", NULL);
+ detach(1, exitCode);
+ exit(exitCode);
+ doPidFile(NULL);
+static void
+signal_handler (int signum) {
+ switch(signum) {
+ case SIGTERM:
+ theSigterm = 1; break;
+ case SIGHUP:
+ theSighup = 1; break;
+ case SIGIO:
+ theSigio = 1; break;
+ case SIGCHLD:
+ theSigchld = 1; break;
+ }
+static shvarFile *
+shvarfilesGet(char *interfaceName) {
+ shvarFile *ifcfg;
+ char *ifcfgName, *ifcfgParentName, *ifcfgParentDiff;
+ static char ifcfgPrefix[] = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-";
+ ifcfgName = alloca(sizeof(ifcfgPrefix)+strlen(interfaceName)+1);
+ sprintf(ifcfgName, "%s%s", ifcfgPrefix, interfaceName);
+ ifcfg = svNewFile(ifcfgName);
+ if (!ifcfg) return NULL;
+ /* Do we have a parent interface to inherit? */
+ ifcfgParentDiff = strchr(interfaceName, '-');
+ if (ifcfgParentDiff) {
+ /* allocate more than enough memory... */
+ ifcfgParentName = alloca(sizeof(ifcfgPrefix)+strlen(interfaceName)+1);
+ strcpy(ifcfgParentName, ifcfgPrefix);
+ strncat(ifcfgParentName, interfaceName, ifcfgParentDiff-interfaceName);
+ ifcfg->parent = svNewFile(ifcfgParentName);
+ }
+ return ifcfg;
+static char *
+pppLogicalToPhysical(int *pppdPid, char *logicalName) {
+ char *mapFileName;
+ char buffer[20]; /* more than enough space for ppp<n> */
+ char *p, *q;
+ int f, n;
+ char *physicalDevice = NULL;
+ mapFileName = alloca (strlen(logicalName)+20);
+ sprintf(mapFileName, "/var/run/ppp-%s.pid", logicalName);
+ if ((f = open(mapFileName, O_RDONLY)) >= 0) {
+ n = read(f, buffer, 20);
+ if (n > 0) {
+ buffer[n] = '\0';
+ /* get past pid */
+ p = buffer; while (*p && *p != '\n') p++; *p = '\0'; p++;
+ if (pppdPid) *pppdPid = atoi(buffer);
+ /* get rid of \n */
+ q = p; while (*q && *q != '\n' && q < buffer+n) q++; *q = '\0';
+ if (*p) physicalDevice = strdup(p);
+ }
+ close(f);
+ }
+ return physicalDevice;
+static int
+interfaceStatus(char *device) {
+ int sock = 0;
+ int pfs[] = {AF_INET, AF_IPX, AF_AX25, AF_APPLETALK, 0};
+ int p = 0;
+ struct ifreq ifr;
+ int retcode = 0;
+ while (!sock && pfs[p]) {
+ sock = socket(pfs[p++], SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
+ }
+ if (!sock) return 0;
+ memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
+ strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, device);
+ if (ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0) {
+ retcode = 0;
+ } else if (ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP) {
+ retcode = 1;
+ }
+ close(sock);
+ return retcode;
+main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ int status, waited;
+ char *device, *logicalDevice;
+ shvarFile *ifcfg;
+ sigset_t sigs;
+ int pppdPid;
+ int timeout = 30;
+ char *temp;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ fprintf (stderr, "usage: ppp-watch [ifcfg-]<logical-name>");
+ exit(30);
+ }
+ detach(0, 0); /* prepare */
+ signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
+ signal(SIGHUP, signal_handler);
+ signal(SIGIO, signal_handler);
+ signal(SIGCHLD, signal_handler);
+ sigemptyset(&sigs);
+ sigaddset(&sigs, SIGTERM);
+ sigaddset(&sigs, SIGHUP);
+ sigaddset(&sigs, SIGIO);
+ sigaddset(&sigs, SIGCHLD);
+ sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigs, NULL);
+ sigfillset(&sigs);
+ sigdelset(&sigs, SIGTERM);
+ sigdelset(&sigs, SIGHUP);
+ sigdelset(&sigs, SIGIO);
+ sigdelset(&sigs, SIGCHLD);
+ doPidFile(device);
+ fork_exec(1, "/sbin/netreport", NULL, NULL);
+ if (!strncmp(argv[1], "ifcfg-", 6)) {
+ device = argv[1] + 6;
+ } else {
+ device = argv[1];
+ }
+ ifcfg = shvarfilesGet(device);
+ if (!ifcfg) cleanExit(28);
+ fork_exec(0, "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-ppp", "daemon", device);
+ temp = svGetValue(ifcfg, "RETRYTIMEOUT");
+ if (temp) {
+ timeout = atoi(temp);
+ free(temp);
+ } else {
+ timeout = 30;
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ sigsuspend(&sigs);
+ if (theSigterm) {
+ theSigterm = 0;
+ if (logicalDevice) free(logicalDevice);
+ logicalDevice = pppLogicalToPhysical(&pppdPid, device);
+ if (logicalDevice) free(logicalDevice);
+ kill(-pppdPid, SIGTERM);
+ cleanExit(0);
+ }
+ if (theSighup) {
+ theSighup = 0;
+ if (ifcfg->parent) svCloseFile(ifcfg->parent);
+ svCloseFile(ifcfg);
+ ifcfg = shvarfilesGet(device);
+ logicalDevice = pppLogicalToPhysical(&pppdPid, device);
+ if (logicalDevice) free(logicalDevice);
+ kill(-pppdPid, SIGTERM);
+ /* redial when SIGCHLD arrives */
+ timeout = 1; /* give things time to stabilize... */
+ }
+ if (theSigio) {
+ theSigio = 0;
+ if (logicalDevice) {
+ free(logicalDevice);
+ temp = svGetValue(ifcfg, "DISCONNECTTIMEOUT");
+ if (temp) {
+ timeout = atoi(temp);
+ free(temp);
+ } else {
+ timeout = 30;
+ }
+ }
+ logicalDevice = pppLogicalToPhysical(NULL, device);
+ if (logicalDevice) {
+ if (interfaceStatus(device)) {
+ /* device is up */
+ detach(1, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (theSigchld) {
+ theSigchld = 0;
+ waited = wait3(&status, 0, NULL);
+ if (waited < 0) continue;
+ if (!WIFEXITED(status)) cleanExit(29);
+ if (svTrueValue(ifcfg, "PERSIST", 0)) {
+ fork_exec(0, "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-ppp", "daemon", device);
+ temp = svGetValue(ifcfg, "RETRYTIMEOUT");
+ if (temp) {
+ timeout = atoi(temp);
+ free(temp);
+ } else {
+ timeout = 30;
+ }
+ tv.tv_sec = timeout;
+ select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);
+ } else {
+ cleanExit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }