#!/bin/sh action() { echo $1; shift; $*; } DATE=`date +%Y%m%d-%Hh%M` KADIR="/ka2" export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin echo -e "\t\t\tWelcome to \\033[1;36mMageia\\033[0;39m Linux" action "Remounting root filesystem in read-write mode" mount -n -o remount,rw / echo "Starting udev" mkdir /run mount -t tmpfs -o mode=0755,nosuid,nodev tmpfs /run mkdir -p /run/udev/rules.d export UDEVRULESD=/run/udev/rules.d /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-udevd --daemon --resolve-names=never udevadm trigger --type=subsystems --action=add udevadm trigger --type=devices --action=add ln -s /tmp/stage2/etc/* /etc 2>/dev/null # make passwd changable rm -f /etc/passwd cp /tmp/stage2/etc/passwd /etc/ mkdir -p /mnt /var/log >/etc/mtab mount -f / mount -f /proc # Set the hostname. action "Setting hostname rescue" hostname rescue echo rescue > /etc/HOSTNAME # Loads common modules ( no kerneld :( ) echo "Loading additional modules..." load() { modprobe $* 2>/dev/null; } load ide-gd_mod load ide-cd_mod load floppy load af_packet load isofs load vfat load ext3 load ext4 load reiserfs load nilfs2 load btrfs load xfs load jfs load loop load sd_mod load sr_mod echo "Setting local loop" /sbin/ifconfig lo netmask /sbin/route add lo # disable the weird echoprt in cooked mode for user interaction: stty sane #LANGUAGE (filled by make_rescue_img) grep -q noauto /proc/cmdline || drvinst SERIAL_USB partimage_default_dir=/data/box partimage_dir=`perl -lne 'print $1 if /BOX=(\S+)/' /proc/cmdline` [ -z "$partimage_dir" ] && partimage_dir=$partimage_default_dir partimage_server=`perl -lne 'print $1 if /\bpserver=(\S+)/' /proc/cmdline` if grep -q save_all /proc/cmdline; then partimage_whole_disk -s $partimage_server save_all $partimage_default_dir elif grep -q rest_all /proc/cmdline; then if [ -d /tmp/image$partimage_dir ]; then partimage_whole_disk rest_all /tmp/image$partimage_dir else partimage_whole_disk -s $partimage_server rest_all $partimage_dir fi elif grep -q oem /proc/cmdline; then /tmp/image/oem-rescue.sh elif grep -q restore /proc/cmdline; then /usr/sbin/restore-image.sh elif grep -q kamethod /proc/cmdline; then echo "Welcome to Ka" drvinst ln -sf /tmp/stage2/ka $KADIR ln -sf /tmp/stage2/disk /disk cd $KADIR echo "-------- Starting LOG server -------------" perl send_status.pl > /tmp/kacmd & exec ./ka_replication.sh > /tmp/ka_log-$HOSTNAME-$DATE 2>&1 elif ! grep -q expert /proc/cmdline; then echo "starting GUI" rescue-gui fi