package install::commands; # $Id$ #-######################################################################## #- This file implement many common shell commands: #- true, false, cat, which, dirname, basename, rmdir, lsmod, grep, tr, #- mount, mkdir, mknod, ln, rm, chmod, chown, swapon, #- swapoff, ls, cp, ps, dd, head, tail, strings, hexdump, more, #- modprobe, route, df, kill, lspci, lssbus, dmesg, sort, du, #-######################################################################## use diagnostics; use strict; use vars qw($printable_chars *ROUTE *DF *PS); #-###################################################################################### #- misc imports #-###################################################################################### use common; #-###################################################################################### #- Functions #-###################################################################################### sub getopts { my $o = shift; my @r = map { '' } (@_ = split //, $_[0]); while (1) { local $_ = $o->[0]; $_ && /^-/ or return @r; for (my $i = 0; $i < @_; $i++) { /$_[$i]/ and $r[$i] = $_[$i] } shift @$o; } @r; } sub true() { exit 0 } sub false() { exit 1 } sub cat { @ARGV = @_; print while <> } sub dirname_ { print dirname(@_), "\n" } sub basename_ { print basename(@_), "\n" } sub rmdir_ { foreach (@_) { rmdir $_ or die "rmdir: can not remove $_\n" } } sub lsmod() { print "Module Size Used by\n"; cat("/proc/modules") } sub which { ARG: foreach (@_) { foreach my $c (split /:/, $ENV{PATH}) { -x "$c/$_" and print("$c/$_\n"), next ARG } } } sub grep_ { my ($h, $v, $i) = getopts(\@_, qw(hvi)); @_ == 0 || $h and die "usage: grep [files...]\n"; my $r = shift; $r = qr/$r/i if $i; @ARGV = @_; (/$r/ xor $v) and print while <>; } sub tr_ { my ($s, $c, $d) = getopts(\@_, qw(s c d)); @_ >= 1 + (!$d || $s) or die "usage: tr [-c] [-s [-d]] [files...]\n or tr [-c] -d [files...]\n"; my $set1 = shift; my $set2; !$d || $s and $set2 = shift; @ARGV = @_; eval "(tr/$set1/$set2/$s$d$c, print) while <>"; } sub mkdir_ { my ($_rec) = getopts(\@_, qw(p)); mkdir_p($_) foreach @_; } sub mknod { if (@_ == 1) { require devices; eval { devices::make($_[0]) }; $@ and die "mknod: failed to create $_[0]\n"; } elsif (@_ == 4) { require c; my $mode = ${{ "b" => c::S_IFBLK(), "c" => c::S_IFCHR() }}{$_[1]} or die "unknown node type $_[1]\n"; syscall_('mknod', my $_a = $_[0], $mode | 0600, makedev($_[2], $_[3])) or die "mknod failed: $!\n"; } else { die "usage: mknod [b|c] or mknod \n" } } sub ln { my ($force, $soft) = getopts(\@_, qw(fs)); @_ >= 1 or die "usage: ln [-s] [-f] []\n"; my ($source, $dest) = @_; $dest ||= basename($source); $force and unlink $dest; ($soft ? symlink($source, $dest) : link($source, $dest)) or die "ln failed: $!\n"; } sub rm { my ($rec, undef) = getopts(\@_, qw(rf)); my $rm; $rm = sub { foreach (@_) { if (!-l $_ && -d $_) { $rec or die "$_ is a directory\n"; &$rm(glob_($_)); rmdir $_ or die "can not remove directory $_: $!\n"; } else { unlink $_ or die "rm of $_ failed: $!\n" } } }; &$rm(@_); } sub chmod_ { @_ >= 2 or die "usage: chmod \n"; my $mode = shift; $mode =~ /^[0-7]+$/ or die "illegal mode $mode\n"; foreach (@_) { chmod oct($mode), $_ or die "chmod failed $_: $!\n" } } sub chown_ { my ($rec, undef) = getopts(\@_, qw(r)); local $_ = shift or die "usage: chown [-r] name[.group] \n"; my ($name, $group) = (split('\.'), $_); common::chown_($rec, $name, $group, @_); } sub swapon { @_ == 1 or die "swapon \n"; require fs::mount; fs::mount::swapon($_[0]); } sub swapoff { @_ == 1 or die "swapoff \n"; require fs::mount; fs::mount::swapoff($_[0]); } sub rights { my $r = '-' x 9; my @rights = (qw(x w r x w r x w r), ['t', 0], ['s', 3], ['s', 6]); for (my $i = 0; $i < @rights; $i++) { if (vec(pack("S", $_[0]), $i, 1)) { my ($val, $place) = $i >= 9 ? @{$rights[$i]} : ($rights[$i], $i); my $old = \substr($r, 8 - $place, 1); $$old = $$old eq '-' && $i >= 9 ? uc $val : $val; } } my @types = split //, "_pc_d_b_-_l_s"; $types[($_[0] >> 12) & 0xf] . $r; } sub displaySize { my $m = $_[0] >> 12; $m == 4 || $m == 8 || $m == 10; } sub ls { my ($l, $h) = getopts(\@_, qw(lh)); $h and die "usage: ls [-l] \n"; @_ or @_ = '.'; @_ == 1 && -d $_[0] and @_ = glob_($_[0]); foreach (sort @_) { if ($l) { my @s = lstat or warn("can not stat file $_\n"), next; formline( "@<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<< @<<<<<<< @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @*\n", rights($s[2]), getpwuid $s[4] || $s[4], getgrgid $s[5] || $s[5], displaySize($s[2]) ? $s[7] : join(", ", unmakedev($s[6])), scalar localtime $s[9], -l $_ ? "$_ -> " . readlink $_ : $_); print $^A; $^A = ''; } else { print "$_\n" } } } sub cp { @_ >= 2 or die "usage: cp \n(this cp does -Rfl by default)\n"; cp_af(@_); } sub ps { @_ and die "usage: ps\n"; my ($pid, $rss, $cpu, $cmd); my ($uptime) = split ' ', first(cat_("/proc/uptime")); my $hertz = 100; require c; my $page = c::getpagesize() / 1024; open PS, ">&STDOUT"; #- PS must be not be localised otherwise the "format PS" fails format PS_TOP = PID RSS %CPU CMD . format PS = @>>>> @>>>> @>>> @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $pid, $rss, $cpu, $cmd . foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } grep { /\d+/ } all('/proc')) { $pid = $_; my @l = split(' ', cat_("/proc/$pid/stat")); $cpu = sprintf "%2.1f", max(0, min(99, ($l[13] + $l[14]) * 100 / $hertz / ($uptime - $l[21] / $hertz))); $rss = (split ' ', cat_("/proc/$pid/stat"))[23] * $page; ($cmd = cat_("/proc/$pid/cmdline")) =~ s/\0/ /g; $cmd ||= (split ' ', (cat_("/proc/$pid/stat"))[0])[1]; write PS; } } sub dd { my $u = "usage: dd [-h] [-p] [if=] [of=] [bs=] [count=]\n"; my ($help, $percent) = getopts(\@_, qw(hp)); die $u if $help; my %h = (if => \*STDIN, of => \*STDOUT, bs => 512, count => undef); foreach (@_) { /(.*?)=(.*)/ && exists $h{$1} or die $u; $h{$1} = $2; } local (*IF, *OF); my ($tmp, $nb, $read); ref($h{if}) eq 'GLOB' ? (*IF = $h{if}) : sysopen(IF, $h{if}, 0) || die "error: can not open file $h{if}\n"; ref($h{of}) eq 'GLOB' ? (*OF = $h{of}) : sysopen(OF, $h{of}, c::O_CREAT()|c::O_WRONLY()) || die "error: can not open file $h{of}\n"; $h{bs} = removeXiBSuffix($h{bs}); for ($nb = 0; !$h{count} || $nb < $h{count}; $nb++) { printf "\r%02.1d%%", 100 * $nb / $h{count} if $h{count} && $percent; $read = sysread(IF, $tmp, $h{bs}) or ($h{count} ? die "error: can not read block $nb\n" : last); syswrite(OF, $tmp) or die "error: can not write block $nb\n"; $read < $h{bs} and $read = 1, last; } print STDERR "\r$nb+$read records in\n"; print STDERR "$nb+$read records out\n"; } sub head_tail { my ($h, $n) = getopts(\@_, qw(hn)); $h || @_ < to_bool($n) and die "usage: $0 [-h] [-n lines] []\n"; $n = $n ? shift : 10; my $fh = @_ ? common::open_file($_[0]) || die "error: can not open file $_[0]\n" : *STDIN; if ($0 eq 'head') { local $_; while (<$fh>) { $n-- or return; print } } else { @_ = (); local $_; while (<$fh>) { push @_, $_; @_ > $n and shift } print @_; } } sub head { $0 = 'head'; &head_tail } sub tail { $0 = 'tail'; &head_tail } sub strings { my ($h, $o, $n) = getopts(\@_, qw(hon)); $h and die "usage: strings [-o] [-n min-length] []\n"; $n = $n ? shift : 4; $/ = "\0"; @ARGV = @_; my $l = 0; local $_; while (<>) { while (/[$printable_chars]{$n,}/og) { printf "%07d ", ($l + length $') if $o; print "$&\n"; } $l += length; } continue { $l = 0 if eof } } sub hexdump { my $i = 0; $/ = \16; @ARGV = @_; local $_; while (<>) { printf "%08lX ", $i; $i += 16; print join(" ", (map { sprintf "%02X", $_ } unpack("C*", $_)), (s/[^$printable_chars]/./og, $_)[1]), "\n"; } } sub more { @ARGV = @_; require devices; my $tty = devices::make('tty'); my $n = 0; open(my $IN, $tty) or die "can not open $tty\n"; local $_; while (<>) { if (++$n == 25) { my $v = <$IN>; $v =~ /^q/ and exit 0; $n = 0; } print; } } sub modprobe { my ($h) = getopts(\@_, qw(h)); $h || @_ == 0 and die "usage: modprobe [options]\n"; my $name = shift; require modules; list_modules::load_default_moddeps(); modules::load_with_options([ $name ], { $name => join(' ', @_) }); } sub route { @_ == 0 or die "usage: route\nsorry, no modification handled\n"; my ($titles, @l) = cat_("/proc/net/route"); my @titles = split ' ', $titles; my %l; open ROUTE, ">&STDOUT"; #- ROUTE must be not be localised otherwise the "format ROUTE" fails format ROUTE_TOP = Destination Gateway Mask Iface . format ROUTE = @<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<< $l{Destination}, $l{Gateway}, $l{Mask}, $l{Iface} . foreach (@l) { /^\s*$/ and next; @l{@titles} = split; $_ = join ".", reverse map { hex $_ } unpack "a2a2a2a2", $_ foreach @l{qw(Destination Gateway Mask)}; $l{Destination} = 'default' if $l{Destination} eq ""; $l{Gateway} = '*' if $l{Gateway} eq ""; write ROUTE; } } sub df { my ($h) = getopts(\@_, qw(h)); my ($dev, $size, $free, $used, $use, $mntpoint); open DF, ">&STDOUT"; #- DF must be not be localised otherwise the "format DF" fails format DF_TOP = Filesystem Size Used Avail Use Mounted on . format DF = @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>% @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $dev, $size, $used, $free, $use, $mntpoint . my %h; foreach (cat_("/proc/mounts"), cat_("/etc/mtab")) { ($dev, $mntpoint) = split; $h{$dev} = $mntpoint; } foreach (sort keys %h) { $dev = $_; ($size, $free) = MDK::Common::System::df($mntpoint = $h{$dev}); $size or next; $use = int(100 * ($size - $free) / $size); $used = $size - $free; if ($h) { $used = int($used / 1024 . "M"); $size = int($size / 1024 . "M"); $free = int($free / 1024 . "M"); } write DF if $size; } } sub kill { my $signal = 15; @_ or die "usage: kill [-] pids\n"; $signal = (shift, $1)[1] if $_[0] =~ /^-(.*)/; kill $signal, @_ or die "kill failed: $!\n"; } sub lssbus { &lspci } sub lspci { &lspcidrake } sub lspcidrake { require detect_devices; print join "\n", detect_devices::stringlist($_[0] eq '-v'), ''; } sub dmesg() { print cat_("/tmp/syslog") } sub sort { my ($n, $h) = getopts(\@_, qw(nh)); $h and die "usage: sort [-n] []\n"; my $fh = @_ ? common::open_file($_[0]) || die "error: can not open file $_[0]\n" : *STDIN; if ($n) { print(sort { $a <=> $b } <$fh>); } else { print(sort <$fh>); } } sub du { my ($s, $h) = getopts(\@_, qw(sh)); $h || !$s and die "usage: du -s []\n"; my $f; $f = sub { my ($e) = @_; my $s = (lstat($e))[12]; $s += sum(map { &$f($_) } glob_("$e/*")) if !-l _ && -d _; $s; }; print &$f($_) >> 1, "\t$_\n" foreach @_ ? @_ : glob_("*"); } sub bug { my ($h) = getopts(\@_, "h"); my ($o_part_device) = @_; $h and die "usage: bug [device]\nput file report.bug on a floppy or usb key\n"; require any; require modules; list_modules::load_default_moddeps(); my $part; if ($o_part_device) { $part = { device => $o_part_device }; } else { require interactive::stdio; my $in = interactive::stdio->new; require install::any; $part = $in->ask_from_listf('', "Which device?", \&partition_table::description, [ install::any::removable_media__early_in_install() ] ) or return; } warn "putting file report.bug on $part->{device}\n"; my $fs_type = fs::type::fs_type_from_magic($part) or die "unknown fs type\n"; fs::mount::mount(devices::make($part->{device}), '/fd', $fs_type); require install::any; output('/fd/report.bug', install::any::report_bug()); fs::mount::umount('/fd'); common::sync(); } sub loadkeys { my ($h) = getopts(\@_, "h"); $h || @_ != 1 and die "usage: loadkeys \n"; require keyboard; keyboard::setup_install({ KEYBOARD => $_[0] }); } sub sync() { common::sync() } 1;