DEST_LIVETREE = /tmp/live_tree DEST_STAGE2 = $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/bin/stage2 ISO = /BIG/mdkmove.iso DATA_FILES = devices symlinks directories-to-create etcfiles all-etcfiles keyfiles \ BOOT-800-MOVE.jpg BOOT-1024-MOVE.jpg BOOT-1280-MOVE.jpg BOOT-1600-MOVE.jpg PROGRAM_FILES = tree/startkde_move tree/wait4x LANG_FILES = $(shell perl -ne 'print $$1 if /ALLOWED_LANGS = qw\((.*)\)/' STAGE1 = ../mdk-stage1 INSTALL = ../perl-install INSTALL_FILES = ARCH := $(shell arch | egrep "(x86_64|sparc64|s390x)") ifneq ("x$(ARCH)", "x") LIB_NAME = lib64 else LIB_NAME = lib endif .PHONY: iso all: install build: xwait runlevel_set isolinux/boot.msg cd $(STAGE1) && ADDITIONAL_DEFS="-DMANDRAKE_MOVE" MOVE=1 make init stage1-network stage1-cdrom init-move sudo ./ $(DEST_LIVETREE) > data/directories-to-create sudo find $(DEST_LIVETREE)/etc -type f | perl -pe 's|$(DEST_LIVETREE)||' > data/all-etcfiles $(MAKE) -C ../perl-install mo_files isolinux/boot.msg: data/isolinux-graphic.bmp lilo-bmp2mdk mode:0x103 progress:371,144,4,8,64+11 clear:600,800,64+127 pos:0,0 < $< > $@ install: build #- todo: make_boot_img alike to create boot volume from ../mdk-stage1/stage1-cdrom (isolinux mandatory since stock kernel is so big) sudo cp -f $(STAGE1)/init-move $(DEST_LIVETREE)/sbin/init $(MAKE) -C ../perl-install/share/po install NAME=libDrakX DATADIR=$(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/share sudo cp -f xwait $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/bin sudo cp -f runlevel_set $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/bin sudo cp -f runstage2 $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/bin/ sudo rm -rf $(DEST_STAGE2) sudo mkdir -p $(DEST_STAGE2) sudo cp -f *.pm $(DEST_STAGE2) sudo cp -f $(addprefix $(INSTALL)/, $(INSTALL_FILES)) $(DEST_STAGE2) sudo cp -f $(PROGRAM_FILES) $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/bin sudo cp -f tree/X_move $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/X11R6/bin sudo rm -rf $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/share/langs sudo mkdir -p $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/share/langs sudo cp -f $(patsubst %, $(INSTALL)/pixmaps/langs/lang-%.png, $(LANG_FILES)) $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/share/langs #- overwrite /usr/lib/libDrakX files of the live tree with those in CVS (cd $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/lib/libDrakX ; find -name "*.pm") | egrep -v 'ctxhelp|drakfirsttime' | (cd $(INSTALL) ; sudo cpio -pLumd $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/lib/libDrakX/) #- overwrite of drakxtools because it doesn't contain C_DRAKX stuff sudo cp -f ../perl-install/c/blib/arch/auto/stuff/ $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/lib/libDrakX/auto/c/stuff #- overwrite MDK-Common sudo cp -f ../../soft/perl-MDK-Common/MDK/Common/*.pm $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/$(LIB_NAME)/perl5/vendor_perl/*/MDK/Common #- duplicated :( sudo perl -pi -e 's/#[-+].*//; $$_ = "\n" if (/^=(head|begin)/ .. /^=cut/) || /use (diagnostics|vars|strict)/' $(DEST_STAGE2)/*.pm `find $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/lib/libDrakX -name "*.pm"` sudo mkdir -p $(DEST_LIVETREE)/move sudo cp -f $(addprefix data/, $(DATA_FILES)) $(DEST_LIVETREE)/move sudo install -m 440 tree/sudoers $(DEST_LIVETREE)/etc sudo install -m 644 tree/mdk_move_boot_loop.desktop $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/share/autostart sudo install tree/{mdk_move_loop,mdk_totem,mdk_behind_totem} $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/bin sudo install -m 644 -D tree/mdk_totem.desktop $(DEST_LIVETREE)/etc/skel/Desktop/mdk_totem.desktop sudo install -m 644 tree/kdedrc $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/share/config sudo install -m 644 img/Mandrake.png $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/share/mdk/backgrounds sudo install -m 644 img/FE* $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/share/wallpapers grep ChangeLog $(INSTALL)/CVS/Entries > /tmp/version sudo cp -f /tmp/version $(DEST_LIVETREE)/usr/share/VERSION live_tree_boot: rm -f /tmp/live_tree*.clp ./make_live_tree_boot tools/ $(DEST_LIVETREE) $(MAKE) /tmp/live_tree_always.clp $(MAKE) /tmp/live_tree_boot.clp $(MAKE) /tmp/live_tree_totem.clp $(MAKE) /tmp/live_tree_nvidia.clp $(MAKE) $(patsubst %, /tmp/live_tree_always_i18n_%.clp, $(LANG_FILES)) un_live_tree_boot: ./make_live_tree_boot -u tools/ $(DEST_LIVETREE) iso: un_live_tree_boot install live_tree_boot rm -rf /tmp/iso /tmp/live_tree.clp mkdir /tmp/iso cp -a isolinux /tmp/iso $(MAKE) /tmp/live_tree.clp mv /tmp/*.clp /tmp/iso touch /tmp/iso/isolinux/ find /tmp/iso/isolinux -type f -printf '%p 100\n' > /tmp/iso.sort ; echo '/tmp/iso/live_tree_boot.clp 5' >> /tmp/iso.sort mkisofs -r -J -hide-rr-moved -nobak -cache-inodes -V 'Mandrake Move' -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -sort /tmp/iso.sort -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o $(ISO) /tmp/iso mv /tmp/iso/*.clp /tmp # cdrecord -v -eject dev=0,0,0 blank=fast gracetime=2 speed=99 $(ISO) # ftp://a:a@leia//BIG/mdkmove.iso xwait: %: %.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -L/usr/X11R6/$(LIB_NAME) -lX11 -o $@ runlevel_set: %: %.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ clean: rm -f xwait %.clp: % if [ -e $<.sort ]; then \ mkisofs -R -sort $<.sort $< | create_compressed_fs - 65536 $@ 2000 2>/dev/null ; \ else \ mkisofs -R $< | create_compressed_fs - 65536 $@ 2000 2>/dev/null ; \ fi check_dirs: for i in `cat data/*.dirs`; do grep /tmp/live_tree$$i/ data/*.list; done ||: # perl tools/busy-files-accesses --no-link --no-dir --full-dirs 'data/always.dirs data/boot.dirs data/totem.dirs' --already-have data/always.list