package network::dhcpd; use common; my $sysconf_dhcpd = "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/dhcpd"; my $dhcpd_conf_file = "$::prefix/etc/dhcpd.conf"; my $update_dhcp = "/usr/sbin/"; sub read_dhcpd_conf { my ($o_file) = @_; my $s = cat_($o_file || $dhcpd_conf_file); { option_routers => [ $s =~ /^\s*option routers\s+(\S+);/mg ], subnet_mask => [ if_($s =~ /^\s*option subnet-mask\s+(.*);/mg, split(' ', $1)) ], domain_name => [ if_($s =~ /^\s*option domain-name\s+"(.*)";/mg, split(' ', $1)) ], domain_name_servers => [ if_($s =~ /^\s*option domain-name-servers\s+(.*);/m, split(' ', $1)) ], dynamic_bootp => [ if_($s =~ /^\s*range dynamic-bootp\s+\S+\.(\d+)\s+\S+\.(\d+)\s*;/m, split(' ', $1)) ], default_lease_time => [ if_($s =~ /^\s*default-lease-time\s+(.*);/m, split(' ', $1)) ], max_lease_time => [ if_($s =~ /^\s*max-lease-time\s+(.*);/m, split(' ', $1)) ] }; } sub write_dhcpd_conf { my ($dhcpd_conf, $device) = @_; my ($lan) = $dhcpd_conf->{option_routers}[0] =~ /^(.*)\.\d+$/; log::explanations("Configuring a DHCP server on $lan.0"); renamef($dhcpd_conf_file, "$dhcpd_conf_file.old"); output($dhcpd_conf_file, qq(subnet $lan.0 netmask $dhcpd_conf->{subnet_mask}[0] { # default gateway option routers $dhcpd_conf->{option_routers}[0]; option subnet-mask $dhcpd_conf->{subnet_mask}[0]; option domain-name "$dhcpd_conf->{domain_name}[0]"; option domain-name-servers $dhcpd_conf->{domain_name_servers}[0]; range dynamic-bootp $lan.$dhcpd_conf->{dynamic_bootp}[0] $lan.$dhcpd_conf->{dynamic_bootp}[1]; default-lease-time $dhcpd_conf->{default_lease_time}[0]; max-lease-time $dhcpd_conf->{max_lease_time}[0]; } )); #- put the interface for the dhcp server in the sysconfig-dhcp config, for the /etc/init.d script of dhcpd log::explanations("Update network interfaces list for dhcpd server"); substInFile { s/^INTERFACES\n//; $_ .= qq(INTERFACES="$device"\n) if eof } $sysconf_dhcpd if !$::testing; run_program::rooted($::prefix, $update_dhcp); } 1;