package install_steps_interactive; use diagnostics; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(install_steps); #-###################################################################################### #- misc imports #-###################################################################################### use common qw(:common :file :functional); use partition_table qw(:types); use install_steps; use pci_probing::main; use install_any; use detect_devices; use timezone; use network; use mouse; use modules; use lang; use pkgs; use keyboard; use fs; use modparm; use log; use printer; use lilo; #-###################################################################################### #- In/Out Steps Functions #-###################################################################################### sub errorInStep($$) { my ($o, $err) = @_; $o->ask_warn(_("Error"), [ _("An error occurred"), $err ]); } sub kill_action { my ($o) = @_; $o->kill; } #-###################################################################################### #- Steps Functions #-###################################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub selectLanguage($) { my ($o) = @_; $o->{lang} = lang::text2lang($o->ask_from_list("Language", _("Which language do you want?"), # the translation may be used for the help [ lang::list() ], lang::lang2text($o->{lang}))); install_steps::selectLanguage($o); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub selectKeyboard($) { my ($o) = @_; $o->{keyboard} = keyboard::text2keyboard($o->ask_from_list_("Keyboard", _("Which keyboard do you have?"), [ keyboard::list() ], keyboard::keyboard2text($o->{keyboard}))); $o->{keyboard_force} = 1; install_steps::selectKeyboard($o); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub selectPath($) { my ($o) = @_; $o->{isUpgrade} = $o->ask_from_list_(_("Install/Upgrade"), _("Is this an install or an upgrade?"), [ __("Install"), __("Upgrade") ], $o->{isUpgrade} ? "Upgrade" : "Install") eq "Upgrade"; install_steps::selectPath($o); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub selectRootPartition($@) { my ($o,@partitions) = @_; $o->{upgradeRootPartition} = $o->ask_from_list_(_("Root Partition"), _("What is the root partition of your system?"), [ @partitions ], $o->{upgradeRootPartitions}); #- TODO check choice, then mount partition in $o->{prefix} and autodetect. #- install_steps::selectRootPartition($o); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub selectInstallClass($@) { my ($o, @classes) = @_; $o->{installClass} = $o->ask_from_list_(_("Install Class"), _("What type of user will you have?"), [ @classes ], $o->{installClass}); install_steps::selectInstallClass($o); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub selectMouse { my ($o, $force) = @_; my $name = $o->{mouse}{FULLNAME}; if (!$name || $::expert || $force) { $name = $o->ask_from_list_('', _("Which mouse do you have"), [ mouse::names() ], $name); $o->{mouse} = mouse::name2mouse($name); } my $b = $o->{mouse}{nbuttons} < 3; $o->{mouse}{XEMU3} = 'yes' if $::expert && $o->ask_yesorno('', _("Emulate third button"), $b) || $b; $o->{mouse}{device} = mouse::serial_ports_names2dev( $o->ask_from_list(_("Mouse Port"), _("Which serial port is your mouse connected to?"), [ mouse::serial_ports_names() ])) if $o->{mouse}{device} eq "ttyS"; $o->SUPER::selectMouse; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setupSCSI { setup_thiskind($_[0], 'scsi', $_[1], $_[2]) } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub rebootNeeded($) { my ($o) = @_; $o->ask_warn('', _("You need to reboot for the partition table modifications to take place")); install_steps::rebootNeeded($o); } sub choosePartitionsToFormat($$) { my ($o, $fstab) = @_; $o->SUPER::choosePartitionsToFormat($fstab); my @l = grep { $_->{mntpoint} && !($::beginner && isSwap($_)) } @$fstab; return if $::beginner && 0 == grep { ! $_->{toFormat} } @l; $o->ask_many_from_list_ref('', _("Choose the partitions you want to format"), [ map { isSwap($_) ? type2name($_->{type}) . " ($_->{device})" : $_->{mntpoint} } @l ], [ map { \$_->{toFormat} } @l ]) or die "cancel"; } sub formatPartitions { my $o = shift; my $w = $o->wait_message('', ''); foreach (@_) { if ($_->{toFormat}) { $w->set(_("Formatting partition %s", $_->{device})); fs::format_part($_); } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setPackages { my ($o, $install_classes) = @_; my $w = $o->wait_message('', _("Searching for available packages")); $o->SUPER::setPackages($install_classes); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub findPackagesToUpgrade { my ($o) = @_; my $w = $o->wait_message('', _("Finding package to upgrade")); $o->SUPER::findPackagesToUpgrade(); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub configureNetwork($) { my ($o, $first_time) = @_; my $r = ''; if ($o->{intf}) { if ($first_time) { my @l = ( __("Keep the current IP configuration"), __("Reconfigure network now"), __("Don't set up networking"), ); $r = $o->ask_from_list_(_("Network Configuration"), _("LAN networking has already been configured. Do you want to:"), [ @l ]); $r ||= "Don't"; } } else { $o->ask_yesorno(_("Network Configuration"), _("Do you want to configure LAN (not dialup) networking for your installed system?")) or $r = "Don't"; } if ($r =~ /^Don\'t/) { $o->{netc}{NETWORKING} = "false"; } elsif ($r !~ /^Keep/) { $o->setup_thiskind('net', !$::expert, 1); my @l = detect_devices::getNet() or die _("no network card found"); my $last; foreach ($::beginner ? $l[0] : @l) { my $intf = network::findIntf($o->{intf} ||= [], $_); add2hash($intf, $last); add2hash($intf, { NETMASK => '' }); $o->configureNetworkIntf($intf) or return; $o->{netc} ||= {}; delete $o->{netc}{dnsServer}; delete $o->{netc}{GATEWAY}; $last = $intf; } #- { #- my $wait = $o->wait_message(_("Hostname"), _("Determining host name and domain...")); #- network::guessHostname($o->{prefix}, $o->{netc}, $o->{intf}); #- } $o->configureNetworkNet($o->{netc}, $last ||= {}, @l) or return; } install_steps::configureNetwork($o); } sub configureNetworkIntf { my ($o, $intf) = @_; delete $intf->{NETWORK}; delete $intf->{BROADCAST}; my @fields = qw(IPADDR NETMASK); $o->ask_from_entries_ref(_("Configuring network device %s", $intf->{DEVICE}), _("Please enter the IP configuration for this machine. Each item should be entered as an IP address in dotted-decimal notation (for example,"), [ _("IP address:"), _("Netmask:")], [ \$intf->{IPADDR}, \$intf->{NETMASK} ], complete => sub { for (my $i = 0; $i < @fields; $i++) { unless (network::is_ip($intf->{$fields[$i]})) { $o->ask_warn('', _("IP address should be in format")); return (1,$i); } return 0; } }, focus_out => sub { $intf->{NETMASK} = network::netmask($intf->{IPADDR}) unless $_[0] } ); } sub configureNetworkNet { my ($o, $netc, $intf, @devices) = @_; $netc->{dnsServer} ||= network::dns($intf->{IPADDR}); $netc->{GATEWAY} ||= network::gateway($intf->{IPADDR}); $o->ask_from_entries_ref(_("Configuring network"), _("Please enter your host name. Your host name should be a fully-qualified host name, such as ``''. Also give the gateway if you have one"), [_("Host name:"), _("DNS server:"), _("Gateway:"), !$::beginner ? _("Gateway device:") : ()], [(map { \$netc->{$_}} qw(HOSTNAME dnsServer GATEWAY)), {val => \$netc->{GATEWAYDEV}, list => \@devices}] ); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub timeConfig { my ($o, $f) = @_; $o->{timezone}{GMT} = $o->ask_yesorno('', _("Is your hardware clock set to GMT?"), $o->{timezone}{GMT}); $o->{timezone}{timezone} ||= timezone::bestTimezone(lang::lang2text($o->{lang})); $o->{timezone}{timezone} = $o->ask_from_list('', _("In which timezone are you"), [ timezone::getTimeZones($::g_auto_install ? '' : $o->{prefix}) ], $o->{timezone}{timezone}); install_steps::timeConfig($o,$f); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #-sub servicesConfig {} #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub printerConfig($) { my ($o) = @_; $o->{printer}{want} = $o->ask_yesorno(_("Printer"), _("Would you like to configure a printer?"), $o->{printer}{want}); return if !$o->{printer}{want}; unless (($::testing)) { printer::set_prefix($o->{prefix}); pkgs::select($o->{packages}, $o->{packages}{'rhs-printfilters'}); $o->installPackages($o->{packages}); } printer::read_printer_db(); $o->{printer}{complete} = 0; if ($::expert) { #std info #Don't wait, if the user enter something, you must remember it $o->ask_from_entries_ref(_("Standard Printer Options"), _("Every print queue (which print jobs are directed to) needs a name (often lp) and a spool directory associated with it. What name and directory should be used for this queue?"), [_("Name of queue:"), _("Spool directory:")], [\$o->{printer}{QUEUE}, \$o->{printer}{SPOOLDIR}], changed => sub { $o->{printer}{SPOOLDIR} = "$printer::spooldir/$o->{printer}{QUEUE}" unless $_[0]; }, ); } $o->{printer}{str_type} = $o->ask_from_list_(_("Select Printer Connection"), _("How is the printer connected?"), [keys %printer::printer_type], ${$o->{printer}}{str_type}, ); $o->{printer}{TYPE} = $printer::printer_type{$o->{printer}{str_type}}; if ($o->{printer}{TYPE} eq "LOCAL") { { my $w = $o->wait_message(_("Test ports"), _("Detecting devices...")); eval { modules::load("lp");modules::load("parport_probe"); }; } my @port = (); my @parport = detect_devices::whatPrinter(); eval { modules::unload("parport_probe") }; my $str; if ($parport[0]) { my $port = $parport[0]{port}; $o->{printer}{DEVICE} = $port; my $descr = common::bestMatchSentence2($parport[0]{val}{DESCRIPTION}, @printer::entry_db_description); $o->{printer}{DBENTRY} = $printer::descr_to_db{$descr}; $str = _("I have detected a %s on ", $parport[0]{val}{DESCRIPTION}) . $port; @port = map { $_->{port}} @parport; } else { @port = detect_devices::whatPrinterPort(); } $o->{printer}{DEVICE} = $port[0] if $port[0]; return if !$o->ask_from_entries_ref(_("Local Printer Device"), _("What device is your printer connected to \n(note that /dev/lp0 is equivalent to LPT1:)?\n") . $str , [_("Printer Device:")], [{val => \$o->{printer}{DEVICE}, list => \@port }], ); #-TAKE A GOODDEFAULT TODO } elsif ($o->{printer}{TYPE} eq "REMOTE") { return if !$o->ask_from_entries_ref(_("Remote lpd Printer Options"), _("To use a remote lpd print queue, you need to supply the hostname of the printer server and the queue name on that server which jobs should be placed in."), [_("Remote hostname:"), _("Remote queue:")], [\$o->{printer}{REMOTEHOST}, \$o->{printer}{REMOTEQUEUE}], ); } elsif ($o->{printer}{TYPE} eq "SMB") { return if !$o->ask_from_entries_ref( _("SMB/Windows 95/NT Printer Options"), _("To print to a SMB printer, you need to provide the SMB host name (this is not always the same as the machines TCP/IP hostname) and possibly the IP address of the print server, as well as the share name for the printer you wish to access and any applicable user name, password, and workgroup information."), [_("SMB server host:"), _("SMB server IP:"), _("Share name:"), _("User name:"), _("Password:"), _("Workgroup:")], [\$o->{printer}{SMBHOST}, \$o->{printer}{SMBHOSTIP}, \$o->{printer}{SMBSHARE}, \$o->{printer}{SMBUSER}, {val => \$o->{printer}{SMBPASSWD}, hidden => 1}, \$o->{printer}{SMBWORKGROUP} ], complete => sub { unless (network::is_ip($o->{printer}{SMBHOSTIP})) { $o->ask_warn('', _("IP address should be in format")); return (1,1); } return 0; }, ); } else {#($o->{printer}{TYPE} eq "NCP") { return if !$o->ask_from_entries_ref(_("NetWare Printer Options"), _("To print to a NetWare printer, you need to provide the NetWare print server name (this is not always the same as the machines TCP/IP hostname) as well as the print queue name for the printer you wish to access and any applicable user name and password."), [_("Printer Server:"), _("Print Queue Name:"), _("User name:"), _("Password:")], [\$o->{printer}{NCPHOST}, \$o->{printer}{NCPQUEUE}, \$o->{printer}{NCPUSER}, {val => \$o->{printer}{NCPPASSWD}, hidden => 1}], ); } $o->{printer}{DBENTRY} = $printer::descr_to_db{ $o->ask_from_list_(_("Configure Printer"), _("What type of printer do you have?"), [@printer::entry_db_description], $printer::db_to_descr{$o->{printer}{DBENTRY}}, ) }; my %db_entry = %{$printer::thedb{$o->{printer}{DBENTRY}}}; #-paper size conf $o->{printer}{PAPERSIZE} = $o->ask_from_list_(_("Paper Size"), _("Paper Size"), \@printer::papersize_type, $o->{printer}{PAPERSIZE} ); #-resolution size conf my @list_res = @{$db_entry{RESOLUTION}}; my @res = map { "${$_}{XDPI}x${$_}{YDPI}" } @list_res; if (@list_res) { $o->{printer}{RESOLUTION} = $o->ask_from_list_(_("Resolution"), _("Resolution"), \@res, $o->{printer}{RESOLUTION}, ); } else { $o->{printer}{RESOLUTION} = "Default"; } $o->{printer}{CRLF} = $db_entry{DESCR} =~ /HP/; $o->{printer}{CRLF}= $o->ask_yesorno(_("CRLF"), _("Fix stair-stepping of text?"), $o->{printer}{CRLF}); #-color_depth if ($db_entry{BITSPERPIXEL}) { my @list_col = @{$db_entry{BITSPERPIXEL}}; my @col = map { "$_->{DEPTH} $_->{DESCR}" } @list_col; my %col_to_depth = map { ("$_->{DEPTH} $_->{DESCR}", $_->{DEPTH}) } @list_col; my %depth_to_col = reverse %col_to_depth; if (@list_col) { my $is_uniprint = $db_entry{GSDRIVER} eq "uniprint"; if ($is_uniprint) { $o->{printer}{BITSPERPIXEL} = $col_to_depth{$o->ask_from_list_ (_("Configure Uniprint Driver"), _("You may now configure the uniprint options for this printer."), \@col, $depth_to_col{$o->{printer}{BITSPERPIXEL}}, )}; } else { $o->{printer}{BITSPERPIXEL} = $col_to_depth{$o->ask_from_list_ (_("Configure Color Depth"), _("You may now configure the color options for this printer."), \@col, $depth_to_col{$o->{printer}{BITSPERPIXEL}}, )}; } } else { $o->{printer}{BITSPERPIXEL} = "Default"; } } $o->{printer}{complete} = 1; install_steps::printerConfig($o); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setRootPassword($) { my ($o) = @_; $o->{superuser}{password2} ||= $o->{user}{password} ||= ""; my $sup = $o->{superuser}; $o->ask_from_entries_ref(_("Set root password"), _("Set root password"), [_("Password"), _("Password (again)")], [{ val => \$sup->{password}, hidden => 1}, { val => \$sup->{password2}, hidden => 1}], complete => sub { $sup->{password} eq $sup->{password2} or $o->ask_warn('', [ _("You must enter the same password"), _("Please try again") ]), return (1,1); (length $sup->{password} < 6) and $o->ask_warn('', _("This password is too simple")), return (1,0); return 0 } ); install_steps::setRootPassword($o); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #-addUser #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub addUser($) { my ($o) = @_; $o->{user}{password2} ||= $o->{user}{password} ||= ""; my $u = $o->{user}; my @fields = qw(realname name password password2); my @shells = install_any::shells($o); $o->ask_from_entries_ref( _("Add user"), _("Enter a user"), [ _("Real name"), _("User name"), _("Password"), _("Password (again)"), _("Shell") ], [ \$u->{realname}, \$u->{name}, {val => \$u->{password}, hidden => 1}, {val => \$u->{password2}, hidden => 1}, {val => \$u->{shell}, list => \@shells, not_edit => !$::expert}, ], focus_out => sub { if ($_[0] eq 0) { $u->{name} = lc first($u->{realname} =~ /((\w|-)+)/); } }, complete => sub { $u->{password} eq $u->{password2} or $o->ask_warn('', [ _("You must enter the same password"), _("Please try again") ]), return (1,3); #(length $u->{password} < 6) and $o->ask_warn('', _("This password is too simple")), return (1,2); $u->{name} or $o->ask_warn('', _("Please give a user name")), return (1,0); $u->{name} =~ /^[a-z0-9_-]+$/ or $o->ask_warn('', _("The user name must contain only lower cased letters, numbers, `-' and `_'")), return (1,0); return 0; }, ) or return; install_steps::addUser($o); $o->{user} = {}; goto &addUser if $::expert; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub createBootdisk { my ($o, $first_time) = @_; my @l = detect_devices::floppies(); if ($first_time || @l == 1) { $o->ask_yesorno('', _("A custom bootdisk provides a way of booting into your Linux system without depending on the normal bootloader. This is useful if you don't want to install lilo on your system, or another operating system removes lilo, or lilo doesn't work with your hardware configuration. A custom bootdisk can also be used with the Mandrake rescue image, making it much easier to recover from severe system failures. Would you like to create a bootdisk for your system?"), $o->{mkbootdisk}) or return; $o->{mkbootdisk} = $l[0] if !$o->{mkbootdisk} || $o->{mkbootdisk} eq "1"; } else { @l or die _("Sorry, no floppy drive available"); $o->{mkbootdisk} = $o->ask_from_list('', _("Choose the floppy drive you want to use to make the bootdisk"), [ @l, "Cancel" ], $o->{mkbootdisk}); return if $o->{mkbootdisk} eq "Cancel"; } $o->ask_warn('', _("Insert a floppy in drive %s", $o->{mkbootdisk})); my $w = $o->wait_message('', _("Creating bootdisk")); install_steps::createBootdisk($o); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setupBootloaderBefore { my ($o) = @_; my $w = $o->wait_message('', _("Preparing bootloader")); $o->SUPER::setupBootloaderBefore($o); } sub setupBootloader { my ($o, $more) = @_; my $b = $o->{bootloader}; if ($::beginner && !$more) { my @l = (__("First sector of drive"), __("First sector of boot partition")); my $boot = $o->{hds}[0]{device}; my $onmbr = "/dev/$boot" eq $b->{boot}; $b->{boot} = "/dev/$boot" if !$onmbr && $o->ask_from_list_(_("Lilo Installation"), _("Where do you want to install the bootloader?"), \@l, $l[!$onmbr]) eq $l[0]; } else { $::expert and $o->ask_yesorno('', _("Do you want to use lilo?"), 1) || return; my @l = ( _("Boot device") => { val => \$b->{boot}, list => [ map { "/dev/$_->{device}" } @{$o->{hds}}, @{$o->{fstab}} ], not_edit => !$::expert }, _("Linear (needed for some SCSI drives)") => { val => \$b->{linear}, type => "bool", text => _("linear") }, _("Compact") => { val => \$b->{compact}, type => "bool", text => _("compact") }, _("Delay before choosing default choice") => \$b->{timeout}, _("Video mode") => { val => \$b->{vga}, list => [ keys %lilo::vga_modes ], not_edit => $::beginner }, _("Password") => { val => \$b->{password}, hidden => 1 }, _("Restrict command line options") => { val => \$b->{restricted}, type => "bool", text => _("restrict") }, ); @l = @l[0..3] if $::beginner; $b->{vga} ||= 'Normal'; $o->ask_from_entries_ref('', _("Lilo main options"), [ grep_index { even($::i) } @l ], [ grep_index { odd($::i) } @l ], complete => sub { $b->{restricted} && !$b->{password} and $o->ask_warn('', _("Option ``Restrict command line options'' is of no use without a password")), return 1; 0; } ) or return; $b->{vga} = $lilo::vga_modes{$b->{vga}} || $b->{vga}; } until ($::beginner && !$more) { my $c = $o->ask_from_list_('', _("Here are the following entries in lilo You can add some more or change the existent ones."), [ (sort @{[map_each { "$::b->{label} ($::a)" . ($b->{default} eq $::b->{label} && " *") } %{$b->{entries}}]}), __("Add"), __("Done") ], ); $c eq "Done" and last; my $e = {}; my $name = ''; if ($c ne "Add") { ($name) = $c =~ /\((.*?)\)/; $e = $b->{entries}{$name}; } my $old_name = $name; my $default = my $old_default = $e->{label} eq $b->{default}; my @l; if ($e->{type} eq "image") { @l = ( _("Image") => { val => \$name, list => [ eval { glob_("/boot/vmlinuz*") } ] }, _("Root") => { val => \$e->{root}, list => [ map { "/dev/$_->{device}" } @{$o->{fstab}} ], not_edit => !$::expert }, _("Append") => \$e->{append}, _("Initrd") => { val => \$e->{initrd}, list => [ eval { glob_("/boot/initrd*") } ] }, _("Read-write") => { val => \$e->{'read-write'}, type => 'bool' } ); @l = @l[0..3] if $::beginner; } else { @l = ( _("Root") => { val => \$name, list => [ map { "/dev/$_->{device}" } @{$o->{fstab}} ], not_edit => !$::expert }, _("Table") => { val => \$e->{table}, list => [ map { "/dev/$_->{device}" } @{$o->{hds}} ], not_edit => !$::expert }, _("Unsafe") => { val => \$e->{unsafe}, type => 'bool' } ); @l = @l[0..1] if $::beginner; } @l = ( _("Label") => \$e->{label}, @l, _("Default") => { val => \$default, type => 'bool' }, ); $o->ask_from_entries_ref('', '', [ grep_index { even($::i) } @l ], [ grep_index { odd($::i) } @l ], ) or return; $b->{default} = $old_default ^ $default ? $default && $e->{label} : $b->{default}; delete $b->{entries}{$old_name}; $b->{entries}{$name} = $e; } eval { $o->SUPER::setupBootloader }; if ($@) { $o->ask_warn('', [ _("Lilo failed. The following error occured:"), grep { !/^Warning:/ } cat_("$o->{prefix}/tmp/.error") ]); die "already displayed"; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub exitInstall { my ($o, $alldone) = @_; return $o->{step} = '' unless $alldone || $o->ask_yesorno('', _("Some steps are not completed Do you really want to quit now?"), 0); $o->ask_warn('', _("Congratulations, installation is complete. Remove the boot media and press return to reboot. For information on fixes which are available for this release of Linux Mandrake, consult the Errata available from Information on configuring your system is available in the post install chapter of the Official Linux Mandrake User's Guide.")) if $alldone; } #-###################################################################################### #- Misc Steps Functions #-###################################################################################### sub loadModule { my ($o, $type) = @_; my @options; my $l = $o->ask_from_list('', _("What %s card have you?", $type), [ modules::text_of_type($type) ]) or return; my $m = modules::text2driver($l); my @names = modparm::get_options_name($m); if ((!defined @names || @names > 0) && $o->ask_from_list('', _("In some cases, the %s driver needs to have extra information to work properly, although it normally works fine without. Would you like to specify extra options for it or allow the driver to probe your machine for the information it needs? Occasionally, probing will hang a computer, but it should not cause any damage.", $l), [ __("Autoprobe"), __("Specify options") ], "Autoprobe") ne "Autoprobe") { ASK: if (defined @names) { my @l = $o->ask_from_entries('', _("Here must give the different options for the module %s.", $l), \@names) or return; @options = modparm::get_options_result($m, @l); } else { @options = split ' ', $o->ask_from_entry('', _("Here must give the different options for the module %s. Options are in format ``name=value name2=value2 ...''. For example you can have ``io=0x300 irq=7''", $l), _("Module options:"), ); } } eval { modules::load($m, $type, @options) }; if ($@) { $o->ask_yesorno('', _("Loading of module %s failed Do you want to try again with other parameters?", $l), 1) or return; goto ASK; } $l, $m; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub load_thiskind { my ($o, $type) = @_; my $w; modules::load_thiskind($type, sub { $w = $o->wait_message('', [ _("Installing driver for %s card %s", $type, $_->[0]), $::beginner ? () : _("(module %s)", $_->[1]) ]); }); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setup_thiskind { my ($o, $type, $auto, $at_least_one) = @_; my @l = $o->load_thiskind($type) unless $::expert && $o->ask_yesorno('', _("Skip %s pci probe", $type), 1); return if $auto && (@l || !$at_least_one); while (1) { my $msg = @l ? [ _("Found %s %s interfaces", join(", ", map { $_->[0] } @l), $type), _("Do you have another one?") ] : _("Do you have an %s interface?", $type); my $opt = [ __("Yes"), __("No") ]; push @$opt, __("See hardware info") if $::expert; my $r = "Yes"; $r = $o->ask_from_list_('', $msg, $opt, "No") unless $at_least_one && @l == 0; if ($r eq "No") { return } elsif ($r eq "Yes") { my @r = $o->loadModule($type) or return; push @l, \@r; } else { $o->ask_warn('', [ pci_probing::main::list() ]); } } } #-###################################################################################### #- Wonderful perl :( #-###################################################################################### 1;