/* This goofed-up box whacked into shape by Elliot Lee (from the original listbox by Erik Troan ) and contributed to newt for use under the LGPL license. Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Elliot Lee */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "newt.h" #include "newt_pr.h" /* Linked list of items in the listbox */ struct items { char * text; const void *data; unsigned char isSelected; struct items *next; }; /* Holds all the relevant information for this listbox */ struct listbox { newtComponent sb; /* Scrollbar on right side of listbox */ int curWidth; /* size of text w/o scrollbar or border*/ int curHeight; /* size of text w/o border */ int sbAdjust; int bdxAdjust, bdyAdjust; int numItems, numSelected; int userHasSetWidth; int currItem, startShowItem; /* startShowItem is the first item displayed on the screen */ int isActive; /* If we handle key events all the time, it seems to do things even when they are supposed to be for another button/whatever */ struct items *boxItems; int grow; int flags; /* flags for this listbox, right now just NEWT_FLAG_RETURNEXIT */ }; static void listboxDraw(newtComponent co); static void listboxDestroy(newtComponent co); static struct eventResult listboxEvent(newtComponent co, struct event ev); static void newtListboxRealSetCurrent(newtComponent co); static void listboxPlace(newtComponent co, int newLeft, int newTop); static inline void updateWidth(newtComponent co, struct listbox * li, int maxField); static void listboxMapped(newtComponent co, int isMapped); static struct componentOps listboxOps = { listboxDraw, listboxEvent, listboxDestroy, listboxPlace, listboxMapped, }; static void listboxMapped(newtComponent co, int isMapped) { struct listbox * li = co->data; co->isMapped = isMapped; if (li->sb) li->sb->ops->mapped(li->sb, isMapped); } static void listboxPlace(newtComponent co, int newLeft, int newTop) { struct listbox * li = co->data; co->top = newTop; co->left = newLeft; if (li->sb) li->sb->ops->place(li->sb, co->left + co->width - li->bdxAdjust - 1, co->top); } newtComponent newtListbox(int left, int top, int height, int flags) { newtComponent co, sb; struct listbox * li; if (!(co = malloc(sizeof(*co)))) return NULL; if (!(li = malloc(sizeof(struct listbox)))) { free(co); return NULL; } li->boxItems = NULL; li->numItems = 0; li->currItem = 0; li->numSelected = 0; li->isActive = 0; li->userHasSetWidth = 0; li->startShowItem = 0; li->sbAdjust = 0; li->bdxAdjust = 0; li->bdyAdjust = 0; li->flags = flags & (NEWT_FLAG_RETURNEXIT | NEWT_FLAG_BORDER | NEWT_FLAG_MULTIPLE); if (li->flags & NEWT_FLAG_BORDER) { li->bdxAdjust = 2; li->bdyAdjust = 1; } co->height = height; li->curHeight = co->height - (2 * li->bdyAdjust); if (height) { li->grow = 0; if (flags & NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL) { sb = newtVerticalScrollbar(left, top + li->bdyAdjust, li->curHeight, COLORSET_LISTBOX, COLORSET_ACTLISTBOX); li->sbAdjust = 3; } else { sb = NULL; } } else { li->grow = 1; sb = NULL; } li->sb = sb; co->data = li; co->isMapped = 0; co->left = left; co->top = top; co->ops = &listboxOps; co->takesFocus = 1; co->callback = NULL; updateWidth(co, li, 5); return co; } static inline void updateWidth(newtComponent co, struct listbox * li, int maxField) { li->curWidth = maxField; co->width = li->curWidth + li->sbAdjust + 2 * li->bdxAdjust; if (li->sb) li->sb->left = co->left + co->width - li->bdxAdjust - 1; } void newtListboxSetCurrentByKey(newtComponent co, void * key) { struct listbox * li = co->data; struct items * item; int i; item = li->boxItems, i = 0; while (item && item->data != key) item = item->next, i++; if (item) newtListboxSetCurrent(co, i); } void newtListboxSetCurrent(newtComponent co, int num) { struct listbox * li = co->data; if (num >= li->numItems) li->currItem = li->numItems - 1; else if (num < 0) li->currItem = 0; else li->currItem = num; if (li->currItem < li->startShowItem) li->startShowItem = li->currItem; else if (li->currItem - li->startShowItem > li->curHeight - 1) li->startShowItem = li->currItem - li->curHeight + 1; if (li->startShowItem + li->curHeight > li->numItems) li->startShowItem = li->numItems - li->curHeight; if(li->startShowItem < 0) li->startShowItem = 0; newtListboxRealSetCurrent(co); } static void newtListboxRealSetCurrent(newtComponent co) { struct listbox * li = co->data; if(li->sb) newtScrollbarSet(li->sb, li->currItem + 1, li->numItems); listboxDraw(co); if(co->callback) co->callback(co, co->callbackData); } void newtListboxSetWidth(newtComponent co, int width) { struct listbox * li = co->data; co->width = width; li->curWidth = co->width - li->sbAdjust - 2 * li->bdxAdjust; li->userHasSetWidth = 1; if (li->sb) li->sb->left = co->width + co->left - 1; listboxDraw(co); } void * newtListboxGetCurrent(newtComponent co) { struct listbox * li = co->data; int i; struct items *item; for(i = 0, item = li->boxItems; item != NULL && i < li->currItem; i++, item = item->next); if (item) return (void *)item->data; else return NULL; } void newtListboxSelectItem(newtComponent co, const void * key, enum newtFlagsSense sense) { struct listbox * li = co->data; int i; struct items * item; item = li->boxItems, i = 0; while (item && item->data != key) item = item->next, i++; if (!item) return; if (item->isSelected) li->numSelected--; switch(sense) { case NEWT_FLAGS_RESET: item->isSelected = 0; break; case NEWT_FLAGS_SET: item->isSelected = 1; break; case NEWT_FLAGS_TOGGLE: item->isSelected = !item->isSelected; } if (item->isSelected) li->numSelected++; listboxDraw(co); } void newtListboxClearSelection(newtComponent co) { struct items *item; struct listbox * li = co->data; for(item = li->boxItems; item != NULL; item = item->next) item->isSelected = 0; li->numSelected = 0; listboxDraw(co); } /* Free the returned array after use, but NOT the values in the array */ void ** newtListboxGetSelection(newtComponent co, int *numitems) { struct listbox * li; int i; void **retval; struct items *item; if(!co || !numitems) return NULL; li = co->data; if(!li || !li->numSelected) return NULL; retval = malloc(li->numSelected * sizeof(void *)); for(i = 0, item = li->boxItems; item != NULL; item = item->next) if(item->isSelected) retval[i++] = (void *)item->data; *numitems = li->numSelected; return retval; } void newtListboxSetEntry(newtComponent co, int num, const char * text) { struct listbox * li = co->data; int i; struct items *item; for(i = 0, item = li->boxItems; item != NULL && i < num; i++, item = item->next); if(!item) return; else { free(item->text); item->text = strdup(text); } if (li->userHasSetWidth == 0 && strlen(text) > (size_t)li->curWidth) { updateWidth(co, li, strlen(text)); } if (num >= li->startShowItem && num <= li->startShowItem + co->height) listboxDraw(co); } void newtListboxSetData(newtComponent co, int num, void * data) { struct listbox * li = co->data; int i; struct items *item; for(i = 0, item = li->boxItems; item != NULL && i < num; i++, item = item->next); item->data = data; } int newtListboxAppendEntry(newtComponent co, const char * text, const void * data) { struct listbox * li = co->data; struct items *item; if(li->boxItems) { for (item = li->boxItems; item->next != NULL; item = item->next); item = item->next = malloc(sizeof(struct items)); } else { item = li->boxItems = malloc(sizeof(struct items)); } if (!li->userHasSetWidth && text && (strlen(text) > (size_t)li->curWidth)) updateWidth(co, li, strlen(text)); item->text = strdup(text); item->data = data; item->next = NULL; item->isSelected = 0; if (li->grow) co->height++, li->curHeight++; li->numItems++; return 0; } int newtListboxInsertEntry(newtComponent co, const char * text, const void * data, void * key) { struct listbox * li = co->data; struct items *item, *t; if (li->boxItems) { if (key) { item = li->boxItems; while (item && item->data != key) item = item->next; if (!item) return 1; t = item->next; item = item->next = malloc(sizeof(struct items)); item->next = t; } else { t = li->boxItems; item = li->boxItems = malloc(sizeof(struct items)); item->next = t; } } else if (key) { return 1; } else { item = li->boxItems = malloc(sizeof(struct items)); item->next = NULL; } if (!li->userHasSetWidth && text && (strlen(text) > (size_t)li->curWidth)) updateWidth(co, li, strlen(text)); item->text = strdup(text?text:"(null)"); item->data = data; item->isSelected = 0; if (li->sb) li->sb->left = co->left + co->width - li->bdxAdjust - 1; li->numItems++; listboxDraw(co); return 0; } int newtListboxDeleteEntry(newtComponent co, void * key) { struct listbox * li = co->data; int widest = 0, t; struct items *item, *item2 = NULL; int num; if (li->boxItems == NULL || li->numItems <= 0) return 0; num = 0; item2 = NULL, item = li->boxItems; while (item && item->data != key) { item2 = item; item = item->next; num++; } if (!item) return -1; if (item2) item2->next = item->next; else li->boxItems = item->next; free(item->text); free(item); li->numItems--; if (!li->userHasSetWidth) { widest = 0; for (item = li->boxItems; item != NULL; item = item->next) if ((t = strlen(item->text)) > widest) widest = t; } if (li->currItem >= num) li->currItem--; if (!li->userHasSetWidth) { updateWidth(co, li, widest); } listboxDraw(co); return 0; } void newtListboxClear(newtComponent co) { struct listbox * li; struct items *anitem, *nextitem; if(co == NULL || (li = co->data) == NULL) return; for(anitem = li->boxItems; anitem != NULL; anitem = nextitem) { nextitem = anitem->next; free(anitem->text); free(anitem); } li->numItems = li->numSelected = li->currItem = li->startShowItem = 0; li->boxItems = NULL; if (!li->userHasSetWidth) updateWidth(co, li, 5); } /* If you don't want to get back the text, pass in NULL for the ptr-ptr. Same goes for the data. */ void newtListboxGetEntry(newtComponent co, int num, char **text, void **data) { struct listbox * li = co->data; int i; struct items *item; if (!li->boxItems || num >= li->numItems) { if(text) *text = NULL; if(data) *data = NULL; return; } i = 0; item = li->boxItems; while (item && i < num) { i++, item = item->next; } if (item) { if (text) *text = item->text; if (data) *data = (void *)item->data; } } static void listboxDraw(newtComponent co) { struct listbox * li = co->data; struct items *item; int i, j; if (!co->isMapped) return ; if(li->flags & NEWT_FLAG_BORDER) { if(li->isActive) SLsmg_set_color(NEWT_COLORSET_ACTLISTBOX); else SLsmg_set_color(NEWT_COLORSET_LISTBOX); newtDrawBox(co->left, co->top, co->width, co->height, 0); } if(li->sb) li->sb->ops->draw(li->sb); SLsmg_set_color(NEWT_COLORSET_LISTBOX); for(i = 0, item = li->boxItems; item != NULL && i < li->startShowItem; i++, item = item->next); j = i; for (i = 0; item != NULL && i < li->curHeight; i++, item = item->next) { if (!item->text) continue; newtGotorc(co->top + i + li->bdyAdjust, co->left + li->bdxAdjust); if(j + i == li->currItem) { if(item->isSelected) SLsmg_set_color(NEWT_COLORSET_ACTSELLISTBOX); else SLsmg_set_color(NEWT_COLORSET_ACTLISTBOX); } else if(item->isSelected) SLsmg_set_color(NEWT_COLORSET_SELLISTBOX); else SLsmg_set_color(NEWT_COLORSET_LISTBOX); SLsmg_write_nstring(item->text, li->curWidth); } newtGotorc(co->top + (li->currItem - li->startShowItem), co->left); } static struct eventResult listboxEvent(newtComponent co, struct event ev) { struct eventResult er; struct listbox * li = co->data; struct items *item; int i; er.result = ER_IGNORED; if(ev.when == EV_EARLY || ev.when == EV_LATE) { return er; } switch(ev.event) { case EV_KEYPRESS: if (!li->isActive) break; switch(ev.u.key) { case ' ': if(!(li->flags & NEWT_FLAG_MULTIPLE)) break; newtListboxSelectItem(co, li->boxItems[li->currItem].data, NEWT_FLAGS_TOGGLE); er.result = ER_SWALLOWED; /* We don't break here, because it is cool to be able to hold space to select a bunch of items in a list at once */ case NEWT_KEY_DOWN: if(li->numItems <= 0) break; if(li->currItem < li->numItems - 1) { li->currItem++; if(li->currItem > (li->startShowItem + li->curHeight - 1)) { li->startShowItem = li->currItem - li->curHeight + 1; if(li->startShowItem + li->curHeight > li->numItems) li->startShowItem = li->numItems - li->curHeight; } if(li->sb) newtScrollbarSet(li->sb, li->currItem + 1, li->numItems); listboxDraw(co); } if(co->callback) co->callback(co, co->callbackData); er.result = ER_SWALLOWED; break; case NEWT_KEY_ENTER: if(li->numItems <= 0) break; if(li->flags & NEWT_FLAG_RETURNEXIT) er.result = ER_EXITFORM; break; case NEWT_KEY_UP: if(li->numItems <= 0) break; if(li->currItem > 0) { li->currItem--; if(li->currItem < li->startShowItem) li->startShowItem = li->currItem; if(li->sb) newtScrollbarSet(li->sb, li->currItem + 1, li->numItems); listboxDraw(co); } if(co->callback) co->callback(co, co->callbackData); er.result = ER_SWALLOWED; break; case NEWT_KEY_PGUP: if(li->numItems <= 0) break; li->startShowItem -= li->curHeight - 1; if(li->startShowItem < 0) li->startShowItem = 0; li->currItem -= li->curHeight - 1; if(li->currItem < 0) li->currItem = 0; newtListboxRealSetCurrent(co); er.result = ER_SWALLOWED; break; case NEWT_KEY_PGDN: if(li->numItems <= 0) break; li->startShowItem += li->curHeight; if(li->startShowItem > (li->numItems - li->curHeight)) { li->startShowItem = li->numItems - li->curHeight; } li->currItem += li->curHeight; if(li->currItem >= li->numItems) { li->currItem = li->numItems - 1; } newtListboxRealSetCurrent(co); er.result = ER_SWALLOWED; break; case NEWT_KEY_HOME: if(li->numItems <= 0) break; newtListboxSetCurrent(co, 0); er.result = ER_SWALLOWED; break; case NEWT_KEY_END: if(li->numItems <= 0) break; li->startShowItem = li->numItems - li->curHeight; if(li->startShowItem < 0) li->startShowItem = 0; li->currItem = li->numItems - 1; newtListboxRealSetCurrent(co); er.result = ER_SWALLOWED; break; default: if (li->numItems <= 0) break; if (ev.u.key < NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE && isalpha(ev.u.key)) { for(i = 0, item = li->boxItems; item != NULL && i < li->currItem; i++, item = item->next); if (item && item->text && (toupper(*item->text) == toupper(ev.u.key))) { item = item->next; i++; } else { item = li->boxItems; i = 0; } while (item && item->text && toupper(*item->text) != toupper(ev.u.key)) { item = item->next; i++; } if (item) { li->currItem = i; if(li->currItem < li->startShowItem || li->currItem > li->startShowItem) { if (li->currItem > li->numItems - li->curHeight) { li->startShowItem= li->numItems - li->curHeight; } else { li->startShowItem = li->currItem; } } if(li->sb) newtScrollbarSet(li->sb, li->currItem + 1, li->numItems); newtListboxRealSetCurrent(co); er.result = ER_SWALLOWED; } } } break; case EV_FOCUS: li->isActive = 1; listboxDraw(co); er.result = ER_SWALLOWED; break; case EV_UNFOCUS: li->isActive = 0; listboxDraw(co); er.result = ER_SWALLOWED; break; case EV_MOUSE: /* if this mouse click was within the listbox, make the current item the item clicked on. */ /* Up scroll arrow */ if (li->sb && ev.u.mouse.x == co->left + co->width - li->bdxAdjust - 1 && ev.u.mouse.y == co->top + li->bdyAdjust) { if(li->numItems <= 0) break; if(li->currItem > 0) { li->currItem--; if(li->currItem < li->startShowItem) li->startShowItem = li->currItem; if(li->sb) newtScrollbarSet(li->sb, li->currItem + 1, li->numItems); listboxDraw(co); } if(co->callback) co->callback(co, co->callbackData); er.result = ER_SWALLOWED; break; } /* Down scroll arrow */ if (li->sb && ev.u.mouse.x == co->left + co->width - li->bdxAdjust - 1 && ev.u.mouse.y == co->top + co->height - li->bdyAdjust - 1) { if(li->numItems <= 0) break; if(li->currItem < li->numItems - 1) { li->currItem++; if(li->currItem > (li->startShowItem + li->curHeight - 1)) { li->startShowItem = li->currItem - li->curHeight + 1; if(li->startShowItem + li->curHeight > li->numItems) li->startShowItem = li->numItems - li->curHeight; } if(li->sb) newtScrollbarSet(li->sb, li->currItem + 1, li->numItems); listboxDraw(co); } if(co->callback) co->callback(co, co->callbackData); er.result = ER_SWALLOWED; break; } if ((ev.u.mouse.y >= co->top + li->bdyAdjust) && (ev.u.mouse.y <= co->top + co->height - (li->bdyAdjust * 2)) && (ev.u.mouse.x >= co->left + li->bdxAdjust) && (ev.u.mouse.x <= co->left + co->width + (li->bdxAdjust * 2))) { li->currItem = li->startShowItem + (ev.u.mouse.y - li->bdyAdjust - co->top); newtListboxRealSetCurrent(co); listboxDraw(co); if(co->callback) co->callback(co, co->callbackData); er.result = ER_SWALLOWED; break; } } return er; } static void listboxDestroy(newtComponent co) { struct listbox * li = co->data; struct items * item, * nextitem; nextitem = item = li->boxItems; while (item != NULL) { nextitem = item->next; free(item->text); free(item); item = nextitem; } if (li->sb) li->sb->ops->destroy(li->sb); free(li); free(co); }