#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use c; use common; use standalone; use network::network; use network::tools; use run_program; use mygtk2 qw(gtknew); use dbus_object; use network::ifw; use network::monitor; use detect_devices; use Gtk2::TrayIcon; use Gtk2::NotificationBubble; use ugtk2 qw(:create :helpers :wrappers :dialogs); my $onstartupfile = "$ENV{HOME}/.net_applet"; shouldStart() or die "$onstartupfile should be set to TRUE or use net_applet --force"; # Allow multiple instances, but only one per user: is_running('net_applet') and die "net_applet already running\n"; my ($eventbox, $img, $bubble); my ($current_state, $current_interface, $menu, $wireless_menu, $timeout, $update_timeout); add_icon_path("/usr/share/libDrakX/pixmaps/"); my $net = {}; my $watched_interface; my %pixbufs = ( firewall => gtkcreate_pixbuf('/usr/lib/libDrakX/icons/drakfirewall.png'), firewall_icon => gtkcreate_pixbuf('/usr/lib/libDrakX/icons/drakfirewall.png')->scale_simple(24, 24, 'hyper'), state => { map { $_ => gtkcreate_pixbuf($_) } qw(connected disconnected) }, link_level => { map { my $f = "./wifi-$_.png"; my $pixbuf = gtkcreate_pixbuf(-r $f ? $f : 'default')->scale_simple(24, 24, 'hyper'); $_ => $pixbuf; } qw(20 40 60 80 100) }, keyring => gtkcreate_pixbuf("/usr/share/pixmaps/keyring-small.png")->scale_simple(24, 24, 'hyper'), #- provided by usermode, required by drakxtools ); my %wireless_networks; my %tooltips = ( connected => N_("Network is up on interface %s"), disconnected => #-PO: keep the "Configure Network" substring synced with the "Configure Network" message below N_("Network is down on interface %s. Click on \"Configure Network\""), notconfigured => N_("You do not have any configured Internet connection. Run the \"%s\" assistant from the Mandriva Linux Control Center", N("Set up a new network interface (LAN, ISDN, ADSL, ...)")), ); my %actions = ( 'upNetwork' => { name => sub { N("Connect %s", $_[0]) }, launch => sub { network::tools::start_interface($_[0], 1) } }, 'downNetwork' => { name => sub { N("Disconnect %s", $_[0]) }, launch => sub { network::tools::stop_interface($_[0], 1) } }, 'monitorNetwork' => { name => N("Monitor Network"), launch => \&run_net_monitor }, 'monitorIFW' => { name => N("Interactive Firewall"), launch => \&run_drakids }, 'wireless' => { name => N("Manage wireless networks"), launch => \&run_drakroam }, 'confNetwork' => { name => N("Configure Network"), launch => sub { system("/usr/sbin/drakconnect --skip-wizard &") } }, 'chooseInterface' => { name => N("Watched interface"), choices => sub { N("Auto-detect"), sort keys %{$net->{ifcfg}} }, choice_selected => sub { $watched_interface ? $_[0] eq $watched_interface : $_[0] eq N("Auto-detect") }, launch => sub { $watched_interface = $_[0] eq N("Auto-detect") ? undef : $_[0]; checkNetworkForce(); } }, 'chooseProfile' => { name => N("Profiles"), choices => sub { network::network::netprofile_list() }, choice_selected => sub { $_[0] eq $net->{PROFILE} }, launch => sub { require run_program; $net->{PROFILE} = $_[0]; run_program::raw({ detach => 1 }, network::tools::wrap_command_for_root('/sbin/set-netprofile', $net->{PROFILE})); } }, 'help' => { name => N("Get Online Help"), launch => sub { system("drakhelp --id internet-connection &") } }, 'quit' => { name => N("Quit"), launch => \&mainQuit }, ); gtkadd(my $icon = Gtk2::TrayIcon->new("Net_Applet"), gtkadd($eventbox = Gtk2::EventBox->new, gtkpack($img = Gtk2::Image->new) ) ); $eventbox->signal_connect(button_press_event => sub { $_[1]->button == 1 and run_net_monitor(); $_[1]->button == 3 && $menu and $menu->popup(undef, undef, undef, undef, $_[1]->button, $_[1]->time); }); $icon->show_all; my ($dbus, $monitor, $ifw, $interactive_cb, @attacks_queue, $ifw_alert); eval { $dbus = dbus_object::system_bus() }; eval { $monitor = network::monitor->new($dbus) } if $dbus; eval { $ifw = network::ifw->new($dbus, sub { my ($_con, $msg) = @_; my $member = $msg->get_member; if ($member eq 'Attack') { handle_attack($msg->get_args_list); } elsif ($member eq 'Init') { $ifw->attach_object; checkNetworkForce(); } elsif ($member eq 'AlertAck') { $ifw_alert = 0; } }); } if $dbus; $bubble = Gtk2::NotificationBubble->new; $bubble->attach($icon); $bubble->signal_connect(timeout => sub { set_verdict($attacks_queue[0], \&apply_verdict_ignore); }); $bubble->signal_connect(clicked => sub { $bubble->hide; eval { $ifw->send_alert_ack }; $ifw_alert = 0; update_tray_icon(); ask_attack_verdict($attacks_queue[0]); }); checkNetworkForce(); cronNetwork(); cronUpdate(); get_unprocessed_attacks(); $SIG{HUP} = sub { print "received SIGHUP, reloading network configuration\n"; checkNetworkForce(); }; Gtk2->main; ugtk2::exit(0); sub is_running { my ($name) = @_; any { my ($ppid, $pid, $n) = /^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)/; $pid != $$ && $n eq $name; } `ps -o '%P %p %c' -u $ENV{USER}`; } sub shouldStart() { my ($opt) = @ARGV; if ($opt eq '--force' || $opt eq '-f') { return 1; } return getAutoStart(); } sub run_net_monitor() { run_program::raw({ detach => 1 }, '/usr/sbin/net_monitor', '--defaultintf', $current_interface) unless is_running('net_monitor'); } sub run_drakroam() { run_program::raw({ detach => 1 }, '/usr/sbin/drakroam') unless is_running('drakroam'); } sub run_drakids() { $ifw_alert = 0; if (is_running('drakids')) { eval { $ifw->send_manage_request }; } else { run_program::raw({ detach => 1 }, '/usr/sbin/drakids'); } } sub generate_wireless_menuitem { my ($net) = @_; $net->{menuitem} = Gtk2::CheckMenuItem->new; $net->{menuitem}->set_draw_as_radio(1); $net->{menuitem}->add(gtkpack_(gtkshow(Gtk2::HBox->new), 1, gtkset_alignment($net->{ssid_label} = Gtk2::Label->new, 0, 0), 0, $net->{keyring_image} = Gtk2::Image->new_from_pixbuf($pixbufs{keyring}), 0, $net->{level_image} = Gtk2::Image->new)); $net->{activate} = $net->{menuitem}->signal_connect('activate' => sub { if (exists $net->{id}) { eval { $monitor->select_network($net->{id}) }; $@ and err_dialog(N("Interactive Firewall"), N("Unable to contact daemon")); } else { run_drakroam(); } checkNetworkForce(); }); undef $current_state; #- force menu redraw } sub update_wireless_item { my ($net, $ap_address) = @_; $net->{ssid_label}->set_text($net->{ssid} || "[$ap_address]"); $net->{keyring_image}->visible(defined $net->{flags}); $net->{level_image}->set_from_pixbuf($pixbufs{link_level}{$net->{approx_level}}); $net->{menuitem}->signal_handler_block($net->{activate}); $net->{menuitem}->set_active($net->{current}); $net->{menuitem}->signal_handler_unblock($net->{activate}); } sub checkWireless() { my $networks = eval { $monitor->list_wireless }; foreach (keys %$networks) { my $net = $wireless_networks{$_} ||= {}; put_in_hash($net, $networks->{$_}); exists $net->{menuitem} or generate_wireless_menuitem($net); update_wireless_item($net, $_); } $wireless_networks{$_}{menuitem}->visible(exists $networks->{$_}) foreach keys %wireless_networks; } sub checkNetwork() { checkWireless(); my ($gw_intf, $_is_up, $gw_address) = $watched_interface ? ($watched_interface, network::tools::get_interface_status($watched_interface)) : network::tools::get_internet_connection($net); go2State($gw_address ? 'connected' : $gw_intf ? 'disconnected' : 'notconfigured', $gw_intf); } sub checkNetworkForce() { $net = {}; network::network::read_net_conf($net); undef $current_state; checkNetwork(); } sub cronNetwork() { $timeout = Glib::Timeout->add(2000, sub { checkNetwork(); 1; }); } sub cronUpdate() { my $current_md5 = common::md5file($0); $update_timeout = Glib::Timeout->add(60000, sub { common::md5file($0) ne $current_md5 and exec($0); }); } sub go2State { my ($state_type, $interface) = @_; if ($current_state ne $state_type || $current_interface ne $interface) { $current_state = $state_type; $current_interface = $interface; if ($menu) { if (my $m = $wireless_menu && $wireless_menu->get_submenu) { $_->{menuitem}->get_parent and $m->remove($_->{menuitem}) foreach values %wireless_networks; } $menu->destroy; } $menu = generate_menu($interface); } } sub update_tray_icon() { !$ifw_alert || $img->get_storage_type ne 'pixbuf' ? $img->set_from_pixbuf($pixbufs{state}{$current_state eq 'connected' ? 'connected' : 'disconnected'}) : $img->set_from_stock('gtk-dialog-warning', 'small-toolbar'); } sub generate_menu { my ($interface) = @_; update_tray_icon(); gtkset_tip(Gtk2::Tooltips->new, $eventbox, formatAlaTeX(common::sprintf_fixutf8(translate($tooltips{$current_state}), $interface))); my $menu = Gtk2::Menu->new; my $create_item = sub { my ($action) = @_; my $name = ref($actions{$action}{name}) eq 'CODE' ? $actions{$action}{name}->($interface) : $actions{$action}{name}; my $launch = $actions{$action}{launch}; my @choices = exists $actions{$action}{choices} ? $actions{$action}{choices}->() : (); my $w; if (@choices == 0) { $w = gtksignal_connect(gtkshow(Gtk2::MenuItem->new_with_label($name)), activate => sub { $launch->($interface) }); } elsif (@choices > 1) { my $selected = $actions{$action}{choice_selected}; $w = gtkshow(create_menu($name, map { my $choice = $_; my $w = gtkshow(gtkset_active(Gtk2::CheckMenuItem->new_with_label($choice), $selected->($choice))); gtksignal_connect($w, activate => sub { $launch->($choice) }); $w->set_draw_as_radio(1); $w; } $actions{$action}{choices}->())); } #- don't add submenu if only one choice exists $w; }; my (@settings); my $has_wireless = $monitor && detect_devices::has_wireless(); my $interactive; eval { $interactive = $ifw->get_interactive }; if ($current_state eq 'connected') { $menu->append($create_item->($_)) foreach qw(downNetwork monitorNetwork); $menu->append($create_item->('monitorIFW')) if defined $interactive; } elsif ($current_state eq 'disconnected') { $menu->append($create_item->('upNetwork')); } $menu->append($create_item->('confNetwork')); if ($current_state ne 'notconfigured') { $menu->append($create_item->('wireless')) if $has_wireless; push @settings, $create_item->('chooseInterface'); } push @settings, $create_item->('chooseProfile'); if (defined $interactive) { $interactive_cb = gtkshow(gtksignal_connect(gtkset_active(Gtk2::CheckMenuItem->new_with_label(N("Interactive intrusion detection")), $interactive), toggled => sub { eval { $ifw->set_interactive(to_bool($_[0]->get_active)) } })); push @settings, $interactive_cb; } push @settings, gtkshow(gtksignal_connect(gtkset_active(Gtk2::CheckMenuItem->new_with_label(N("Always launch on startup")), getAutoStart()), toggled => sub { setAutoStart(uc(bool2text($_[0]->get_active))) })); $menu->append(gtkshow(Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new)); $has_wireless and $menu->append(gtkshow($wireless_menu = create_menu(N("Wireless networks"), map { $_->{menuitem} } values %wireless_networks))); $menu->append(gtkshow(create_menu(N("Settings"), grep { $_ } @settings))); $menu->append(gtkshow(Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new)); $menu->append($create_item->('help')); $menu->append($create_item->('quit')); $menu; } sub mainQuit() { Glib::Source->remove($timeout) if $timeout; Glib::Source->remove($update_timeout) if $update_timeout; Gtk2->main_quit; } sub getAutoStart() { my %p = getVarsFromSh($onstartupfile); return to_bool($p{AUTOSTART} ne 'FALSE'); } sub setAutoStart { my $state = shift; output_p $onstartupfile, qq(AUTOSTART=$state ); } sub get_unprocessed_attacks() { my @packets = eval { $ifw->get_reports }; while (my @attack = splice(@packets, 0, 10)) { handle_attack(@attack); } } sub handle_attack { my $attack = network::ifw::attack_to_hash(\@_); push @attacks_queue, $attack; @attacks_queue == 1 and notify_attack($attacks_queue[0]); } sub set_verdict { my ($attack, $apply_verdict) = @_; eval { $apply_verdict->($attack) }; $@ and err_dialog(N("Interactive Firewall"), N("Unable to contact daemon")); shift @attacks_queue; #- wait for some time so that the new bubble is noticeable @attacks_queue and Glib::Timeout->add(500, sub { notify_attack($attacks_queue[0]); 0 }); } sub apply_verdict_blacklist { my ($attack) = @_; $ifw->set_blacklist_verdict($attack->{seq}, 1); } sub apply_verdict_ignore { my ($attack) = @_; $ifw->set_blacklist_verdict($attack->{seq}, 0); } sub apply_verdict_whitelist { my ($attack) = @_; $ifw->whitelist($attack->{addr}); apply_verdict_ignore($attack); } sub notify_attack { my ($attack) = @_; unless ($attack->{msg}) { print "unhandled attack type, skipping\n"; return; } unless ($ifw_alert) { $ifw_alert = 1; update_tray_icon(); Glib::Timeout->add(1000, sub { update_tray_icon(); $ifw_alert; }); } $bubble->set(N("Interactive Firewall"), Gtk2::Image->new_from_pixbuf($pixbufs{firewall}), $attack->{msg}); $bubble->show(5000); } sub ask_attack_verdict { my ($attack) = @_; my $w = ugtk2->new(N("Interactive Firewall: intrusion detected"), icon => "/usr/lib/libDrakX/icons/drakfirewall.png"); my ($blacklist, $whitelist, $ignore, $auto); my $update_automatic_mode = sub { $auto->get_active and $interactive_cb->set_active(0) }; gtkadd($w->{window}, gtknew('VBox', spacing => 5, children_loose => [ gtknew('HBox', children => [ 0, Gtk2::Image->new_from_stock('gtk-dialog-warning', 'dialog'), 0, gtknew('Label', text => " "), 1, gtknew('VBox', children => [ 0, $attack->{msg}, 0, N("What do you want to do with this attacker?") ]) ]), gtksignal_connect(gtkadd(Gtk2::Expander->new(N("Attack details")), gtknew('HBox', children => [ 0, gtknew('Label', text => " "), 1, gtknew('VBox', children_loose => [ N("Attack time: %s", $attack->{date}), N("Network interface: %s", $attack->{indev}), N("Attack type: %s", $attack->{prefix}), if_($attack->{protocol}, N("Protocol: %s", $attack->{protocol})), N("Attacker IP address: %s", $attack->{ip_addr}), if_($attack->{hostname} ne $attack->{ip_addr}, N("Attacker hostname: %s", $attack->{hostname})), ( $attack->{service} ne $attack->{port} ? N("Service attacked: %s", $attack->{service}) : N("Port attacked: %s", $attack->{port}), ), if_($attack->{icmp_type}, N("Type of ICMP attack: %s", $attack->{icmp_type})) ]), ])), activate => sub { $_[0]->get_expanded and $w->shrink_topwindow } ), $auto = gtknew('CheckButton', text => N("Always blacklist (do not ask again)"), toggled => sub { $whitelist->set_sensitive(!$_[0]->get_active); $ignore->set_sensitive(!$_[0]->get_active); }), gtknew('HButtonBox', layout => 'edge', children_loose => [ $blacklist = gtknew('Button', text => N("Blacklist"), clicked => sub { $w->destroy; $update_automatic_mode->(); set_verdict($attack, \&apply_verdict_blacklist); }), $whitelist = gtknew('Button', text => N("Whitelist"), clicked => sub { $w->destroy; $update_automatic_mode->(); set_verdict($attack, \&apply_verdict_whitelist); }), $ignore = gtknew('Button', text => N("Ignore"), clicked => sub { $w->destroy; set_verdict($attack, \&apply_verdict_ignore); }), ]), ])); $blacklist->grab_focus; gtksignal_connect($w->{window}, delete_event => sub { set_verdict($attack, \&apply_verdict_ignore); }); $w->{window}->show_all; }