package install::steps_interactive; # $Id$ use strict; our @ISA = qw(install::steps); #-###################################################################################### #- misc imports #-###################################################################################### use common; use partition_table; use fs::type; use fs::partitioning; use fs::partitioning_wizard; use install::steps; use install::interactive; use install::any; use messages; use detect_devices; use run_program; use devices; use fsedit; use mouse; use modules; use modules::interactive; use lang; use keyboard; use any; use log; #-###################################################################################### #- In/Out Steps Functions #-###################################################################################### sub errorInStep { my ($o, $err) = @_; $err = ugtk2::escape_text_for_TextView_markup_format($err) if $o->isa('install::steps_gtk'); $o->ask_warn(N("Error"), [ N("An error occurred"), formatError($err) ]); } sub kill_action { my ($o) = @_; $o->kill; } #-###################################################################################### #- Steps Functions #-###################################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub acceptLicense { my ($o) = @_; return if $o->{useless_thing_accepted}; any::acceptLicense($o, $o->{meta_class} eq 'powerpack'); } sub selectLanguage { my ($o) = @_; any::selectLanguage_install($o, $o->{locale}); install::steps::selectLanguage($o); if ($o->isa('interactive::gtk')) { $o->ask_warn('', formatAlaTeX( "If you see this message it is because you chose a language for which DrakX does not include a translation yet; however the fact that it is listed means there is some support for it anyway. That is, once GNU/Linux will be installed, you will be able to at least read and write in that language; and possibly more (various fonts, spell checkers, various programs translated etc. that varies from language to language).")) if $o->{locale}{lang} !~ /^en/ && !lang::load_mo(); } else { #- no need to have this in po since it is never translated $o->ask_warn('', "The characters of your language can not be displayed in console, so the messages will be displayed in english during installation") if $ENV{LANGUAGE} eq 'C'; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub selectKeyboard { my ($o, $clicked) = @_; my $from_usb = keyboard::from_usb(); my $l = keyboard::lang2keyboards(lang::langs($o->{locale}{langs})); if ($clicked || !($from_usb || @$l && $l->[0][1] >= 90) || listlength(lang::langs($o->{locale}{langs})) > 1) { add2hash($o->{keyboard}, $from_usb); my @best = uniq(grep { $_ } $from_usb && $from_usb->{KEYBOARD}, $o->{keyboard}{KEYBOARD}, map { $_->[0] } @$l); @best = () if @best == 1; my $format = sub { translate(keyboard::KEYBOARD2text($_[0])) }; my $other; my $ext_keyboard = my $KEYBOARD = $o->{keyboard}{KEYBOARD}; $o->ask_from_( { title => N("Keyboard"), interactive_help_id => 'selectKeyboard', advanced_label => N("More"), }, [ { label => N("Please choose your keyboard layout"), title => 1 }, if_(@best, { val => \$KEYBOARD, type => 'list', format => $format, sort => 1, list => [ @best ], changed => sub { $other = 0 } }), if_(@best, { label => N("Here is the full list of available keyboards:"), title => 1, advanced => 1 }), { val => \$ext_keyboard, type => 'list', format => $format, changed => sub { $other = 1 }, list => [ difference2([ keyboard::KEYBOARDs() ], \@best) ], advanced => @best > 1 } ]); $o->{keyboard}{KEYBOARD} = !@best || $other ? $ext_keyboard : $KEYBOARD; delete $o->{keyboard}{unsafe}; } keyboard::group_toggle_choose($o, $o->{keyboard}) or goto &selectKeyboard; install::steps::selectKeyboard($o); if ($::isRestore) { require MDV::Snapshot::Restore; MDV::Snapshot::Restore::main($o); $o->exit; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub selectInstallClass { my ($o) = @_; if (my @l = install::any::find_root_parts($o->{fstab}, $::prefix)) { log::l("proposing to upgrade partitions " . join(" ", map { $_->{part} && $_->{part}{device} } @l)); my @releases = uniq(map { $_->{release} } @l); if (@releases != @l) { #- same release name so adding the device to differentiate them: $_->{release} .= " ($_->{part}{device})" foreach @l; } askInstallClass: my $p; $o->ask_from_({ title => N("Install/Upgrade"), interactive_help_id => 'selectInstallClass', }, [ { label => N("Is this an install or an upgrade?"), title => 1 }, { val => \$p, list => [ @l, N_("_: This is a noun:\nInstall") ], type => 'list', format => sub { ref($_[0]) ? N("Upgrade %s", $_[0]{release}) : translate($_[0]) } } ]); if (ref $p) { if (arch() =~ /x86_64/ && $p->{arch} eq 'i586') { $o->ask_warn('', N("Upgrade from a 32bit to a 64bit distribution is not supported")); goto askInstallClass; } if (arch() =~ /i.86/ && $p->{arch} eq 'x86_64') { $o->ask_warn('', N("Upgrade from a 64bit to a 32bit distribution is not supported")); goto askInstallClass; } _check_unsafe_upgrade_and_warn($o, $p->{part}) or $p = undef; } if (ref $p) { if ($p->{part}) { log::l("choosing to upgrade partition $p->{part}{device}"); $o->{migrate_device_names} = install::any::use_root_part($o->{all_hds}, $p->{part}, $o); } #- handle encrypted partitions (esp. /home) foreach (grep { $_->{mntpoint} } @{$o->{fstab}}) { my ($options, $_unknown) = fs::mount_options::unpack($_); $options->{encrypted} or next; $o->ask_from_({ focus_first => 1 }, [ { label => N("Encryption key for %s", $_->{mntpoint}), hidden => 1, val => \$_->{encrypt_key} } ]); } $o->{previous_release} = $p; $o->{isUpgrade} = (find { $p->{release_file} =~ /$_/ } 'mandriva', 'mandrake', 'conectiva', 'redhat') || 'unknown'; $o->{upgrade_by_removing_pkgs_matching} ||= { conectiva => 'cl', redhat => '.', #- everything! }->{$o->{isUpgrade}}; log::l("upgrading $o->{isUpgrade} distribution" . ($o->{upgrade_by_removing_pkgs_matching} ? " (upgrade_by_removing_pkgs_matching $o->{upgrade_by_removing_pkgs_matching})" : '')); } } } sub _check_unsafe_upgrade_and_warn { my ($o, $part) = @_; !_is_unsafe_upgrade($part) || _warn_unsafe_upgrade($o); } sub _is_unsafe_upgrade { my ($part) = @_; my $r = run_program::get_stdout('dumpe2fs', devices::make($part->{device})); my $block_size = $r =~ /^Block size:\s*(\d+)/m && $1; log::l("block_size $block_size"); $block_size == 1024; } sub _warn_unsafe_upgrade { my ($o) = @_; log::l("_warn_unsafe_upgrade"); my @choices = ( N_("Cancel installation, reboot system"), N_("New Installation"), N_("Upgrade previous installation (not recommended)"), ); my $choice; $o->ask_from_({ messages => N("Installer has detected that your installed Mandriva Linux system could not safely be upgraded to %s. New installation replacing your previous one is recommended. Warning : you should backup all your personal data before choosing \"New Installation\".", 'Mandriva Linux 2009') }, [ { val => \$choice, type => 'list', list => \@choices, format => \&translate } ]); log::l("_warn_unsafe_upgrade: got $choice"); if ($choice eq $choices[0]) { any::reboot(); } elsif ($choice eq $choices[1]) { undef; } else { 1; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub selectMouse { my ($o, $force) = @_; $force || $o->{mouse}{unsafe} or return; mouse::select($o, $o->{mouse}) or return; if ($o->{mouse}{device} eq "input/mice") { modules::interactive::load_category($o, $o->{modules_conf}, 'bus/usb', 1, 0); eval { devices::make("usbmouse"); modules::load('usbhid'); }; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setupSCSI { my ($o) = @_; install::any::configure_pcmcia($o); { my $_w = $o->wait_message(N("IDE"), N("Configuring IDE")); modules::load(modules::category2modules('disk/cdrom')); } modules::interactive::load_category($o, $o->{modules_conf}, 'bus/firewire', 1); my $have_non_scsi = detect_devices::hds(); #- at_least_one scsi device if we have no disks modules::interactive::load_category($o, $o->{modules_conf}, 'disk/card_reader|ide|scsi|hardware_raid|sata|firewire', 1, !$have_non_scsi); modules::interactive::load_category($o, $o->{modules_conf}, 'disk/card_reader|ide|scsi|hardware_raid|sata|firewire') if !detect_devices::hds(); #- we really want a disk! install::interactive::tellAboutProprietaryModules($o); install::any::getHds($o, $o); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub doPartitionDisks { my ($o) = @_; if (arch() =~ /ppc/) { my $generation = detect_devices::get_mac_generation(); if ($generation =~ /NewWorld/) { #- mac partition table if (defined $partition_table::mac::bootstrap_part) { #- do not do anything if we've got the bootstrap setup #- otherwise, go ahead and create one somewhere in the drive free space } else { my $freepart = $partition_table::mac::freepart; if ($freepart && $freepart->{size} >= 1) { log::l("creating bootstrap partition on drive /dev/$freepart->{hd}{device}, block $freepart->{start}"); $partition_table::mac::bootstrap_part = $freepart->{part}; log::l("bootstrap now at $partition_table::mac::bootstrap_part"); my $p = { start => $freepart->{start}, size => MB(1), mntpoint => '' }; fs::type::set_pt_type($p, 0x401); fsedit::add($freepart->{hd}, $p, $o->{all_hds}, { force => 1, primaryOrExtended => 'Primary' }); $partition_table::mac::new_bootstrap = 1; } else { $o->ask_warn('', N("No free space for 1MB bootstrap! Install will continue, but to boot your system, you'll need to create the bootstrap partition in DiskDrake")); } } } elsif ($generation =~ /IBM/) { #- dos partition table $o->ask_warn('', N("You'll need to create a PPC PReP Boot bootstrap! Install will continue, but to boot your system, you'll need to create the bootstrap partition in DiskDrake")); } } if (!$o->{isUpgrade}) { fs::partitioning_wizard::main($o, $o->{all_hds}, $o->{fstab}, $o->{manualFstab}, $o->{partitions}, $o->{partitioning}, $::local_install); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub rebootNeeded { my ($o) = @_; fs::partitioning_wizard::warn_reboot_needed($o); install::steps::rebootNeeded($o); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub choosePartitionsToFormat { my ($o) = @_; fs::partitioning::choose_partitions_to_format($o, $o->{fstab}); } sub formatMountPartitions { my ($o, $_fstab) = @_; fs::partitioning::format_mount_partitions($o, $o->{all_hds}, $o->{fstab}); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #- group by CD sub ask_deselect_media__copy_on_disk { my ($o, $hdlists, $o_copy_rpms_on_disk) = @_; log::l("ask_deselect_media__copy_on_disk"); my @names = uniq(map { $_->{name} } @$hdlists); my %selection = map { $_ => 1 } @names; $o->ask_from_({ messages => formatAlaTeX(N("The following installation media have been found. If you want to skip some of them, you can unselect them now.")) }, [ (map { { type => 'bool', text => $_, val => \$selection{$_}, if_($_ eq $names[0], disabled => sub { 1 }), } } @names), if_($o_copy_rpms_on_disk, { type => 'label', val => \(formatAlaTeX(N("You have the option to copy the contents of the CDs onto the hard drive before installation. It will then continue from the hard drive and the packages will remain available once the system is fully installed."))) }, { type => 'bool', text => N("Copy whole CDs"), val => $o_copy_rpms_on_disk }, ), ]); $_->{selected} = $selection{$_->{name}} foreach @$hdlists; log::l("keeping media " . join ',', map { $_->{rpmsdir} } grep { $_->{selected} } @$hdlists); } sub while_suspending_time { my ($o, $f) = @_; my $time = time(); my $r = $f->(); #- add the elapsed time (otherwise the predicted time will be rubbish) $o->{install_start_time} += time() - $time; $r; } # nb: $file can be a directory sub ask_change_cd { my ($o, $phys_m, $o_rel_file) = @_; while_suspending_time($o, sub { ask_change_cd_($o, $phys_m, $o_rel_file) }); } sub ask_change_cd_ { my ($o, $phys_m, $o_rel_file) = @_; local $| = 1; print "\a"; foreach (1 .. 32) { install::media::umount_phys_medium($phys_m); install::media::openCdromTray($phys_m->{device}); $o->ask_okcancel('', N("Change your Cd-Rom! Please insert the Cd-Rom labelled \"%s\" in your drive and press Ok when done. If you do not have it, press Cancel to avoid installation from this Cd-Rom.", $phys_m->{name}), 1) or return; foreach (1 .. 7) { eval { fs::mount::part($phys_m) }; last if $phys_m->{isMounted}; # we must retry since mount will now fail instead of waiting for the drive to recognise the CD (cf #43230) sleep 2; } #- it can be a directory, so don't use -f !$o_rel_file || -e install::media::path($phys_m, $o_rel_file) and return 1; log::l("file " . install::media::path($phys_m, $o_rel_file) . " not found"); } undef; } sub selectSupplMedia { my ($o) = @_; install::any::selectSupplMedia($o); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub choosePackages { my ($o) = @_; require pkgs; add2hash_($o, { compssListLevel => $pkgs::rpmsrate_rate_default }); my $w = $o->wait_message('', N("Looking for available packages...")); my $availableC = install::steps::choosePackages($o, $pkgs::rpmsrate_rate_max); require install::pkgs; my $min_size = install::pkgs::selectedSize($o->{packages}); undef $w; if ($min_size >= $availableC) { my $msg = N("Your system does not have enough space left for installation or upgrade (%dMB > %dMB)", $min_size / sqr(1024), $availableC / sqr(1024)); log::l($msg); $o->ask_warn('', $msg); install::steps::rebootNeeded($o); } if ($o->{isUpgrade} && -e "$::prefix/usr/bin/kded" && !install::pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, 'task-kde3')) { log::l("kde3 installed, but task-kde3 not available so can't upgrade correctly"); my $choice; $o->ask_from_({ messages => formatAlaTeX(N("You have decided to upgrade your system to %s. KDE 3.5 has been detected on your system. This installer cannot preserve KDE 3.5 in an upgrade. If you choose to proceed, KDE 4 will replace KDE 3, and you will lose your personal KDE configuration settings. To upgrade with KDE 3.5 and your personal settings preserved, please reboot your system and upgrade using the Mandriva update applet.", 'Mandriva Linux 2009')) }, [ { val => \$choice, type => 'list', list => [ N_("Reboot"), N_("Proceed") ], format => \&translate } ]); $choice eq 'Reboot' and install::steps::rebootNeeded($o); } my ($individual, $chooseGroups); if (!$o->{isUpgrade}) { my $tasks_ok = install::pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, 'task-kde4') && install::pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, 'task-gnome-minimal'); if ($tasks_ok && $availableC >= 2_500_000_000) { _chooseDesktop($o, $o->{rpmsrate_flags_chosen}, \$chooseGroups); } else { $tasks_ok ? log::l("not asking for desktop since not enough place") : log::l("not asking for desktop since kde and gnome are not available on media (useful for mini iso)"); $chooseGroups = 1; } } chooseGroups: $o->chooseGroups($o->{packages}, $o->{compssUsers}, \$individual) if $chooseGroups; ($o->{packages_}{ind}) = install::pkgs::setSelectedFromCompssList($o->{packages}, $o->{rpmsrate_flags_chosen}, $o->{compssListLevel}, $availableC); $o->choosePackagesTree($o->{packages}) or goto chooseGroups if $individual; install::any::warnAboutRemovedPackages($o, $o->{packages}); install::any::warnAboutNaughtyServers($o) or goto chooseGroups if !$o->{isUpgrade}; } sub choosePackagesTree { my ($o, $packages, $o_limit_to_medium) = @_; $o->ask_many_from_list('', N("Choose the packages you want to install"), { list => [ grep { !$o_limit_to_medium || install::pkgs::packageMedium($packages, $_) == $o_limit_to_medium } @{$packages->{depslist}} ], value => \&URPM::Package::flag_selected, label => \&URPM::Package::name, sort => 1, }); } sub loadSavePackagesOnFloppy { my ($o, $packages) = @_; $o->ask_from('', N("Please choose load or save package selection. The format is the same as auto_install generated files."), [ { val => \ (my $choice), list => [ N_("Load"), N_("Save") ], format => \&translate, type => 'list' } ]) or return; if ($choice eq 'Load') { while (1) { log::l("load package selection"); my ($_h, $fh) = install::any::media_browser($o, '', '') or return; my $O = eval { install::any::loadO(undef, $fh) }; if ($@) { $o->ask_okcancel('', N("Bad file")) or return; } else { install::any::unselectMostPackages($o); install::pkgs::select_by_package_names($packages, $O->{default_packages} || []); return 1; } } } else { log::l("save package selection"); install::any::g_default_packages($o); } } sub _chooseDesktop { my ($o, $rpmsrate_flags_chosen, $chooseGroups) = @_; my @l = group_by2( KDE => N("KDE"), GNOME => N("GNOME"), Custom => N("Custom"), ); my $title = N("Desktop Selection"); my $message = N("You can choose your workstation desktop profile."); my $choice; if ($o->isa('interactive::gtk')) { $choice = install::steps_gtk::reallyChooseDesktop($o, $title, $message, \@l); } else { $o->ask_from_({ title => $title, message => $message }, [ { val => \$choice, list => \@l, type => 'list', format => sub { $_[0][1] } }, ]); } my $desktop = $choice->[0]; log::l("chosen Desktop: $desktop"); my @desktops = ('KDE', 'GNOME'); if (member($desktop, @desktops)) { my ($want, $dontwant) = ($desktop, grep { $desktop ne $_ } @desktops); $rpmsrate_flags_chosen->{"CAT_$want"} = 1; $rpmsrate_flags_chosen->{"CAT_$dontwant"} = 0; my @flags = map_each { if_($::b, $::a) } %$rpmsrate_flags_chosen; log::l("flags ", join(' ', sort @flags)); install::any::unselectMostPackages($o); } else { $$chooseGroups = 1; } } sub chooseGroups { my ($o, $packages, $compssUsers, $individual) = @_; #- for all groups available, determine package which belongs to each one. #- this will enable getting the size of each groups more quickly due to #- limitation of current implementation. #- use an empty state for each one (no flag update should be propagated). my $b = install::pkgs::saveSelected($packages); install::any::unselectMostPackages($o); install::pkgs::setSelectedFromCompssList($packages, { CAT_SYSTEM => 1 }, $o->{compssListLevel}, 0); my $system_size = install::pkgs::selectedSize($packages); my ($sizes, $pkgs) = install::pkgs::computeGroupSize($packages, $o->{compssListLevel}); install::pkgs::restoreSelected($b); log::l("system_size: $system_size"); my %stable_flags = grep_each { $::b } %{$o->{rpmsrate_flags_chosen}}; delete $stable_flags{"CAT_$_"} foreach map { @{$_->{flags}} } @{$o->{compssUsers}}; my $compute_size = sub { my %pkgs; my %flags = %stable_flags; @flags{@_} = (); my $total_size; A: while (my ($k, $size) = each %$sizes) { Or: foreach (split "\t", $k) { foreach (split "&&") { exists $flags{$_} or next Or; } $total_size += $size; $pkgs{$_} = 1 foreach @{$pkgs->{$k}}; next A; } } log::l("computed size $total_size (flags " . join(' ', keys %flags) . ")"); log::l("chooseGroups: ", join(" ", sort keys %pkgs)); int $total_size; }; my ($size, $unselect_all); my $available_size = install::any::getAvailableSpace($o) / sqr(1024); my $size_to_display = sub { my $lsize = $system_size + $compute_size->(map { "CAT_$_" } map { @{$_->{flags}} } grep { $_->{selected} } @$compssUsers); #- if a profile is deselected, deselect everything (easier than deselecting the profile packages) $unselect_all ||= $size > $lsize; $size = $lsize; N("Total size: %d / %d MB", install::pkgs::correctSize($size / sqr(1024)), $available_size); }; while (1) { if ($available_size < 200) { # too small to choose anything. Defaulting to no group chosen $_->{selected} = 0 foreach @$compssUsers; last; } $o->reallyChooseGroups($size_to_display, $individual, $compssUsers) or return; last if $::testing || install::pkgs::correctSize($size / sqr(1024)) < $available_size || every { !$_->{selected} } @$compssUsers; $o->ask_warn('', N("Selected size is larger than available space")); } install::any::set_rpmsrate_category_flags($o, $compssUsers); log::l("compssUsersChoice selected: ", join(', ', map { qq("$_->{path}|$_->{label}") } grep { $_->{selected} } @$compssUsers)); #- do not try to deselect package (by default no groups are selected). if (!$o->{isUpgrade}) { install::any::unselectMostPackages($o) if $unselect_all; } #- if no group have been chosen, ask for using base system only, or no X, or normal. if (!$o->{isUpgrade} && !any { $_->{selected} } @$compssUsers) { my $docs = !$o->{excludedocs}; my $minimal; $o->ask_from_({ title => N("Type of install"), message =>N("You have not selected any group of packages. Please choose the minimal installation you want:"), interactive_help_id => 'choosePackages#d4e1076' }, [ { val => \$o->{rpmsrate_flags_chosen}{CAT_X}, type => 'bool', text => N("With X"), disabled => sub { $minimal } }, { val => \$docs, type => 'bool', text => N("With basic documentation (recommended!)"), disabled => sub { $minimal } }, { val => \$minimal, type => 'bool', text => N("Truly minimal install (especially no urpmi)") }, ], ) or return &chooseGroups; if ($minimal) { $o->{rpmsrate_flags_chosen}{CAT_X} = $docs = 0; $o->{rpmsrate_flags_chosen}{CAT_SYSTEM} = 0; } $o->{excludedocs} = !$docs; $o->{rpmsrate_flags_chosen}{CAT_MINIMAL_DOCS} = $docs; install::any::unselectMostPackages($o); } 1; } sub reallyChooseGroups { my ($o, $size_to_display, $individual, $compssUsers) = @_; my $size_text = &$size_to_display; my ($path, $all); $o->ask_from_({ messages => N("Package Group Selection"), interactive_help_id => 'choosePackages', }, [ { val => \$size_text, type => 'label' }, {}, (map { my $old = $path; $path = $_->{path}; if_($old ne $path, { val => translate($path) }), { val => \$_->{selected}, type => 'bool', disabled => sub { $all }, text => translate($_->{label}), help => translate($_->{descr}), changed => sub { $size_text = &$size_to_display }, }; } @$compssUsers), if_($individual, { text => N("Individual package selection"), val => $individual, advanced => 1, type => 'bool' }), ]); if ($all) { $_->{selected} = 1 foreach @$compssUsers; } 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub installPackages { my ($o, $packages) = @_; my ($current, $total) = (0, 0); my ($_w, $wait_message) = $o->wait_message_with_progress_bar(N("Installing")); $wait_message->(N("Preparing installation"), 0, 100); #- beware, interactive::curses::wait_message_with_progress_bar need to create the Dialog::Progress here because in installCallback we are chrooted local *install::steps::installCallback = sub { my ($packages, $type, $id, $subtype, $_amount, $total_) = @_; if ($type eq 'user' && $subtype eq 'install') { $total = $total_; } elsif ($type eq 'inst' && $subtype eq 'start') { my $p = $packages->{depslist}[$id]; $wait_message->(N("Installing package %s", $p->name), $current, $total); $current += $p->size; } }; my $install_result; catch_cdie { $install_result = $o->install::steps::installPackages($packages) } sub { installPackages__handle_error($o, $_[0]) }; if ($install::pkgs::cancel_install) { $install::pkgs::cancel_install = 0; die "setstep choosePackages\n"; } $install_result; } sub installPackages__handle_error { my ($o, $err_ref) = @_; log::l("catch_cdie: $$err_ref"); my $time = time(); my $go_on; if ($$err_ref =~ /^error ordering package list: (.*)/) { $go_on = $o->ask_yesorno('', [ N("There was an error ordering packages:"), $1, N("Go on anyway?") ], 1); } elsif ($$err_ref =~ /^error installing package list: (\S+)\s*(.*)/) { my ($pkg_name, $medium_name) = ($1, $2); my @choices = ( [ 'retry', N("Retry") ], [ 'skip_one', N("Skip this package") ], [ 'disable_media', N("Skip all packages from medium \"%s\"", $medium_name) ], [ '', N("Go back to media and packages selection") ], ); my $choice; $o->ask_from_({ messages => N("There was an error installing package %s.", $pkg_name) }, [ { val => \$choice, type => 'list', list => \@choices, format => sub { $_[0][1] } } ]); $go_on = $choice->[0]; } if ($go_on) { #- add the elapsed time (otherwise the predicted time will be rubbish) $o->{install_start_time} += time() - $time; $go_on; } else { $o->{askmedia} = 1; $$err_ref = "already displayed"; 0; } } sub afterInstallPackages($) { my ($o) = @_; local $o->{pop_wait_messages} = 1; my $_w = $o->wait_message(N("Post-install configuration"), N("Post-install configuration")); $o->SUPER::afterInstallPackages; } sub updatemodules { my ($o, $dev, $rel_dir) = @_; $o->ask_okcancel('', N("Please ensure the Update Modules media is in drive %s", $dev), 1) or return; $o->SUPER::updatemodules($dev, $rel_dir); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub configureNetwork { my ($o) = @_; #- don't overwrite configuration in a network install if (!install::any::is_network_install($o)) { require network::network; network::network::easy_dhcp($o->{net}, $o->{modules_conf}); } $o->SUPER::configureNetwork; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub installUpdates { my ($o) = @_; my $u = $o->{updates} ||= {}; $o->hasNetwork or return; if (install::any::is_network_install($o) && find { $_->{update} } install::media::allMediums($o->{packages})) { log::l("installUpdates: skipping since updates were already available during install"); return; } $o->ask_yesorno_({ title => N("Updates"), messages => formatAlaTeX( N("You now have the opportunity to download updated packages. These packages have been updated after the distribution was released. They may contain security or bug fixes. To download these packages, you will need to have a working Internet connection. Do you want to install the updates?")), interactive_help_id => 'installUpdates', }, 1) or return; #- bring all interface up for installing updates packages. install::interactive::upNetwork($o); install::pkgs::clean_rpmdb_shared_regions(); if (any::urpmi_add_all_media($o, $o->{previous_release})) { my $binary = find { whereis_binary($_, $::prefix) } 'gurpmi2', 'urpmi' or return; run_program::rooted($::prefix, $binary, '--auto-select', '--update'); } install::pkgs::clean_rpmdb_shared_regions(); #- not downing network, even ppp. We don't care much since it is the end of install :) } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub configureTimezone { my ($o, $clicked) = @_; any::configure_timezone($o, $o->{timezone}, $clicked) or return; install::steps::configureTimezone($o); 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub configureServices { my ($o, $clicked) = @_; require services; $o->{services} = services::ask($o) if $clicked; install::steps::configureServices($o); } sub summaryBefore { my ($o) = @_; install::any::preConfigureTimezone($o); #- get back network configuration. require network::network; eval { network::network::read_net_conf($o->{net}); }; log::l("summaryBefore: network configuration: ", formatError($@)) if $@; } sub summary_prompt { my ($o, $l, $check_complete) = @_; foreach (@$l) { my $val = $_->{val}; ($_->{format}, $_->{val}) = (sub { $val && $val->() || N("not configured") }, ''); } $o->ask_from_({ messages => N("Summary"), interactive_help_id => 'summary', cancel => '', callbacks => { complete => sub { !$check_complete->() } }, }, $l); } sub summary { my ($o) = @_; my @l; my $timezone_manually_set; push @l, { group => N("System"), label => N("Timezone"), val => sub { $o->{timezone}{timezone} }, clicked => sub { $timezone_manually_set = $o->configureTimezone(1) || $timezone_manually_set }, }; push @l, { group => N("System"), label => N("Country / Region"), val => sub { lang::c2name($o->{locale}{country}) }, clicked => sub { any::selectCountry($o, $o->{locale}) or return; my $pkg_locale = lang::locale_to_main_locale(lang::getlocale_for_country($o->{locale}{lang}, $o->{locale}{country})); my @pkgs = URPM::packages_providing($o->{packages}, "locales-$pkg_locale"); $o->pkg_install(map { $_->name } @pkgs) if @pkgs; lang::write_and_install($o->{locale}, $o->do_pkgs); if (!$timezone_manually_set) { delete $o->{timezone}; install::any::preConfigureTimezone($o); #- now we can precise the timezone thanks to the country } }, }; push @l, { group => N("System"), label => N("Bootloader"), val => sub { #-PO: example: lilo-graphic on /dev/hda1 $o->{bootloader}{boot} ? N("%s on %s", $o->{bootloader}{method}, $o->{bootloader}{boot}) : N("None"); }, clicked => sub { any::setupBootloader($o, $o->{bootloader}, $o->{all_hds}, $o->{fstab}, $o->{security}) or return; any::installBootloader($o, $o->{bootloader}, $o->{all_hds}); }, } if !$::local_install; push @l, { group => N("System"), label => N("User management"), clicked => sub { if (my $u = any::ask_user($o, $o->{users}, $o->{security}, needauser => 1)) { any::add_users([$u], $o->{authentication}); } }, }; push @l, { group => N("System"), label => N("Services"), val => sub { require services; my ($l, $activated) = services::services(); N("Services: %d activated for %d registered", int(@$activated), int(@$l)); }, clicked => sub { require services; $o->{services} = services::ask($o) and services::doit($o, $o->{services}); }, }; push @l, { group => N("Hardware"), label => N("Keyboard"), val => sub { $o->{keyboard} && translate(keyboard::keyboard2text($o->{keyboard})) }, clicked => sub { $o->selectKeyboard(1) }, }; push @l, { group => N("Hardware"), label => N("Mouse"), val => sub { translate($o->{mouse}{type}) . ' ' . translate($o->{mouse}{name}) }, clicked => sub { selectMouse($o, 1); mouse::write($o->do_pkgs, $o->{mouse}) }, }; my @sound_cards = detect_devices::getSoundDevices(); my $sound_index = 0; foreach my $device (@sound_cards) { $device->{sound_slot_index} = $sound_index; push @l, { group => N("Hardware"), label => N("Sound card"), val => sub { $device->{driver} && modules::module2description($device->{driver}) || $device->{description}; }, clicked => sub { require harddrake::sound; harddrake::sound::config($o, $o->{modules_conf}, $device); }, }; $sound_index++; } if (!@sound_cards && ($o->{rpmsrate_flags_chosen}{CAT_GAMES} || $o->{rpmsrate_flags_chosen}{CAT_AUDIO})) { #- if no sound card are detected AND the user selected things needing a sound card, #- propose a special case for ISA cards push @l, { group => N("Hardware"), label => N("Sound card"), val => sub {}, clicked => sub { if ($o->ask_yesorno('', N("Do you have an ISA sound card?"))) { $o->do_pkgs->install(qw(alsa-utils sndconfig aoss)); $o->ask_warn('', N("Run \"alsaconf\" or \"sndconfig\" after installation to configure your sound card")); } else { $o->ask_warn('', N("No sound card detected. Try \"harddrake\" after installation")); } }, }; } push @l, { group => N("Hardware"), label => N("Graphical interface"), val => sub { $o->{raw_X} ? Xconfig::various::to_string($o->{raw_X}) : '' }, clicked => sub { configureX($o, 'expert') }, }; push @l, { group => N("Network & Internet"), label => N("Network"), val => sub { $o->{net}{type} }, clicked => sub { require network::netconnect; network::netconnect::real_main($o->{net}, $o, $o->{modules_conf}); }, }; $o->{miscellaneous} ||= {}; push @l, { group => N("Network & Internet"), label => N("Proxies"), val => sub { $o->{miscellaneous}{http_proxy} || $o->{miscellaneous}{ftp_proxy} ? N("configured") : N("not configured") }, clicked => sub { require network::network; network::network::miscellaneous_choose($o, $o->{miscellaneous}); network::network::proxy_configure($o->{miscellaneous}) if !$::testing; }, }; push @l, { group => N("Security"), label => N("Security Level"), val => sub { require security::level; security::level::to_string($o->{security}); }, clicked => sub { require security::level; my $security = $o->{security}; set_sec_level: if (security::level::level_choose($o, \$security, \$o->{security_user})) { check_security_level($o, $security) or goto set_sec_level; $o->{security} = $security; install::any::set_security($o); } }, }; push @l, { group => N("Security"), label => N("Firewall"), val => sub { require network::shorewall; my $shorewall = network::shorewall::read(); $shorewall && !$shorewall->{disabled} ? N("activated") : N("disabled"); }, clicked => sub { require network::drakfirewall; if (my @rc = network::drakfirewall::main($o, $o->{security} <= 3)) { $o->{firewall_ports} = !$rc[0] && $rc[1]; } }, } if detect_devices::get_net_interfaces(); my $check_complete = sub { require install::pkgs; my $p = install::pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, 'task-x11'); $o->{raw_X} || !$::testing && $p && !$p->flag_installed || $o->ask_yesorno('', N("You have not configured X. Are you sure you really want this?")); }; $o->summary_prompt(\@l, $check_complete); install::steps::configureTimezone($o) if !$timezone_manually_set; #- do not forget it. } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #-setRootPassword_addUser #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setRootPassword_addUser { my ($o) = @_; $o->{users} ||= []; my $sup = $o->{superuser} ||= {}; $sup->{password2} ||= $sup->{password} ||= ""; any::ask_user_and_root($o, $sup, $o->{users}, $o->{security}); install::steps::setRootPassword($o); install::steps::addUser($o); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setupBootloaderBefore { my ($o) = @_; local $o->{pop_wait_messages} = 1; my $_w = $o->wait_message(N("Preparing bootloader..."), N("Preparing bootloader...")); $o->SUPER::setupBootloaderBefore; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setupBootloader { my ($o) = @_; if (arch() =~ /ppc/) { if (detect_devices::get_mac_generation() !~ /NewWorld/ && detect_devices::get_mac_model() !~ /IBM/) { $o->ask_warn('', N("You appear to have an OldWorld or Unknown machine, the yaboot bootloader will not work for you. The install will continue, but you'll need to use BootX or some other means to boot your machine. The kernel argument for the root fs is: root=%s", '/dev/' . fs::get::root_($o->{fstab})->{device})); log::l("OldWorld or Unknown Machine - no yaboot setup"); return; } } { any::setupBootloader_simple($o, $o->{bootloader}, $o->{all_hds}, $o->{fstab}, $o->{security}) or return; any::installBootloader($o, $o->{bootloader}, $o->{all_hds}) or die "already displayed"; } } sub check_security_level { my ($o, $security) = @_; if ($security > 3 && find { $_->{fs_type} eq 'vfat' } @{$o->{fstab}}) { $o->ask_okcancel('', N("In this security level, access to the files in the Windows partition is restricted to the administrator.")) or return 0; } return 1; } sub miscellaneous { my ($o, $_clicked) = @_; install::steps::miscellaneous($o); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub configureX { my ($o, $expert) = @_; install::steps::configureXBefore($o); symlink "$::prefix/etc/gtk", "/etc/gtk"; require Xconfig::main; my ($raw_X) = Xconfig::main::configure_everything_or_configure_chooser($o, install::any::X_options_from_o($o), !$expert, $o->{keyboard}, $o->{mouse}); if ($raw_X) { $o->{raw_X} = $raw_X; install::steps::configureXAfter($o); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub generateAutoInstFloppy { my ($o, $replay) = @_; my $img = install::any::getAndSaveAutoInstallFloppies($o, $replay) or return; my $floppy = detect_devices::floppy(); $o->ask_okcancel('', N("Insert a blank floppy in drive %s", $floppy), 1) or return; my $_w = $o->wait_message('', N("Creating auto install floppy...")); require install::commands; install::commands::dd("if=$img", 'of=' . devices::make($floppy)); common::sync(); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub exitInstall { my ($o, $alldone) = @_; return $o->{step} = '' if !$alldone && !$o->ask_yesorno(N("Warning"), N("Some steps are not completed. Do you really want to quit now?"), 0); install::steps::exitInstall($o); $o->exit unless $alldone; $o->ask_from_no_check( { title => N("Congratulations"), messages => formatAlaTeX(messages::install_completed()), interactive_help_id => 'exitInstall', ok => $::local_install ? N("Quit") : N("Reboot"), }, []) if $alldone; } #-###################################################################################### #- Misc Steps Functions #-###################################################################################### 1;