package network::monitor; use common; use dbus_object; our @ISA = qw(dbus_object); my $monitor_service = "com.mandriva.monitoring"; my $monitor_path = "/com/mandriva/monitoring/wireless"; my $monitor_interface = "com.mandriva.monitoring.wireless"; sub new { my ($type, $bus) = @_; dbus_object::new($type, $bus, $monitor_service, $monitor_path, $monitor_interface); } sub list_wireless { my ($monitor, $o_intf) = @_; my ($results, $list, %networks); #- first try to use mandi eval { $results = $monitor->call_method('ScanResults'); $list = $monitor->call_method('ListNetworks'); }; my $has_roaming = defined $results && defined $list; #- try wpa_cli if we're root if ($@ && !$>) { $results = `/usr/sbin/wpa_cli scan_results 2>/dev/null`; $list = `/usr/sbin/wpa_cli list_networks 2>/dev/null`; } if ($results && $list) { #- bssid / frequency / signal level / flags / ssid while ($results =~ /^((?:[0-9a-f]{2}:){5}[0-9a-f]{2})\t(\d+)\t(\d+)\t(.*?)\t(.*)$/mg) { my ($ap, $frequency, $signal_strength, $flags, $essid) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5); $networks{$ap}{ap} ||= $ap; #- wpa_supplicant may list the network two times, use ||= $networks{$ap}{frequency} ||= $frequency; #- signal level is really too high in wpa_supplicant #- this should be standardized at some point $networks{$ap}{signal_strength} ||= int($signal_strength/3.5); my $adhoc = $flags =~ s/\[ibss\]//i; $networks{$ap}{mode} ||= $adhoc ? "Ad-Hoc" : "Managed"; $networks{$ap}{flags} ||= $flags; $networks{$ap}{essid} ||= $essid; } #- network id / ssid / bssid / flags while ($list =~ /^(\d+)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*)$/mg) { foreach my $net (uniq(if_($networks{$3}, $networks{$3}), grep { $_->{essid} eq $2 } values(%networks))) { $net->{ap} = $3 if $3 ne 'any'; $net->{id} = $1; $net->{essid} ||= $2; $net->{current} = to_bool($4 eq '[CURRENT]'); } } } else { #- else use iwlist require network::connection::wireless; my ($current_essid, $current_ap) = network::connection::wireless::get_access_point($o_intf); if ($o_intf && !$> && !`/sbin/ip link show $o_intf up`) { system("/sbin/ip link set $o_intf up"); } my @list = `/sbin/iwlist $o_intf scanning 2>/dev/null`; my $net = {}; my $quality_match = qr/Quality[:=](\S*)/; my $eval_quality = sub { my ($qual) = @_; $qual =~ s!/0+$!/255!; #- prism54 reports quality with division by zero $qual =~ m!/! ? eval($qual)*100 : $qual; }; my ($has_key, $has_wpa, $has_eap); foreach (@list) { if ((/^\s*$/ || /Cell/) && exists $net->{ap}) { $net->{current} = to_bool($net->{ap} ? $net->{ap} eq $current_ap : $net->{essid} && $net->{essid} eq $current_essid); $net->{flags} = $has_wpa ? '[WPA]' : $has_key ? '[WEP]' : ''; $net->{flags} .= '[EAP]' if $has_eap; $networks{$net->{ap}} = $net; $net = {}; $has_key = $has_wpa = $has_eap = undef; } /Address: (.*)/ and $net->{ap} = lc($1); /ESSID:"(.*?)"/ and $net->{essid} = $1; /Mode:(\S*)/ and $net->{mode} = $1; $net->{mode} = 'Managed' if $net->{mode} eq 'Master'; $_ =~ $quality_match and $net->{signal_strength} = $eval_quality->($1); m|Signal level:([0-9]+/[0-9]+)| && !$net->{signal_strength} and $net->{signal_strength} = eval($1)*100; /key:(\S*)\s/ && $1 eq 'on' and $has_key = 1; /Extra:wpa_ie=|IE:.*WPA/ and $has_wpa = 1; /Authentication Suites \(\d+\) :.*\b802\.1x\b/ and $has_eap = 1; } if ($current_ap && exists $networks{$current_ap}) { foreach (`/sbin/iwconfig $o_intf 2>/dev/null`) { my $quality = $_ =~ $quality_match && $eval_quality->($1); $networks{$current_ap}{signal_strength} = $quality if $quality; } } } foreach (values %networks) { $_->{essid} eq '' and undef $_->{essid}; $_->{name} = $_->{essid} || "[$_->{ap}]"; } (\%networks, $has_roaming); } sub select_network { my ($o, $id) = @_; my $method = 'SelectNetwork'; if ($o) { $o->call_method($method, Net::DBus::dbus_uint32($id)); } else { require run_program; run_program::run("dbus-send", "--system", "--type=method_call", "--dest=" . $monitor_service, $monitor_path, $monitor_interface . '.' . $method, 'uint32:' . $id); } } 1;