This is the documentation for the "Update Modules" (Update Drivers) feature. This feature aims to propose new modules or replacement modules for the install and afterwards. This is useful when there is a firmware update for a given driver, an additional driver needed for something, etc. You must use a floppy disk with e2fs filesystem (NOT vfat/windows formatted). Use "mke2fs /dev/fd0" on your own box to format a floppy with e2fs filesystem. This disk may contain a number of kernel modules; some of them may replace existing modules, some of them may be added. Create a directory per kernel version, named from the version, for example 2.6.27-desktop586-0.rc8.2mnb. In this directory put the modules and a special file, named "to_load". This file will contain a series of module names, with optional module options; the program will try to load all these modules one after another, using file on the floppy if present, else using file within standard module repository. It can contain comments, these are strictly defined by the presence of a hash (#) character on column 0 of any line. This disk may also contain some update or new modules for installed kernels. Those modules must be placed in directory . They must be gzipped if the installed kernel modules are gzipped. You may need to specify the "category" so that new modules are used correctly. For example, a scsi module should be put in category disk/scsi so that it is put in scsi_hostadapter and initrd. Here's a typical scenario: 1. Boot the floppy (or cdrom) with the option "updatemodules" (you may do that by pressing F1 then entering "linux updatemodules") 2. At the very beginning of the User Interface, you are asked to insert the Update Modules disk. Insert the Update Modules disk and press Enter. --=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=-- Our example disk contains: [root@obiwan mnt]# ll floppy/* 2.6.27-desktop586-0.rc8.2mnb/: total 541 drwxrwxr-x 3 a a 1024 2009-03-09 12:09 kernel/ -rw-rw-r-- 1 a a 547480 2009-03-09 12:04 msdos.ko -rw-rw-r-- 1 a a 54748 2009-03-09 12:04 ppa.ko -rw-rw-r-- 1 a a 79 2009-03-09 12:08 to_load [root@obiwan mnt]# cat floppy/*/to_load # Update Drivers description file 3c59x # fat is a dep for msdos fat # updated msdos (handling of 9+4 filenames) msdos ppa # ISA network card needing options ne io=0x300 irq=7 # New module [list_modules: disk/scsi] a320raid [root@obiwan mnt]# (cd floppy/2.6.27-desktop586-0.rc8.2mnb ; find -type f) ./msdos.ko ./ppa.ko ./to_load ./kernel/fs/msdos/msdos.ko.gz ./kernel/drivers/scsi/ppa.ko.gz ./kernel/drivers/usb/host/uhci-hcd.ko.gz ./kernel/drivers/usb/input/wacom.ko.gz [root@obiwan mnt]# --=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----=-- 3. The program reads the special file "to_load" and processes the files. a- 3c59x loaded from the marfile on the boot floppy b- fat loaded from the marfile on the boot floppy c- msdos loaded from the update modules floppy d- ppa loaded from the update modules floppy e- ne loaded from the marfile on the boot floppy !!! Beware !!!, the dependencies are not handled automatically in the case of load from the update modules floppy, that's why on our example we need to load "fat" from the standard modules before "msdos" from the update floppy. 4. When system is installed, update floppy is asked again so that update modules for the installed kernels can be copied. Then depmod is called.