package network::shorewall; # $Id: 254244 2009-03-18 22:54:32Z eugeni $ use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); # helps perl_checker use detect_devices; use network::network; use run_program; use common; use log; my $shorewall_root = "/etc/shorewall"; our $firewall_icon = $::isInstall ? 'banner-security' : '/usr/share/mcc/themes/default/firewall-mdk.png'; sub check_iptables() { -f "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/iptables" || $::isStandalone && do { system('modprobe iptable_nat'); -x '/sbin/iptables' && listlength(`/sbin/iptables -t nat -nL`) > 8; }; } sub set_config_file { my ($file, $ver, @l) = @_; my $done; substInFile { my $last_line = /^#LAST LINE/ && $_; if (!$done && ($last_line || eof)) { $_ = join('', map { join("\t", @$_) . "\n" } @l); $_ .= $last_line if $last_line; $done = 1; } else { $_ = '' unless /^#/ || $file eq 'rules' && /^SECTION/; } } "$::prefix${shorewall_root}${ver}/$file"; } sub get_config_file { my ($file, $o_ver) = @_; my $ver = ''; $ver = $o_ver if $o_ver; map { [ split ' ' ] } grep { !/^#/ } cat_("$::prefix${shorewall_root}${ver}/$file"); } # Note: Called from drakguard and # Deliberately not adding shorewall6 support here for now sub set_in_file { my ($file, $enabled, @list) = @_; my $done; substInFile { my $last_line = /^#LAST LINE/ && $_; foreach my $l (@list) { s|^$l\n|| } if (!$done && $enabled && ($last_line || eof)) { $_ = join('', map { "$_\n" } @list); $_ .= $last_line if $last_line; $done = 1; } } "$::prefix${shorewall_root}/$file"; } sub dev_to_shorewall { my ($dev) = @_; $dev =~ /^ippp/ && "ippp+" || $dev =~ /^ppp/ && "ppp+" || $dev; } sub get_net_zone_interfaces { my ($interfacesfile, $_net, $all_intf) = @_; #- read shorewall configuration first my @interfaces = map { $_->[1] } grep { $_->[0] eq 'net' } $interfacesfile; #- else try to find the best interface available @interfaces ? @interfaces : @{$all_intf || []}; } sub get_zones { my ($conf, $o_in) = @_; my $interfacesfile = get_config_file('interfaces', $conf->{version} || ''); my $net = {}; network::network::read_net_conf($net); #- find all interfaces but alias interfaces my @all_intf = grep { !/:/ } uniq(keys(%{$net->{ifcfg}}), detect_devices::get_net_interfaces()); my %net_zone = map { $_ => undef } @all_intf; $net_zone{$_} = 1 foreach get_net_zone_interfaces($interfacesfile, $net, \@all_intf); $o_in and $o_in->ask_from_({ title => N("Firewall configuration"), icon => $firewall_icon, messages => N("Please select the interfaces that will be protected by the firewall. All interfaces directly connected to Internet should be selected, while interfaces connected to a local network may be unselected. If you intend to use Mageia Internet Connection sharing, unselect interfaces which will be connected to local network. Which interfaces should be protected? "), }, [ map { { text => network::tools::get_interface_description($net, $_), val => \$net_zone{$_}, type => 'bool' }; } (sort keys %net_zone) ]); ($conf->{net_zone}, $conf->{loc_zone}) = partition { $net_zone{$_} } keys %net_zone; } sub add_interface_to_net_zone { my ($conf, $interface) = @_; if (!member($interface, @{$conf->{net_zone}})) { push @{$conf->{net_zone}}, $interface; @{$conf->{loc_zone}} = grep { $_ ne $interface } @{$conf->{loc_zone}}; } } sub read { my ($o_in, $o_ver) = @_; my $ver = ''; $ver = $o_ver if $o_ver; #- read old rules file if config is not moved to rules.drakx yet my @rules = get_config_file(-f "$::prefix${shorewall_root}${ver}/rules.drakx" ? 'rules.drakx' : 'rules', $ver); require services; my %conf = (disabled => !services::starts_on_boot("shorewall${ver}"), version => $ver, ports => join(' ', map { my $e = $_; map { "$_/$e->[3]" } split(',', $e->[4]); } grep { $_->[0] eq 'ACCEPT' && $_->[1] eq 'net' } @rules), ); push @{$conf{accept_local_users}{$_->[4]}}, $_->[8] foreach grep { $_->[0] eq 'ACCEPT+' } @rules; $conf{redirects}{$_->[3]}{$_->[4]} = $_->[2] foreach grep { $_->[0] eq 'REDIRECT' } @rules; if (my ($e) = get_config_file('masq', $ver)) { ($conf{masq}{net_interface}, $conf{masq}{subnet}) = @$e; } my @policy = get_config_file('policy', $ver); $conf{log_net_drop} = @policy ? (any { $_->[0] eq 'net' && $_->[1] eq 'all' && $_->[2] eq 'DROP' && $_->[3] } @policy) : 1; get_zones(\%conf, $o_in); get_config_file('zones', $ver) && \%conf; } sub ports_by_proto { my ($ports) = @_; my %ports_by_proto; foreach (split ' ', $ports) { m!^(\d+(?::\d+)?)/(udp|tcp|icmp)$! or die "bad port $_\n"; push @{$ports_by_proto{$2}}, $1; } \%ports_by_proto; } sub write { my ($conf, $o_in) = @_; my $ver = $conf->{version} || ''; my $use_pptp = any { /^ppp/ && cat_("$::prefix/etc/ppp/peers/$_") =~ /pptp/ } @{$conf->{net_zone}}; my $ports_by_proto = ports_by_proto($conf->{ports}); my $has_loc_zone = to_bool(@{$conf->{loc_zone} || []}); my ($include_drakx, $other_rules) = partition { $_ eq "INCLUDE\trules.drakx\n" } grep { !/^(#|SECTION)/ } cat_("$::prefix${shorewall_root}${ver}/rules"); #- warn if the config is already in rules.drakx and additionnal rules are configured if (!is_empty_array_ref($include_drakx) && !is_empty_array_ref($other_rules)) { my %actions = ( keep => N("Keep custom rules"), drop => N("Drop custom rules"), ); my $action = 'keep'; !$o_in || $o_in->ask_from_( { messages => N("Your firewall configuration has been manually edited and contains rules that may conflict with the configuration that has just been set up. What do you want to do?"), title => N("Firewall"), icon => 'banner-security', }, [ { val => \$action, type => 'list', list => [ 'keep', 'drop' ], format => sub { $actions{$_[0]} } } ]) or return; #- reset the rules files if the user has chosen to drop modifications undef $include_drakx if $action eq 'drop'; } my $interface_settings = sub { my ($zone, $interface) = @_; [ $zone, $interface, 'detect', if_(detect_devices::is_bridge_interface($interface), 'routeback') ]; }; set_config_file('zones', $ver, if_($has_loc_zone, [ 'loc', 'ipv4' ]), [ 'net', 'ipv4' ], [ 'fw', 'firewall' ], ); set_config_file('interfaces', $ver, (map { $interface_settings->('net', $_) } @{$conf->{net_zone}}), (map { $interface_settings->('loc', $_) } @{$conf->{loc_zone} || []}), ); set_config_file('policy', $ver, if_($has_loc_zone, [ 'loc', 'net', 'ACCEPT' ], [ 'loc', 'fw', 'ACCEPT' ], [ 'fw', 'loc', 'ACCEPT' ]), [ 'fw', 'net', 'ACCEPT' ], [ 'net', 'all', 'DROP', if_($conf->{log_net_drop}, 'info') ], [ 'all', 'all', 'REJECT', 'info' ], ); if (is_empty_array_ref($include_drakx)) { #- make sure the rules.drakx config is read, erasing user modifications set_config_file('rules', $ver, [ 'INCLUDE', 'rules.drakx' ]); } output_with_perm("$::prefix${shorewall_root}${ver}/" . 'rules.drakx', 0600, map { join("\t", @$_) . "\n" } ( if_($use_pptp, [ 'ACCEPT', 'fw', 'loc:', 'tcp', '1723' ]), if_($use_pptp, [ 'ACCEPT', 'fw', 'loc:', 'gre' ]), (map_each { [ 'ACCEPT', 'net', 'fw', $::a, join(',', @$::b), '-' ] } %$ports_by_proto), (map_each { if_($::b, map { [ 'ACCEPT+', 'fw', 'net', 'tcp', $::a, '-', '-', '-', $_ ] } @$::b); } %{$conf->{accept_local_users}}), (map { my $proto = $_; #- WARNING: won't redirect ports from the firewall system if a local zone exists #- set redirect_fw_only to workaround map_each { map { [ 'REDIRECT', $_, $::b, $proto, $::a, '-' ] } 'fw', if_($has_loc_zone, 'loc'); } %{$conf->{redirects}{$proto}}; } keys %{$conf->{redirects}}), )); set_config_file('masq', $ver, if_(exists $conf->{masq}, [ $conf->{masq}{net_interface}, $conf->{masq}{subnet} ])); require services; if ($conf->{disabled}) { services::disable('shorewall', $::isInstall); run_program::rooted($::prefix, '/sbin/shorewall', 'clear') unless $::isInstall; } else { services::enable('shorewall', $::isInstall); } } sub set_redirected_ports { my ($conf, $proto, $dest, @ports) = @_; if (@ports) { $conf->{redirects}{$proto}{$_} = $dest foreach @ports; } else { my $r = $conf->{redirects}{$proto}; @ports = grep { $r->{$_} eq $dest } keys %$r; delete $r->{$_} foreach @ports; } } sub update_interfaces_list { my ($o_intf) = @_; if (!$o_intf || !member($o_intf, map { $_->[1] } get_config_file('interfaces'))) { my $shorewall = network::shorewall::read(); $shorewall && !$shorewall->{disabled} and network::shorewall::write($shorewall); } if (!$o_intf || !member($o_intf, map { $_->[1] } get_config_file('interfaces', 6))) { my $shorewall6 = network::shorewall::read(undef, 6); $shorewall6 && !$shorewall6->{disabled} and network::shorewall::write($shorewall6); } } 1;