If you have to boot pretty often, you'll appreciate to speed the things up a little. Here's what we use: the GRUB feature to boot from the network using the DHCP protocol and the TFTP protocol. Here's the "menu.lst" to do that: -=-=-- timeout 0 title linux dhcp tftpserver kernel (nd)/tftpboot/gc/vmlinuz ramdisk=32000 vga=788 initrd (nd)/tftpboot/gc/network.rdz -=-=-- The option "tftpserver" is used to override the tftpserver address given as an answer by the DHCP server. That way, you'll not need to bother your system administrator to modify his dhcp server configuration. The directory /tftpboot seems to be the only one defaultly accepted by the server, and its subdirs. Of course, your GRUB needs to be compiled with the specific code for your network card; use ./configure --help in the GRUB build dir for more infos.