path: root/ppp/ip-up.ipv6to4
diff options
authorLukas Nykryn <lnykryn@redhat.com>2014-04-15 15:19:10 +0200
committerLukas Nykryn <lnykryn@redhat.com>2014-04-24 13:39:17 +0200
commit50742d10d095d9d86750e6ae7f97076985145ff0 (patch)
treecee2fd4336d7b6ff67145afda6f06805d1ca94c2 /ppp/ip-up.ipv6to4
parent32e8cbc1c91ada764ef4b5bb817b0c045d3fb3a4 (diff)
move ppp support to ppp package
Diffstat (limited to 'ppp/ip-up.ipv6to4')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/ppp/ip-up.ipv6to4 b/ppp/ip-up.ipv6to4
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a85bbb3..00000000
--- a/ppp/ip-up.ipv6to4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-# ip-up.ipv6to4
-# Taken from:
-# (P) & (C) 2000-2005 by Peter Bieringer <pb@bieringer.de>
-# You will find more information on the initscripts-ipv6 homepage at
-# http://www.deepspace6.net/projects/initscripts-ipv6.html
-# Version: 2005-09-22
-# Calling parameters:
-# $1: interface name
-# Called (mostly) by /etc/ppp/ip-up.local
-# like: /etc/ppp/ip-up.ipv6to4 $1 >>/var/log/ppp-ipv6to4.log 2>&1
-# Note: this script will *kill* older still existing 6to4 tunnels regardless
-# whether they were set before by another device
-# Uses following information from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$1:
-# IPV6TO4INIT=yes|no: controls configuration
-# IPV6TO4_IPV4ADDR=<IPv4 address>: special local address for 6to4 tunneling (only needed behind a NAT gateway)
-# IPV6TO4_RELAY=<IPv4 address>: remote 6to4 relay router address (default:
-# IPV6TO4_MTU=<MTU for IPv6>: controls IPv6 MTU for the 6to4 link (optional, default is MTU of interface - 20)
-# IPV6TO4_ROUTING="<device>-<suffix>/<prefix length> ...": information to setup additional interfaces
-# Example: IPV6TO4_ROUTING="eth0-:f101::1/64 eth1-:f102::1/64"
-# IPV6_CONTROL_RADVD=yes|no: controls radvd triggering
-# IPV6_RADVD_PIDFILE=<file>: PID file of radvd for sending signals, default is "/var/run/radvd/radvd.pid"
-# IPV6_RADVD_TRIGGER_ACTION=startstop|reload|restart|SIGHUP: how to trigger radvd (optional, default is SIGHUP)
-# Requirements
-# radvd-0.6.2p3 or newer supporting option "Base6to4Interface"
-if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- echo $"Argument 1 is empty but should contain interface name - skip IPv6to4 initialization"
- exit 1
-# Get global network configuration
-. /etc/sysconfig/network
-# Source IPv4 helper functions
-cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
-. ./network-functions
-[ -f "$CONFIG" ] || CONFIG=ifcfg-$CONFIG
-# IPv6 don't need aliases anymore, config is skipped
-[ "$DEVICE" != "$REALDEVICE" ] && exit 0
-if [ ! -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/network-functions-ipv6 ]; then
- exit 1
-. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/network-functions-ipv6
-# Run basic IPv6 test (and make sure the ipv6 module will be loaded), if not ok, skip IPv6 initialization
-ipv6_test || exit 1
-# Setup of 6to4, if configured
-if [ "$IPV6TO4INIT" = "yes" ]; then
- if [ -n "$IPV6TO4_IPV4ADDR" ]; then
- # Take 6to4-dedicated configured IPv4 address from config file (precedence 1)
- ipv4addr="$IPV6TO4_IPV4ADDR"
- else
- # Get IPv4 address from interface (precedence 2)
- ipv4addr="$(ipv6_get_ipv4addr_of_device $DEVICE)"
- if [ -z "$ipv4addr" ]; then
- # Take configured IPv4 address of interface from config file (precedence 3)
- ipv4addr="$IPADDR"
- fi
- fi
- if [ -n "$ipv4addr" ]; then
- # Test for non-global IPv4 address
- if ! ipv6_test_ipv4_addr_global_usable $ipv4addr; then
- net_log $"Given IPv4 address '$ipv4addr' is not globally usable" info
- valid6to4config="no"
- fi
- else
- net_log $"IPv6to4 configuration needs an IPv4 address on related interface or otherwise specified" info
- valid6to4config="no"
- fi
- if [ -z "$IPV6TO4_RELAY" ]; then
- fi
- # Check/generate relay address
- ipv6to4_relay="$(ipv6_create_6to4_relay_address $IPV6TO4_RELAY)"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- valid6to4config="no"
- fi
- if [ "$valid6to4config" = "yes" ]; then
- # Delete routes to local networks
- for devsuf in $IPV6TO4_ROUTING; do
- dev="${devsuf%%-*}"
- ipv6_cleanup_6to4_device $dev
- done
- # Cleanup all old data (needed, if "ip-down.ipv6to4" wasn't executed), delete all configured 6to4 address
- ipv6_cleanup_6to4_tunnels tun6to4
- # Get MTU of master device
- ipv4mtu="$(/sbin/ip link show dev $DEVICE | awk '/\<mtu\>/ { print $5 }')"
- if [ -n "$ipv4mtu" ]; then
- # IPv6 tunnel MTU is IPv4 MTU minus 20 for IPv4 header
- tunnelmtu=$[ $ipv4mtu - 20 ]
- fi
- if [ -n "$IPV6TO4_MTU" ]; then
- if [ $IPV6TO4_MTU -gt $tunnelmtu ]; then
- net_log $"Warning: configured MTU '$IPV6TO4_MTU' for 6to4 exceeds maximum limit of '$tunnelmtu', ignored" warning
- else
- tunnelmtu=$IPV6TO4_MTU
- fi
- fi
- # Setup new data
- ipv6_add_6to4_tunnel tun6to4 $ipv4addr "" $tunnelmtu || exit 1
- # Add route to for compatible addresses (removed later again)
- ipv6_add_route "::/96" "::" tun6to4
- # Add default route, if device matches
- if [ "$IPV6_DEFAULTDEV" = "tun6to4" ]; then
- if [ -n "$IPV6_DEFAULTGW" ]; then
- net_log $"Warning: interface 'tun6to4' does not support 'IPV6_DEFAULTGW', ignored" warning
- fi
- ipv6_set_default_route $ipv6to4_relay tun6to4
- fi
- # Add static routes
- if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/static-routes-ipv6 ]; then
- LC_ALL=C grep -w "^tun6to4" /etc/sysconfig/static-routes-ipv6 | while read device network gateway; do
- if [ -z "$network" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- if [ -z "$gateway" ]; then
- gateway="$ipv6to4_relay"
- fi
- ipv6_add_route $network $gateway tun6to4
- done
- fi
- # Setup additional static IPv6 routes (newer config style)
- if [ -f "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route6-tun6to4" ]; then
- sed -ne 's/#.*//' -e '/[^[:space:]]/p' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route6-tun6to4 | while read line; do
- if echo "$line" | grep -vq 'via'; then
- # Add gateway if missing
- line="$line via $ipv6to4_relay"
- fi
- /sbin/ip -6 route add $line
- done
- fi
- # Cleanup autmatically generated autotunnel (not needed for 6to4)
- /sbin/ip -6 route del ::/96 dev tun6to4
- /sbin/ip -6 addr del tun6to4 "::$ipv4addr/128" dev tun6to4
- if [ "$IPV6_CONTROL_RADVD" = "yes" ]; then
- # Control running radvd
- ipv6_trigger_radvd up "$IPV6_RADVD_TRIGGER_ACTION" $IPV6_RADVD_PIDFILE
- if [ -n "$IPV6TO4_ROUTING" ]; then
- # Generate 6to4 address
- ipv6to4prefix="$(ipv6_create_6to4_prefix $ipv4addr)"
- if [ -n "$ipv6to4prefix" ]; then
- # Add IPv6 address to interface (required interface route will be set automatically)
- for devsuf in $IPV6TO4_ROUTING; do
- dev="${devsuf%%-*}"
- suf="$(echo $devsuf | awk -F- '{ print $2 }')"
- ipv6_add_addr_on_device ${dev} ${ipv6to4prefix}${suf}
- done
- else
- net_log $"Error occurred while calculating the IPv6to4 prefix"
- fi
- else
- net_log $"radvd control enabled, but config is not complete"
- fi
- fi
- fi