/* The point of this file is to handle errno values in a system independent * way so that they may be used in slang scripts. */ /* Copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2001 John E. Davis * This file is part of the S-Lang library. * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Perl Artistic License. */ #include "slinclud.h" #include <errno.h> #include "slang.h" #include "_slang.h" typedef struct { char *msg; int sys_errno; char *symbolic_name; } Errno_Map_Type; static Errno_Map_Type Errno_Map [] = { #ifndef EPERM # define EPERM -1 #endif {"Not owner", EPERM, "EPERM"}, #ifndef ENOENT # define ENOENT -1 #endif {"No such file or directory", ENOENT, "ENOENT"}, #ifndef ESRCH # define ESRCH -1 #endif {"No such process", ESRCH, "ESRCH"}, #ifndef EINTR # define EINTR -1 #endif {"Interrupted system call", EINTR, "EINTR"}, #ifndef EIO # define EIO -1 #endif {"I/O error", EIO, "EIO"}, #ifndef ENXIO # define ENXIO -1 #endif {"No such device or address", ENXIO, "ENXIO"}, #ifndef E2BIG # define E2BIG -1 #endif {"Arg list too long", E2BIG, "E2BIG"}, #ifndef ENOEXEC # define ENOEXEC -1 #endif {"Exec format error", ENOEXEC,"ENOEXEC"}, #ifndef EBADF # define EBADF -1 #endif {"Bad file number", EBADF, "EBADF"}, #ifndef ECHILD # define ECHILD -1 #endif {"No children", ECHILD, "ECHILD"}, #ifndef EAGAIN # define EAGAIN -1 #endif {"Try again", EAGAIN, "EAGAIN"}, #ifndef ENOMEM # define ENOMEM -1 #endif {"Not enough core", ENOMEM, "ENOMEM"}, #ifndef EACCES # define EACCES -1 #endif {"Permission denied", EACCES, "EACCES"}, #ifndef EFAULT # define EFAULT -1 #endif {"Bad address", EFAULT, "EFAULT"}, #ifndef ENOTBLK # define ENOTBLK -1 #endif {"Block device required", ENOTBLK, "ENOTBLK"}, #ifndef EBUSY # define EBUSY -1 #endif {"Mount device busy", EBUSY, "EBUSY"}, #ifndef EEXIST # define EEXIST -1 #endif {"File exists", EEXIST, "EEXIST"}, #ifndef EXDEV # define EXDEV -1 #endif {"Cross-device link", EXDEV, "EXDEV"}, #ifndef ENODEV # define ENODEV -1 #endif {"No such device", ENODEV, "ENODEV"}, #ifndef ENOTDIR # define ENOTDIR -1 #endif {"Not a directory", ENOTDIR, "ENOTDIR"}, #ifndef EISDIR # define EISDIR -1 #endif {"Is a directory", EISDIR, "EISDIR"}, #ifndef EINVAL # define EINVAL -1 #endif {"Invalid argument", EINVAL, "EINVAL"}, #ifndef ENFILE # define ENFILE -1 #endif {"File table overflow", ENFILE, "ENFILE"}, #ifndef EMFILE # define EMFILE -1 #endif {"Too many open files", EMFILE, "EMFILE"}, #ifndef ENOTTY # define ENOTTY -1 #endif {"Not a typewriter", ENOTTY, "ENOTTY"}, #ifndef ETXTBSY # define ETXTBSY -1 #endif {"Text file busy", ETXTBSY, "ETXTBSY"}, #ifndef EFBIG # define EFBIG -1 #endif {"File too large", EFBIG, "EFBIG"}, #ifndef ENOSPC # define ENOSPC -1 #endif {"No space left on device", ENOSPC, "ENOSPC"}, #ifndef ESPIPE # define ESPIPE -1 #endif {"Illegal seek", ESPIPE, "ESPIPE"}, #ifndef EROFS # define EROFS -1 #endif {"Read-only file system", EROFS, "EROFS"}, #ifndef EMLINK # define EMLINK -1 #endif {"Too many links", EMLINK, "EMLINK"}, #ifndef EPIPE # define EPIPE -1 #endif {"Broken pipe", EPIPE, "EPIPE"}, #ifndef ELOOP # define ELOOP -1 #endif {"Too many levels of symbolic links",ELOOP, "ELOOP"}, #ifndef ENAMETOOLONG # define ENAMETOOLONG -1 #endif {"File name too long", ENAMETOOLONG, "ENAMETOOLONG"}, {NULL, 0, NULL} }; int _SLerrno_errno; int SLerrno_set_errno (int sys_errno) { _SLerrno_errno = sys_errno; return 0; } char *SLerrno_strerror (int sys_errno) { Errno_Map_Type *e; e = Errno_Map; while (e->msg != NULL) { if (e->sys_errno == sys_errno) return e->msg; e++; } if (sys_errno == SL_ERRNO_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) return "System call not available for this platform"; return "Unknown error"; } static char *intrin_errno_string (int *sys_errno) { return SLerrno_strerror (*sys_errno); } int _SLerrno_init (void) { static Errno_Map_Type *e; if (e != NULL) /* already initialized */ return 0; if ((-1 == SLadd_intrinsic_function ("errno_string", (FVOID_STAR) intrin_errno_string, SLANG_STRING_TYPE, 1, SLANG_INT_TYPE)) || (-1 == SLadd_intrinsic_variable ("errno", (VOID_STAR)&_SLerrno_errno, SLANG_INT_TYPE, 1))) return -1; e = Errno_Map; while (e->msg != NULL) { if (-1 == SLadd_intrinsic_variable (e->symbolic_name, (VOID_STAR) &e->sys_errno, SLANG_INT_TYPE, 1)) return -1; e++; } return 0; }