package bootloader; use diagnostics; use strict; #-###################################################################################### #- misc imports #-###################################################################################### use common; use fs::type; use fs::get; use fs::loopback; use fs::proc_partitions; use log; use any; use devices; use detect_devices; use partition_table::raw; use run_program; use modules; =head1 SYNOPSYS B enables to configure various boot loaders (LILO, GRUB Legacy, GRUB2, ...) Example of usage: $all_hds = fsedit::get_hds(); fs::get_raw_hds('', $all_hds); fs::get_info_from_fstab($all_hds); $fstab = [ fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ]; $bootloader = bootloader::read($all_hds); (...) bootloader::action($bootloader, 'write', $all_hds); A particular bootloader is handled in separate typical functions that can be called by action() by /sbin/bootloader-config: =head1 VFS aka how to support a bootloader Most of the code is generic. A particular bootloader implementation/support is done through a couple functions: =over 4 =item * read_FOOBAR() read the config file(s) of the FOOBAR bootloader, returning a $bootloader object =item * install_FOOBAR($bootloader, $all_hds) usually call write_FOOBAR() & install_raw_FOOBAR() if existing, aka: =over 4 =item * updating config files =item * then reinstalling the bootloader =back =item * install_raw_FOOBAR() Optionnal: Low level installation of the stage1 of the bootloader, usually embedding it in MBR or on ESP, ... (eg: running lilo or /boot/grub*/ =item * write_FOOBAR($bootloader, $all_hds) update the config files, ie when a kernel was installed or removed. when_config_changed_FOOBAR() is called right after in case something is needed when config is done (eg: lilo needs to be reinstalled) =item * when_config_changed_FOOBAR() Run needed action when config has changed or when initrds were regenerated, ... Usually nothing for intelligent bootloaders such as grub-legacy or grub2. But eg: lilo needs to rewrite its stage1 (thus it needs to rerun lilo). =back =head1 Functions =over =cut my $vmlinuz_regexp = 'vmlinu[xz]|win4lin|uImage'; my $decompose_vmlinuz_name = qr/((?:$vmlinuz_regexp).*?)-(\d+\.\d+.*)/; my $liblinux_path = '/usr/lib/linux'; sub expand_vmlinuz_symlink { my ($vmlinuz) = @_; my $f = $::prefix . ($vmlinuz =~ m!^/! ? $vmlinuz : "/boot/$vmlinuz"); -l $f ? readlink($f) : $vmlinuz; } sub installed_vmlinuz_raw() { grep { /^($vmlinuz_regexp)/ } all("$::prefix/boot") } sub installed_vmlinuz() { grep { ! -l "$::prefix/boot/$_" } installed_vmlinuz_raw() } sub vmlinuz2version { my ($vmlinuz) = @_; expand_vmlinuz_symlink($vmlinuz) =~ /$decompose_vmlinuz_name/ && $2; } sub vmlinuz2kernel_str { my ($vmlinuz) = @_; my ($basename, $version) = expand_vmlinuz_symlink($vmlinuz) =~ /$decompose_vmlinuz_name/ or return; { basename => $basename, version => $version, $version =~ /([\d.]*)-(\D.*)-((\d+|0\.rc\d+.*)\.mga.*)$/ ? #- eg: 3.0.0-1.mga2 (ext => $2, version_no_ext => "$1-$3") : $version =~ /(.*mga)-?(.*)/ ? #- (old) eg: 2.6.17-13mdventerprise (ext => $2, version_no_ext => $1) : (version_no_ext => $version), }; } sub kernel_str2short_name { my ($kernel) = @_; $kernel->{basename}; } sub basename2initrd_basename { my ($basename) = @_; $basename =~ s!(vmlinu[zx]|uImage)-?!!; #- here we do not use $vmlinuz_regexp since we explicitly want to keep all that is not "vmlinuz" 'initrd' . ($basename ? "-$basename" : ''); } sub kernel_str2vmlinuz_long { my ($kernel) = @_; $kernel->{basename} . '-' . $kernel->{version}; } sub kernel_str2initrd_long { my ($kernel) = @_; basename2initrd_basename(kernel_str2short_name($kernel)) . '-' . $kernel->{version} . '.img'; } sub kernel_str2liblinux_long { my ($kernel) = @_; $liblinux_path . '-' . $kernel->{version}; } sub kernel_str2vmlinuz_short { my ($kernel) = @_; if ($kernel->{use_long_name}) { kernel_str2vmlinuz_long($kernel); } else { kernel_str2short_name($kernel); } } sub kernel_str2initrd_short { my ($kernel) = @_; if ($kernel->{use_long_name}) { kernel_str2initrd_long($kernel); } else { basename2initrd_basename(kernel_str2short_name($kernel)) . '.img'; } } sub kernel_str2liblinux_short() { $liblinux_path; } sub kernel_str2label { my ($kernel, $o_use_long_name) = @_; if ($o_use_long_name || $kernel->{use_long_name}) { _sanitize_ver($kernel); } else { my $short_name = kernel_str2short_name($kernel); $kernel->{ext} =~ /^xen/ ? 'xen' : ($short_name eq 'vmlinuz' ? 'linux' : $short_name); } } sub get { my ($vmlinuz, $bootloader) = @_; $_->{kernel_or_dev} && $_->{kernel_or_dev} eq $vmlinuz and return $_ foreach @{$bootloader->{entries}}; undef; } sub get_label { my ($label, $bootloader) = @_; $_->{label} && lc(make_label_lilo_compatible($_->{label})) eq lc(make_label_lilo_compatible($label)) and return $_ foreach @{$bootloader->{entries}}; undef; } =item mkinitrd($kernel_version, $bootloader, $entry, $initrd) Regenerates kernel's initrd. =cut sub mkinitrd { my ($kernel_version, $bootloader, $entry, $initrd) = @_; my $dir = dirname($initrd); if ($::testing) { log::l("Skipping initrd generation: testing mode"); return $initrd; } elsif (-e "$::prefix/$initrd") { log::l("Skipping initrd generation: already exists"); return $initrd; } elsif ($initrd =~ /\(hd/) { log::l("Skipping initrd generation: unrecognized partition"); return $initrd; } elsif (!-d "$::prefix/$dir") { log::l("Skipping initrd generation: dir doesn't exist (probably !mounted foreign part)"); return $initrd; } # for /boot on dos partitions when installing on loopback file on dos partition my $loop_boot = fs::loopback::prepare_boot(); modules::load('loop'); my @options = ( if_($::isInstall, "-v"), "-f", $initrd, $kernel_version, if_($entry->{initrd_options}, split(' ', $entry->{initrd_options})), ); my $err; if (!run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'mkinitrd', '2>', \$err, @options)) { unlink("$::prefix/$initrd"); log::explanations("mkinitrd failed:\n(mkinitrd @options)\nError: <$err>"); die "mkinitrd failed:\n(mkinitrd @options)\nError: $err"; } add_boot_splash($initrd, $entry->{vga} || $bootloader->{vga}); fs::loopback::save_boot($loop_boot); -e "$::prefix/$initrd" && $initrd; } =item rebuild_initrd($kernel_version, $bootloader, $entry, $initrd) Saves the old initrd then regenerate it. If it fails, restore the old initrd. =cut sub rebuild_initrd { my ($kernel_version, $bootloader, $entry, $initrd) = @_; my $old = $::prefix . $entry->{initrd} . '.old'; unlink $old; rename "$::prefix$initrd", $old; if (!mkinitrd($kernel_version, $bootloader, $entry, $initrd)) { log::l("rebuilding initrd failed, putting back the old one"); rename $old, "$::prefix$initrd"; } } sub remove_boot_splash { my ($initrd) = @_; run_program::rooted($::prefix, '/usr/share/bootsplash/scripts/remove-boot-splash', $initrd); } sub add_boot_splash { my ($initrd, $vga) = @_; $vga or return; eval { require Xconfig::resolution_and_depth } or return; if (my $res = Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::from_bios($vga)) { run_program::rooted($::prefix, '/usr/share/bootsplash/scripts/make-boot-splash', $initrd, $res->{X}); } else { log::l("unknown vga bios mode $vga"); } } sub update_splash { my ($bootloader) = @_; my %real_initrd_entries; foreach (@{$bootloader->{entries}}) { if ($_->{initrd} && $_->{vga}) { my $initrd = expand_symlinks($_->{initrd}); $real_initrd_entries{$initrd} = $_; } } foreach (values %real_initrd_entries) { log::l("add boot splash to $_->{initrd}\n"); add_boot_splash($_->{initrd}, $_->{vga} || $bootloader->{vga}); } } =item read($all_hds) Reads bootloader config by calling the proper read_XYZ function. =cut sub read { my ($all_hds) = @_; my $fstab = [ fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ]; foreach my $main_method (main_method_choices()) { my $f = $bootloader::{"read_$main_method"} or die "unknown bootloader method $main_method (read)"; my $bootloader = $f->($fstab); cleanup_entries($bootloader) if $main_method ne 'refind'; # handle raid-extra-boot (lilo) my @devs = $bootloader->{boot}; if ($bootloader->{'raid-extra-boot'} =~ /mbr/ && (my $md = fs::get::device2part($bootloader->{boot}, $all_hds->{raids}))) { @devs = map { $_->{rootDevice} } @{$md->{disks}}; } elsif ($bootloader->{'raid-extra-boot'} =~ m!/dev/!) { @devs = split(',', $bootloader->{'raid-extra-boot'}); } #- if $bootloader->{boot} is undefined, @devs contains a single undef element my ($type) = map { if (is_uefi()) { if (-e "$::prefix/boot/refind_linux.conf") { 'refind'; } elsif (-f "$::prefix/boot/EFI/EFI/mageia/grub" . uefi_type() . ".efi") { 'grub2'; } else { () } } elsif (m!/fd\d+$!) { warn "not checking the method on floppy, assuming $main_method is right\n"; $main_method; } elsif (member($main_method, qw(cromwell uboot))) { #- not checking, there's only one bootloader anyway :) $main_method; } elsif (my $type = partition_table::raw::typeOfMBR($_)) { warn "typeOfMBR $type on $_ for method $main_method\n" if $ENV{DEBUG}; $type; } else { () } } @devs; if ($type eq $main_method) { return $bootloader if read_($bootloader); } } } sub read_ { my ($bootloader) = @_; my @prefered_entries = map { get_label($_, $bootloader) } $bootloader->{default}, 'linux'; if (my $default = find { $_ && $_->{type} eq 'image' } (@prefered_entries, @{$bootloader->{entries}})) { $bootloader->{default_options} = $default; $bootloader->{perImageAppend} ||= $default->{append}; log::l("perImageAppend is now $bootloader->{perImageAppend}"); $bootloader->{default_vga} ||= $default->{vga}; log::l("default_vga is now $bootloader->{default_vga}"); } else { $bootloader->{default_options} = {}; } return $bootloader; } =item is_grub2_already_crypted($password) Returns whether grub2 password is already encrypted or not =cut sub is_grub2_already_crypted { my ($password) = @_; $password =~ /grub.pbkdf2.sha512/; } =item read_grub2 ($o_fstab) Read back GRUB2 config =cut sub read_grub2() { my %bootloader = read_grub2_install_sh(); return if is_empty_hash_ref(\%bootloader) & !-s "$::prefix/boot/grub2/grub.cfg"; my %h = getVarsFromSh("$::prefix/etc/default/grub"); $bootloader{timeout} = $h{GRUB_TIMEOUT}; # keep suggested perImageAppend and default_vga on first run (during installer) or when migrating from grub-legacy or lilo: my ($vga, $other) = partition { /^vga=/ } split(' ', $h{GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT}); $bootloader{perImageAppend} ||= join(' ', @$other) if @$other; $bootloader{default_vga} ||= $vga->[0] =~ /vga=(.*)/ && $1 if @$vga; $bootloader{entries} = []; my $entry; my $f = "$::prefix/boot/grub2/grub.cfg"; my @menus; foreach (cat_utf8($f)) { next if /^#/; if (/menuentry\s+['"]([^']+)["']/) { $entry = { label => $1, real_label => join('>', @menus, $1) }; } elsif (/linux(?:16)?\s+([^-]\S+)\s+(.*)?/ || /module\s+(\S+vmlinu\S+)\s+(.*)?/) { $entry->{type} = 'image'; @$entry{qw(kernel_or_dev append)} = ($1, $2); my ($vga, $other) = partition { /^vga=/ } split(' ', $entry->{append}); if (@$vga) { $entry->{vga} = $vga->[0] =~ /vga=(.*)/ && $1; $entry->{append} = join(' ', @$other); } } elsif (/initrd(?:16)?\s+(\S+)/ || /module\s+(\S+initrd\S+)\s+(.*)?/) { $entry->{initrd} = $1; } elsif (/submenu\s+['"]([^']+)["']/) { push @menus, $1; } elsif (/^\s*}/) { if ($entry) { push @{$bootloader{entries}}, $entry; undef $entry; } else { pop @menus; } } } # get default entry: foreach (run_program::rooted_get_stdout($::prefix, qw(grub2-editenv list))) { $bootloader{default} = $1 if /saved_entry=(.*)/; $bootloader{default} =~ s/.*>//; # strip full menu entry path } # Get password prior to run update-grub2: $bootloader{password} = { getVarsFromSh(get_grub2_users()) }->{GRUB2_PASSWORD}; $bootloader{method} = cat_($f) =~ /set theme=.*maggy/ ? 'grub2-graphic' : 'grub2'; \%bootloader; } sub read_grub2_install_sh() { my $s = cat_(get_grub2_install_sh()); my %h; if ($s =~ m!(/dev/\S+)!m) { $h{boot} = $1; } $h{no_esp_or_mbr} = $s =~ m!--grub-setup=/bin/true!; $h{removable} = $s =~ m!--removable!; %h; } =item read_grub($fstab) Reads back Grub Legacy config. =cut sub read_grub { my ($fstab) = @_; my $grub2dev = read_grub_device_map(); my $boot_root = read_grub_install_sh(); _may_fix_grub2dev($fstab, $grub2dev, $boot_root->{boot_part}); my $bootloader = read_grub_menu_lst($fstab, $grub2dev) or return; if ($boot_root->{boot}) { $bootloader->{boot} = grub2dev($boot_root->{boot}, $grub2dev); } $bootloader; } =item _may_fix_grub2dev($fstab, $grub2dev, $boot_part) Adapts (aka $grub2dev) when for example hda is now sda. nb: =over 4 =item * $boot_part comes from C C line =item * $grub2dev is C =back =cut sub _may_fix_grub2dev { my ($fstab, $grub2dev, $boot_part) = @_; $boot_part or log::l(" does not contain 'root (hd...)' line, no way to magically adapt"), return; my $real_boot_part = fs::get::root_($fstab, 'boot') or log::l("argh... the fstab given is useless, it doesn't contain '/'"), return; my $real_boot_dev = $real_boot_part->{rootDevice} or return; # if /boot is on Linux RAID 1, hope things are all right... if (my $prev_boot_part = fs::get::device2part(grub2dev($boot_part, $grub2dev), $fstab)) { # the boot_device as far as grub config files say $real_boot_part == $prev_boot_part and return; } log::l("WARNING: we have detected that is inconsistent with the system"); my ($hd_grub, undef, undef) = parse_grub_file($boot_part); # extract hdX if (my $prev_hd_grub = find { $grub2dev->{$_} eq $real_boot_dev } keys %$grub2dev) { $grub2dev->{$prev_hd_grub} = $grub2dev->{$hd_grub}; log::l("swapping result: $hd_grub/$real_boot_dev and $prev_hd_grub/$grub2dev->{$hd_grub}"); } else { log::l("argh... can't swap, setting $hd_grub to $real_boot_dev anyway"); } $grub2dev->{$hd_grub} = $real_boot_dev; } =item read_grub_install_sh() { Reads "config" from /boot/grub/ (mainly used partitions) =cut sub read_grub_install_sh() { my $s = cat_("$::prefix/boot/grub/"); my %h; #- matches either: #- setup (hd0) #- install (hd0,0)/boot/grub/stage1 d (hd0) (hd0,0)/boot/grub/stage2 p (hd0,0)/boot/grub/menu.lst if ($s =~ /^(?:setup.*|install\s.*\sd)\s+(\(.*?\))/m) { $h{boot} = $1; } if ($s =~ /^root\s+(\(.*?\))/m) { $h{boot_part} = $1; } \%h; } sub _parse_grub_menu_lst() { my $global = 1; my ($e, %b); my $menu_lst_file = "$::prefix/boot/grub/menu.lst"; -e $menu_lst_file or return; foreach (MDK::Common::File::cat_utf8($menu_lst_file)) { my $verbatim = $_; chomp; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; next if /^#/ || /^$/; my ($keyword, $v) = split('[ \t=]+', $_, 2) or warn qq(unknown line in /boot/grub/menu.lst: "$_"\n), next; if ($keyword eq 'root') { #- rename to avoid name conflict $keyword = 'grub_root'; } if ($keyword eq 'title') { push @{$b{entries}}, $e = { label => $v }; $global = 0; } elsif ($global) { $b{$keyword} = $v; } else { if ($keyword eq 'kernel') { $e->{type} = 'image'; $e->{kernel} = $v; } elsif ($keyword eq 'chainloader') { $e->{type} = 'other'; $e->{append} = ""; } elsif ($keyword eq 'configfile') { $e->{type} = 'grub_configfile'; $e->{configfile} = $v; } elsif ($keyword eq 'map') { $e->{mapdrive}{$2} = $1 if $v =~ m/\((.*)\) \((.*)\)/; } elsif ($keyword eq 'module') { push @{$e->{modules}}, $v; } else { $e->{$keyword} = $v eq '' ? 1 : $v; } } $e and $e->{verbatim} .= $verbatim; } %b; } =item is_already_crypted($password) Returns whether grub password is already encrypted or not =cut sub is_already_crypted { my ($password) = @_; $password =~ /^--md5 (.*)/; } =item read_grub_menu_lst($fstab, $grub2dev) Read config from /boot/grub/menu.lst =cut sub read_grub_menu_lst { my ($fstab, $grub2dev) = @_; my %b = _parse_grub_menu_lst(); foreach my $keyword (grep { $_ ne 'entries' } keys %b) { $b{$keyword} = $b{$keyword} eq '' ? 1 : grub2file($b{$keyword}, $grub2dev, $fstab, \%b); } #- sanitize foreach my $e (@{$b{entries}}) { if (member($e->{type}, 'other', 'grub_configfile')) { eval { $e->{kernel_or_dev} = grub2dev($e->{rootnoverify} || $e->{grub_root}, $grub2dev) }; $e->{keep_verbatim} = 1 unless $e->{kernel_or_dev}; } elsif ($e->{initrd}) { my $initrd; eval { $initrd = grub2file($e->{initrd}, $grub2dev, $fstab, $e) }; if ($initrd) { $e->{initrd} = $initrd; } else { $e->{keep_verbatim} = 1; } } if ($e->{kernel} =~ /xen/ && @{$e->{modules} || []} == 2 && $e->{modules}[1] =~ /initrd/) { (my $xen, $e->{xen_append}) = split(' ', $e->{kernel}, 2); ($e->{kernel}, my $initrd) = @{delete $e->{modules}}; $e->{xen} = grub2file($xen, $grub2dev, $fstab, $e); $e->{initrd} = grub2file($initrd, $grub2dev, $fstab, $e); } if (my $v = delete $e->{kernel}) { (my $kernel, $e->{append}) = split(' ', $v, 2); $e->{append} = join(' ', grep { !/^BOOT_IMAGE=/ } split(' ', $e->{append})); $e->{root} = $1 if $e->{append} =~ s/root=(\S*)\s*//; eval { $e->{kernel_or_dev} = grub2file($kernel, $grub2dev, $fstab, $e) }; $e->{keep_verbatim} = 1 if !$e->{kernel_or_dev} || dirname($e->{kernel_or_dev}) ne '/boot'; } my ($vga, $other) = partition { /^vga=/ } split(' ', $e->{append}); if (@$vga) { $e->{vga} = $vga->[0] =~ /vga=(.*)/ && $1; $e->{append} = join(' ', @$other); } } $b{nowarn} = 1; # handle broken installkernel -r: if (@{$b{entries}}) { $b{default} = min($b{default}, scalar(@{$b{entries}}) - 1); $b{default} = $b{entries}[$b{default}]{label}; } $b{method} = $b{gfxmenu} ? 'grub-graphic' : 'grub-menu'; \%b; } sub _parse_extlinux_conf() { my $global = 1; my ($e, %b); my $f = "$::prefix/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf"; -e $f or return; foreach (cat_utf8($f)) { chomp; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; next if /^#/ || /^$/; my ($keyword, $v) = split('[ \t=]+', $_, 2) or warn qq(unknown line in $f: "$_"\n), next; $keyword = lc($keyword); if ($keyword eq 'label') { push @{$b{entries}}, $e = { label => $v }; $global = 0; } elsif ($global) { $b{$keyword} = $v; } else { if ($keyword eq 'kernel') { $e->{type} = 'image'; $e->{kernel_or_dev} = $v; } else { $e->{$keyword} = $v; } } } %b; } sub read_uboot() { my %b = _parse_extlinux_conf(); $b{method} = 'uboot'; $b{timeout} //= 30; my $is_raspberry = cat_("/proc/device-tree/model") =~ /^Raspberry Pi/; if ($is_raspberry) { $b{perImageAppend} //= "8250.nr_uarts=1 console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty1 elevator=deadline cma=256M\@512M"; } $b{perImageAppend} //= $b{entries}[0]{append}; \%b; } =item read_refind ($fstab) Read back rEFInd config + C =cut sub read_refind() { my %bootloader = (entries => []); foreach (cat_utf8("$::prefix/boot/refind_linux.conf")) { next if /^#/; my ($label, $append) = /"(.*)"\s*"(.*)"/; my $root = $1 if $append =~ s/root=(\S*)\s*//; my $vga = $1 if $append =~ s/vga=(\S*)\s*//; if ($label && $root) { push @{$bootloader{entries}}, { type => 'image', kernel_or_dev => '/boot/vmlinuz', label => $label, root => $root, append => $append, vga => $vga }; } } $bootloader{method} = 'refind'; \%bootloader; } # FIXME: actually read back previous conf sub read_cromwell() { +{ method => 'cromwell' }; } sub read_lilo() { my $bootloader = read_lilo_like("/etc/lilo.conf", sub { $_[0] }); delete $bootloader->{timeout} unless $bootloader->{prompt}; $bootloader->{timeout} = $bootloader->{timeout} / 10 if $bootloader->{timeout}; my $submethod = member($bootloader->{install}, 'text', 'menu') ? $bootloader->{install} : 'menu'; $bootloader->{method} = "lilo-$submethod"; $bootloader; } sub read_lilo_like { my ($file, $filter_file) = @_; my $global = 1; my ($e); my %b; -e "$::prefix$file" or return; foreach my $line (cat_("$::prefix$file")) { next if $line =~ /^\s*#/ || $line =~ /^\s*$/; my ($cmd, $v) = $line =~ /^\s*([^=\s]+)\s*(?:=\s*(.*?))?\s*$/ or log::l("unknown line in $file: $line"), next; if ($cmd =~ /^(?:image|other|macos|macosx|bsd|darwin)$/) { $v = $filter_file->($v); push @{$b{entries}}, $e = { type => $cmd, kernel_or_dev => $v }; $global = 0; } elsif ($global) { if ($cmd eq 'disk' && $v =~ /(\S+)\s+bios\s*=\s*(\S+)/) { $b{bios}{$1} = $2; } elsif ($cmd eq 'bios') { $b{bios}{$b{disk}} = $v; } elsif ($cmd eq 'init-message') { $v =~ s/\\n//g; $v =~ s/"//g; $b{'init-message'} = $v; } else { $b{$cmd} = $v eq '' ? 1 : $v; } } else { if (($cmd eq 'map-drive' .. $cmd eq 'to') && $cmd eq 'to') { $e->{mapdrive}{$e->{'map-drive'}} = $v; } else { if ($cmd eq 'initrd') { $v = $filter_file->($v); } $e->{$cmd} = $v || 1; } } } sub remove_quotes_and_spaces { local ($_) = @_; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; s/^"(.*?)"$/$1/; s/\\"/"/g; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; #- do it again for append=" foo" $_; } foreach ('append', 'root', 'default', 'raid-extra-boot') { $b{$_} = remove_quotes_and_spaces($b{$_}) if $b{$_}; } foreach my $entry (@{$b{entries}}) { foreach ('append', 'root', 'label') { $entry->{$_} = remove_quotes_and_spaces($entry->{$_}) if $entry->{$_}; } if ($entry->{kernel_or_dev} =~ /\bmbootpack\b/) { $entry->{initrd} = $entry->{kernel_or_dev}; $entry->{initrd} =~ s/\bmbootpack/initrd/; $entry->{kernel_or_dev} =~ s/\bmbootpack/vmlinuz/; $entry->{kernel_or_dev} =~ s/.img$//; #- assume only xen is configured with mbootpack $entry->{xen} = '/boot/xen.gz'; $entry->{root} = $1 if $entry->{append} =~ s/root=(\S*)\s*//; ($entry->{xen_append}, $entry->{append}) = split '\s*--\s*', $entry->{append}, 2; } } # cleanup duplicate labels (in case file is corrupted) @{$b{entries}} = uniq_ { $_->{label} } @{$b{entries}}; \%b; } sub cleanup_entries { my ($bootloader) = @_; #- cleanup bad entries (in case file is corrupted) @{$bootloader->{entries}} = grep { my $pb = $_->{type} eq 'image' && !$_->{keep_verbatim} && ! -e "$::prefix$_->{kernel_or_dev}"; log::l("dropping bootloader entry $_->{label} since $_->{kernel_or_dev} doesn't exist") if $pb; !$pb; } @{$bootloader->{entries}}; } sub suggest_onmbr { my ($hd) = @_; my ($onmbr, $unsafe) = (1, 1); if (my $type = partition_table::raw::typeOfMBR($hd->{device})) { if (member($type, qw(dos dummy empty))) { $unsafe = 0; } elsif (!member($type, qw(lilo grub grub2))) { $onmbr = 0; } log::l("bootloader::suggest_onmbr: type $type, onmbr $onmbr, unsafe $unsafe"); } ($onmbr, $unsafe); } =item allowed_boot_disks($bootloader, $all_hds) Returns list of disks where we can install the bootloader when not in UEFI mode (accounting for misssing BIOS boot partitions on GPT disks) in UEFI mode, grub2 automatically look for the ESP). =cut sub allowed_boot_disks { my ($all_hds) = @_; # GPT disks w/o a BIOS boot partition do not have free space for grub2 to embed: grep { $_->{pt_table_type} ne 'gpt' || any { isBIOS_GRUB($_) } map { partition_table::get_normal_parts($_) } $_; } @{$all_hds->{hds}}; } =item allowed_boot_parts($bootloader, $all_hds) Returns list of places where we can install the bootloader when not in UEFI mode (in UEFI mode, grub2 automatically look for the ESP). =cut sub allowed_boot_parts { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; ( allowed_boot_disks($all_hds), # MBR if_($bootloader->{method} =~ /lilo/, grep { $_->{level} eq '1' } @{$all_hds->{raids}} ), (if_(main_method($bootloader->{method}) ne 'grub2', grep { !isFat_or_NTFS($_) } fs::get::fstab($all_hds)), # filesystems except those who do not leave space for our bootloaders ), detect_devices::floppies(), ); } sub same_entries { my ($a, $b) = @_; foreach (uniq(keys %$a, keys %$b)) { if (member($_, 'label', 'append', 'mapdrive', 'readonly', 'makeactive', 'verbatim')) { next; } elsif ($_ eq 'grub_root' && (!$a->{$_} || !$b->{$_})) { #- grub_root is mostly internal stuff. if it misses, it's ok next; } else { next if $a->{$_} eq $b->{$_}; my ($inode_a, $inode_b) = map { (stat "$::prefix$_")[1] } ($a->{$_}, $b->{$_}); next if $inode_a && $inode_b && $inode_a == $inode_b; } log::l("entries $a->{label} do not have same $_: $a->{$_} ne $b->{$_}"); return; } 1; } sub add_entry { my ($bootloader, $v) = @_; my $to_add = $v; my $label = $v->{label}; for (my $i = 0; $i < 100;) { my $conflicting = get_label($label, $bootloader); $to_add->{label} = $label; if ($conflicting) { #- replacing $conflicting with $to_add @{$bootloader->{entries}} = map { $_ == $conflicting ? $to_add : $_ } @{$bootloader->{entries}}; #- we will keep $conflicting, but not with same symlinks if used by the entry to add expand_entry_symlinks($bootloader, $conflicting); } else { #- we have found an unused label push @{$bootloader->{entries}}, $to_add; } if (!$conflicting || same_entries($conflicting, $to_add)) { log::l("current labels: " . join(" ", map { $_->{label} } @{$bootloader->{entries}})); return $v; } $to_add = $conflicting; if ($to_add->{label} eq 'linux') { $label = kernel_str2label(vmlinuz2kernel_str($to_add->{kernel_or_dev}), 'use_long_name'); } else { $label =~ s/^alt\d*_//; $label = 'alt' . ($i++ ? $i : '') . "_$label"; } } die 'add_entry'; } sub expand_entry_symlinks { my ($bootloader, $entry) = @_; foreach my $kind ('kernel_or_dev', 'initrd') { my $old_long_name = $bootloader->{old_long_names} && $bootloader->{old_long_names}{$entry->{$kind}} or next; #- replace all the {$kind} using this symlink to the real file log::l("replacing $entry->{$kind} with $old_long_name for bootloader label $entry->{label}"); $entry->{$kind} = $old_long_name; } } sub _do_the_symlink { my ($bootloader, $link, $long_name) = @_; my $existing_link = readlink("$::prefix$link"); if ($existing_link && $existing_link eq $long_name) { #- nothing to do :) return; } if ($existing_link) { #- the symlink is going to change! #- replace all the {$kind} using this symlink to the real file my $old_long_name = $existing_link =~ m!^/! ? $existing_link : "/boot/$existing_link"; if (-e "$::prefix$old_long_name") { $bootloader->{old_long_names}{$link} = $old_long_name; } else { log::l("ERROR: $link points to $old_long_name which does not exist"); } } elsif (-e "$::prefix$link") { log::l("ERROR: $link is not a symbolic link"); } #- changing the symlink symlinkf($long_name, "$::prefix$link") or cp_af("$::prefix/boot/$long_name", "$::prefix$link"); } # for lilo & xen sub get_mbootpack_filename { my ($entry) = @_; my $mbootpack_file = $entry->{initrd}; $mbootpack_file =~ s/\binitrd/mbootpack/; $entry->{xen} && $mbootpack_file; } # for lilo & xen sub build_mbootpack { my ($entry) = @_; my $mbootpack = '/usr/bin/mbootpack'; -f $::prefix . $entry->{kernel_or_dev} && -f $::prefix . $entry->{initrd} or return; my $mbootpack_file = get_mbootpack_filename($entry); -f ($::prefix . $mbootpack_file) and return 1; my $error; my $xen_kernel = '/tmp/xen_kernel'; my $xen_vmlinux = '/tmp/xen_vmlinux'; my $_b = before_leaving { unlink $::prefix . $_ foreach $xen_kernel, $xen_vmlinux }; run_program::rooted($::prefix, '/bin/gzip', '>', $xen_kernel, '2>', \$error, '-dc', $entry->{xen}) or die "unable to uncompress xen kernel"; run_program::rooted($::prefix, '/bin/gzip', '>', $xen_vmlinux, '2>', \$error, '-dc', $entry->{kernel_or_dev}) or die "unable to uncompress xen vmlinuz"; run_program::rooted($::prefix, $mbootpack, "2>", \$error, '-o', $mbootpack_file, '-m', $xen_vmlinux, '-m', $entry->{initrd}, $xen_kernel) or die "mbootpack failed: $error"; 1; } sub add_kernel { my ($bootloader, $kernel_str, $v, $b_nolink, $b_no_initrd) = @_; #- eg: for /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-13mdvxen0 (pkg kernel-xen0-xxx) #- or /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-xen (pkg kernel-xen-uptodate) if ($kernel_str->{version} =~ /xen/ && -f '/boot/xen.gz') { $v->{xen} = '/boot/xen.gz'; } add2hash($v, { type => 'image', label => kernel_str2label($kernel_str), }); #- normalize append and handle special options { my ($simple, $dict) = unpack_append("$bootloader->{perImageAppend} $v->{append}"); if ($v->{label} eq 'failsafe') { #- perImageAppend contains resume=/dev/xxx which we don't want @$dict = grep { $_->[0] ne 'resume' } @$dict; } $v->{append} = pack_append($simple, $dict); } $b_nolink ||= $kernel_str->{use_long_name}; #- do not link /boot/vmlinuz to xen $b_nolink ||= $v->{xen}; my $vmlinuz_long = kernel_str2vmlinuz_long($kernel_str); my $initrd_long = kernel_str2initrd_long($kernel_str); $v->{kernel_or_dev} = "/boot/$vmlinuz_long"; -e "$::prefix$v->{kernel_or_dev}" or log::l("unable to find kernel image $::prefix$v->{kernel_or_dev}"), return; log::l("adding $v->{kernel_or_dev}"); if (!$b_no_initrd) { $v->{initrd} = mkinitrd($kernel_str->{version}, $bootloader, $v, "/boot/$initrd_long"); } my $liblinux_long = kernel_str2liblinux_long($kernel_str); if (-d "$::prefix$liblinux_long") { $v->{liblinux} = $v->{fdtdir} = $liblinux_long; } if (!$b_nolink) { $v->{kernel_or_dev} = '/boot/' . kernel_str2vmlinuz_short($kernel_str); _do_the_symlink($bootloader, $v->{kernel_or_dev}, $vmlinuz_long); if ($v->{initrd}) { $v->{initrd} = '/boot/' . kernel_str2initrd_short($kernel_str); _do_the_symlink($bootloader, $v->{initrd}, $initrd_long); } if ($v->{liblinux}) { $v->{liblinux} = kernel_str2liblinux_short(); _do_the_symlink($bootloader, $v->{liblinux}, basename($liblinux_long)); } } add_entry($bootloader, $v); } =item rebuild_initrds($bootloader) Rebuilds all initrds =cut sub rebuild_initrds { my ($bootloader) = @_; my %done; foreach my $v (grep { $_->{initrd} } @{$bootloader->{entries}}) { my $kernel_str = vmlinuz2kernel_str($v->{kernel_or_dev}) or next; my $initrd_long = '/boot/' . kernel_str2initrd_long($kernel_str); next if $done{$initrd_long}++; rebuild_initrd($kernel_str->{version}, $bootloader, $v, $initrd_long); } } # unused (?) sub duplicate_kernel_entry { my ($bootloader, $new_label) = @_; get_label($new_label, $bootloader) and return; my $entry = { %{ get_label('linux', $bootloader) }, label => $new_label }; add_entry($bootloader, $entry); } my $uniq_dict_appends = join('|', qw(acpi pci resume PROFILE XFree)); sub unpack_append { my ($s) = @_; my @l = "$s " =~ /((?:[^"\s]+|".*?")*)\s+/g; [ grep { !/=/ } @l ], [ map { if_(/(.*?)=(.*)/, [$1, $2]) } @l ]; } sub pack_append { my ($simple, $dict) = @_; #- normalize $simple = [ reverse(uniq(reverse @$simple)) ]; $dict = [ reverse(uniq_ { my ($k, $v) = @$_; $k =~ /^($uniq_dict_appends)$/ ? $k : "$k=$v"; } reverse @$dict) ]; join(' ', @$simple, map { "$_->[0]=$_->[1]" } @$dict); } sub modify_append { my ($b, $f) = @_; my @l = grep { $_->{type} eq 'image' && !$_->{keep_verbatim} && !($::isStandalone && $_->{label} eq 'failsafe') } @{$b->{entries}}; foreach (\$b->{perImageAppend}, map { \$_->{append} } @l) { my ($simple, $dict) = unpack_append($$_); $f->($simple, $dict); $$_ = pack_append($simple, $dict); log::l("modify_append: $$_"); } } sub get_append_simple { my ($b, $key) = @_; my ($simple, $_dict) = unpack_append($b->{perImageAppend}); member($key, @$simple); } sub get_append_with_key { my ($b, $key) = @_; my ($_simple, $dict) = unpack_append($b->{perImageAppend}); my @l = map { $_->[1] } grep { $_->[0] eq $key } @$dict; log::l("more than one $key in $b->{perImageAppend}") if @l > 1; $l[0]; } sub remove_append_simple { my ($b, $key) = @_; modify_append($b, sub { my ($simple, $_dict) = @_; @$simple = grep { $_ ne $key } @$simple; }); } sub set_append_with_key { my ($b, $key, $val) = @_; modify_append($b, sub { my ($_simple, $dict) = @_; if ($val eq '') { @$dict = grep { $_->[0] ne $key } @$dict; } else { push @$dict, [ $key, $val ]; } }); } sub set_append_simple { my ($b, $key) = @_; modify_append($b, sub { my ($simple, $_dict) = @_; @$simple = uniq(@$simple, $key); }); } sub may_append_with_key { my ($b, $key, $val) = @_; set_append_with_key($b, $key, $val) if !get_append_with_key($b, $key); } sub get_append_netprofile { my ($e) = @_; my ($simple, $dict) = unpack_append($e->{append}); my ($p, $dict_) = partition { $_->[0] eq 'PROFILE' } @$dict; pack_append($simple, $dict_), $p->[0][1]; } sub set_append_netprofile { my ($e, $append, $profile) = @_; my ($simple, $dict) = unpack_append($append); push @$dict, [ 'PROFILE', $profile ] if $profile; $e->{append} = pack_append($simple, $dict); } =item configure_entry($bootloader, $entry) Used when a bootloader $entry has been modified (eg: $entry->{vga}) =cut sub configure_entry { my ($bootloader, $entry) = @_; $entry->{type} eq 'image' or return; if (my $kernel_str = vmlinuz2kernel_str($entry->{kernel_or_dev})) { $entry->{initrd} = mkinitrd($kernel_str->{version}, $bootloader, $entry, $entry->{initrd} || '/boot/' . kernel_str2initrd_short($kernel_str)); } } sub get_kernels_and_labels_before_kernel_remove { my ($to_remove_kernel) = @_; my @kernels = grep { $_ ne $to_remove_kernel } installed_vmlinuz(); map { kernel_str2label($_) => $_ } get_kernel_labels(\@kernels); } sub get_kernels_and_labels() { get_kernel_labels([ installed_vmlinuz() ]); } sub get_kernel_labels { my ($kernels) = @_; my @kernels_str = sort { common::cmp_kernel_versions($b->{version_no_ext}, $a->{version_no_ext}) } grep { -d "$::prefix/lib/modules/$_->{version}" } map { vmlinuz2kernel_str($_) } @$kernels; my %labels; foreach (@kernels_str) { if ($labels{$_->{ext}}) { $_->{use_long_name} = 1; } else { $labels{$_->{ext}} = 1; } } $kernels_str[0]{ext} = ''; @kernels_str; } sub short_ext { my ($kernel_str) = @_; my $short_ext = { 'xen0' => 'xen', }->{$kernel_str->{ext}}; $short_ext || $kernel_str->{ext}; } sub _sanitize_ver { my ($kernel_str) = @_; my $name = $kernel_str->{basename}; $name = '' if $name eq 'vmlinuz'; my $v = $kernel_str->{version_no_ext}; $v =~ s!(md[kv]|mnb)$!!; $v =~ s!-0\.(pre|rc)(\d+)\.!$1$2-!; my $return = join(' ', grep { $_ } $name, short_ext($kernel_str), $v); $return; } =item suggest_message_text($bootloader) Provides a description text for Lilo =cut sub suggest_message_text { my ($bootloader) = @_; if (!$bootloader->{message} && !$bootloader->{message_text}) { my $msg_en = #-PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit) N_("Welcome to the operating system chooser! Choose an operating system from the list above or wait for default boot. "); my $msg = translate($msg_en); #- use the English version if more than 40% of 8bits chars #- else, use the translation but force a conversion to ascii #- to be sure there won't be undisplayable characters if (int(grep { $_ & 0x80 } unpack "c*", $msg) / length($msg) > 0.4) { $msg = $msg_en; } else { $msg = Locale::gettext::iconv($msg, "utf-8", "ascii//TRANSLIT"); } $bootloader->{message_text} = $msg; } } sub suggest { my ($bootloader, $all_hds, %options) = @_; my $fstab = [ fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ]; my $root_part = fs::get::root($fstab); my $root = isLoopback($root_part) ? '/dev/loop7' : fs::wild_device::from_part('', $root_part); my $boot = fs::get::root($fstab, 'boot')->{device}; my $mbr; # If installing onto an USB drive, put the MBR there, else on the first non removable drive if ($root_part->{is_removable}) { $mbr = fs::get::part2hd($root_part, $all_hds); } else { $mbr = find { !$_->{is_removable} } allowed_boot_disks($all_hds); } my ($onmbr, $unsafe) = $bootloader->{crushMbr} ? (1, 0) : suggest_onmbr($mbr); add2hash_($bootloader, { bootUnsafe => $unsafe, entries => [], timeout => $onmbr && 10, nowarn => 1, boot => "/dev/" . ($onmbr ? $mbr->{device} : $boot), map => "/boot/map", compact => 1, 'large-memory' => 1, color => 'black/cyan yellow/cyan', 'menu-scheme' => 'wb:bw:wb:bw' }); suggest_message_text($bootloader); add2hash_($bootloader, { memsize => $1 }) if cat_("/proc/cmdline") =~ /\bmem=(\d+[KkMm]?)(?:\s.*)?$/; if (my ($s, $port, $speed) = cat_("/proc/cmdline") =~ /console=(ttyS(\d),(\d+)\S*)/) { log::l("serial console $s $port $speed"); set_append_with_key($bootloader, console => $s); any::set_login_serial_console($port, $speed); } my @kernels = get_kernels_and_labels() or die "no kernel installed"; log::l("found kernels: ", join(', ', map { $_->{version} } @kernels)); my %old_kernels = map { vmlinuz2version($_->{kernel_or_dev}) => 1 } @{$bootloader->{entries}}; @kernels = grep { !$old_kernels{$_->{version}} } @kernels; #- remove existing failsafe and linux-nonfb, do not care if the previous one was modified by the user? @{$bootloader->{entries}} = grep { !member($_->{label}, qw(failsafe linux-nonfb)) } @{$bootloader->{entries}}; foreach my $kernel (@kernels) { my $e = add_kernel($bootloader, $kernel, { root => $root, if_($options{vga_fb}, vga => $options{vga_fb}), #- using framebuffer if_($options{vga_fb} && $options{splash}, append => "splash noiswmd audit=0"), if_($options{quiet}, append => "splash quiet noiswmd audit=0"), }); if ($options{vga_fb} && $e->{label} eq 'linux') { add_kernel($bootloader, $kernel, { root => $root, label => 'linux-nonfb' }); } } add_kernel($bootloader, $kernels[0], { root => $root, label => 'failsafe', append => 'failsafe noiswmd audit=0' }) if @kernels; #- search for dos (or windows) boot partition. Do not look in extended partitions! my @windows_boot_parts = grep { $_->{active} && isFat_or_NTFS($_) && member(fs::type::fs_type_from_magic($_), qw(vfat ntfs ntfs-3g)) && !$_->{is_removable} && !isRecovery($_); } map { @{$_->{primary}{normal}} } @{$all_hds->{hds}}; each_index { add_entry($bootloader, { type => 'other', kernel_or_dev => "/dev/$_->{device}", label => 'windows' . ($::i || ''), table => "/dev/$_->{rootDevice}", makeactive => 1, }); } @windows_boot_parts; my @preferred = map { "linux-$_" } 'server'; if (my $preferred = find { get_label($_, $bootloader) } @preferred) { $bootloader->{default} ||= $preferred; } $bootloader->{default} ||= "linux"; $bootloader->{method} ||= first(method_choices($all_hds, 1), # best installed method_choices($all_hds, 0)); # or best if no valid one is installed $bootloader->{perImageAppend} = $bootloader->{entries}[0]{append}; $bootloader->{default_vga} = $options{vga_fb}; if (main_method($bootloader->{method}) eq 'grub') { my %processed_entries = {}; foreach my $c (find_other_distros_grub_conf($fstab)) { my %h = ( type => 'grub_configfile', label => $c->{name}, kernel_or_dev => "/dev/$c->{bootpart}{device}", configfile => $c->{grub_conf}, ); if ($c->{root}) { my $key = "$c->{name} - $c->{linux} - $c->{initrd}"; next if $processed_entries{$key}; $processed_entries{$key} = 1; add_entry($bootloader, { %h, linux => $c->{linux}, initrd => $c->{initrd}, root => $c->{root}, }); } else { add_entry($bootloader, \%h); } } } } sub detect_main_method { my ($all_hds) = @_; my $bootloader = &read($all_hds); $bootloader && main_method($bootloader->{method}); } sub main_method { my ($method) = @_; $method =~ /(\w+)/ && $1; } sub config_files() { my %files = ( lilo => '/etc/lilo.conf', grub => '/boot/grub/menu.lst', grub_install => '/boot/grub/', uboot => '/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf', ); map_each { my $content = cat_("$::prefix/$::b"); { main_method => main_method($::a), name => $::a, file => $::b, content => $content }; } %files; } sub method2text { my ($method) = @_; +{ 'lilo-menu' => N("LILO with text menu"), 'grub2-graphic' => N("GRUB2 with graphical menu"), 'grub2' => N("GRUB2 with text menu"), 'grub-graphic' => N("GRUB with graphical menu"), 'grub-menu' => N("GRUB with text menu"), 'refind' => N("rEFInd with graphical menu"), 'uboot' => N("U-Boot/Extlinux with text menu"), }->{$method}; } =item method_choices_raw($b_prefix_mounted) Returns list of bootloaders. method_choices_raw(1) will return the list of installed boot loaders. method_choices_raw(0) will return the list of all boot loaders supported by drakboot. Returns: ("grub2", "grub2-graphic") =cut sub method_choices_raw { my ($b_prefix_mounted) = @_; detect_devices::is_xbox() ? 'cromwell' : arch() =~ /arm/ ? 'uboot' : if_(!$b_prefix_mounted || whereis_binary('grub2-reboot', $::prefix), 'grub2-graphic', 'grub2'), if_(uefi_type() eq kernel_uefi_type() && (!$b_prefix_mounted || whereis_binary('refind-install', $::prefix)), 'refind'), # only grub2 & rEFInd work on UEFI: # lilo & grub-legacy do not suppport new ext4/xfs format and are unmainted so only allow them on upgrade: if_(!is_uefi() && !($::isInstall && !$::o->{isUpgrade} || $::isLiveInstall), ( if_(!$b_prefix_mounted || whereis_binary('grub', $::prefix) && -f "$::prefix/boot/grub/", 'grub-graphic', 'grub-menu'), if_(!$b_prefix_mounted || whereis_binary('lilo', $::prefix) && -f "$::prefix/etc/lilo.conf", 'lilo-menu'), )); } =item method_choices($all_hds, $b_prefix_mounted) Returns list of supported bootloaders according to what is detected. Like method_choices_raw(), the $b_prefix_mounted parameter enables to return the list of either installed supported methods or the list of all supported boot loaders. =cut sub method_choices { my ($all_hds, $b_prefix_mounted) = @_; my $fstab = [ fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ]; my $root_part = fs::get::root($fstab); my $boot_part = fs::get::root($fstab, 'boot'); my $have_dmraid = find { fs::type::is_dmraid($_) } @{$all_hds->{hds}}; grep { !(/lilo/ && (isLoopback($root_part) || $have_dmraid)) # LILO doesn't work fake raid && (/grub2/ || $boot_part->{fs_type} ne 'btrfs') # Only grub2 works on btrfs && !(/grub2?-graphic/ && cat_("/proc/cmdline") =~ /console=ttyS/); # No Gfx mode on console } method_choices_raw($b_prefix_mounted); } =item main_method_choices($b_prefix_mounted) Returns list of supported bootloaders, not distinging text/gfx mode. Like method_choices_raw(), the $b_prefix_mounted parameter enables to return the list of either installed supported methods or the list of all supported boot loaders. =cut sub main_method_choices { my ($b_prefix_mounted) = @_; uniq(map { main_method($_) } method_choices_raw($b_prefix_mounted)); } sub configured_main_methods() { my @bad_main_methods = map { if_(!$_->{content}, $_->{main_method}) } config_files(); difference2([ main_method_choices(1) ], \@bad_main_methods); } # for lilo sub keytable { my ($f) = @_; $f or return; if ($f !~ /\.klt$/) { my $file = "/boot/$f.klt"; run_program::rooted($::prefix, "", ">", $file, $f) or return; $f = $file; } -r "$::prefix/$f" && $f; } sub check_enough_space() { my $e = "$::prefix/boot/.enough_space"; output $e, 1; -s $e or die N("not enough room in /boot"); unlink $e; } sub install_uboot { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; write_uboot($bootloader, $all_hds); when_config_changed_uboot($bootloader); } sub _write_extlinux_conf { my ($bootloader, $_all_hds) = @_; if (!get_label($bootloader->{default}, $bootloader)) { log::l("default bootloader entry $bootloader->{default} is invalid, choosing another one"); $bootloader->{default} = $bootloader->{entries}[0]{label}; } my @conf; push @conf, "# File generated by DrakX/drakboot"; push @conf, "default " . $bootloader->{default} if $bootloader->{default}; push @conf, "timeout " . $bootloader->{timeout} if $bootloader->{timeout}; # needed to show boot menu and enable timeout push @conf, "menu title Boot Menu" if $bootloader->{timeout}; foreach my $entry (@{$bootloader->{entries}}) { push @conf, "\nlabel $entry->{label}"; push @conf, " kernel $entry->{kernel_or_dev}"; push @conf, " initrd $entry->{initrd}" if $entry->{initrd}; push @conf, " fdtdir $entry->{fdtdir}" if $entry->{fdtdir}; my @append; push @append, "root=" . $entry->{root} if $entry->{root}; push @append, $entry->{append} if $entry->{append}; push @conf, " append " . join(' ', @append) if @append; } my $f = "$::prefix/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf"; log::l("writing extlinux config to $f"); renamef($f, $f . '.old'); output_with_perm($f, 0600, map { "$_\n" } @conf); } sub write_uboot { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; _write_extlinux_conf($bootloader, $all_hds); } sub when_config_changed_uboot { my ($_bootloader) = @_; #- do not do anything } sub install_cromwell { my ($_bootloader, $_all_hds) = @_; log::l("XBox/Cromwell - nothing to install..."); } sub write_cromwell { my ($_bootloader, $_all_hds) = @_; log::l("XBox/Cromwell - nothing to write..."); } sub when_config_changed_cromwell { my ($_bootloader) = @_; #- do not do anything } sub simplify_label { my ($label) = @_; length($label) < 31 or $label =~ s/\.//g; $label = substr($label, 0, 31); #- lilo does not handle more than 31 char long labels $label =~ s/ /_/g; #- lilo does not support blank character in image names, labels or aliases $label; } sub make_label_lilo_compatible { my ($label) = @_; '"' . simplify_label($label) . '"'; } sub write_lilo { my ($bootloader, $all_hds, $o_backup_extension) = @_; $bootloader->{prompt} ||= $bootloader->{timeout}; my $file2fullname = sub { my ($file) = @_; if (arch() =~ /ia64/) { my $fstab = [ fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ]; (my $part, $file) = fs::get::file2part($fstab, $file); my %hds = map_index { $_ => "hd$::i" } map { $_->{device} } sort { my ($a_is_fat, $b_is_fat) = ($a->{fs_type} eq 'vfat', $b->{fs_type} eq 'vfat'); $a_is_fat <=> $b_is_fat || $a->{device} cmp $b->{device}; } @$fstab; $hds{$part->{device}} . ":" . $file; } else { $file; } }; my $quotes = sub { my ($s) = @_; $s =~ s/"/\\"/g; qq("$s"); }; my $quotes_if_needed = sub { my ($s) = @_; $s =~ /["=\s]/ ? $quotes->($s) : $s; }; my @sorted_hds = sort_hds_according_to_bios($bootloader, $all_hds); if (is_empty_hash_ref($bootloader->{bios} ||= {}) && $all_hds->{hds}[0] != $sorted_hds[0]) { log::l("Since we're booting on $sorted_hds[0]{device}, make it bios=0x80"); $bootloader->{bios} = { "/dev/$sorted_hds[0]{device}" => '0x80' }; } my @conf; #- normalize: RESTRICTED and MANDATORY are only valid if PASSWORD is set if ($bootloader->{password}) { # lilo defaults to mandatory, use restricted by default to have # the same behaviour as with grub $bootloader->{restricted} = 1; } else { delete $bootloader->{mandatory} if !$bootloader->{password}; delete $bootloader->{restricted} if !$bootloader->{password}; } foreach my $entry (@{$bootloader->{entries}}) { delete $entry->{mandatory} if !$entry->{password} && !$bootloader->{password}; delete $entry->{restricted} if !$entry->{password} && !$bootloader->{password}; } if (get_append_with_key($bootloader, 'console') =~ /ttyS(.*)/) { $bootloader->{serial} ||= $1; } if (!get_label($bootloader->{default}, $bootloader)) { log::l("default bootloader entry $bootloader->{default} is invalid, choosing another one"); $bootloader->{default} = $bootloader->{entries}[0]{label}; } push @conf, "# File generated by DrakX/drakboot"; push @conf, "# WARNING: do not forget to run lilo after modifying this file\n"; push @conf, "default=" . make_label_lilo_compatible($bootloader->{default}) if $bootloader->{default}; push @conf, map { $_ . '=' . $quotes_if_needed->($bootloader->{$_}) } grep { $bootloader->{$_} } qw(boot root map install serial vga keytable raid-extra-boot menu-scheme vmdefault); push @conf, grep { $bootloader->{$_} } qw(linear geometric compact prompt mandatory nowarn restricted static-bios-codes large-memory); push @conf, "append=" . $quotes->($bootloader->{append}) if $bootloader->{append}; push @conf, "password=" . $bootloader->{password} if $bootloader->{password}; #- also done by msec push @conf, "timeout=" . round(10 * $bootloader->{timeout}) if $bootloader->{timeout}; push @conf, "message=$bootloader->{message}" if $bootloader->{message}; push @conf, "ignore-table" if any { $_->{unsafe} && $_->{table} } @{$bootloader->{entries}}; push @conf, map_each { "disk=$::a bios=$::b" } %{$bootloader->{bios}}; foreach my $entry (@{$bootloader->{entries}}) { my $mbootpack_file = get_mbootpack_filename($entry); if ($mbootpack_file && !build_mbootpack($entry)) { warn "mbootpack is required for xen but unavailable, skipping\n"; next; } if ($entry->{type} eq 'grub_configfile') { next; } push @conf, "$entry->{type}=" . $file2fullname->($mbootpack_file || $entry->{kernel_or_dev}); my @entry_conf; push @entry_conf, "label=" . make_label_lilo_compatible($entry->{label}) if $entry->{label}; if ($entry->{type} eq "image") { push @entry_conf, 'root=' . $quotes_if_needed->($entry->{root}) if $entry->{root} && !$entry->{xen}; push @entry_conf, "initrd=" . $file2fullname->($entry->{initrd}) if $entry->{initrd} && !$mbootpack_file; my $append = join(' ', if_($entry->{xen_append}, $entry->{xen_append}), if_($entry->{xen}, '--', 'root=' . $entry->{root}), if_($entry->{append}, $entry->{append})); push @entry_conf, "append=" . $quotes->($append) if $append; push @entry_conf, "vga=$entry->{vga}" if $entry->{vga}; push @entry_conf, grep { $entry->{$_} } qw(read-write read-only optional); push @entry_conf, "mandatory" if $entry->{lock}; } else { delete $entry->{unsafe} if $entry->{table}; #- we can't have both push @entry_conf, map { "$_=$entry->{$_}" } grep { $entry->{$_} } qw(table boot-as); push @entry_conf, grep { $entry->{$_} } qw(unsafe master-boot); if ($entry->{table}) { #- hum, things like table=c: are needed for some os2 cases, #- in that case $hd below is undef my $hd = fs::get::device2part($entry->{table}, $all_hds->{hds}); if ($hd && $hd != $sorted_hds[0]) { #- boot off the nth drive, so reverse the BIOS maps my $nb = sprintf("0x%x", 0x80 + (find_index { $hd == $_ } @sorted_hds)); $entry->{mapdrive} ||= { '0x80' => $nb, $nb => '0x80' }; } } if ($entry->{mapdrive}) { push @entry_conf, map_each { "map-drive=$::a", " to=$::b" } %{$entry->{mapdrive}}; } } push @entry_conf, "password=$entry->{password}" if $entry->{password}; push @entry_conf, grep { $entry->{$_} } qw(mandatory vmwarn vmdisable); push @conf, map { "\t$_" } @entry_conf; } my $f = arch() =~ /ia64/ ? "$::prefix/boot/efi/elilo.conf" : "$::prefix/etc/lilo.conf"; log::l("writing lilo config to $f"); renamef($f, $f . ($o_backup_extension || '.old')); output_with_perm($f, $bootloader->{password} ? 0600 : 0644, map { "$_\n" } @conf); } sub install_lilo { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; if (my ($install) = $bootloader->{method} =~ /lilo-(text|menu)/) { $bootloader->{install} = $install; } else { delete $bootloader->{install}; } if ($bootloader->{message_text}) { output("$::prefix/boot/message-text", $bootloader->{message_text}); } my $message = "message-text"; if (-r "$::prefix/boot/$message") { symlinkf $message, "$::prefix/boot/message"; $bootloader->{message} = '/boot/message'; } #- ensure message does not contain the old graphic format if ($bootloader->{message} && -s "$::prefix$bootloader->{message}" > 65_000) { output("$::prefix$bootloader->{message}", ''); } write_lilo($bootloader, $all_hds); when_config_changed_lilo($bootloader); configure_kdm_BootManager('Lilo'); } sub install_raw_lilo { my ($o_force_answer) = @_; my $error; my $answer = $o_force_answer || ''; run_program::rooted($::prefix, "echo $answer | lilo", '2>', \$error) or die "lilo failed: $error"; } sub when_config_changed_lilo { my ($bootloader) = @_; if (!$::testing && $bootloader->{method} =~ /lilo/) { log::l("Installing boot loader on $bootloader->{boot}..."); install_raw_lilo($bootloader->{force_lilo_answer}); } } #- NB: ide is lower than scsi, this is important for sort_hds_according_to_bios() sub hd2bios_kind { my ($hd) = @_; lc(join('_', $hd->{bus}, $hd->{host})); } sub ensafe_first_bios_drive { my ($hds) = @_; mixed_kind_of_disks($hds) || @$hds > 1 && _not_first_bios_drive($hds->[0]); } sub mixed_kind_of_disks { my ($hds) = @_; (uniq_ { hd2bios_kind($_) } @$hds) > 1; } sub _not_first_bios_drive { my ($hd) = @_; my $bios = $hd && $hd->{bios_from_edd}; $bios && $bios ne '80'; } sub sort_hds_according_to_bios { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; my $boot_hd = fs::get::device2part($bootloader->{first_hd_device} || $bootloader->{boot}, $all_hds->{hds}); #- $boot_hd is undefined when installing on floppy my $boot_kind = $boot_hd && hd2bios_kind($boot_hd); my $translate = sub { my ($hd) = @_; my $kind = hd2bios_kind($hd); $boot_hd ? ($hd == $boot_hd ? 0 : $kind eq $boot_kind ? 1 : 2) . "_$kind" : $kind; }; sort { $translate->($a) cmp $translate->($b) } @{$all_hds->{hds}}; } sub device_string2grub { my ($dev, $legacy_floppies, $sorted_hds) = @_; if (my $device = fs::get::device2part($dev, [ @$sorted_hds, fs::get::hds_fstab(@$sorted_hds) ])) { device2grub($device, $sorted_hds); } elsif (my $floppy = fs::get::device2part($dev, $legacy_floppies)) { my $bios = find_index { $floppy eq $_ } @$legacy_floppies; "(fd$bios)"; } else { internal_error("unknown device $dev"); } } sub device2grub { my ($device, $sorted_hds) = @_; if (isRAID($device) && $device->{level} == 1) { #- we can take any disk $device = $device->{disks}[0]; } my ($hd, $part_nb) = $device->{rootDevice} ? (fs::get::device2part($device->{rootDevice}, $sorted_hds), $device->{device} =~ /(\d+)$/) : $device; my $bios = eval { find_index { $hd eq $_ } @$sorted_hds }; if (defined $bios) { my $part_string = defined $part_nb ? ',' . ($part_nb - 1) : ''; "(hd$bios$part_string)"; } else { undef; } } sub read_grub_device_map() { my %grub2dev = map { m!\((.*)\)\s+/dev/(.*)$! } cat_("$::prefix/boot/grub/"); \%grub2dev; } sub write_grub_device_map { my ($legacy_floppies, $sorted_hds) = @_; my $f = "$::prefix/boot/grub/"; renamef($f, "$f.old"); output($f, (map_index { "(fd$::i) /dev/$_->{device}\n" } @$legacy_floppies), (map_index { "(hd$::i) /dev/$_->{device}\n" } @$sorted_hds)); } =item parse_grub_file($grub_file) Parses things like C<(hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz> Returns: ("hd0", 4, "boot/vmlinuz") =cut sub parse_grub_file { my ($grub_file) = @_; my ($grub_dev, $rel_file) = $grub_file =~ m!\((.*?)\)/?(.*)! or return; my ($hd, $part) = split(',', $grub_dev); ($hd, $part, $rel_file); } =item grub2dev_and_file($grub_file, $grub2dev, $o_block_device) Takes things like C<(hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz> Returns: ("/dev/sda5", "boot/vmlinuz") =cut sub grub2dev_and_file { my ($grub_file, $grub2dev, $o_block_device) = @_; my ($hd, $part, $rel_file) = parse_grub_file($grub_file) or return; $grub2dev->{$hd} or internal_error("$hd has no mapping in (when translating $grub_file)"); $part = $o_block_device ? '' : defined $part && $part + 1; #- grub wants "(hdX,Y)" where lilo just want "hdY+1" my $device = '/dev/' . ($part eq '' ? $grub2dev->{$hd} : devices::prefix_for_dev($grub2dev->{$hd}) . $part); $device, $rel_file; } =item grub2devd($grub_file, $grub2dev, $o_block_device) Takes things like C<(hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz> Returns: "/dev/sda5" =cut sub grub2dev { my ($grub_file, $grub2dev, $o_block_device) = @_; first(grub2dev_and_file($grub_file, $grub2dev, $o_block_device)); } =item grub2file($grub_file, $grub2dev, $fstab, $o_entry) Replaces =over 4 =item * C with C when "root" or "rootnoverify" is set for the entry =item * C<(hdX,Y)> in C<(hdX,Y)/boot/vmlinuz...> by appropriate path if possible/needed =back =cut sub grub2file { my ($grub_file, $grub2dev, $fstab, $o_entry) = @_; if ($grub_file =~ m!^/!) { my $root = $o_entry && ($o_entry->{rootnoverify} || $o_entry->{grub_root}); $root and $grub_file = "$root$grub_file"; } if (my ($device, $rel_file) = grub2dev_and_file($grub_file, $grub2dev)) { my $part = fs::get::device2part($device, $fstab); if (my $mntpoint = $part && $part->{mntpoint}) { ($mntpoint eq '/' ? '' : $mntpoint) . '/' . $rel_file; } else { log::l("ERROR: unknown device $device (computed from $grub_file)"); $grub_file; } } else { $grub_file; } } sub boot_copies_dir() { '/boot/copied' } sub create_copy_in_boot { my ($file) = @_; my $s = $file; $s =~ s!/!_!g; my $file2 = boot_copies_dir() . "/$s"; log::l("$file is not available at boot time, creating a copy ($file2)"); mkdir_p(boot_copies_dir()); output("$", $file . "\n"); update_copy_in_boot("$"); $file2; } sub update_copy_in_boot { my ($link) = @_; my $orig = chomp_(cat_("$::prefix$link")); (my $dest = $link) =~ s/\.link$// or internal_error("update_copy_in_boot: $link"); if (-e "$::prefix$orig") { log::l("updating $dest from $orig"); cp_af("$::prefix$orig", "$::prefix$dest"); } else { log::l("removing $dest since $orig does not exist anymore"); unlink "$::prefix$link", "$::prefix$orig"; } } sub crypt_grub_password { my ($password) = @_; require IPC::Open2; local $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C'; my ($his_out, $his_in); my $cmd = ($::prefix ? "chroot $::prefix " : "") . "/sbin/grub-md5-crypt"; my $pid = IPC::Open2::open2($his_out, $his_in, $cmd); my ($line, $res); while (sysread($his_out, $line, 100)) { if ($line =~ /Password/i) { syswrite($his_in, "$password\n"); } else { $res = $line; } } waitpid($pid, 0); my $status = $? >> 8; die "failed to encrypt password (status=$status)" if $status != 0; chomp_($res); } sub get_grub2_first_entry { my ($bootloader) = @_; # set default parameters: my ($entry) = grep { $_->{kernel_or_dev} =~ /vmlin/ } @{$bootloader->{entries}}; $entry; } sub get_grub2_append { my ($bootloader) = @_; # get default parameters from first entry: my ($entry) = get_grub2_first_entry($bootloader); my $append = $entry->{append}; if (my $vga = $entry->{vga} || $bootloader->{vga}) { $append .= " vga=$vga"; } $append =~ s/root=\S+//g; $append =~ s/\bro\b//g; $append =~ s/\s+/ /g; $append; } sub crypt_grub2_password { my ($password) = @_; require IPC::Open2; local $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C'; my ($his_out, $his_in); my $pid = IPC::Open2::open2($his_out, $his_in, "$::prefix/bin/grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2"); my ($line, $res); while (sysread($his_out, $line, 100)) { if ($line =~ /enter.*password:/i) { syswrite($his_in, "$password\n"); } else { chomp($line); $res .= $line if $line; } } $res =~ s/^PBKDF2 hash of your password is //; waitpid($pid, 0); my $status = $? >> 8; die "failed to encrypt password (status=$status)" if $status != 0; chomp_($res); } sub write_grub2_sysconfig { my ($bootloader, $_all_hds, $o_backup_extension) = @_; # Set password prior to run update-grub2: my $pw_f = get_grub2_users(); if ($bootloader->{password}) { if (!is_grub2_already_crypted($bootloader->{password})) { $bootloader->{password} = crypt_grub2_password($bootloader->{password}); } output_with_perm($pw_f, 0600, "GRUB2_PASSWORD=$bootloader->{password}"); } else { unlink($pw_f); } my $f = "$::prefix/etc/default/grub"; my %conf = getVarsFromSh($f); my $append = $bootloader->{perImageAppend} || get_grub2_append($bootloader); my $vga = $bootloader->{default_vga}; $append .= " vga=$vga" if $append !~ /vga=/ && $vga && $vga ne "normal"; $conf{GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT} = $append; $conf{GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX} = 'auto' if is_uefi(); $conf{GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY} = 'false'; # for 'failsafe' entry $conf{GRUB_DEFAULT} //= 'saved'; # for default entry but do not overwrite user choice $conf{GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT} //= 'true'; # for default entry but do not overwrite user choice $conf{GRUB_TIMEOUT} = $bootloader->{timeout}; renamef($f, $f . ($o_backup_extension || '.old')); setVarsInSh($f, \%conf); } sub write_grub2_default_entry { my ($bootloader, $_all_hds, $o_backup_extension) = @_; my $default = $bootloader->{default}; # menu entry must be identified by its full path. eg: "submenu1>submenu2>title": if (my $def = find { $_->{label} eq $bootloader->{default} } @{$bootloader->{entries}}) { $default = $def->{real_label} if $def->{real_label}; } # set default entry: eval { my $f2 = "$::prefix/boot/grub2/grubenv"; cp_af($f2, $f2 . ($o_backup_extension || '.old')); my $error; run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'grub2-set-default', '2>', \$error, $default) or die "grub2-set-default failed: $error"; }; if (my $err = $@) { log::l("error while running grub2-set-default: $err"); } } sub write_grub2 { my ($bootloader, $o_all_hds, $o_backup_extension) = @_; my $error; write_grub2_sysconfig($bootloader, $o_all_hds, $o_backup_extension); my $f1 = "$::prefix/boot/grub2/grub.cfg"; # we won't just rename as update-grub2 (more likely os-prober may fail): cp_af($f1, $f1 . '.old') if -e $f1; run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'update-grub2', '2>', \$error) or die "update-grub2 failed: $error"; log::l("update-grub2 logs: $error"); write_grub2_default_entry($bootloader, $o_all_hds, $o_backup_extension); check_enough_space(); } sub get_grub2_users() { "$::prefix/boot/grub2/user.cfg"; } sub get_grub2_install_sh() { "$::prefix/boot/grub2/"; } sub write_grub2_install_sh { my ($bootloader, $o_backup_extension) = @_; my $f = get_grub2_install_sh(); my $boot = $bootloader->{boot}; my @options; if (is_uefi()) { if ($bootloader->{no_esp_or_mbr}) { push @options, qw(--bootloader-id=tmp --no-nvram); } elsif ($bootloader->{removable}) { push @options, '--removable'; } } else { @options = $bootloader->{no_esp_or_mbr} ? ('--grub-setup=/bin/true', $boot) : $boot; } renamef($f, $f . ($o_backup_extension || '.old')); output_with_perm($f, 0755, join(' ', 'grub2-install', @options)); } sub write_grub { my ($bootloader, $all_hds, $o_backup_extension) = @_; my $fstab = [ fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ]; my @legacy_floppies = detect_devices::floppies(); my @sorted_hds = sort_hds_according_to_bios($bootloader, $all_hds); write_grub_device_map(\@legacy_floppies, \@sorted_hds); my $file2grub; $file2grub = sub { my ($file) = @_; if ($file =~ m!^\(.*\)/!) { $file; #- it's already in grub format } else { my ($part, $rel_file) = fs::get::file2part($fstab, $file, 'keep_simple_symlinks'); if (my $grub = device2grub($part, \@sorted_hds)) { $grub . $rel_file; } elsif (!begins_with($file, '/boot/')) { log::l("$file is on device $part->{device} which is not available at boot time. Copying it"); $file2grub->(create_copy_in_boot($file)); } else { log::l("ERROR: $file is on device $part->{device} which is not available at boot time. Defaulting to a dumb value"); "(hd0,0)$file"; } } }; if (get_append_with_key($bootloader, 'console') =~ /ttyS(\d),(\d+)/) { $bootloader->{serial} ||= "--unit=$1 --speed=$2"; $bootloader->{terminal} ||= "--timeout=" . ($bootloader->{timeout} || 0) . " console serial"; } elsif ($bootloader->{method} eq 'grub-graphic') { my $bin = '/usr/sbin/grub-gfxmenu'; if ($bootloader->{gfxmenu} eq '' && -x "$::prefix$bin") { my $locale = $::o->{locale} || do { require lang; lang::read() }; run_program::rooted($::prefix, $bin, '--lang', $locale->{lang}, '--update-gfxmenu'); $bootloader->{gfxmenu} ||= '/boot/gfxmenu'; } #- not handled anymore delete $bootloader->{$_} foreach qw(splashimage viewport shade); } else { delete $bootloader->{gfxmenu}; } my $format = sub { map { "$_ $bootloader->{$_}" } @_ }; { my @conf; if ($bootloader->{password}) { if (!is_already_crypted($bootloader->{password})) { my $encrypted = crypt_grub_password($bootloader->{password}); $bootloader->{password} = "--md5 $encrypted"; } } push @conf, $format->(grep { defined $bootloader->{$_} } qw(timeout)); push @conf, $format->(grep { $bootloader->{$_} } qw(color password serial shade terminal viewport background foreground)); push @conf, map { $_ . ' ' . $file2grub->($bootloader->{$_}) } grep { $bootloader->{$_} } qw(gfxmenu); eval { push @conf, "default " . (find_index { $_->{label} eq $bootloader->{default} } @{$bootloader->{entries}}); }; foreach my $entry (@{$bootloader->{entries}}) { my $title = "\ntitle $entry->{label}"; if ($entry->{keep_verbatim}) { push @conf, '', $entry->{verbatim}; } elsif ($entry->{type} eq "image") { push @conf, $title; push @conf, grep { $entry->{$_} } 'lock'; push @conf, join(' ', 'kernel', $file2grub->($entry->{xen}), $entry->{xen_append}) if $entry->{xen}; my $vga = $entry->{vga} || $bootloader->{vga}; push @conf, join(' ', $entry->{xen} ? 'module' : 'kernel', $file2grub->($entry->{kernel_or_dev}), $entry->{xen} ? () : 'BOOT_IMAGE=' . simplify_label($entry->{label}), if_($entry->{root}, $entry->{root} =~ /loop7/ ? "root=707" : "root=$entry->{root}"), #- special to workaround bug in kernel (see #ifdef CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP) $entry->{append}, if_($entry->{'read-write'}, 'rw'), if_($vga && $vga ne "normal", "vga=$vga")); push @conf, "module " . $_ foreach @{$entry->{modules} || []}; if ($entry->{initrd}) { # split partition from initrd path and place # it to a separate 'root' entry. # Grub2's mkconfig takes initrd entry 'as is', # but grub2 fails to load smth like '(hd0,1)/boot/initrd' taken from grub-legacy my $initrd_path = $file2grub->($entry->{initrd}); if ($initrd_path =~ /^(\([^\)]+\))/) { push @conf, "root $1"; $initrd_path =~ s/^(\([^\)]+\))//; } push @conf, join(' ', $entry->{xen} ? 'module' : 'initrd', $initrd_path); } } else { my $dev = eval { device_string2grub($entry->{kernel_or_dev}, \@legacy_floppies, \@sorted_hds) }; if (!$dev) { log::l("dropping bad entry $entry->{label} for unknown device $entry->{kernel_or_dev}"); next; } push @conf, $title; push @conf, grep { $entry->{$_} } 'lock'; if ($entry->{type} ne 'grub_configfile' || $entry->{configfile} !~ /grub\.cfg/ || !$entry->{root}) { push @conf, join(' ', $entry->{rootnoverify} ? 'rootnoverify' : 'root', $dev); } if ($entry->{table}) { if (my $hd = fs::get::device2part($entry->{table}, \@sorted_hds)) { if (my $bios = find_index { $hd eq $_ } @sorted_hds) { #- boot off the nth drive, so reverse the BIOS maps my $nb = sprintf("0x%x", 0x80 + $bios); $entry->{mapdrive} ||= { '0x80' => $nb, $nb => '0x80' }; } } } if ($entry->{mapdrive}) { push @conf, map_each { "map ($::b) ($::a)" } %{$entry->{mapdrive}}; } push @conf, "makeactive" if $entry->{makeactive}; # grub.cfg is grub2 config, can't use it as configfile for grub-legacy if ($entry->{type} eq 'grub_configfile' && $entry->{configfile} !~ /grub\.cfg/) { push @conf, "configfile $entry->{configfile}"; } elsif ($entry->{linux}) { push @conf, "root $entry->{root}", "kernel $entry->{linux}"; push @conf, "initrd $entry->{initrd}" if $entry->{initrd}; } else { push @conf, "chainloader +1"; } } } my $f = "$::prefix/boot/grub/menu.lst"; log::l("writing grub config to $f"); renamef($f, $f . ($o_backup_extension || '.old')); output_with_perm($f, 0600, map { "$_\n" } @conf); } { my $f = "$::prefix/boot/grub/"; my $boot_dev = device_string2grub($bootloader->{boot}, \@legacy_floppies, \@sorted_hds); my $files_dev = device2grub(fs::get::root_($fstab, 'boot'), \@sorted_hds); renamef($f, $f . ($o_backup_extension || '.old')); output_with_perm($f, 0755, "grub --device-map=/boot/grub/ --batch < ( BootManager => $name )) }; } sub sync_partition_data_to_disk { my ($part) = @_; common::sync(); if ($part->{fs_type} eq 'xfs') { run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'xfs_freeze', '-f', $part->{mntpoint}); run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'xfs_freeze', '-u', $part->{mntpoint}); } } sub _dev_to_MBR_backup { my ($dev) = @_; $dev =~ s!/dev/!!; $dev =~ s!/!_!g; "$::prefix/boot/boot.backup.$dev"; } sub save_previous_MBR_bootloader { my ($dev) = @_; my $t; open(my $F, $dev); CORE::read($F, $t, 0x1b8); #- up to disk magic output(_dev_to_MBR_backup($dev), $t); } sub restore_previous_MBR_bootloader { my ($dev) = @_; log::l("restoring previous bootloader on $dev"); output($dev, scalar cat_(_dev_to_MBR_backup($dev))); } sub install_grub2 { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; write_grub2($bootloader, $all_hds); write_grub2_install_sh($bootloader, '.old'); install_raw_grub2(); } sub install_raw_grub2() { my $error; my $f = '/boot/grub2/'; my ($right_dir, $bad_dir) = ("$::prefix/boot/EFI/EFI/", "$::prefix/boot/EFI/efi/"); if (-e $bad_dir && ! -e $right_dir) { renamef($bad_dir, $right_dir); } if (!run_program::rooted($::prefix, "sh", "2>", \$error, $f)) { log::explanations("grub2-install failed:\n(" . cat_($f) . ")\nError: <$error>"); die "grub2-install failed: $error"; } } sub install_grub { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; write_grub($bootloader, $all_hds); if (!$::testing) { if ($bootloader->{previous_boot} && $bootloader->{previous_boot} eq $bootloader->{boot}) { # nothing to do (already installed in {boot}) } else { if ($bootloader->{previous_boot}) { restore_previous_MBR_bootloader(delete $bootloader->{previous_boot}); } if (fs::get::device2part($bootloader->{boot}, [ fs::get::hds($all_hds) ])) { save_previous_MBR_bootloader($bootloader->{boot}); $bootloader->{previous_boot} = $bootloader->{boot}; } } my @files = grep { /(stage1|stage2|_stage1_5)$/ } glob("$::prefix/lib/grub/*/*"); cp_af(@files, "$::prefix/boot/grub"); sync_partition_data_to_disk(fs::get::root([ fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ], 'boot')); install_raw_grub(); } configure_kdm_BootManager('Grub'); } sub install_raw_grub() { log::l("Installing boot loader..."); my $error; run_program::rooted($::prefix, "sh", "2>", \$error, '/boot/grub/') or die "grub failed: $error"; } sub when_config_changed_grub2 { my ($_bootloader) = @_; #- do not do anything } sub when_config_changed_grub { my ($_bootloader) = @_; #- do not do anything update_copy_in_boot($_) foreach glob($::prefix . boot_copies_dir() . '/*.link'); } sub write_refind { my ($bootloader, $_all_hds, $o_backup_extension) = @_; my @config; foreach my $entry (@{$bootloader->{entries}}) { if ($entry->{type} eq 'image' && $entry->{kernel_or_dev} eq '/boot/vmlinuz') { my $vga = $entry->{vga} || $bootloader->{vga}; my $boot_params = join(' ', "root=$entry->{root}", $entry->{append}, if_($entry->{'read-write'}, 'rw'), if_($vga && $vga ne "normal", "vga=$vga") ); push @config, '"' . $entry->{label} . '" "' . $boot_params . '"'; } } if (@config) { my $f = "$::prefix/boot/refind_linux.conf"; log::l("writing rEFInd config to $f"); renamef($f, $f . ($o_backup_extension || '.old')); output_with_perm($f, 0600, map { "$_\n" } @config); check_enough_space(); } else { log::l("config has no entries - rEFInd config file not written"); } my $default_kernel = readlink("$::prefix/boot/vmlinuz"); if ($default_kernel) { my $efivars = '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'; my $already_mounted = cat_('/proc/mounts') =~ /$efivars/; run_program::run('mount', '-t', 'efivarfs', 'none', $efivars) if !$already_mounted; my $previous_boot = "$efivars/PreviousBoot-36d08fa7-cf0b-42f5-8f14-68df73ed3740"; run_program::run('chattr', '-i', $previous_boot) if -e $previous_boot; if (open(my $efivar, '>:raw', $previous_boot)) { require Encode; log::l("writing rEFInd PreviousBoot variable"); print $efivar "\x07\x00\x00\x00"; print $efivar Encode::encode('UTF16-LE', $default_kernel); print $efivar "\x00\x00"; close($efivar); } else { log::l("failed to write rEFInd PreviousBoot variable: $@ ($!)"); } run_program::run('umount', $efivars) if !$already_mounted; } } sub install_refind { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; if ($bootloader->{install_mode} ne 'no_install') { my (@options, $error); if ($bootloader->{install_mode} eq 'as_default') { $bootloader->{esp_device} or die "ESP device is unknown"; push @options, '--usedefault'; push @options, $bootloader->{esp_device}; } elsif ($bootloader->{install_mode} eq 'nvram_only') { push @options, '--nvramonly'; } run_program::rooted($::prefix, '/sbin/refind-install', '2>', \$error, @options) or die "refind-install failed: $error"; } write_refind($bootloader, $all_hds); } sub when_config_changed_refind { my ($_bootloader) = @_; #- do not do anything } =item action($bootloader, $action, @para) Calls the C<$action> function with @para parameters: $actions->($bootloader, @para) If needed, the function name will be resolved to call a boot loader specific function (eg: for LILO/GRUB/...) This Swiss army knife function is heavily used by eg /sbin/bootloader-config =cut sub action { my ($bootloader, $action, @para) = @_; my $main_method = main_method($bootloader->{method}); my $f = $bootloader::{$action . '_' . $main_method} or die "unknown bootloader method $bootloader->{method} ($action)"; $f->($bootloader, @para); } =item install($bootloader, $all_hds) Writes back the boot loader config. Calls the proper write_XYZ() function. =cut sub install { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; $bootloader->{keytable} = keytable($bootloader->{keytable}) if $bootloader->{method} eq 'lilo'; action($bootloader, 'install', $all_hds); } sub ensure_pkg_is_installed { my ($do_pkgs, $bootloader) = @_; my %suppl = ( # method => [ 'pkg_name', 'file_to_test' ], 'grub-graphic' => [ qw(mageia-gfxboot-theme /usr/share/gfxboot/themes/Mageia/boot/message) ], 'grub2-graphic' => [ qw(grub2-mageia-theme /boot/grub2/themes/maggy/theme.txt) ], ); my $main_method = main_method($bootloader->{method}); if ($main_method eq 'grub2') { my ($prefix, $pkg); if (is_uefi()) { my %convert = (ia32 => 'i386', aa64 => 'arm64', x64 => 'x86_64'); my %pkgs = (ia32 => 'x86-32', aa64 => 'aarch-64', x64 => 'x86-64'); $prefix = $convert{uefi_type()} . "-efi"; $pkg = "grub2-efi(" . $pkgs{uefi_type()} . ")"; } else { $prefix = 'i386-pc'; $pkg = 'grub2'; } $do_pkgs->ensure_is_installed($pkg, "/usr/lib/grub/$prefix/ext2.mod", 1) or return 0; } elsif ($main_method eq 'refind') { $do_pkgs->ensure_is_installed('refind', '/sbin/refind-install', 1) or return 0; } elsif (member($main_method, qw(grub grub2 lilo))) { $do_pkgs->ensure_binary_is_installed($main_method, $main_method, 1) or return 0; } # Install gfx theme if needed: if (my $pkg = $suppl{$bootloader->{method}}) { $do_pkgs->ensure_is_installed(@$pkg, 1) or return 0; } 1; } sub parse_grub2_config { my ($l, $grubcfg, $part) = @_; my ($linux, $menuentry, $root, $root_dev, $initrd); foreach (cat_($grubcfg)) { chomp; if (/^menuentry\s+['"]([^']+)["']/) { if ($menuentry && $root) { my $parttype = partition_table::raw::typeOfMBR($root_dev); if ((!$parttype || $parttype eq "empty") && $linux) { push @$l, { menuentry => $menuentry, bootpart => $part, root => $root, linux => $linux, initrd => $initrd, grub_conf => $grubcfg }; } } $menuentry = $1; $root = $linux = undef; } elsif (/set root='(\([^\)]+\))'/) { $root = $1; if ($root =~ /\(([^,]+),msdos(\d+)\)/) { my $dev_title = "/" . $1; my $part_num = $2; my $dec_part_num = $part_num-1; $dev_title =~ s!hd!dev/sd!; $dev_title =~ tr/0123456789/abcdefghi/; $root_dev = $part_num ? $dev_title . $part_num : $dev_title; $root =~ s/msdos$part_num/$dec_part_num/; } } elsif (/^\s+linux\s+(.+)/) { $linux = $1; } elsif (/^\s+initrd\s+(.+)/) { $initrd = $1; } } } =item find_other_distros_grub_conf($fstab) Returns a list of other distros' grub.conf =cut sub find_other_distros_grub_conf { my ($fstab) = @_; my @unknown_true_fs = grep { isTrueLocalFS($_) && (!$_->{mntpoint} || !member($_->{mntpoint}, '/home', fs::type::directories_needed_to_boot())); } @$fstab; log::l("looking for configured grub on partitions " . join(' ', map { $_->{device} } @unknown_true_fs)); my @l; foreach my $part (@unknown_true_fs) { my $handle = any::inspect($part, $::prefix) or next; foreach my $bootdir ('', '/boot') { my $f = find { -e "$handle->{dir}$bootdir/$_" } 'grub.conf', 'grub/menu.lst' or next; push @l, { bootpart => $part, bootdir => $bootdir, grub_conf => "$bootdir/$f" }; } foreach my $bootdir ('', '/boot', '/boot/grub', '/boot/grub2') { my $f = find { -e "$handle->{dir}$bootdir/$_" } 'grub.cfg' or next; my $parttype = partition_table::raw::typeOfMBR($part->{device}); if (!$parttype || $parttype eq "empty") { parse_grub2_config(\@l, "$handle->{dir}/$bootdir/$f", $part); } else { push @l, { bootpart => $part, bootdir => $bootdir, grub_conf => "$bootdir/$f" }; } } if (my $f = common::release_file($handle->{dir})) { my $h = common::parse_release_file($handle->{dir}, $f, $part); $h->{name} = $h->{release}; push @l, $h; } elsif ($handle && -e "$handle->{dir}/etc/issue") { my ($s, $dropped) = cat_("$handle->{dir}/etc/issue") =~ /^([^\\\n]*)(.*)/; log::l("found /etc/issue: $s (removed: $dropped)"); push @l, { name => $s, part => $part }; } } my $root; my $set_root = sub { my ($v) = @_; $root and log::l("don't know what to do with $root->{name} ($root->{part}{device})"); $root = $v; }; my @found; while (my $e = shift @l) { if ($e->{name}) { $set_root->($e); } else { if (@l && $l[0]{name}) { $set_root->(shift @l); } my $ok; if ($root && $root->{part} == $e->{bootpart} && $e->{bootdir}) { # easy case: /boot is not a separate partition $ok = 1; } elsif ($root && $root->{part} != $e->{bootpart} && !$e->{bootdir}) { log::l("associating '/' $root->{part}{device} with '/boot' $e->{bootpart}{device}"); $ok = 1; } if ($ok) { add2hash($e, $root); undef $root; } elsif ($root) { log::l("weird case for grub conf in $e->{bootpart}{device}, keeping '/' from $root->{part}{device}"); } else { log::l("could not recognise the distribution for $e->{grub_conf} in $e->{bootpart}{device}"); } $e->{name} ||= "Linux $e->{bootpart}{device}"; push @found, $e; } } $set_root->(undef); @found; } sub update_for_renumbered_partitions { my ($in, $renumbering, $all_hds) = @_; my @configs = grep { $_->{content} } config_files(); $_->{new} = $_->{orig} = $_->{content} foreach @configs; my @sorted_hds; { my $grub2dev = read_grub_device_map(); map_each { $sorted_hds[$1] = fs::get::device2part($::b, $all_hds->{hds}) if $::a =~ /hd(\d+)/; } %$grub2dev; } #- NB: we make the changes with an added string inside so that hda5 is only renamed once to hda6 foreach (@$renumbering) { my ($old, $new) = @$_; log::l("renaming $old -> $new"); (my $lnew = $new) =~ s/(\d+)$/__DRAKX_DONE__$1/; $_->{new} =~ s/\b$old/$lnew/g foreach @configs; any { $_->{name} eq 'grub' } @configs or next; my ($old_grub, $new_grub) = map { device_string2grub($_, [], \@sorted_hds) } $old, $new; log::l("renaming $old_grub -> $new_grub"); (my $lnew_grub = $new_grub) =~ s/\)$/__DRAKX_DONE__)/; $_->{new} =~ s/\Q$old_grub/$lnew_grub/g foreach @configs; } $_->{new} =~ s/__DRAKX_DONE__//g foreach @configs; my @changed_configs = grep { $_->{orig} ne $_->{new} } @configs or return 1; # no need to update $in->ask_okcancel('', N("Your bootloader configuration must be updated because partition has been renumbered")) or return; foreach (@changed_configs) { renamef("$::prefix/$_->{file}", "$::prefix/$_->{file}.old"); output("$::prefix/$_->{file}", $_->{new}); } my $main_method = detect_main_method($all_hds); my @needed = map { $_ eq 'grub' ? 'grub_install' : $_; } $main_method ? $main_method : ('lilo', 'grub'); if (intersection(\@needed, [ map { $_->{name} } @changed_configs ])) { $in->ask_warn('', N("The bootloader cannot be installed correctly. You have to boot rescue and choose \"%s\"", N("Re-install Boot Loader"))); } 1; } =back =cut 1;