package printerdrake; # $Id$ use diagnostics; use strict; use common; use detect_devices; use commands; use modules; use network; use log; use printer; 1; sub choose_printer_type { my ($printer, $in) = @_; $in->set_help('configurePrinterConnected') if $::isInstall; my $queue = $printer->{OLD_QUEUE}; $printer->{str_type} = $printer::printer_type_inv{$printer->{TYPE}}; $printer->{str_type} = $in->ask_from_list_(_("Select Printer Connection"), _("How is the printer connected?") . ($printer->{SPOOLER} eq "cups" ? _(" Printers on remote CUPS servers you do not have to configure here; these printers will be automatically detected. Please select \"Printer on remote CUPS server\" in this case.") : ()), [ printer::printer_type($printer) ], $printer->{str_type}, ) or return 0; $printer->{TYPE} = $printer::printer_type{$printer->{str_type}}; 1; } sub setup_remote_cups_server { my ($printer, $in) = @_; $in->set_help('configureRemoteCUPSServer') if $::isInstall; my $queue = $printer->{OLD_QUEUE}; #- hack to handle cups remote server printing, #- first read /etc/cups/cupsd.conf for variable BrowsePoll address:port my ($server, $port, $default); # Return value: 0 when nothing was changed ("Apply" never pressed), 1 # when "Apply" was at least pressed once. my $retvalue = 0; while (1) { # Read CUPS config file my @cupsd_conf = printer::read_cupsd_conf(); foreach (@cupsd_conf) { /^\s*BrowsePoll\s+(\S+)/ and $server = $1, last; } $server =~ /([^:]*):(.*)/ and ($server, $port) = ($1, $2); # Read printer list my @queuelist = printer::read_cups_printer_list(); if ($#queuelist >=0) { $default = printer::get_cups_default_printer(); my $queue; for $queue (@queuelist) { if ($queue =~ /^\s*$default/) { $default = $queue; } } } else { push(@queuelist, "None"); $default = "None"; } #- Remember the server/port settings to check whether the user changed #- them. my $oldserver = $server; my $oldport = $port; #- then ask user for this combination and rewrite /etc/cups/cupsd.conf #- according to new settings. There are no other point where such #- information is written in this file. if ($in->ask_from_entries_refH_powered ({ title => _("Remote CUPS server"), messages => _("With a remote CUPS server, you do not have to configure any printer here; CUPS servers inform your machine automatically about their printers. All printers known to your machine currently are listed in the \"Default printer\" field. Choose the default printer for your machine there and click the \"Apply/Re-read printers\" button. Click the same button to refresh the list (it can take up to 30 seconds after the start of CUPS until all remote printers are visible). When your CUPS server is in a different network, you have to give the CUPS server IP address and optionally the port number to get the printer information from the server, otherwise leave these fields blank."), cancel => _("Close"), ok => _("Apply/Re-read printers"), callbacks => { complete => sub { unless (!$server || network::is_ip($server)) { $in->ask_warn('', _("IP address should be in format")); return (1,0); } if ($port !~ /^\d*$/) { $in->ask_warn('', _("Port number should be an integer number")); return (1,1); } return 0; } } }, [ { label => _("Default printer"), val => \$default, not_edit => 0, list => \@queuelist}, #{ label => _("Default printer") }, #{ val => \$default, # format => \&translate, not_edit => 0, list => \@queuelist}, { label => _("CUPS server IP"), val => \$server }, { label => _("Port"), val => \$port } ] )) { # We have clicked "Apply/Re-read" $retvalue = 1; # Set default printer if ($default =~ /^\s*([^\s\(\)]+)\s*\(/) { $default = $1; } if ($default ne "None") { printer::set_cups_default_printer($default); } # Set BrowsePoll line if (($server ne $oldserver) || ($port ne $oldport)) { $server && $port and $server = "$server:$port"; if ($server) { @cupsd_conf = map { $server and s/^\s*BrowsePoll\s+(\S+)/BrowsePoll $server/ and $server = ''; $_ } @cupsd_conf; $server and push @cupsd_conf, "\nBrowsePoll $server\n"; } else { @cupsd_conf = map { s/^\s*BrowsePoll\s+(\S+)/\#BrowsePoll $1/; $_ } @cupsd_conf; } printer::write_cupsd_conf(@cupsd_conf); sleep 3; } } else { last; } } return $retvalue; } sub setup_printer_connection { my ($printer, $in) = @_; # Choose the appropriate connection config dialog my $done = 1; for ($printer->{TYPE}) { /LOCAL/ and setup_local ($printer, $in) and last; /LPD/ and setup_lpd ($printer, $in) and last; /SOCKET/ and setup_socket ($printer, $in) and last; /SMB/ and setup_smb ($printer, $in) and last; /NCP/ and setup_ncp ($printer, $in) and last; /URI/ and setup_uri ($printer, $in) and last; /POSTPIPE/ and setup_postpipe ($printer, $in) and last; $done = 0; last; } return $done; } sub auto_detect { my ($in) = @_; { my $w = $in->wait_message(_("Test ports"), _("Detecting devices...")); modules::get_alias("usb-interface") and eval { modules::load("printer"); sleep(2); }; foreach (qw(parport_pc lp parport_probe parport)) { eval { modules::unload($_); }; #- on kernel 2.4 parport has to be unloaded to probe again } foreach (qw(parport_pc lp parport_probe)) { eval { modules::load($_); }; #- take care as not available on 2.4 kernel (silent error). } } my $b = before_leaving { eval { modules::unload("parport_probe") } }; detect_devices::whatPrinter(); } sub setup_local { my ($printer, $in) = @_; my $queue = $printer->{OLD_QUEUE}; my @port = (); my @str = (); my $device; my @parport = auto_detect($in); # $printer->{currentqueue}{queuedata} foreach (@parport) { $_->{val}{DESCRIPTION} and push @str, _("A printer, model \"%s\", has been detected on ", $_->{val}{DESCRIPTION}) . $_->{port}; } if ($::expert || !@str) { @port = detect_devices::whatPrinterPort(); } else { @port = map { $_->{port} } grep { $_->{val}{DESCRIPTION} } @parport; } if (($printer->{configured}{$queue}) && ($printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'} =~ m/^file:/)) { $device = $printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'}; $device =~ s/^file://; } elsif ($port[0]) { $device = $port[0]; } if ($in) { $::expert or $in->set_help('configurePrinterDev') if $::isInstall; return if !$in->ask_from_entries_refH(_("Local Printer Device"), _("What device is your printer connected to (note that /dev/lp0 is equivalent to LPT1:)?\n") . (join "\n", @str), [ { label => _("Printer Device"), val => \$device, list => \@port, not_edit => !$::expert } ], complete => sub { unless ($device ne "") { $in->ask_warn('', _("Device/file name missing!")); return (1,0); } return 0; } ); } #- make the DeviceURI from $device. $printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'} = "file:" . $device; #- Read the printer driver database if necessary if ((keys %printer::thedb) == 0) { printer::read_printer_db($printer->{SPOOLER}); } #- Search the database entry which matches the detected printer best foreach (@parport) { $device eq $_->{port} or next; $printer->{DBENTRY} = bestMatchSentence ($_->{val}{DESCRIPTION}, keys %printer::thedb); } 1; } sub setup_lpd { my ($printer, $in) = @_; my $uri; my $remotehost; my $remotequeue; my $queue = $printer->{OLD_QUEUE}; if (($printer->{configured}{$queue}) && ($printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'} =~ m/^lpd:/)) { $uri = $printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'}; $uri =~ m!^\s*lpd://([^/]+)/([^/]+)/?\s*$!; $remotehost = $1; $remotequeue = $2; } else { $remotehost = ""; $remotequeue = "lp"; } return if !$in->ask_from_entries_refH(_("Remote lpd Printer Options"), _("To use a remote lpd printer, you need to supply the hostname of the printer server and the printer name on that server."), [ { label => _("Remote host name"), val => \$remotehost }, { label => _("Remote printer name"), val => \$remotequeue } ], complete => sub { unless ($remotehost ne "") { $in->ask_warn('', _("Remote host name missing!")); return (1,0); } unless ($remotequeue ne "") { $in->ask_warn('', _("Remote printer name missing!")); return (1,1); } return 0; } ); #- make the DeviceURI from user input. $printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'} = "lpd://$remotehost/$remotequeue"; #- LPD does not support filtered queues to a remote LPD server by itself #- It needs an additional program as "rlpr" $printer->{SPOOLER} eq 'lpd' and $in->do_pkgs->install('rlpr'); 1; } sub setup_smb { my ($printer, $in) = @_; my $uri; my $smbuser = ""; my $smbpassword = ""; my $workgroup = ""; my $smbserver = ""; my $smbserverip = ""; my $smbshare = ""; my $queue = $printer->{OLD_QUEUE}; if (($printer->{configured}{$queue}) && ($printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'} =~ m/^smb:/)) { $uri = $printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'}; $uri =~ m!^\s*smb://(.*)$!; my $parameters = $1; # Get the user's login and password from the URI if ($parameters =~ m!([^@]*)@([^@]+)!) { my $login = $1; $parameters = $2; if ($login =~ m!([^:]*):([^:]*)!) { $smbuser = $1; $smbpassword = $2; } else { $smbuser = $login; $smbpassword = ""; } } else { $smbuser = ""; $smbpassword = ""; } # Get the workgroup, server, and share name if ($parameters =~ m!([^/]*)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$!) { $workgroup = $1; $smbserver = $2; $smbshare = $3; } elsif ($parameters =~ m!([^/]+)/([^/]+)$!) { $workgroup = ""; $smbserver = $1; $smbshare = $2; } else { die "The \"smb://\" URI must at least contain the server name and the share name!\n"; } if (network::is_ip($smbserver)) { $smbserverip = $smbserver; $smbserver = ""; } } return if !$in->ask_from_entries_refH(_("SMB (Windows 9x/NT) Printer Options"), _("To print to a SMB printer, you need to provide the SMB host name (Note! It may be different from its TCP/IP hostname!) and possibly the IP address of the print server, as well as the share name for the printer you wish to access and any applicable user name, password, and workgroup information."), [ { label => _("SMB server host"), val => \$smbserver }, { label => _("SMB server IP"), val => \$smbserverip }, { label => _("Share name"), val => \$smbshare }, { label => _("User name"), val => \$smbuser }, { label => _("Password"), val => \$smbpassword, hidden => 1 }, { label => _("Workgroup"), val => \$workgroup }, ], complete => sub { unless ((network::is_ip($smbserverip)) || ($smbserverip eq "")) { $in->ask_warn('', _("IP address should be in format")); return (1,1); } unless (($smbserver ne "") || ($smbserverip ne "")) { $in->ask_warn('', _("Either the server name or the server's IP must be given!")); return (1,0); } unless ($smbshare ne "") { $in->ask_warn('', _("Samba share name missing!")); return (1,2); } return 0; } ); #- make the DeviceURI from, try to probe for available variable to #- build a suitable URI. $printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'} = join '', ("smb://", ($smbuser && ($smbuser . ($smbpassword && ":$smbpassword") . "@")), ($workgroup && ("$workgroup/")), ($smbserver || $smbserverip), "/$smbshare"); $in->do_pkgs->install('samba-client'); $printer->{SPOOLER} eq 'cups' and printer::restart_queue($printer); 1; } sub setup_ncp { my ($printer, $in) = @_; my $uri; my $ncpuser = ""; my $ncppassword = ""; my $ncpserver = ""; my $ncpqueue = ""; my $queue = $printer->{OLD_QUEUE}; if (($printer->{configured}{$queue}) && ($printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'} =~ m/^ncp:/)) { $uri = $printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'}; $uri =~ m!^\s*ncp://(.*)$!; my $parameters = $1; # Get the user's login and password from the URI if ($parameters =~ m!([^@]*)@([^@]+)!) { my $login = $1; $parameters = $2; if ($login =~ m!([^:]*):([^:]*)!) { $ncpuser = $1; $ncppassword = $2; } else { $ncpuser = $login; $ncppassword = ""; } } else { $ncpuser = ""; $ncppassword = ""; } # Get the workgroup, server, and share name if ($parameters =~ m!([^/]+)/([^/]+)$!) { $ncpserver = $1; $ncpqueue = $2; } else { die "The \"ncp://\" URI must at least contain the server name and the share name!\n"; } } return if !$in->ask_from_entries_refH(_("NetWare Printer Options"), _("To print on a NetWare printer, you need to provide the NetWare print server name (Note! it may be different from its TCP/IP hostname!) as well as the print queue name for the printer you wish to access and any applicable user name and password."), [ { label => _("Printer Server"), val => \$ncpserver }, { label => _("Print Queue Name"), val => \$ncpqueue }, { label => _("User name"), val => \$ncpuser }, { label => _("Password"), val => \$ncppassword, hidden => 1 } ], complete => sub { unless ($ncpserver ne "") { $in->ask_warn('', _("NCP server name missing!")); return (1,0); } unless ($ncpqueue ne "") { $in->ask_warn('', _("NCP queue name missing!")); return (1,1); } return 0; } ); # Generate the Foomatic URI $printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'} = join '', ("ncp://", ($ncpuser && ($ncpuser . ($ncppassword && ":$ncppassword") . "@")), "$ncpserver/$ncpqueue"); $in->do_pkgs->install('ncpfs'); 1; } sub setup_socket { my ($printer, $in) = @_; my ($hostname, $port); my $uri; my $remotehost; my $remoteport; my $queue = $printer->{OLD_QUEUE}; if (($printer->{configured}{$queue}) && ($printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'} =~ m/^socket:/)) { $uri = $printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'}; $uri =~ m!^\s*socket://([^/:]+):([0-9]+)/?\s*$!; $remotehost = $1; $remoteport = $2; } else { $remotehost = ""; $remoteport = "9100"; } return if !$in->ask_from_entries_refH(_("Socket Printer Options"), _("To print to a socket printer, you need to provide the host name of the printer and optionally the port number. On HP JetDirect servers the port number is usually 9100, on other servers it can vary. See the manual of your hardware."), [ { label => _("Printer host name"), val => \$remotehost }, { label => _("Port"), val => \$remoteport } ], complete => sub { unless ($remotehost ne "") { $in->ask_warn('', _("Printer host name missing!")); return (1,0); } unless ($remoteport =~ /^[0-9]+$/) { $in->ask_warn('', _("The port must be an integer number!")); return (1,1); } return 0; } ); #- make the Foomatic URI $printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'} = join '', ("socket://$remotehost", $remoteport ? (":$remoteport") : ()); #- LPD and LPRng need netcat ('nc') to access to socket printers $printer->{SPOOLER} eq 'lpd' || $printer->{SPOOLER} eq 'lprng' and $in->do_pkgs->install('nc'); 1; } sub setup_uri { my ($printer, $in) = @_; return if !$in->ask_from_entries_refH(_("Printer Device URI"), _("You can specify directly the URI to access the printer. The URI must fulfill either the CUPS or the Foomatic specifications. Note that not all URI types are supported by all the spoolers."), [ { label => _("Printer Device URI"), val => \$printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'}, list => [ $printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'}, "file:/", "http://", "ipp://", "lpd://", "smb://", "ncp://", "socket://", "postpipe:", ], not_edit => 0 }, ], complete => sub { unless ($printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'} =~ /[^:]+:.+/) { $in->ask_warn('', _("A valid URI must be entered!")); return (1,0); } return 0; } ); if ($printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'} =~ /^smb:/) { $in->do_pkgs->install('samba-client'); printer::restart_queue($printer); } if ($printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'} =~ /^ncp:/) { $in->do_pkgs->install('ncpfs'); printer::restart_queue($printer); } 1; } sub setup_postpipe { my ($printer, $in) = @_; my $uri; my $commandline; my $queue = $printer->{OLD_QUEUE}; if (($printer->{configured}{$queue}) && ($printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'} =~ m/^postpipe:/)) { $uri = $printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'}; $uri =~ m!^\s*postpipe:(.*)$!; $commandline = $1; } else { $commandline = ""; } return if !$in->ask_from_entries_refH(_("Pipe into command"), _("Here you can specify any arbitrary command line into which the job should be piped instead of being sent directly to a printer."), [ { label => _("Command line"), val => \$commandline }, ], complete => sub { unless ($commandline ne "") { $in->ask_warn('', _("A command line must be entered!")); return (1,0); } return 0; } ); #- make the Foomatic URI $printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'} = "postpipe:$commandline"; 1; } sub choose_printer_name { my ($printer, $in) = @_; # Name, description, location $in->set_help('configurePrinterLocal') if $::isInstall; my $default = $printer->{currentqueue}{'queue'}; $in->ask_from_entries_refH_powered ( { title => _("Enter Printer Name and Comments"), #cancel => !$printer->{configured}{$queue} ? '' : _("Remove queue"), callbacks => { complete => sub { unless ($printer->{currentqueue}{'queue'} =~ /^\w+$/) { $in->ask_warn('', _("Name of printer should contain only letters, numbers and the underscore")); return (1,0); } if (($printer->{configured}{$printer->{currentqueue}{'queue'}}) && ($printer->{currentqueue}{'queue'} ne $default) && (!$in->ask_yesorno('', _("The printer \"%s\" already exists,\ndo you really want to overwrite its configuration?", $printer->{currentqueue}{'queue'}), 0))) { return (1,0); # Let the user correct the name } return 0; }, }, messages => _("Every printer needs a name (for example lp). The Description and Location fields do not need to be filled in. They are comments for the users.") }, [ { label => _("Name of printer"), val => \$printer->{currentqueue}{'queue'} }, { label => _("Description"), val => \$printer->{currentqueue}{'desc'} }, { label => _("Location"), val => \$printer->{currentqueue}{'loc'} }, ]) or return 0; $printer->{QUEUE} = $printer->{currentqueue}{'queue'}; 1; } sub get_db_entry { my ($printer) = @_; #- Read the printer driver database if necessary if ((keys %printer::thedb) == 0) { printer::read_printer_db($printer->{SPOOLER}); } my $queue = $printer->{OLD_QUEUE}; if ($printer->{configured}{$queue}) { # The queue was already configured if ($printer->{configured}{$queue}{'queuedata'}{'foomatic'}) { # The queue was configured with Foomatic my $driverstr; if ($printer->{configured}{$queue}{'driver'} eq "Postscript") { $driverstr = "PostScript"; } else { $driverstr = "GhostScript + $printer->{configured}{$queue}{'driver'}"; } my $make = $printer->{configured}{$queue}{'make'}; my $model = $printer->{configured}{$queue}{'model'}; if ($::expert) { $printer->{DBENTRY} = "$make|$model|$driverstr"; # database key contains te "(recommended)" for the # recommended driver, so add it if necessary if (!($printer::thedb{$printer->{DBENTRY}}{id})) { $printer->{DBENTRY} .= " (recommended)"; } } else { $printer->{DBENTRY} = "$make|$model"; # Make sure that we use the recommended driver $printer->{currentqueue}{'driver'} = $printer::thedb{$printer->{DBENTRY}}{driver}; } $printer->{OLD_CHOICE} = $printer->{DBENTRY}; } elsif (($::expert) && ($printer->{SPOOLER} eq "cups")) { # Do we have a native CUPS driver or a PostScript PPD file? $printer->{DBENTRY} = printer::get_descr_from_ppd($printer) || $printer->{DBENTRY}; $printer->{OLD_CHOICE} = $printer->{DBENTRY}; } else { # Point the list cursor at least to manufacturer and model of the # printer $printer->{DBENTRY} = ""; my $make = $printer->{configured}{$queue}{'make'}; my $model = $printer->{configured}{$queue}{'model'}; my $key; for $key (keys %printer::thedb) { if ((($::expert) && ($key =~ /^$make\|$model\|.*\(recommended\)$/)) || ((!$::expert) && ($key =~ /^$make\|$model$/))) { $printer->{DBENTRY} = $key; } } if ($printer->{DBENTRY} eq "") { # Exact match of make and model did not work, try to clean # ups the model name $model =~ s/PS//; $model =~ s/PostScript//; $model =~ s/Series//; for $key (keys %printer::thedb) { if ((($::expert) && ($key =~ /^$make\|$model\|.*\(recommended\)$/)) || ((!$::expert) && ($key =~ /^$make\|$model$/))) { $printer->{DBENTRY} = $key; } } } if ($printer->{DBENTRY} eq "") { # Exact match with cleaned-up model did not work, try a best # match $printer->{DBENTRY} = bestMatchSentence("$make|$model", keys %printer::thedb); } $printer->{OLD_CHOICE} = ""; } } else { if (($::expert) && ($printer->{DBENTRY} !~ (recommended))) { $printer->{DBENTRY} =~ /^([^\|]+)\|([^\|]+)\|/; my $make = $1; my $model = $2; my $key; for $key (keys %printer::thedb) { if ($key =~ /^$make\|$model\|.*\(recommended\)$/) { $printer->{DBENTRY} = $key; } } } $printer->{OLD_CHOICE} = $printer->{DBENTRY}; } } sub choose_model { my ($printer, $in) = @_; #- Read the printer driver database if necessary if ((keys %printer::thedb) == 0) { printer::read_printer_db($printer->{SPOOLER}); } $in->set_help('configurePrinterType') if $::isInstall; # Choose the printer/driver from the list return ($printer->{DBENTRY} = $in->ask_from_treelist (_("Printer model selection"), _("Which printer model do you have?"), '|', [ keys %printer::thedb ], $printer->{DBENTRY})); } sub get_printer_info { my ($printer) = @_; #- Read the printer driver database if necessary if ((keys %printer::thedb) == 0) { printer::read_printer_db($printer->{SPOOLER}); } my $queue = $printer->{OLD_QUEUE}; my $oldchoice = $printer->{OLD_CHOICE}; $printer->{currentqueue}{'id'} = $printer::thedb{$printer->{DBENTRY}}{id}; $printer->{currentqueue}{'ppd'} = $printer::thedb{$printer->{DBENTRY}}{ppd}; $printer->{currentqueue}{'driver'} = $printer::thedb{$printer->{DBENTRY}}{driver}; $printer->{currentqueue}{'make'} = $printer::thedb{$printer->{DBENTRY}}{make}; $printer->{currentqueue}{'model'} = $printer::thedb{$printer->{DBENTRY}}{model}; if (($printer->{currentqueue}{'id'}) || # We have a Foomatic queue ($printer->{currentqueue}{'ppd'})) { # We have a CUPS+PPD queue if ($printer->{currentqueue}{'id'}) { # Foomatic queue? $printer->{currentqueue}{'foomatic'} = 1; # Now get the options for this printer/driver combo if (($printer->{configured}{$queue}) && ($printer->{configured}{$queue}{'queuedata'}{'foomatic'})) { # The queue was already configured with Foomatic ... if (($printer->{DBENTRY} eq $oldchoice) && 0) { # ... and the user didn't change the printer/driver $printer->{ARGS} = $printer->{configured}{$queue}{'args'}; } else { # ... and the user has chosen another printer/driver $printer->{ARGS} = printer::read_foomatic_options($printer); } } else { # The queue was not configured with Foomatic before $printer->{ARGS} = printer::read_foomatic_options($printer); } } elsif ($printer->{currentqueue}{'ppd'}) { # CUPS+PPD queue? # Now get the options from this PPD file if ($printer->{configured}{$queue}) { # The queue was already configured if ($printer->{DBENTRY} eq $oldchoice) { # ... and the user didn't change the printer/driver $printer->{ARGS} = printer::read_cups_options($queue); } else { # ... and the user has chosen another printer/driver $printer->{ARGS} = printer::read_cups_options ("/usr/share/cups/model/" . $printer->{currentqueue}{ppd}); } } else { # The queue was not configured before $printer->{ARGS} = printer::read_cups_options ("/usr/share/cups/model/" . $printer->{currentqueue}{ppd}); } } } } sub setup_options { my ($printer, $in) = @_; $in->set_help('configurePrinterOptions') if $::isInstall; if (($printer->{currentqueue}{'id'}) || # We have a Foomatic queue ($printer->{currentqueue}{'ppd'})) { # We have a CUPS+PPD queue # Set up the widgets for the option dialog my @widgets; my @userinputs; my @choicelists; my @shortchoicelists; my $i; for ($i = 0; $i <= $#{$printer->{ARGS}}; $i++) { my $optshortdefault = $printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'default'}; if ($printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'type'} eq 'enum') { # enumerated option push(@choicelists, []); push(@shortchoicelists, []); my $choice; for $choice (@{$printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'vals'}}) { push(@{$choicelists[$i]}, $choice->{'comment'}); push(@{$shortchoicelists[$i]}, $choice->{'value'}); if ($choice->{'value'} eq $optshortdefault) { push(@userinputs, $choice->{'comment'}); } } push(@widgets, { label => $printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'comment'}, val => \$userinputs[$i], not_edit => 1, list => \@{$choicelists[$i]} }); } elsif ($printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'type'} eq 'bool') { # boolean option push(@choicelists, [$printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'name'}, $printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'name_false'}]); push(@shortchoicelists, []); push(@userinputs, $choicelists[$i][1-$optshortdefault]); push(@widgets, { label => $printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'comment'}, val => \$userinputs[$i], not_edit => 1, list => \@{$choicelists[$i]} }); } else { # numerical option push(@choicelists, []); push(@shortchoicelists, []); push(@userinputs, $optshortdefault); push(@widgets, { label => $printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'comment'} . " ($printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'min'} ... " . "$printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'max'})", #type => 'range', #min => $printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'min'}, #max => $printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'max'}, val => \$userinputs[$i] } ); } } # Show the options dialog. The call-back function does a # range check of the numerical options. my $windowtitle; if ($::expert) { $windowtitle = $printer->{DBENTRY}; $windowtitle =~ s/\|/ /; $windowtitle =~ s/\|/, /; } else { $windowtitle = "$printer->{currentqueue}{'make'} " . "$printer->{currentqueue}{'model'}" } return 0 if !$in->ask_from_entries_refH ($windowtitle, _("Printer default settings You should make sure that the page size and the ink type (if available) are set correctly. Note that with a very high printout quality printing can get substantially slower."), \@widgets, complete => sub { my $i; for ($i = 0; $i <= $#{$printer->{ARGS}}; $i++) { if (($printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'type'} eq 'int') || ($printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'type'} eq 'float')) { unless (($printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'type'} eq 'float') || ($userinputs[$i] =~ /^[0-9]+$/)) { $in->ask_warn ('', _("Option $printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'comment'} must be an integer number!")); return (1, $i); } unless (($printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'type'} eq 'int') || ($userinputs[$i] =~ /^[0-9\.]+$/)) { $in->ask_warn ('', _("Option $printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'comment'} must be a number!")); return (1, $i); } unless (($userinputs[$i] >= $printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'min'}) && ($userinputs[$i] <= $printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'max'})) { $in->ask_warn ('', _("Option $printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'comment'} out of range!")); return (1, $i); } } } return (0); } ); # Read out the user's choices @{$printer->{OPTIONS}} = (); for ($i = 0; $i <= $#{$printer->{ARGS}}; $i++) { push(@{$printer->{OPTIONS}}, "-o"); if ($printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'type'} eq 'enum') { # enumerated option my $j; for ($j = 0; $j <= $#{$choicelists[$i]}; $j++) { if ($choicelists[$i][$j] eq $userinputs[$i]) { push(@{$printer->{OPTIONS}}, $printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'name'} . "=". $shortchoicelists[$i][$j]); } } } elsif ($printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'type'} eq 'bool') { # boolean option push(@{$printer->{OPTIONS}}, $printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'name'} . "=". (($choicelists[$i][0] eq $userinputs[$i]) ? "1" : "0")); } else { # numerical option push(@{$printer->{OPTIONS}}, $printer->{ARGS}[$i]{'name'} . "=" . $userinputs[$i]); } } } 1; } sub print_testpages { my ($printer, $in, $upNetwork) = @_; # print test pages my $standard = 1; my $altletter = 0; my $alta4 = 0; my $photo = 0; my $ascii = 0; if ($in->ask_from_entries_refH_powered ({ title => _("Test pages"), messages => _("Please select the test pages you want to print. Note: the photo test page can take a rather long time to get printed and on laser printers with too low memory it can even not come out. In most cases it is enough to print the standard test page."), cancel => ($printer->{configured}{$printer->{OLD_QUEUE}} ? _("Cancel") : _("No test pages")), ok => _("Print")}, [ { text => _("Standard test page"), type => 'bool', val => \$standard }, ($::expert ? { text => _("Alternative test page (Letter)"), type => 'bool', val => \$altletter } : ()), ($::expert ? { text => _("Alternative test page (A4)"), type => 'bool', val => \$alta4 } : ()), { text => _("Photo test page"), type => 'bool', val => \$photo } #{ text => _("Plain text test page"), type => 'bool', # val => \$ascii } ])) { # if ($in->ask_yesorno('', _("Do you want to print a test page?"), 1)) { my @lpq_output; { my $w = $in->wait_message('', _("Printing test page(s)...")); $upNetwork and do { &$upNetwork(); undef $upNetwork; sleep(1) }; my $stdtestpage = "/usr/share/printer-testpages/"; my $altlttestpage = "/usr/share/printer-testpages/"; my $alta4testpage = "/usr/share/printer-testpages/"; my $phototestpage = "/usr/share/printer-testpages/photo-testpage.jpg"; my $asciitestpage = "/usr/share/printer-testpages/testpage.asc"; my @testpages; # Install the filter to convert the photo test page to PS $photo && $in->do_pkgs->install('ImageMagick'); # set up list of pages to print $standard && push (@testpages, $stdtestpage); $altletter && push (@testpages, $altlttestpage); $alta4 && push (@testpages, $alta4testpage); $photo && push (@testpages, $phototestpage); $ascii && push (@testpages, $asciitestpage); # print the stuff @lpq_output = printer::print_pages($printer, @testpages); } my $dialogtext; if (@lpq_output) { $dialogtext = _("Test page(s) have been sent to the printer. It may take some time before the printer starts. Printing status:\n%s\n\n", @lpq_output); } else { $dialogtext = _("Test page(s) have been sent to the printer. It may take some time before the printer starts.\n"); } if ($printer->{configured}{$printer->{OLD_QUEUE}}) { $in->ask_warn('',$dialogtext); return 1; } else { $in->ask_yesorno('',$dialogtext . _("Did it work properly?"), 1) and return 1; } } else { return 1; } return 0; } sub setup_default_spooler { my ($printer, $in) = @_; $printer->{SPOOLER} ||= 'cups'; my $str_spooler = $in->ask_from_list_(_("Select Printer Spooler"), _("Which printing system (spooler) do you want to use?"), [ printer::spooler() ], $printer::spooler_inv{$printer->{SPOOLER}}, ) or return; $printer->{SPOOLER} = $printer::spooler{$str_spooler}; # Install the spooler if not done yet install_spooler($printer, $in); # Get the queues of this spooler printer::read_configured_queues($printer); return $printer->{SPOOLER}; } sub install_spooler { # installs the default spooler and start its daemon # TODO: Automatically transfer queues between LPRng and LPD, # Turn off /etc/printcap writing in CUPS when LPD or # LPRng is used (perhaps better to be done in CUPS/LPD/LPRng # start-up scripts?) my ($printer, $in) = @_; if (!$::testing) { if ($printer->{SPOOLER} eq "cups") { $in->do_pkgs->install(('cups', 'xpp', 'qtcups', if_($in->do_pkgs->is_installed('kdebase'), 'kups'), ($::expert ? 'cups-drivers' : ()))); # Start daemon printer::start_service("cups"); sleep 1; } elsif ($printer->{SPOOLER} eq "lpd") { # "lpr" conflicts with "LPRng", remove "LPRng" $in->do_pkgs->remove_nodeps('LPRng'); $in->do_pkgs->install('lpr'); # Start daemon printer::restart_service("lpd"); sleep 1; } elsif ($printer->{SPOOLER} eq "lprng") { # "LPRng" conflicts with "lpr", remove "lpr" $in->do_pkgs->remove_nodeps('lpr'); $in->do_pkgs->install('LPRng'); # Start daemon printer::restart_service("lpd"); sleep 1; } elsif ($printer->{SPOOLER} eq "pdq") { $in->do_pkgs->install('pdq'); # PDQ has no daemon } } } #- Program entry point for configuration with of the printing system. sub main { my ($printer, $in, $ask_multiple_printer, $upNetwork) = @_; # printerdrake does not work without foomatic, and for more convenience # we install some more stuff if (!$::testing) { $in->do_pkgs->install('foomatic', 'printer-utils','printer-testpages', if_($in->do_pkgs->is_installed('gimp'), 'gimpprint')); } # only experts should be asked for the spooler !$::expert && ($printer->{SPOOLER} ||= 'cups'); # If we have chosen a spooler, install it. if (($printer->{SPOOLER}) && ($printer->{SPOOLER} ne '')) { install_spooler($printer, $in); } # Control variables for the main loop my ($queue, $continue, $newqueue, $editqueue, $expertswitch) = ('', 1, 0, 0, 0); # Cursor position in queue modification window my $modify = _("Printer options"); while ($continue) { $newqueue = 0; # When the queue list is not shown, cancelling the printer type # dislog should leave the program $continue = 0; if ($editqueue) { # The user was either in the printer modification dialog and did # not close it or he had set up a new queue and said that the test # page didn't come out correctly, so let the user edit the queue. $newqueue = 0; $continue = 1; $editqueue = 0; } else { # Reset modification window cursor when one leaves the window $modify = _("Printer options"); if (!$ask_multiple_printer && %{$printer->{configured} || {}} == ()) { $newqueue = 1; $queue = $printer->{want} || $in->ask_yesorno(_("Printer"), _("Would you like to configure printing?"), 0) ? 'lp' : _("Done"); if ($queue ne _("Done")) { $printer->{SPOOLER} ||= setup_default_spooler ($printer, $in) || return; } } else { # Ask for a spooler when none is defined $printer->{SPOOLER} ||= setup_default_spooler ($printer, $in) || return; # Show a queue list window when there is at least one queue # or when we are in expert mode unless ((%{$printer->{configured} || {}} == ()) && (!$::expert)) { # Cancelling the printer type dialog should leed to this # dialog $continue = 1; # $expertwitch gets one when the "Expert mode"/ # "Standard mode" button is clicked. $expertswitch = !$in->ask_from_entries_refH_powered( {messages => _("The following printers are configured.\nYou can add some more or modify the existing ones."), cancel => ($::isInstall ? ('') : ($::expert ? 'Normal Mode' : 'Expert Mode')), }, # List the queues [ { val => \$queue, format => \&translate, list => [ (sort keys %{$printer->{configured} || {}}), # Button to add a new queue _("Add printer"), # In expert mode we can change the spooler ($::expert ? ( _("Spooler: ") . $printer::spooler_inv{$printer->{SPOOLER}} ) : ()), # Bored by configuring your printers, get out of here! _("Done") ] } ] ); } else { #- as there are no printer already configured, Add one #- automatically. $queue = _("Add printer"); } # Determine a default name for a new printer queue if ($queue eq _("Add printer")) { $newqueue = 1; my %queues; @queues{map { split '\|', $_ } keys %{$printer->{configured}}} = (); my $i = ''; while ($i < 100) { last unless exists $queues{"lp$i"}; ++$i; } $queue = "lp$i"; } if ($queue =~ /^Spooler: /) { $printer->{SPOOLER} = setup_default_spooler ($printer, $in) || $printer->{SPOOLER}; next; } } # Toggle expert mode and standard mode if ($expertswitch) { $expertswitch = 0; $::expert = !$::expert; # Read printer database for the new user mode %printer::thedb = (); printer::read_printer_db($printer->{SPOOLER}); next; } # Save the default spooler printer::set_default_spooler($printer); #- Close printerdrake $queue eq _("Done") and last; } if ($newqueue) { #- Set default values for a new queue $printer::printer_type_inv{$printer->{TYPE}} or $printer->{TYPE} = printer::default_printer_type($printer); $printer->{currentqueue} = {}; $printer->{currentqueue}{'queue'} = $queue; $printer->{currentqueue}{'foomatic'} = 0; $printer->{currentqueue}{'desc'} = ""; $printer->{currentqueue}{'loc'} = ""; $printer->{currentqueue}{'make'} = ""; $printer->{currentqueue}{'model'} = ""; $printer->{currentqueue}{'spooler'} = $printer->{SPOOLER}; #- Set OLD_QUEUE field so that the subroutines for the #- configuration work correctly. $printer->{OLD_QUEUE} = $printer->{QUEUE} = $queue; #- When we are back on the main menu the cursor should be #- on "Add printer" $queue = _("Add printer"); #- Do all the configuration steps for a new queue choose_printer_type($printer, $in) or next; if ($printer->{TYPE} eq 'CUPS') { setup_remote_cups_server($printer, $in); next; } #- Cancelling one of the following dialogs should restart #- printerdrake $continue = 1; setup_printer_connection($printer, $in) or next; choose_printer_name($printer, $in) or next; get_db_entry($printer); choose_model($printer, $in) or next; get_printer_info($printer); setup_options($printer, $in) or next; $printer->{complete} = 1; printer::configure_queue($printer); $printer->{complete} = 0; if (print_testpages($printer, $in, $printer->{TYPE} !~ /LOCAL/ && $upNetwork)) { $continue = ($::expert || !$::isInstall); } else { $editqueue = 1; } } else { # Modify a queue, ask which part should be modified if ($in->ask_from_entries_refH_powered ({ title => _("Modify printer configuration"), messages => _("Printer %s: %s %s What do you want to modify on this printer?", $queue, $printer->{configured}{$queue}{make}, $printer->{configured}{$queue}{model}), cancel => _("Close"), ok => _("Do it!") }, [ { val => \$modify, format => \&translate, list => [ _("Printer connection type"), _("Printer name, description, location"), ($::expert ? _("Printer manufacturer, model, driver") : _("Printer manufacturer, model")), _("Printer options"), _("Print test pages"), _("Remove printer") ] } ] ) ) { # Stay in the queue edit window until the user clicks "Close" # or deletes the queue $editqueue = 1; #- Copy the queue data and work on the copy $printer->{currentqueue} = {}; printer::copy_printer_params ($printer->{configured}{$queue}{'queuedata'}, $printer->{currentqueue}) if $printer->{configured}{$queue}; #- Keep in mind the printer driver which was used, so it can #- be determined whether the driver is only available in expert #- and so for setting the options for the driver in #- recommended mode a special treatment has to be applied. my $driver = $printer->{currentqueue}{driver}; #- keep in mind old name of queue (in case of changing) $printer->{OLD_QUEUE} = $printer->{QUEUE} = $queue; #- Which printer type did we have before (check beginning of #- URI) my $type; for $type (qw(file lpd socket smb ncp postpipe)) { if ($printer->{currentqueue}{'connect'} =~ /^$type:/) { $printer->{TYPE} = ($type eq 'file' ? 'LOCAL' : uc($type)); last; } } # Get all info about the printer model and options get_db_entry($printer); get_printer_info($printer); # Do the chosen task if ($modify eq _("Printer connection type")) { choose_printer_type($printer, $in) && setup_printer_connection($printer, $in) && do { $printer->{complete} = 1; printer::configure_queue($printer); $printer->{complete} = 0; } } elsif ($modify eq _("Printer name, description, location")) { choose_printer_name($printer, $in) && do { $printer->{complete} = 1; printer::configure_queue($printer); $printer->{complete} = 0; }; # Delete old queue when it was renamed if (lc($printer->{QUEUE}) ne lc($printer->{OLD_QUEUE})) { printer::remove_queue($printer, $printer->{OLD_QUEUE}); $queue = $printer->{QUEUE}; } } elsif (($modify eq _("Printer manufacturer, model, driver")) || ($modify eq _("Printer manufacturer, model"))) { choose_model($printer, $in) && do { get_printer_info($printer); setup_options($printer, $in) && do { $printer->{complete} = 1; printer::configure_queue($printer); $printer->{complete} = 0; } } } elsif ($modify eq _("Printer options")) { if ((!$::expert) && (!(($printer->{currentqueue}{foomatic}) && ($driver eq $printer::thedb{$printer->{DBENTRY}}{driver})))) { # This is a hack to allow to adjust the options of a # printer which was set up in expert mode when # one is currently in recommended mode (CUPS printer # or not recommended Foomatic driver) $::expert = 1; # Read database in expert mode %printer::thedb = (); printer::read_printer_db($printer->{SPOOLER}); # Neutralize printer data set delete($printer->{currentqueue}{foomatic}); delete($printer->{currentqueue}{id}); delete($printer->{currentqueue}{ppd}); # Re-read printer data in expert mode get_db_entry($printer); get_printer_info($printer); setup_options($printer, $in) && do { $printer->{complete} = 1; printer::configure_queue($printer); $printer->{complete} = 0; }; $::expert = 0; # Re-read database in recommended mode %printer::thedb = (); printer::read_printer_db($printer->{SPOOLER}); } else { # Normal procedure for recommended driver or expert # mode setup_options($printer, $in) && do { $printer->{complete} = 1; printer::configure_queue($printer); $printer->{complete} = 0; }; } } elsif ($modify eq _("Print test pages")) { print_testpages($printer, $in, $upNetwork); } elsif ($modify eq _("Remove printer")) { $in->ask_yesorno('', _("Do you really want to remove the printer \"%s\"?", $queue), 1) && printer::remove_queue($printer, $queue) && ($editqueue = 0); } } else { $editqueue = 0; } $continue = ($::expert || !$::isInstall); } if ($continue) { # Reinitialize $printer data structure printer::resetinfo($printer); } } }