package printer::detect; use strict; use common; use modules; use detect_devices; use printer::data; sub local_detect() { modules::any_conf->read->get_probeall("usb-interface") and eval { modules::load($usbprintermodule) }; # Reload parallel port modules only when we were not called by # automatic setup of print queues, to avoid recursive calls if (!$::autoqueue) { eval { modules::unload(qw(lp parport_pc ppdev parport)) }; #- on kernel 2.4 parport has to be unloaded to probe again eval { modules::load(qw(ppdev parport_pc lp)) }; #- take care as not available on 2.4 kernel (silent error). } whatPrinter(); } sub net_detect { whatNetPrinter(1, 0, @_) } sub net_smb_detect { whatNetPrinter(0, 1, @_) } sub detect { local_detect(), whatNetPrinter(1, 1, @_); } #-CLASS:PRINTER; #-MODEL:HP LaserJet 1100; #-MANUFACTURER:Hewlett-Packard; #-DESCRIPTION:HP LaserJet 1100 Printer; #-COMMAND SET:MLC,PCL,PJL; sub whatPrinter() { my @res = (whatParport(), whatUsbport()); grep { $_->{val}{CLASS} eq "PRINTER" } @res; } sub whatParport() { my @res; my $i = 0; foreach (sort { $a =~ /(\d+)/; my $m = $1; $b =~ /(\d+)/; my $n = $1; $m <=> $n } `ls -1d /proc/parport/[0-9]* /proc/sys/dev/parport/parport[0-9]* 2>/dev/null`) { chomp; my $elem = {}; my $F; open $F, "$_/autoprobe" or next; { local $_; my $itemfound = 0; while (<$F>) { chomp; if (/(.*):(.*);/) { #-# $elem->{$1} = $2; $elem->{$1} =~ s/Hewlett[-\s_]Packard/HP/; $elem->{$1} =~ s/HEWLETT[-\s_]PACKARD/HP/; $itemfound = 1; # Add IEEE-1284 device ID string $elem->{IEEE1284} .= $_; } } # Some parallel printers miss the "CLASS" field $elem->{CLASS} = 'PRINTER' if $itemfound && !defined($elem->{CLASS}); } push @res, { port => "/dev/lp$i", val => $elem }; $i ++; } @res; } sub whatPrinterPort() { grep { detect_devices::tryWrite($_) } qw(/dev/lp0 /dev/lp1 /dev/lp2 /dev/usb/lp0 /dev/usb/lp1 /dev/usb/lp2 /dev/usb/lp3 /dev/usb/lp4 /dev/usb/lp5 /dev/usb/lp6 /dev/usb/lp7 /dev/usb/lp8 /dev/usb/lp9); } sub whatUsbport() { # The printer manufacturer and model names obtained with the usb_probe() # function were very messy, once there was a lot of noise around the # manufacturers name ("Inc.", "SA", "International", ...) and second, # all Epson inkjets answered with the name "Epson Stylus Color 760" which # lead many newbies to install their Epson Stylus Photo XXX as an Epson # Stylus Color 760 ... # # This routine based on an ioctl request gives very clean and correct # manufacturer and model names, so that they are easily matched to the # printer entries in the Foomatic database my @res; foreach my $i (0..15) { my $port = "/dev/usb/lp$i"; my $realport = devices::make($port); next if !$realport; next if ! -r $realport; foreach my $j (1..3) { open(my $PORT, $realport) or next; my $idstr = ""; # Calculation of IOCTL function 0x84005001 (to get device ID # string): # len = 1024 # IOCNR_GET_DEVICE_ID = 1 # LPIOC_GET_DEVICE_ID(len) = # _IOC(_IOC_READ, 'P', IOCNR_GET_DEVICE_ID, len) # _IOC(), _IOC_READ as defined in /usr/include/asm/ioctl.h # Use "eval" so that program does not stop when IOCTL fails eval { my $output = "\0" x 1024; ioctl($PORT, 0x84005001, $output); $idstr = $output; } or do { close $PORT; next; }; close $PORT; # Cut resulting string to its real length my $length = ord(substr($idstr, 1, 1)) + (ord(substr($idstr, 0, 1)) << 8); $idstr = substr($idstr, 2, $length-2); # Remove non-printable characters $idstr =~ tr/[\x00-\x1f]/./; # If we do not find any item in the ID string, we try to read # it again my $itemfound = 0; # Extract the printer data from the ID string my ($manufacturer, $model, $serialnumber, $description, $commandset) = ("", "", "", "", ""); my ($sku); if ($idstr =~ /CLS:([^;]+);/ || $idstr =~ /CLASS:([^;]+);/) { $itemfound = 1; } if ($idstr =~ /MFG:([^;]+);/ || $idstr =~ /MANUFACTURER:([^;]+);/) { $manufacturer = $1; $manufacturer =~ s/Hewlett[-\s_]Packard/HP/; $manufacturer =~ s/HEWLETT[-\s_]PACKARD/HP/; $itemfound = 1; } # For HP's multi-function devices the real model name is in the "SKU" # field. So use this field with priority for $model when it exists. if ($idstr =~ /MDL:([^;]+);/ || $idstr =~ /MODEL:([^;]+);/) { $model ||= $1; $itemfound = 1; } if ($idstr =~ /SKU:([^;]+);/) { $sku = $1; $itemfound = 1; } if ($idstr =~ /DES:([^;]+);/ || $idstr =~ /DESCRIPTION:([^;]+);/) { $description = $1; $description =~ s/Hewlett[-\s_]Packard/HP/; $description =~ s/HEWLETT[-\s_]PACKARD/HP/; $itemfound = 1; } if (($idstr =~ /SE*R*N:([^;]+);/) || ($idstr =~ /SN:([^;]+);/)) { $serialnumber = $1; $itemfound = 1; } if ($idstr =~ /CMD:([^;]+);/ || $idstr =~ /COMMAND\s*SET:([^;]+);/) { $commandset ||= $1; $itemfound = 1; } # Nothing found? Try again if not in the third attempt, # after the third attempt give up next if !$itemfound; # Was there a manufacturer and a model in the string? if ($manufacturer eq "" || $model eq "") { $manufacturer = ""; $model = N("Unknown Model"); } # No description field? Make one out of manufacturer and model. if ($description eq "") { $description = "$manufacturer $model"; } # Store this auto-detection result in the data structure push @res, { port => $port, val => { CLASS => 'PRINTER', MODEL => $model, MANUFACTURER => $manufacturer, DESCRIPTION => $description, SERIALNUMBER => $serialnumber, 'COMMAND SET' => $commandset, SKU => $sku, IEEE1284 => $idstr, } }; last; } } @res; } sub whatNetPrinter { my ($network, $smb, $timeout) = @_; my (@res); # Set timeouts for "nmap" $timeout = 4000 if !$timeout; my $irtimeout = $timeout / 2; # Which ports should be scanned? my @portstoscan; push @portstoscan, "139" if $smb; push @portstoscan, "4010", "4020", "4030", "5503", "9100-9104" if $network; return () if $#portstoscan < 0; my $portlist = join ",", @portstoscan; # Which hosts should be scanned? # (Applying nmap to a whole network is very time-consuming, because nmap # waits for a certain timeout period on non-existing hosts, so we get a # lists of existing hosts by pinging the broadcast addresses for existing # hosts and then scanning only them, which is much faster) my @hostips = getIPsInLocalNetworks(); return () if $#hostips < 0; my $hostlist = join " ", @hostips; # Scan network for printers, the timeout settings are there to avoid # delays caused by machines blocking their ports with a firewall local *F; open F, ($::testing ? "" : "chroot $::prefix/ ") . qq(/bin/sh -c "export LC_ALL=C; nmap -r -P0 --host_timeout $timeout --initial_rtt_timeout $irtimeout -p $portlist $hostlist" 2> /dev/null |) or return @res; my ($host, $ip, $port, $modelinfo) = ("", "", "", ""); while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; # head line of the report of a host with the ports in question open if (($line =~ m/^\s*Interesting\s+ports\s+on\s+(\S*)\s*\((\S+)\)\s*:\s*$/i) || ($line =~ m/^\s*Interesting\s+ports\s+on\s+(\S+)\s*:\s*$/i)) { ($host, $ip) = ($1, $2); $ip = $host if !$ip; $host = $ip if $host eq ""; $port = ""; undef $modelinfo; } elsif ($line =~ m!^\s*(\d+)/\S+\s+open\s+!i) { next if $ip eq ""; $port = $1; # Now we have all info for one printer # Store this auto-detection result in the data structure # Determine the protocol by the port number # SMB/Windows if ($port eq "139") { my @shares = getSMBPrinterShares($ip); foreach my $share (@shares) { push @res, { port => "smb://$host/$share->{name}", val => { CLASS => 'PRINTER', MODEL => N("Unknown Model"), MANUFACTURER => "", DESCRIPTION => $share->{description}, SERIALNUMBER => "" } }; } } else { if (!defined($modelinfo)) { # SNMP request to auto-detect model $modelinfo = getSNMPModel($ip); } if (defined($modelinfo)) { push @res, { port => "socket://$host:$port", val => $modelinfo }; } } } } close F; @res; } sub getNetworkInterfaces() { # subroutine determines the list of all network interfaces reported # by "ifconfig", except "lo". # Return an empty list if no network is running return () unless network_running(); my @interfaces; local *IFCONFIG_OUT; open IFCONFIG_OUT, ($::testing ? "" : "chroot $::prefix/ ") . '/bin/sh -c "export LC_ALL=C; ifconfig" 2> /dev/null |' or return (); while (my $readline = ) { # New entry ... if ($readline =~ /^(\S+)\s/) { my $dev = $1; if ($dev ne "lo") { push @interfaces, $dev; } } } close(IFCONFIG_OUT); @interfaces; } sub getIPsOfLocalMachine() { # subroutine determines all IPs which point to the local machine, # except (localhost). # Return an empty list if no network is running return () unless network_running(); # Read the output of "ifconfig" to determine the broadcast addresses of # the local networks my $dev_is_realnet = 0; my @local_ips; my $current_ip = ""; local *IFCONFIG_OUT; open IFCONFIG_OUT, ($::testing ? "" : "chroot $::prefix/ ") . '/bin/sh -c "export LC_ALL=C; ifconfig" 2> /dev/null |' or return (); while (my $readline = ) { # New entry ... if ($readline =~ /^(\S+)\s/) { my $dev = $1; # ... for a real network (not lo = localhost) $dev_is_realnet = $dev ne 'lo'; # delete previous address $current_ip = ""; } # Are we in the important line now? if ($readline =~ /\sinet addr:([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s/) { # Rip out the IP address $current_ip = $1; # Are we in an entry for a real network? if ($dev_is_realnet) { # Store current IP address push @local_ips, $current_ip; } } } close(IFCONFIG_OUT); @local_ips; } sub getIPsInLocalNetworks() { # subroutine determines the list of all hosts reachable in the local # networks by means of pinging the broadcast addresses. # Return an empty list if no network is running return () unless network_running(); # Read the output of "ifconfig" to determine the broadcast addresses of # the local networks my $dev_is_localnet = 0; my $local_nets = {}; my $dev; local *IFCONFIG_OUT; open IFCONFIG_OUT, ($::testing ? "" : "chroot $::prefix/ ") . '/bin/sh -c "export LC_ALL=C; ifconfig" 2> /dev/null |' or return (); while (my $readline = ) { # New entry ... if ($readline =~ /^(\S+)\s/) { $dev = $1; # ... for a local network (eth = ethernet, # vmnet = VMWare, # ethernet card connected to ISP excluded)? $dev_is_localnet = $dev =~ /^eth/ || $dev =~ /^vmnet/; } if ($dev_is_localnet) { # Are we in the important line now? if ($readline =~ /\saddr:([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s/) { # Rip out the broadcast IP address $local_nets->{$dev}{ip} = $1; } if ($readline =~ /\sBcast:([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s/) { # Rip out the broadcast IP address $local_nets->{$dev}{bcast} = $1; } if ($readline =~ /\sMask:([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s/) { # Rip out the broadcast IP address $local_nets->{$dev}{mask} = $1; } } } close(IFCONFIG_OUT); # Now find all addresses in the local networks which we will investigate my @addresses; foreach $dev (keys %{$local_nets}) { my $ip = $local_nets->{$dev}{ip}; my $bcast = $local_nets->{$dev}{bcast}; my $mask = $local_nets->{$dev}{mask}; if ($mask =~ /255.255.255.(\d+)/) { # Small network, never more than 255 boxes, so we return # all addresses belonging to this network, nwithout pinging my $lastnumber = $1; my $masknumber; if ($lastnumber < 128) { $masknumber = 24; } elsif ($lastnumber < 192) { $masknumber = 25; } elsif ($lastnumber < 224) { $masknumber = 26; } elsif ($lastnumber < 240) { $masknumber = 27; } elsif ($lastnumber < 248) { $masknumber = 28; } elsif ($lastnumber < 252) { $masknumber = 29; } elsif ($lastnumber < 254) { $masknumber = 30; } elsif ($lastnumber < 255) { $masknumber = 31; } else { $masknumber = 32; } push @addresses, "$ip/$masknumber"; } else { # Big network, probably more than 255 boxes, so ping the # broadcast address and additionally "nmblookup" the # networks (to find Windows servers which do not answer to ping) local *F; open F, ($::testing ? "" : "chroot $::prefix/ ") . qq(/bin/sh -c "export LC_ALL=C; ping -w 1 -b -n $bcast 2> /dev/null | cut -f 4 -d ' ' | sed s/:// | egrep '^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+' | uniq | sort" |) or next; local $_; while () { chomp; push @addresses, $_ } close F; if (-x "/usr/bin/nmblookup") { local *F; open F, ($::testing ? "" : "chroot $::prefix/ ") . qq(/bin/sh -c "export LC_ALL=C; nmblookup -B $bcast \\* 2> /dev/null | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | egrep '^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+' | uniq | sort" |) or next; local $_; while () { chomp; push @addresses, $_ if !(member($_,@addresses)); } } } } @addresses; } sub getSMBPrinterShares { my ($host) = @_; # SMB request to auto-detect shares local *F; open F, ($::testing ? "" : "chroot $::prefix/ ") . qq(/bin/sh -c "export LC_ALL=C; smbclient -N -L $host" 2> /dev/null |) or return (); my $insharelist = 0; my @shares; while (my $l = ) { chomp $l; if ($l =~ /^\s*Sharename\s+Type\s+Comment\s*$/i) { $insharelist = 1; } elsif ($l =~ /^\s*Server\s+Comment\s*$/i) { $insharelist = 0; } elsif ($l =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+Printer\s*(.*)$/i && $insharelist) { my $name = $1; my $description = $2; $description =~ s/^(\s*)//; push @shares, { name => $name, description => $description }; } } close F; return @shares; } sub getSNMPModel { my ($host) = @_; my $manufacturer = ""; my $model = ""; my $description = ""; my $serialnumber = ""; # SNMP request to auto-detect model local *F; open F, ($::testing ? $::prefix : "chroot $::prefix/ ") . qq(/bin/sh -c "scli -v 1 -c 'show printer info' $host" 2> /dev/null |) or return { CLASS => 'PRINTER', MODEL => N("Unknown Model"), MANUFACTURER => "", DESCRIPTION => "", SERIALNUMBER => "" }; while (my $l = ) { chomp $l; if ($l =~ /^\s*Manufacturer:\s*(\S.*)$/i && $l =~ /^\s*Vendor:\s*(\S.*)$/i) { $manufacturer = $1; $manufacturer =~ s/Hewlett[-\s_]Packard/HP/; $manufacturer =~ s/HEWLETT[-\s_]PACKARD/HP/; } elsif ($l =~ /^\s*Model:\s*(\S.*)$/i) { $model = $1; } elsif ($l =~ /^\s*Description:\s*(\S.*)$/i) { $description = $1; $description =~ s/Hewlett[-\s_]Packard/HP/; $description =~ s/HEWLETT[-\s_]PACKARD/HP/; } elsif ($l =~ /^\s*Serial\s*Number:\s*(\S.*)$/i) { $serialnumber = $1; } } close F; # Was there a manufacturer and a model in the output? # If not, get them from the description if ($manufacturer eq "" || $model eq "") { if ($description =~ /^\s*(\S*)\s+(\S.*)$/) { $manufacturer = $1 if $manufacturer eq ""; $model = $2 if $model eq ""; } # No description field? Make one out of manufacturer and model. } elsif ($description eq "") { $description = "$manufacturer $model"; } # We couldn't determine a model $model = N("Unknown Model") if $model eq ""; # Remove trailing spaces $manufacturer =~ s/(\S+)\s+$/$1/; $model =~ s/(\S+)\s+$/$1/; $description =~ s/(\S+)\s+$/$1/; $serialnumber =~ s/(\S+)\s+$/$1/; # Now we have all info for one printer # Store this auto-detection result in the data structure return { CLASS => 'PRINTER', MODEL => $model, MANUFACTURER => $manufacturer, DESCRIPTION => $description, SERIALNUMBER => $serialnumber }; } sub network_running() { # If the network is not running return 0, otherwise 1. local *F; open F, ($::testing ? $::prefix : "chroot $::prefix/ ") . '/bin/sh -c "export LC_ALL=C; /sbin/ifconfig" 2> /dev/null |' or die 'Could not run "ifconfig"!'; while (my $line = ) { if ($line !~ /^lo\s+/ && # The loopback device can have been # started by the spooler's startup script $line =~ /^(\S+)\s+/) { # In this line starts an entry for a # running network close F; return 1; } } close F; return 0; } sub parport_addr { # auto-detect the parallel port addresses my ($device) = @_; $device =~ m!^/dev/lp(\d+)$! or $device =~ m!^/dev/printers/(\d+)$!; my $portnumber = $1; my $i = 0; my $parportdir; foreach (sort { $a =~ /(\d+)/; my $m = $1; $b =~ /(\d+)/; my $n = $1; $m <=> $n } `ls -1d /proc/parport/[0-9]* /proc/sys/dev/parport/parport[0-9]* 2>/dev/null`) { chomp; if ($i == $portnumber) { $parportdir = $_; last; } $i++; } my $parport_addresses = `cat $parportdir/base-addr`; my $address_arg; if ($parport_addresses =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*$/) { $address_arg = sprintf(" -base 0x%x -basehigh 0x%x", $1, $2); } elsif ($parport_addresses =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/) { $address_arg = sprintf(" -base 0x%x", $1); } else { $address_arg = ""; } return $address_arg; } 1;