#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (C) 2003-2004 MandrakeSoft # # Till Kamppeter # Daouda Lo # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # use strict; use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use standalone; use common; use any; use ugtk2 qw(:all); use interactive; use POSIX qw(mktime ceil); use printer::printerdrake; use printer::main; use USER; #Only for Debugging #use Devel::Peek; use Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms; use modules; use c; my $companyname = "MandrakeSoft"; my $distroname = "Mandrake Linux"; my $domainname = "mandrakesoft.com"; my $pixdir = '/usr/share/libDrakX/pixmaps/'; local $_ = join '', @ARGV; my $printer; my $in = 'interactive'->vnew('su', if_(!$::isEmbedded, 'printer-mdk')); my $commandline = $_; exit 0 unless printer::printerdrake::first_time_dialog($printer, $in); # Data structure for GTK2 main window my $us = {}; $us->{VERSION} = '0.1'; # GTK2 splash screen my $window_splash; if (0 && !$::isInstall && !$::isEmbedded) { $window_splash = Gtk2::Window->new('popup'); #BUG $window_splash->signal_connect(delete_event => \&quit_global); $window_splash->set_title(N("Printerdrake") . $us->{VERSION}); $window_splash->set_position('center_always'); $window_splash->add(gtkadd(gtkset_shadow_type(Gtk2::Frame->new, 'etched_out'), gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 0), gtkcreate_img("$pixdir/about.png"), Gtk2::Label->new(N("Loading printer configuration... Please wait")) ) ) ); $window_splash->show_all; gtkflush(); } #my $wait = $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), # N("Loading printer configuration... ")); #gtkflush(); # Check whether Foomatic is installed and install it if necessary #printer::printerdrake::install_foomatic($in); my $w = $in->wait_message(N("Printerdrake"), N("Reading data of installed printers...")); # Get what was installed before eval { $printer = printer::main::getinfo('') }; # Were we in expert mode last time? $printer->{expert} = printer::main::get_usermode(); # Choose the spooler by command line options $commandline =~ /-expert/ and $printer->{expert} = 1; $commandline =~ /-cups/ and $printer->{SPOOLER} = 'cups' and printer::main::read_configured_queues($printer); $commandline =~ /-lpr/ and $printer->{SPOOLER} = 'lpd' and printer::main::read_configured_queues($printer); $commandline =~ /-lpd/ and $printer->{SPOOLER} = 'lpd' and printer::main::read_configured_queues($printer); $commandline =~ /-lprng/ and $printer->{SPOOLER} = 'lprng' and printer::main::read_configured_queues($printer); $commandline =~ /-pdq/ and $printer->{SPOOLER} = 'pdq' and printer::main::read_configured_queues($printer); -r '/etc/modules.conf' and modules::mergein_conf('/etc/modules.conf'); undef $w; if ($::isInstall) { # Interactive main window for installation printer::printerdrake::main($printer, $in, 1); exit(); } # Do not let printerdrake ask for the spooler $printer->{SPOOLER} ||= 'cups'; # Initialization printer::printerdrake::init($printer, $in); # GTK2 main window my $error = 0; my $stringsearch = ''; sub HelpSystem() { exec("drakhelp --id printerdrake") unless fork() }; $us->{wnd} = ugtk2->new(N("%s Printer Management Tool", $distroname) . " " . $us->{VERSION}); gtkset_size_request($us->{wnd}{rwindow}, 660, 460); if (!$::isEmbedded) { $us->{wnd}{rwindow}->set_position('center'); } $us->{wnd}{window}->signal_connect(delete_event => \&QuitGlobal); my $ltree_model = Gtk2::ListStore->new("Glib::String", "Glib::String", "Glib::String", "Glib::String", "Glib::String", "Glib::String"); my $rtree_model = Gtk2::ListStore->new("Glib::String", "Glib::String", "Glib::String", "Glib::String", "Glib::String"); my ($localtree, $remotetree); $localtree = CreateTree($ltree_model); $remotetree = CreateTree($rtree_model); # slightly verbatimed from control-center my %options = ( 'default' => [ N("/_Actions"), N("/Set as _Default") ], 'edit' => [ N("/_Actions"), N("/_Edit") ], 'delete' => [ N("/_Actions"), N("/_Delete") ], 'expert' => [ N("/_Options"), N("/_Expert mode") ] ); my %buttorcheck; my ($menu, $factory) = create_factory_menu($::isEmbedded ? $::Plug : $us->{wnd}{rwindow}, ([ N("/_File"), undef, undef, undef, '' ], [ N("/_File") . N("/_Refresh"), undef, sub { Refresh($stringsearch) }, undef, '', 'gtk-refresh' ], [ N("/_File") . N("/_Quit"), N("Q"), \&QuitGlobal, undef, '', 'gtk-quit' ], [ N("/_Actions"), undef, undef, undef, '' ], [ N("/_Actions") . N("/_Add Printer"), undef, \&AddPrinter, undef, '', 'gtk-add' ], [ join('', @{$options{default}}), undef, \&SetAsDefault, undef, '', 'gtk-default' ], [ join('', @{$options{edit}}), undef, \&Edit, undef, '', 'gtk-properties' ], [ join('', @{$options{delete}}), undef, \&Delete, undef, '', 'gtk-delete' ], [ N("/_Actions") . N("/_Configure CUPS"), undef, \&ConfigCUPS, undef, '', 'gtk-config' ], [ N("/_Options"), undef, undef, undef, '' ], [ join('', @{$options{expert}}), undef, sub { $printer->{expert} = $buttorcheck{expert}->get_active; # Remember state of expert # mode for next # printerdrake session printer::main::set_usermode($printer->{expert}); # Read printer database # for the new user mode %printer::main::thedb = (); }, undef, '' ], [ N("/_Help"), undef, undef, undef, '' ], [ N("/_Help").N("/_Help"), undef, sub { HelpSystem() }, undef, '', 'gtk-help' ], [ N("/_Help").N("/_Report Bug"), undef, sub { system("$ENV{BROWSER} https://qa.$domainname &") }, undef, '', 'gtk-stop' ], [ N("/_Help").N("/_About..."), undef, \&About, undef, '', 'gtk-preferences' ] ) ); %buttorcheck = map { $_ => $factory->get_widget("
" . join '', map { s/_//; $_ } @{$options{$_}}) }('default', 'edit', 'delete', 'expert'); if (defined $buttorcheck{expert}) { $buttorcheck{expert}->set_active($printer->{expert}); } else { print STDERR "BUG with LANGUAGE $ENV{LANGUAGE}\n"; } my $toolb = Gtk2::Toolbar->new; my $filter; my $searchBox = gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,5), 1, Gtk2::Label->new(""), 0, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Search:")), 0, gtksignal_connect($filter = Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => sub { $_[1]->keyval == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Return} and Refresh($filter->get_text) }), 0, my $fbut = Gtk2::Button->new(N("Apply filter")), ); gtkappend_page(my $nb = Gtk2::Notebook->new, gtkpack(create_scrolled_window($localtree)), gtkshow(Gtk2::Label->new(N("Configured on this machine")))); gtkappend_page($nb, gtkpack(create_scrolled_window($remotetree)), gtkshow(Gtk2::Label->new(N("Configured on other machines")))); $nb->set_show_border(0); $us->{wnd}{window}->add(gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 0), 0, $menu, 0, $toolb, 0, $searchBox, 0, Gtk2::HSeparator->new, 1, $nb)); my @lcolsize = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1); my @rcolsize = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1); each_index { my $col = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes($_, Gtk2::CellRendererText->new, 'text' => $::i); $col->set_sort_column_id($::i); $col->set_min_width($lcolsize[$::i]); $localtree->append_column($col); } (N("Def."), N("Printer Name"), N("Model"), N("Connection Type"), N("Description"), N("Location")); each_index { my $col = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes($_, Gtk2::CellRendererText->new, 'text' => $::i); $col->set_sort_column_id($::i); $col->set_min_width($rcolsize[$::i]); $remotetree->append_column($col); } (N("Def."), N("Printer Name"), N("Server Name"), N("Description"), N("Location")); my @toolbwg = map { $toolb->append_item($_->[0], $_->[1], $_->[2], Gtk2::Image->new_from_file($pixdir . $_->[2] . '.png'), $_->[3], $toolb); # $toolb->append_space; #-PO "Add Printer" is a button text and the translation has to be AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE } ( [ N("Add Printer"), N("Add a new printer to the system"), 'printer_add', \&AddPrinter ], #-PO "Set as default" is a button text and the translation has to be AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE [ N("Set as default"), N("Set selected printer as the default printer"), 'printer_default', \&SetAsDefault ], #-PO "Edit" is a button text and the translation has to be AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE [ N("Edit"), N("Edit selected printer"), 'printer_conf', \&Edit ], #-PO "Delete" is a button text and the translation has to be AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE [ N("Delete"), N("Delete selected printer"), 'printer_del', \&Delete ], #-PO "Refresh" is a button text and the translation has to be AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE [ N("Refresh"), N("Refresh the list"), 'refresh', sub { Refresh($stringsearch) } ], #-PO "Configure CUPS" is a button text and the translation has to be AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE [ N("Configure CUPS"), N("Configure CUPS printing system"), 'cups_config', \&ConfigCUPS ] ); my ($_tbadd, $tbdefault, $tbedit, $tbdel, $_tbref, $_tbconfig) = @toolbwg; GrayDelEdit(); $fbut->signal_connect('clicked', sub { $stringsearch = $filter->get_text; Refresh($stringsearch) }); Refresh($stringsearch); $nb->signal_connect('switch-page' => sub { NotebookSwitch() }); $us->{wnd}{rwindow}->show_all; set_selection($printer->{DEFAULT}); #undef $wait; if (0 && !$::isInstall && !$::isEmbedded) { $window_splash->destroy; undef $window_splash; } gtkset_mousecursor_normal(); # Prevent subwindows to embed themselves in the mcc which has already the # main window embedded local $::isEmbedded = 0; Gtk2->main; ugtk2->exit; sub GrayDelEdit() { foreach ($tbdefault, $tbedit, $tbdel, $buttorcheck{default}, $buttorcheck{edit}, $buttorcheck{delete}) { defined $_ and $_->set_sensitive(0) }; } sub TreeUnselect { my $treev = shift; $treev->get_selection->unselect_all; GrayDelEdit() } sub NotebookSwitch() { TreeUnselect($localtree); TreeUnselect($remotetree); #set_selection_on_first(); } sub RefreshLocalPrintersFull { my ($strfilt) = @_; my @printers; defined $printer and @printers = keys %{$printer->{configured}}; $ltree_model->clear; my @LocalReal; LOOP: foreach my $p (@printers) { # Apply string search to all fields, not only the printer name my $connect = printer::main::connectionstr($printer->{configured}{$p}{queuedata}{connect}); my $model = $printer->{configured}{$p}{queuedata}{make} . ' ' . $printer->{configured}{$p}{queuedata}{model}; my $description = $printer->{configured}{$p}{queuedata}{desc}; my $location = $printer->{configured}{$p}{queuedata}{loc}; my $searchstr = "$p|$model|$connect|$description|$location"; push(@LocalReal, $p) if $searchstr =~ /\Q$strfilt/i; }; foreach my $p (sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @LocalReal) { my $connect = printer::main::connectionstr($printer->{configured}{$p}{queuedata}{connect}); my $description = $printer->{configured}{$p}{queuedata}{desc}; my $location = $printer->{configured}{$p}{queuedata}{loc}; my $model = $printer->{configured}{$p}{queuedata}{make} . ' ' . $printer->{configured}{$p}{queuedata}{model}; my $default = ($p eq $printer->{DEFAULT} ? "X" : ""); $ltree_model->append_set([ 0 => $default, 1 => $p, 2 => $model, 3 => $connect, 4 => $description, 5 => $location ]); } } sub RefreshRemotePrintersFull { my ($strfilt) = @_; my @printers; defined $printer and @printers = printer::cups::lpstat_lpv(); $rtree_model->clear; my @RemoteReal; LOOP: foreach my $p (@printers) { # No locally defined queues next LOOP if defined($printer->{configured}{$p->{queuename}}); # Apply string search to all fields, not only the printer name my $queue = $p->{queuename}; my $server = $p->{ipp}; my $description = $p->{description}; my $location = $p->{location}; my $searchstr = "$queue|$server|$description|$location"; # All remaining to which the search term applies push(@RemoteReal, $p) if $searchstr =~ /\Q$strfilt/i; }; foreach my $p (sort { lc($a->{queuename}) cmp lc($b->{queuename}) } @RemoteReal) { my $queue = $p->{queuename}; my $server = $p->{ipp}; my $description = $p->{description}; my $location = $p->{location}; my $default = ($queue eq $printer->{DEFAULT} ? "X" : ""); $rtree_model->append_set([ 0 => $default, 1 => $queue, 2 => $server, 3 => $description, 4 => $location ]); } } sub Refresh { my ($strfilt) = @_; my $selection = get_selection(); RefreshLocalPrintersFull($strfilt); RefreshRemotePrintersFull($strfilt); GrayDelEdit(); set_selection($selection); } sub AddPrinter() { deactivate_mainwindow(); if (printer::printerdrake::add_printer($printer, $in)) { Refresh($stringsearch); set_selection($printer->{QUEUE}); } else { delete($printer->{QUEUE}); } activate_mainwindow(); } sub SetAsDefault() { deactivate_mainwindow(); my $queue = get_selection(); printer::printerdrake::default_printer($printer, $in, $queue); Refresh($stringsearch); activate_mainwindow(); } sub Edit() { deactivate_mainwindow(); my $queue = get_selection(); printer::printerdrake::edit_printer($printer, $in, undef, $queue); Refresh($stringsearch); if ($printer->{QUEUE}) { set_selection($printer->{QUEUE}); # } else { # set_selection_on_first(); } activate_mainwindow(); } sub Delete() { deactivate_mainwindow(); my $queue = get_selection(); if (printer::printerdrake::remove_printer($printer, $in, $queue)) { Refresh($stringsearch); set_selection_on_first(); } else { delete($printer->{QUEUE}); } activate_mainwindow(); } sub ConfigCUPS() { deactivate_mainwindow(); printer::printerdrake::config_cups($printer, $in); Refresh($stringsearch); activate_mainwindow(); } sub deactivate_mainwindow() { $us->{wnd}{rwindow}->set_sensitive(0); gtkset_mousecursor_wait(); $error = 0; } sub activate_mainwindow() { $us->{wnd}{rwindow}->set_sensitive(1); gtkset_mousecursor_normal(); } sub set_selection_on_first() { # On which page are we currently my $page = $nb->get_current_page; my ($tree, $model); if ($page <= 0) { # Locally defined printer: first page $tree = $localtree; $model = $ltree_model; } elsif ($page == 1) { # Remotely defined printer: second page $tree = $remotetree; $model = $rtree_model; } my $iter = $model->get_iter_first; $tree->get_selection->select_iter($iter) if $iter; } sub set_selection { my ($queue) = @_; return if !$queue; my ($tree, $model, $page); if (defined($printer->{configured}{$queue})) { # Locally defined printer: first page $tree = $localtree; $model = $ltree_model; $page = 0; } else { # Remotely defined printer: second page $tree = $remotetree; $model = $rtree_model; $page = 1; } # Search entry on page my $iter = $model->get_iter_first; while ($iter) { my $q = $model->get($iter, 1); if ($q eq $queue) { $tree->get_selection->select_iter($iter); $nb->set_current_page($page); return; } $iter = $model->iter_next($iter); } # Requested entry does not exist, go to the first entry on the current # page. set_selection_on_first(); } sub get_selection() { my $queue; my $page = $nb->get_current_page; if ($page <= 0) { $queue = GetNameEntFromIter($localtree, $ltree_model, 1); } elsif ($page == 1) { $queue = GetNameEntFromIter($remotetree, $rtree_model, 1); } return $queue; } sub GetNameEntFromIter { my ($tree, $model, $rank) = @_; my (undef, $iter) = $tree->get_selection->get_selected; return undef if !defined($iter); my $name = $model->get($iter, $rank); $name } sub CreateTree { my ($tree_model) = @_; my $tree = Gtk2::TreeView->new_with_model($tree_model); $tree->get_selection->set_mode('browse'); $tree->set_headers_visible(1); $tree->set_rules_hint(1); $tree->get_selection->signal_connect('changed' => sub { foreach ($tbdefault, $tbedit, $tbdel, $buttorcheck{default}, $buttorcheck{edit}, $buttorcheck{delete}) { $_->set_sensitive(1) } }); $tree->signal_connect(button_press_event => sub { my (undef, $event) = @_; my (undef, $iter) = $tree->get_selection->get_selected; return unless $iter; foreach ($tbdefault, $tbedit, $tbdel, $buttorcheck{default}, $buttorcheck{edit}, $buttorcheck{delete}) { $_->set_sensitive(1) }; my $queue = $tree_model->get($iter, 1); if (!defined($printer->{configured}{$queue})) { foreach ($tbdel, $buttorcheck{delete}) { $_->set_sensitive(0); } } Edit() if $event->type eq '2button-press'; }); $tree->signal_connect(key_press_event => sub { my (undef, $event) = @_; my (undef, $iter) = $tree->get_selection->get_selected; return unless $iter; Edit() if $event->keyval == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Return}; }); $tree } sub NewDialog { my ($title, $o_no_button) = @_; my $dialog = gtkset_border_width(Gtk2::Dialog->new, 10); $dialog->set_transient_for($us->{wnd}{rwindow}); $dialog->set_position('center-on-parent'); $dialog->set_title($title); $dialog->action_area->pack_start(gtkadd(Gtk2::HButtonBox->new, gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Close")), clicked => sub { $dialog->destroy }) ), 0,0,0) unless $o_no_button; gtkset_modal($dialog, 1); } sub About() { my $window_about = NewDialog(N("Printerdrake")); my $tree_model = Gtk2::TreeStore->new("Glib::String", "Glib::String", "Glib::String"); my $list = Gtk2::TreeView->new_with_model($tree_model); $list->can_focus(0); each_index { $list->append_column(Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(undef, Gtk2::CellRendererText->new, 'text' => $::i)) } 0..2; $list->set_headers_visible(0); foreach my $row ([ N("Authors: "), '', '' ], [ '', 'Till Kamppeter', "" ], ['', '', '']) { $tree_model->append_set(undef, [ map_index { $::i => $_ } @$row ]); } $list->get_selection->set_mode('none'); gtkpack_($window_about->vbox, -r "$pixdir/printerdrake.png" ? (0, Gtk2::Image->new_from_file("$pixdir/printerdrake.png")) : (1, gtkmodify_font(Gtk2::Label->new(N("Printer Management \n") . $us->{VERSION}), 'Bold 18'),), 1, $list, ); $window_about->show_all; } sub QuitGlobal() { gtkset_mousecursor_normal(); Gtk2->main_quit; }