/* file stdio intrinsics for S-Lang */ /* Copyright (c) 1992, 1999, 2001 John E. Davis * This file is part of the S-Lang library. * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Perl Artistic License. */ #include "slinclud.h" #if defined(__unix__) || (defined (__os2__) && defined (__EMX__)) # include <sys/types.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H # include <fcntl.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_FCNTL_H # include <sys/fcntl.h> #endif #ifdef __unix__ # include <sys/file.h> #endif #if defined(__BORLANDC__) # include <io.h> # include <dir.h> #endif #if defined(__DECC) && defined(VMS) # include <unixio.h> # include <unixlib.h> #endif #ifdef VMS # include <stat.h> #else # include <sys/stat.h> #endif #include <errno.h> #define SL_APP_WANTS_FOREACH #include "slang.h" #include "_slang.h" typedef struct { FILE *fp; /* kind of obvious */ char *file; /* file name associated with pointer */ unsigned int flags; /* modes, etc... */ #define SL_READ 0x0001 #define SL_WRITE 0x0002 #define SL_BINARY 0x0004 #define SL_FDOPEN 0x2000 #define SL_PIPE 0x4000 #define SL_INUSE 0x8000 } SL_File_Table_Type; static SL_File_Table_Type *SL_File_Table; static SL_File_Table_Type *get_free_file_table_entry (void) { SL_File_Table_Type *t = SL_File_Table, *tmax; tmax = t + SL_MAX_FILES; while (t < tmax) { if (t->flags == 0) { memset ((char *) t, 0, sizeof (SL_File_Table_Type)); return t; } t++; } return NULL; } static unsigned int file_process_flags (char *mode) { char ch; unsigned int flags = 0; while (1) { ch = *mode++; switch (ch) { case 'r': flags |= SL_READ; break; case 'w': case 'a': case 'A': flags |= SL_WRITE; break; case '+': flags |= SL_WRITE | SL_READ; break; case 'b': flags |= SL_BINARY; break; case 0: return flags; default: SLang_verror (SL_INVALID_PARM, "File flag %c is not supported", ch); return 0; } } } static int open_file_type (char *file, int fd, char *mode, FILE *(*open_fun)(char *, char *), int (*close_fun)(FILE *), unsigned int xflags) { FILE *fp; SL_File_Table_Type *t; unsigned int flags; SLang_MMT_Type *mmt; fp = NULL; t = NULL; mmt = NULL; if ((NULL == (t = get_free_file_table_entry ())) || (0 == (flags = file_process_flags(mode)))) goto return_error; if (fd != -1) fp = fdopen (fd, mode); else fp = open_fun (file, mode); if (fp == NULL) { _SLerrno_errno = errno; goto return_error; } if (NULL == (mmt = SLang_create_mmt (SLANG_FILE_PTR_TYPE, (VOID_STAR) t))) goto return_error; t->fp = fp; t->flags = flags | xflags; fp = NULL; /* allow free_mmt to close fp */ if ((NULL != (t->file = SLang_create_slstring (file))) && (0 == SLang_push_mmt (mmt))) return 0; /* drop */ return_error: if (fp != NULL) (*close_fun) (fp); if (mmt != NULL) SLang_free_mmt (mmt); (void) SLang_push_null (); return -1; } /* Since some compilers do not have popen/pclose prototyped and in scope, * and pc compilers sometimes have silly prototypes involving PASCAL, etc. * use wrappers around the function to avoid compilation errors. */ static FILE *fopen_fun (char *f, char *m) { return fopen (f, m); } static int fclose_fun (FILE *fp) { return fclose (fp); } static void stdio_fopen (char *file, char *mode) { (void) open_file_type (file, -1, mode, fopen_fun, fclose_fun, 0); } int _SLstdio_fdopen (char *file, int fd, char *mode) { if (fd == -1) { _SLerrno_errno = EBADF; (void) SLang_push_null (); return -1; } return open_file_type (file, fd, mode, NULL, fclose_fun, SL_FDOPEN); } #ifdef HAVE_POPEN static int pclose_fun (FILE *fp) { return pclose (fp); } static FILE *popen_fun (char *file, char *mode) { return popen (file, mode); } static void stdio_popen (char *file, char *mode) { (void) open_file_type (file, -1, mode, popen_fun, pclose_fun, SL_PIPE); } #endif /* returns pointer to file entry if it is open and consistent with flags. Returns NULL otherwise */ static SLang_MMT_Type *pop_fp (unsigned int flags, FILE **fp_ptr) { SL_File_Table_Type *t; SLang_MMT_Type *mmt; *fp_ptr = NULL; if (NULL == (mmt = SLang_pop_mmt (SLANG_FILE_PTR_TYPE))) return NULL; t = (SL_File_Table_Type *) SLang_object_from_mmt (mmt); if ((t->flags & flags) && (NULL != (*fp_ptr = t->fp))) return mmt; SLang_free_mmt (mmt); return NULL; } static FILE *check_fp (SL_File_Table_Type *t, unsigned flags) { if ((t != NULL) && (t->flags & flags)) return t->fp; return NULL; } char *SLang_get_name_from_fileptr (SLang_MMT_Type *mmt) { SL_File_Table_Type *ft; ft = (SL_File_Table_Type *) SLang_object_from_mmt (mmt); if (ft == NULL) return NULL; return ft->file; } int SLang_pop_fileptr (SLang_MMT_Type **mmt, FILE **fp) { if (NULL == (*mmt = pop_fp (0xFFFF, fp))) { #ifdef EBADF _SLerrno_errno = EBADF; #endif return -1; } return 0; } static int close_file_type (SL_File_Table_Type *t) { int ret = 0; FILE *fp; if (t == NULL) return -1; fp = t->fp; if (NULL == fp) ret = -1; else { if (0 == (t->flags & SL_PIPE)) { if (EOF == (ret = fclose (fp))) _SLerrno_errno = errno; } #ifdef HAVE_POPEN else { if (-1 == (ret = pclose (fp))) _SLerrno_errno = errno; } #endif } if (t->file != NULL) SLang_free_slstring (t->file); memset ((char *) t, 0, sizeof (SL_File_Table_Type)); return ret; } static int stdio_fclose (SL_File_Table_Type *t) { int ret; if (NULL == check_fp (t, 0xFFFF)) return -1; ret = close_file_type (t); t->flags = SL_INUSE; return ret; } static int read_one_line (FILE *fp, char **strp, unsigned int *lenp) { char buf[512]; char *str; unsigned int len; *strp = NULL; len = 0; str = NULL; while (NULL != fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), fp)) { unsigned int dlen; char *new_str; int done_flag; dlen = strlen (buf); /* Note: If the file contains embedded \0 characters, then this * fails to work properly since dlen will not be correct. */ done_flag = ((dlen + 1 < sizeof (buf)) || (buf[dlen - 1] == '\n')); if (done_flag && (str == NULL)) { /* Avoid the malloc */ str = buf; len = dlen; break; } if (NULL == (new_str = SLrealloc (str, len + dlen + 1))) { SLfree (str); return -1; } str = new_str; strcpy (str + len, buf); len += dlen; if (done_flag) break; } if (str == NULL) return 0; *strp = SLang_create_nslstring (str, len); if (str != buf) SLfree (str); if (*strp == NULL) return -1; *lenp = len; return 1; } /* returns number of characters read and pushes the string to the stack. If it fails, it returns -1 */ static int stdio_fgets (SLang_Ref_Type *ref, SL_File_Table_Type *t) { char *s; unsigned int len; FILE *fp; int status; if (NULL == (fp = check_fp (t, SL_READ))) return -1; status = read_one_line (fp, &s, &len); if (status <= 0) return -1; status = SLang_assign_to_ref (ref, SLANG_STRING_TYPE, (VOID_STAR)&s); SLang_free_slstring (s); if (status == -1) return -1; return (int) len; } static void stdio_fgetslines_internal (FILE *fp, unsigned int n) { unsigned int num_lines, max_num_lines; char **list; SLang_Array_Type *at; int inum_lines; if (n > 1024) max_num_lines = 1024; else { max_num_lines = n; if (max_num_lines == 0) max_num_lines++; } list = (char **) SLmalloc (sizeof (char *) * max_num_lines); if (list == NULL) return; num_lines = 0; while (num_lines < n) { int status; char *line; unsigned int len; status = read_one_line (fp, &line, &len); if (status == -1) goto return_error; if (status == 0) break; if (max_num_lines == num_lines) { char **new_list; if (max_num_lines + 4096 > n) max_num_lines = n; else max_num_lines += 4096; new_list = (char **) SLrealloc ((char *)list, sizeof (char *) * max_num_lines); if (new_list == NULL) { SLang_free_slstring (line); goto return_error; } list = new_list; } list[num_lines] = line; num_lines++; } if (num_lines != max_num_lines) { char **new_list; new_list = (char **)SLrealloc ((char *)list, sizeof (char *) * (num_lines + 1)); if (new_list == NULL) goto return_error; list = new_list; } inum_lines = (int) num_lines; if (NULL == (at = SLang_create_array (SLANG_STRING_TYPE, 0, (VOID_STAR) list, &inum_lines, 1))) goto return_error; if (-1 == SLang_push_array (at, 1)) SLang_push_null (); return; return_error: while (num_lines > 0) { num_lines--; SLfree (list[num_lines]); } SLfree ((char *)list); SLang_push_null (); } static void stdio_fgetslines (void) { unsigned int n; FILE *fp; SLang_MMT_Type *mmt; n = (unsigned int)-1; if (SLang_Num_Function_Args == 2) { if (-1 == SLang_pop_uinteger (&n)) return; } if (NULL == (mmt = pop_fp (SL_READ, &fp))) { SLang_push_null (); return; } stdio_fgetslines_internal (fp, n); SLang_free_mmt (mmt); } static int stdio_fputs (char *s, SL_File_Table_Type *t) { FILE *fp; if (NULL == (fp = check_fp (t, SL_WRITE))) return -1; if (EOF == fputs(s, fp)) return -1; return (int) strlen (s); } static int stdio_fflush (SL_File_Table_Type *t) { FILE *fp; if (NULL == (fp = check_fp (t, SL_WRITE))) return -1; if (EOF == fflush (fp)) { _SLerrno_errno = errno; return -1; } return 0; } /* Usage: n = fread (&str, data-type, nelems, fp); */ static void stdio_fread (SLang_Ref_Type *ref, int *data_typep, unsigned int *num_elemns, SL_File_Table_Type *t) { char *s; FILE *fp; int ret; unsigned int num_read, num_to_read; unsigned int nbytes; SLang_Class_Type *cl; unsigned int sizeof_type; int data_type; ret = -1; s = NULL; cl = NULL; if (NULL == (fp = check_fp (t, SL_READ))) goto the_return; /* FIXME: priority = low : I should add some mechanism to support * other types. */ data_type = *data_typep; cl = _SLclass_get_class ((unsigned char) data_type); if (cl->cl_fread == NULL) { SLang_verror (SL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "fread does not support %s objects", cl->cl_name); goto the_return; } sizeof_type = cl->cl_sizeof_type; num_to_read = *num_elemns; nbytes = (unsigned int) num_to_read * sizeof_type; s = SLmalloc (nbytes + 1); if (s == NULL) goto the_return; ret = cl->cl_fread (data_type, fp, (VOID_STAR)s, num_to_read, &num_read); if ((num_read == 0) && (num_read != num_to_read)) ret = -1; if ((ret == -1) && ferror (fp)) _SLerrno_errno = errno; if ((ret == 0) && (num_read != num_to_read)) { char *new_s; nbytes = num_read * sizeof_type; new_s = SLrealloc (s, nbytes + 1); if (new_s == NULL) ret = -1; else s = new_s; } if (ret == 0) { if (num_read == 1) { ret = SLang_assign_to_ref (ref, data_type, (VOID_STAR)s); SLfree (s); } else if ((data_type == SLANG_CHAR_TYPE) || (data_type == SLANG_UCHAR_TYPE)) { SLang_BString_Type *bs; bs = SLbstring_create_malloced ((unsigned char *)s, num_read, 1); ret = SLang_assign_to_ref (ref, SLANG_BSTRING_TYPE, (VOID_STAR)&bs); SLbstring_free (bs); } else { SLang_Array_Type *at; int inum_read = (int) num_read; at = SLang_create_array (data_type, 0, (VOID_STAR)s, &inum_read, 1); ret = SLang_assign_to_ref (ref, SLANG_ARRAY_TYPE, (VOID_STAR)&at); SLang_free_array (at); } s = NULL; } the_return: if (s != NULL) SLfree (s); if (ret == -1) SLang_push_integer (ret); else SLang_push_uinteger (num_read); } /* Usage: n = fwrite (str, fp); */ static void stdio_fwrite (SL_File_Table_Type *t) { FILE *fp; unsigned char *s; unsigned int num_to_write, num_write; int ret; SLang_BString_Type *b; SLang_Array_Type *at; SLang_Class_Type *cl; ret = -1; b = NULL; at = NULL; switch (SLang_peek_at_stack ()) { case SLANG_BSTRING_TYPE: case SLANG_STRING_TYPE: if (-1 == SLang_pop_bstring (&b)) goto the_return; if (NULL == (s = SLbstring_get_pointer (b, &num_to_write))) goto the_return; cl = _SLclass_get_class (SLANG_UCHAR_TYPE); break; default: if (-1 == SLang_pop_array (&at, 1)) goto the_return; cl = at->cl; num_to_write = at->num_elements; s = (unsigned char *) at->data; } if (NULL == (fp = check_fp (t, SL_WRITE))) goto the_return; if (cl->cl_fwrite == NULL) { SLang_verror (SL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "fwrite does not support %s objects", cl->cl_name); goto the_return; } ret = cl->cl_fwrite (cl->cl_data_type, fp, s, num_to_write, &num_write); if ((ret == -1) && ferror (fp)) _SLerrno_errno = errno; /* drop */ the_return: if (b != NULL) SLbstring_free (b); if (at != NULL) SLang_free_array (at); if (ret == -1) SLang_push_integer (ret); else SLang_push_uinteger (num_write); } static int stdio_fseek (SL_File_Table_Type *t, int *ofs, int *whence) { FILE *fp; if (NULL == (fp = check_fp (t, 0xFFFF))) return -1; if (-1 == fseek (fp, (long) *ofs, *whence)) { _SLerrno_errno = errno; return -1; } return 0; } static int stdio_ftell (SL_File_Table_Type *t) { FILE *fp; long ofs; if (NULL == (fp = check_fp (t, 0xFFFF))) return -1; if (-1L == (ofs = ftell (fp))) { _SLerrno_errno = errno; return -1; } return (int) ofs; } static int stdio_feof (SL_File_Table_Type *t) { FILE *fp; if (NULL == (fp = check_fp (t, 0xFFFF))) return -1; return feof (fp); } static int stdio_ferror (SL_File_Table_Type *t) { FILE *fp; if (NULL == (fp = check_fp (t, 0xFFFF))) return -1; return ferror (fp); } static void stdio_clearerr (SL_File_Table_Type *t) { FILE *fp; if (NULL != (fp = check_fp (t, 0xFFFF))) clearerr (fp); } /* () = fprintf (fp, "FORMAT", arg...); */ static int stdio_fprintf (void) { char *s; FILE *fp; SLang_MMT_Type *mmt; int status; if (-1 == _SLstrops_do_sprintf_n (SLang_Num_Function_Args - 2)) return -1; if (-1 == SLang_pop_slstring (&s)) return -1; if (NULL == (mmt = pop_fp (SL_WRITE, &fp))) { SLang_free_slstring (s); return -1; } if (EOF == fputs(s, fp)) status = -1; else status = (int) strlen (s); SLang_free_mmt (mmt); SLang_free_slstring (s); return status; } static int stdio_printf (void) { char *s; int status; if (-1 == _SLstrops_do_sprintf_n (SLang_Num_Function_Args - 1)) return -1; if (-1 == SLang_pop_slstring (&s)) return -1; if (EOF == fputs(s, stdout)) status = -1; else status = (int) strlen (s); SLang_free_slstring (s); return status; } #define F SLANG_FILE_PTR_TYPE #define R SLANG_REF_TYPE #define I SLANG_INT_TYPE #define V SLANG_VOID_TYPE #define S SLANG_STRING_TYPE #define B SLANG_BSTRING_TYPE #define U SLANG_UINT_TYPE #define D SLANG_DATATYPE_TYPE static SLang_Intrin_Fun_Type Stdio_Name_Table[] = { MAKE_INTRINSIC_0("fgetslines", stdio_fgetslines, V), MAKE_INTRINSIC_SS("fopen", stdio_fopen, V), MAKE_INTRINSIC_1("feof", stdio_feof, I, F), MAKE_INTRINSIC_1("ferror", stdio_ferror, I, F), MAKE_INTRINSIC_1("fclose", stdio_fclose, I, F), MAKE_INTRINSIC_2("fgets", stdio_fgets, I, R, F), MAKE_INTRINSIC_1("fflush", stdio_fflush, I, F), MAKE_INTRINSIC_2("fputs", stdio_fputs, I, S, F), MAKE_INTRINSIC_0("fprintf", stdio_fprintf, I), MAKE_INTRINSIC_0("printf", stdio_printf, I), MAKE_INTRINSIC_3("fseek", stdio_fseek, I, F, I, I), MAKE_INTRINSIC_1("ftell", stdio_ftell, I, F), MAKE_INTRINSIC_1("clearerr", stdio_clearerr, V, F), MAKE_INTRINSIC_4("fread", stdio_fread, V, R, D, U, F), MAKE_INTRINSIC_1("fwrite", stdio_fwrite, V, F), #ifdef HAVE_POPEN MAKE_INTRINSIC_SS("popen", stdio_popen, V), MAKE_INTRINSIC_1("pclose", stdio_fclose, I, F), #endif SLANG_END_INTRIN_FUN_TABLE }; #undef F #undef I #undef R #undef V #undef S #undef B #undef U #undef D #ifndef SEEK_SET # define SEEK_SET 0 #endif #ifndef SEEK_CUR # define SEEK_CUR 1 #endif #ifndef SEEK_END # define SEEK_END 2 #endif static SLang_IConstant_Type Stdio_Consts [] = { MAKE_ICONSTANT("SEEK_SET", SEEK_SET), MAKE_ICONSTANT("SEEK_END", SEEK_END), MAKE_ICONSTANT("SEEK_CUR", SEEK_CUR), SLANG_END_ICONST_TABLE }; static void destroy_file_type (unsigned char type, VOID_STAR ptr) { (void) type; (void) close_file_type ((SL_File_Table_Type *) ptr); } struct _SLang_Foreach_Context_Type { SLang_MMT_Type *mmt; FILE *fp; #define CTX_USE_LINE 1 #define CTX_USE_CHAR 2 unsigned char type; }; static SLang_Foreach_Context_Type * cl_foreach_open (unsigned char type, unsigned int num) { SLang_Foreach_Context_Type *c; SLang_MMT_Type *mmt; FILE *fp; if (NULL == (mmt = pop_fp (SL_READ, &fp))) return NULL; type = CTX_USE_LINE; switch (num) { char *s; case 0: type = CTX_USE_LINE; break; case 1: if (-1 == SLang_pop_slstring (&s)) { SLang_free_mmt (mmt); return NULL; } if (0 == strcmp (s, "char")) type = CTX_USE_CHAR; else if (0 == strcmp (s, "line")) type = CTX_USE_LINE; else { SLang_verror (SL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "using '%s' not supported by File_Type", s); SLang_free_slstring (s); SLang_free_mmt (mmt); return NULL; } SLang_free_slstring (s); break; default: SLdo_pop_n (num); SLang_verror (SL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Usage: foreach (File_Type) using ([line|char])"); SLang_free_mmt (mmt); return NULL; } if (NULL == (c = (SLang_Foreach_Context_Type *) SLmalloc (sizeof (SLang_Foreach_Context_Type)))) { SLang_free_mmt (mmt); return NULL; } memset ((char *) c, 0, sizeof (SLang_Foreach_Context_Type)); c->type = type; c->mmt = mmt; c->fp = fp; return c; } static void cl_foreach_close (unsigned char type, SLang_Foreach_Context_Type *c) { (void) type; if (c == NULL) return; SLang_free_mmt (c->mmt); SLfree ((char *) c); } static int cl_foreach (unsigned char type, SLang_Foreach_Context_Type *c) { int status; int ch; unsigned int len; char *s; (void) type; if (c == NULL) return -1; switch (c->type) { case CTX_USE_CHAR: if (EOF == (ch = getc (c->fp))) return 0; if (-1 == SLang_push_uchar ((unsigned char) ch)) return -1; return 1; case CTX_USE_LINE: status = read_one_line (c->fp, &s, &len); if (status <= 0) return status; if (0 == _SLang_push_slstring (s)) return 1; return -1; } return -1; } static int Stdio_Initialized; static SLang_MMT_Type *Stdio_Mmts[3]; int SLang_init_stdio (void) { unsigned int i; SL_File_Table_Type *s; SLang_Class_Type *cl; char *names[3]; if (Stdio_Initialized) return 0; SL_File_Table = (SL_File_Table_Type *)SLcalloc(sizeof (SL_File_Table_Type), SL_MAX_FILES); if (SL_File_Table == NULL) return -1; if (NULL == (cl = SLclass_allocate_class ("File_Type"))) return -1; cl->cl_destroy = destroy_file_type; cl->cl_foreach_open = cl_foreach_open; cl->cl_foreach_close = cl_foreach_close; cl->cl_foreach = cl_foreach; if (-1 == SLclass_register_class (cl, SLANG_FILE_PTR_TYPE, sizeof (SL_File_Table_Type), SLANG_CLASS_TYPE_MMT)) return -1; if ((-1 == SLadd_intrin_fun_table(Stdio_Name_Table, "__STDIO__")) || (-1 == SLadd_iconstant_table (Stdio_Consts, NULL)) || (-1 == _SLerrno_init ())) return -1; names[0] = "stdin"; names[1] = "stdout"; names[2] = "stderr"; s = SL_File_Table; s->fp = stdin; s->flags = SL_READ; s++; s->fp = stdout; s->flags = SL_WRITE; s++; s->fp = stderr; s->flags = SL_WRITE|SL_READ; s = SL_File_Table; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (NULL == (s->file = SLang_create_slstring (names[i]))) return -1; if (NULL == (Stdio_Mmts[i] = SLang_create_mmt (SLANG_FILE_PTR_TYPE, (VOID_STAR) s))) return -1; SLang_inc_mmt (Stdio_Mmts[i]); if (-1 == SLadd_intrinsic_variable (s->file, (VOID_STAR)&Stdio_Mmts[i], SLANG_FILE_PTR_TYPE, 1)) return -1; s++; } Stdio_Initialized = 1; return 0; }