path: root/lib/network/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/network/')
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/network/ b/lib/network/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..513c8a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/network/
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+package network::wireless;
+use strict;
+use common;
+our %wireless_enc_modes = (
+ none => N_("None"),
+ open => N_("Open WEP"),
+ restricted => N_("Restricted WEP"),
+ 'wpa-psk' => N_("WPA Pre-Shared Key"),
+my $wpa_supplicant_conf = "/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf";
+sub is_old_rt2x00 {
+ my ($module) = @_;
+ member($module, qw(rt2400 rt2500));
+sub is_wpa_supplicant_blacklisted {
+ my ($module) = @_;
+ is_old_rt2x00($module);
+sub get_hex_key {
+ my ($key) = @_;
+ if ($key =~ /^([[:xdigit:]]{4}[\:-]?)+[[:xdigit:]]{2,}$/) {
+ $key =~ s/[\:-]//g;
+ return lc($key);
+ }
+sub convert_wep_key_for_iwconfig {
+ #- 5 or 13 characters, consider the key as ASCII and prepend "s:"
+ #- else consider the key as hexadecimal, do not strip dashes
+ #- always quote the key as string
+ my ($real_key, $restricted) = @_;
+ my $key = get_hex_key($real_key) || "s:$real_key";
+ $restricted ? "restricted $key" : "open $key";
+sub get_wep_key_from_iwconfig {
+ #- strip "s:" if the key is 5 or 13 characters (ASCII)
+ #- else the key as hexadecimal, do not modify
+ my ($key) = @_;
+ my ($mode, $real_key) = $key =~ /^(?:(open|restricted)\s+)?(.*)$/;
+ $real_key =~ s/^s://;
+ ($real_key, $mode eq 'restricted');
+sub convert_key_for_wpa_supplicant {
+ my ($key) = @_;
+ get_hex_key($key) || qq("$key");
+sub wlan_ng_needed {
+ my ($module) = @_;
+ $module =~ /^prism2_/;
+#- FIXME: to be improved (quotes, comments) and moved in common files
+sub wlan_ng_update_vars {
+ my ($file, $vars) = @_;
+ substInFile {
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each(%$vars)) {
+ s/^#?\Q$key\E=(?:"[^#]*"|[^#\s]*)(\s*#.*)?/$key=$value$1/ and delete $vars->{$key};
+ }
+ $_ .= join('', map { "$_=$vars->{$_}\n" } keys %$vars) if eof;
+ } $file;
+sub wlan_ng_configure {
+ my ($essid, $key, $device, $module) = @_;
+ my $wlan_conf_file = "$::prefix/etc/wlan/wlan.conf";
+ my @wlan_devices = split(/ /, (cat_($wlan_conf_file) =~ /^WLAN_DEVICES="(.*)"/m)[0]);
+ push @wlan_devices, $device unless member($device, @wlan_devices);
+ #- enable device and make it use the choosen ESSID
+ wlan_ng_update_vars($wlan_conf_file,
+ {
+ WLAN_DEVICES => qq("@wlan_devices"),
+ "SSID_$device" => qq("$essid"),
+ "ENABLE_$device" => "y"
+ });
+ my $wlan_ssid_file = "$::prefix/etc/wlan/wlancfg-$essid";
+ #- copy default settings for this ESSID if config file does not exist
+ -f $wlan_ssid_file or cp_f("$::prefix/etc/wlan/wlancfg-DEFAULT", $wlan_ssid_file);
+ #- enable/disable encryption
+ wlan_ng_update_vars($wlan_ssid_file,
+ {
+ (map { $_ => $key ? "true" : "false" } qw(lnxreq_hostWEPEncrypt lnxreq_hostWEPDecrypt dot11PrivacyInvoked dot11ExcludeUnencrypted)),
+ AuthType => $key ? qq("sharedkey") : qq("opensystem"),
+ if_($key,
+ dot11WEPDefaultKeyID => 0,
+ dot11WEPDefaultKey0 => qq("$key")
+ )
+ });
+ #- hide settings for non-root users
+ chmod 0600, $wlan_conf_file;
+ chmod 0600, $wlan_ssid_file;
+ #- apply settings on wlan interface
+ require services;
+ services::restart($module eq 'prism2_cs' ? 'pcmcia' : 'wlan');
+sub wpa_supplicant_get_driver {
+ my ($module) = @_;
+ $module =~ /^hostap_/ ? "hostap" :
+ $module eq "prism54" ? "prism54" :
+ $module =~ /^ath_/ ? "madwifi" :
+ $module =~ /^at76c50|atmel_/ ? "atmel" :
+ $module eq "ndiswrapper" ? "ndiswrapper" :
+ "wext";
+sub wpa_supplicant_add_network {
+ my ($essid, $enc_mode, $key) = @_;
+ my $conf = wpa_supplicant_read_conf();
+ my $network = {
+ ssid => qq("$essid"),
+ scan_ssid => 1,
+ };
+ if ($enc_mode eq 'wpa-psk') {
+ $network->{psk} = convert_key_for_wpa_supplicant($key);
+ } else {
+ $network->{key_mgmt} = 'NONE';
+ if (member($enc_mode, qw(open restricted))) {
+ put_in_hash($network, {
+ wep_key0 => convert_key_for_wpa_supplicant($key),
+ wep_tx_keyidx => 0,
+ auth_alg => $enc_mode eq 'restricted' ? 'SHARED' : 'OPEN',
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ @$conf = difference2($conf, [ wpa_supplicant_find_similar($conf, $network) ]);
+ push @$conf, $network;
+ wpa_supplicant_write_conf($conf);
+sub wpa_supplicant_find_similar {
+ my ($conf, $network) = @_;
+ grep {
+ my $current = $_;
+ any { exists $network->{$_} && $network->{$_} eq $current->{$_} } qw(ssid bssid);
+ } @$conf;
+sub wpa_supplicant_read_conf() {
+ my @conf;
+ my $network;
+ foreach (cat_($::prefix . $wpa_supplicant_conf)) {
+ if ($network) {
+ #- in a "network = {}" block
+ if (/^\s*(\w+)=(.*?)(?:\s*#.*)?$/) {
+ $network->{$1} = $2;
+ } elsif (/^\}/) {
+ #- end of network block
+ push @conf, $network;
+ undef $network;
+ }
+ } elsif (/^\s*network={/) {
+ #- beginning of a new network block
+ $network = {};
+ }
+ }
+ \@conf;
+sub wpa_supplicant_write_conf {
+ my ($conf) = @_;
+ my $buf;
+ my @conf = @$conf;
+ my $network;
+ foreach (cat_($::prefix . $wpa_supplicant_conf)) {
+ if ($network) {
+ #- in a "network = {}" block
+ if (/^\s*(\w+)=(.*)$/) {
+ push @{$network->{entries}}, { key => $1, value => $2 };
+ member($1, qw(ssid bssid)) and $network->{$1} = $2;
+ } elsif (/^\}/) {
+ #- end of network block, write it
+ $buf .= "network={$network->{comment}\n";
+ my $new_network = first(wpa_supplicant_find_similar(\@conf, $network));
+ foreach (@{$network->{entries}}) {
+ my $key = $_->{key};
+ if ($new_network) {
+ #- do not write entry if not provided in the new network
+ exists $new_network->{$key} or next;
+ #- update value from the new network
+ $_->{value} = delete $new_network->{$key};
+ }
+ $buf .= " ";
+ $buf .= "$key=$_->{value}" if $key;
+ $buf .= "$_->{comment}\n";
+ }
+ if ($new_network) {
+ #- write new keys
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each(%$new_network)) {
+ $buf .= " $key=$value\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $buf .= "}\n";
+ $new_network and @conf = grep { $_ != $new_network } @conf;
+ undef $network;
+ } else {
+ #- unrecognized, keep it anyway
+ push @{$network->{entries}}, { comment => $_ };
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (/^\s*network={/) {
+ #- beginning of a new network block
+ $network = {};
+ } else {
+ #- keep other options, comments
+ $buf .= $_;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #- write remaining networks
+ foreach (@conf) {
+ $buf .= "\nnetwork={\n";
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each(%$_)) {
+ $buf .= " $key=$value\n";
+ }
+ $buf .= "}\n";
+ }
+ output($::prefix . $wpa_supplicant_conf, $buf);
+ #- hide keys for non-root users
+ chmod 0600, $::prefix . $wpa_supplicant_conf;