/* cmd line facility for slang */ /* Copyright (c) 1992, 1999, 2001 John E. Davis * This file is part of the S-Lang library. * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Perl Artistic License. */ #include "slinclud.h" #if SLANG_HAS_FLOAT # include <math.h> #endif #include "slang.h" #include "_slang.h" #ifndef HAVE_STDLIB_H /* Oh dear. Where is the prototype for atof? If not in stdlib, then * I do not know where. Not in math.h onsome systems either. */ extern double atof (); #endif static SLcmd_Cmd_Type *SLcmd_find_command (char *s, SLcmd_Cmd_Type *cmd) { char *cmdstr; char chs = *s++, ch; while ((cmd->cmdfun != NULL) && (NULL != (cmdstr = cmd->cmd)) && (0 != (ch = *cmdstr++))) { if ((ch == chs) && !strcmp (s, cmdstr)) return cmd; cmd++; } return NULL; } static int extract_token (char **strptr, char *buf) { char *s, *b; char ch, quote; *buf = 0; s = *strptr; while (((ch = *s) != 0) && ((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\t') || (ch == '\n'))) s++; *strptr = s; if (ch == 0) return 0; if (ch == '%') return 0; b = buf; *b++ = ch; s++; if ((ch == '\'') || (ch == '"')) { quote = ch; while ((ch = *s) != 0) { s++; *b++ = ch; if (ch == quote) break; if (ch == '\\') { if (0 == (ch = *s)) break; *b++ = ch; s++; } } *strptr = s; *b = 0; return 1; } while (((ch = *s) != 0) && (ch != ' ') && (ch != '\t') && (ch != '\n') && (ch != '%')) *b++ = *s++; *strptr = s; *b = 0; return 1; } static int allocate_arg_space (SLcmd_Cmd_Table_Type *table, int argc, unsigned int *space_ptr) { unsigned int space = *space_ptr; char *p; if (argc + 1 < (int) space) return 0; if (space > 128) { if (space > 1024) space += 1024; else space += 128; } else space += 32; if (NULL == (p = SLrealloc ((char *)table->string_args, space * sizeof (char *)))) return -1; table->string_args = (char **)p; table->string_args [argc] = NULL; if (NULL == (p = SLrealloc ((char *)table->int_args, space * sizeof (int)))) return -1; table->int_args = (int *)p; if (NULL == (p = SLrealloc ((char *)table->double_args, space * sizeof (double)))) return -1; table->double_args = (double *)p; if (NULL == (p = SLrealloc ((char *)table->arg_type, space * sizeof (unsigned char)))) return -1; table->arg_type = (unsigned char *)p; *space_ptr = space; return 0; } int SLcmd_execute_string (char *str, SLcmd_Cmd_Table_Type *table) { char *s, *b = NULL, *arg_type, *last_str, *cmd_name; SLcmd_Cmd_Type *cmd; char *buf; int token_present; int i; int status; unsigned int len; int argc; unsigned int space; table->argc = 0; table->string_args = NULL; table->int_args = NULL; table->double_args = NULL; table->arg_type = NULL; buf = SLmake_string (str); if (buf == NULL) return -1; status = extract_token (&str, buf); if (status <= 0) { SLfree (buf); return status; } if (((len = strlen (buf)) >= 32) || (NULL == (cmd = SLcmd_find_command (buf, table->table)))) { SLang_verror (SL_UNDEFINED_NAME,"%s: invalid command", buf); SLfree (buf); return -1; } if (NULL == (cmd_name = SLmake_string (buf))) { SLfree (buf); return -1; } space = 0; argc = 0; if (-1 == allocate_arg_space (table, argc, &space)) { SLfree (buf); return -1; } table->arg_type[argc] = SLANG_STRING_TYPE; table->string_args[argc++] = cmd_name; arg_type = cmd->arg_type; status = -1; while (*arg_type) { int guess_type = 0; last_str = str; if (-1 == allocate_arg_space (table, argc, &space)) goto error; if (-1 == (token_present = extract_token (&str, buf))) goto error; table->string_args[argc] = NULL; if (token_present) { b = buf; len = strlen (b); if ((*b == '"') && (len > 1)) { b++; len -= 2; b[len] = 0; guess_type = SLANG_STRING_TYPE; SLexpand_escaped_string (buf, b, b + len); len = strlen (buf); } else if ((*b == '\'') && (len > 1)) { char ch; b++; len -= 2; b[len] = 0; guess_type = SLANG_INT_TYPE; ch = *b; if (ch == '\\') (void) _SLexpand_escaped_char (b, &ch); sprintf (buf, "%d", (unsigned char) ch); len = strlen (buf); } else guess_type = SLang_guess_type (buf); } switch (*arg_type++) { /* variable argument number */ case 'v': if (token_present == 0) break; case 'V': if (token_present == 0) { SLang_verror (SL_INVALID_PARM, "%s: Expecting argument", cmd_name); goto error; } while (*last_str == ' ') last_str++; len = strlen (last_str); str = last_str + len; s = SLmake_nstring (last_str, len); if (s == NULL) goto error; table->arg_type[argc] = SLANG_STRING_TYPE; table->string_args[argc++] = s; break; case 's': if (token_present == 0) break; case 'S': if (token_present == 0) { SLang_verror (SL_TYPE_MISMATCH, "%s: Expecting string argument", cmd_name); goto error; } s = SLmake_nstring (buf, len); if (s == NULL) goto error; table->arg_type[argc] = SLANG_STRING_TYPE; table->string_args[argc++] = s; break; /* integer argument */ case 'i': if (token_present == 0) break; case 'I': if ((token_present == 0) || (SLANG_INT_TYPE != guess_type)) { SLang_verror (SL_TYPE_MISMATCH, "%s: Expecting integer argument", cmd_name); goto error; } table->arg_type[argc] = SLANG_INT_TYPE; table->int_args[argc++] = SLatoi((unsigned char *) buf); break; /* floating point arg */ #if SLANG_HAS_FLOAT case 'f': if (token_present == 0) break; case 'F': if ((token_present == 0) || (SLANG_STRING_TYPE == guess_type)) { SLang_verror (SL_TYPE_MISMATCH, "%s: Expecting double argument", cmd_name); goto error; } table->arg_type[argc] = SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE; table->double_args[argc++] = atof(buf); break; #endif /* Generic type */ case 'g': if (token_present == 0) break; case 'G': if (token_present == 0) { SLang_verror (SL_TYPE_MISMATCH, "%s: Expecting argument", cmd_name); goto error; } switch (guess_type) { case SLANG_INT_TYPE: table->arg_type[argc] = SLANG_INT_TYPE; table->int_args[argc++] = SLatoi((unsigned char *) buf); break; case SLANG_STRING_TYPE: s = SLmake_nstring (buf, len); if (s == NULL) goto error; table->arg_type[argc] = SLANG_STRING_TYPE; table->string_args[argc++] = s; break; #if SLANG_HAS_FLOAT case SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE: table->arg_type[argc] = SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE; table->double_args[argc++] = atof(buf); #endif } break; } } /* call function */ status = (*cmd->cmdfun)(argc, table); error: if (table->string_args != NULL) for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (NULL != table->string_args[i]) { SLfree (table->string_args[i]); table->string_args[i] = NULL; } } SLfree ((char *)table->string_args); table->string_args = NULL; SLfree ((char *)table->double_args); table->double_args = NULL; SLfree ((char *)table->int_args); table->int_args = NULL; SLfree ((char *)table->arg_type); table->arg_type = NULL; SLfree (buf); return status; }