path: root/NEWS
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* 0.190.19Pascal Rigaux2007-07-091-0/+2
* - wacom configuration: Pascal Rigaux2007-07-091-1/+4
* - wacom configuration: add "pad" InputDevice sectionPascal Rigaux2007-07-091-0/+1
* - fix displaying "3D hardware acceleration: no" for nvidia proprietary driverPascal Rigaux2007-06-211-0/+3
* 0.180.18Pascal Rigaux2007-06-141-0/+2
* - handle resolution switch via xrandr without restarting X (#30896)Pascal Rigaux2007-06-141-0/+1
* add 1360x768 resolutionPascal Rigaux2007-06-141-1/+1
* - add 1366x768 and 1360x765 resolutionsPascal Rigaux2007-06-111-0/+2
* - [bugfix] fix test message not translated (#30261)Pascal Rigaux2007-06-051-0/+1
* add the bug numberPascal Rigaux2007-05-301-1/+1
* - remove all fglrx options, hopefully default is good enoughPascal Rigaux2007-05-181-0/+3
* 0.170.17Pascal Rigaux2007-05-091-0/+2
* - fix using proprietary driver (remove debug code) (thanks to Michael Altizer)Pascal Rigaux2007-05-091-0/+2
* 0.160.16Pascal Rigaux2007-04-301-0/+2
* - ask "Do you wish to use proprietary driver" before installing the needed pa...Pascal Rigaux2007-04-301-0/+1
* - handle new intel driver (including migration from "i810")Pascal Rigaux2007-04-301-1/+1
* - handle new intel driver (don't propose 915resolution when using new driver)Pascal Rigaux2007-04-301-0/+1
* - don't use 1280x1024 prefered resolutionPascal Rigaux2007-04-301-0/+2
* re-sync after the big svn lossPascal Rigaux2007-04-251-0/+77
>149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205
package partition_table::sun; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);

@ISA = qw(partition_table::raw);

use common;
use partition_table::raw;
use partition_table;
use fs::type;
use c;

my ($main_format, $main_fields) = list2kv(
  a128  => 'info',
  a14   => 'spare0',
  a32   => 'infos',
  a246  => 'spare1',
  n     => 'rspeed',
  n     => 'pcylcount',
  n     => 'sparecyl',
  a4    => 'spare2',
  n     => 'ilfact',
  n     => 'ncyl',
  n     => 'nacyl',
  n     => 'ntrks',
  n     => 'nsect',
  a4    => 'spare3',
  a64   => 'partitions',
  n     => 'magic',
  n     => 'csum',
$main_format = join '', @$main_format;

my ($fields1, $fields2) = ([ qw(pt_type flags) ], [ qw(start_cylinder size) ]);
my ($format1, $format2) = ("xCxC", "N2");
my $magic = 0xDABE;
my $nb_primary = 8;
my $offset = 0;

sub use_pt_type { 1 }

sub adjustStart($$) {
    my ($hd, $part) = @_;
    my $end = $part->{start} + $part->{size};

    #- since partition must always start on cylinders boundaries on sparc,
    #- note that if start sector is on the first cylinder, it is adjusted
    #- to 0 and it is valid, cylinder 0 bug is from bad define for sparc
    #- compilation of mke2fs combined with a blind kernel...
    $part->{start} = round_down($part->{start}, $hd->cylinder_size);
    $part->{size} = $end - $part->{start};
    $part->{size} = $hd->cylinder_size if $part->{size} <= 0;
sub adjustEnd($$) {
    my ($hd, $part) = @_;
    my $end = $part->{start} + $part->{size};
    my $end2 = round_up($end, $hd->cylinder_size);
    $end2 = $hd->{geom}{cylinders} * $hd->cylinder_size if $end2 > $hd->{geom}{cylinders} * $hd->cylinder_size;
    $part->{size} = $end2 - $part->{start};

#- compute crc checksum used for Sun Label partition, expect
#- $tmp to be the 512 bytes buffer to be read/written to MBR.
sub compute_crc($) {
    my ($tmp) = @_;
    my @l2b = unpack "n256", $tmp;
    my $crc = 0;

    $crc ^= $_ foreach @l2b;


sub read_one {
    my ($hd, $sector) = @_;
    my $tmp;

    my $F = partition_table::raw::openit($hd) or die "failed to open device";
    c::lseek_sector(fileno($F), $sector, $offset) or die "reading of partition in sector $sector failed";

    sysread $F, $tmp, psizeof($main_format) or die "error while reading partition table in sector $sector";
    my %info; @info{@$main_fields} = unpack $main_format, $tmp;

    #- check magic number
    $info{magic}  == $magic or die "bad magic number on disk $hd->{device}";

    #- check crc, csum contains the crc so result should be 0.
    compute_crc($tmp) == 0 or die "bad checksum";

    @{$hd->{geom}}{qw(cylinders heads sectors)} = @info{qw(ncyl ntrks nsect)};

    my @pt;
    my @infos_up = unpack $format1 x $nb_primary, $info{infos};
    my @partitions_up = unpack $format2 x $nb_primary, $info{partitions};
    foreach (0..$nb_primary-1) {
	my $h = { flag => $infos_up[1 + 2 * $_],
		  start_cylinder => $partitions_up[2 * $_], size => $partitions_up[1 + 2 * $_] };
	fs::type::set_pt_type($h, $infos_up[2 * $_]);
	$h->{start} = $sector + $h->{start_cylinder} * $hd->cylinder_size;
	$h->{pt_type} && $h->{size} or $h->{$_} = 0 foreach keys %$h;
	push @pt, $h;

#- this code is completely broken by null char inside strings, it gets completely crazy :-)
#    my @pt = mapn {
#	my %h; 
#	@h{@$fields1} = unpack $format1, $_[0];
#	@h{@$fields2} = unpack $format2, $_[1];
#	$h{start} = $sector + $h{start_cylinder} * $hd->cylinder_size();
#	$h{pt_type} && $h{size} or $h{$_} = 0 foreach keys %h;
#	\%h;
#    } [ grep { $_ } split /(.{$size1})/o, $info{infos} ], [ grep { $_ } split /(.{$size2})/o, $info{partitions} ];

    [ @pt ], \%info;

# write the partition table (and extended ones)
# for each entry, it uses fields: start, size, pt_type, active
sub write($$$;$) {
    my ($hd, $sector, $pt, $info) = @_;
#    my ($csize, $wdsize) = (0, 0);

    #- handle testing for writing partition table on file only!
    my $F;
    if ($::testing) {
	my $file = "/tmp/partition_table_$hd->{device}";
	open $F, ">$file" or die "error opening test file $file";
    } else {
	$F = partition_table::raw::openit($hd, 2) or die "error opening device $hd->{device} for writing";
        c::lseek_sector(fileno($F), $sector, $offset) or return 0;

    ($info->{infos}, $info->{partitions}) = map { join '', @$_ } list2kv map {
	$_->{start} % $hd->cylinder_size == 0 or die "partition not at beginning of cylinder";
#	$csize += $_->{size} if $_->{pt_type} != 5;
#	$wdsize += $_->{size} if $_->{pt_type} == 5;
	$_->{flags} |= 0x10 if $_->{mntpoint} eq '/';
	$_->{flags} |= 0x01 if !isSwap($_);
	local $_->{start_cylinder} = $_->{start} / $hd->cylinder_size - $sector;
	pack($format1, @$_{@$fields1}), pack($format2, @$_{@$fields2});
    } @$pt;
#    $csize == $wdsize or die "partitions are not using whole disk space";

    #- compute the checksum by building the buffer to write and call compute_crc.
    #- set csum to 0 so compute_crc will give the right csum value.
    $info->{csum} = 0;
    $info->{csum} = compute_crc(pack($main_format, @$info{@$main_fields}));

    syswrite $F, pack($main_format, @$info{@$main_fields}), psizeof($main_format) or return 0;



sub info {
    my ($hd) = @_;

    #- take care of reduction of the number of cylinders, avoid loop of reduction!
    unless ($hd->{geom}{totalcylinders} > $hd->{geom}{cylinders}) {
	$hd->{geom}{totalcylinders} = $hd->{geom}{cylinders};
	$hd->{geom}{cylinders} -= 2;

	#- rebuild some constants according to number of cylinders.
	$hd->{totalsectors} = $hd->{geom}{heads} * $hd->{geom}{sectors} * $hd->{geom}{cylinders};

    #- build a default suitable partition table,
    #- checksum will be built when writing on disk.
    #- note third partition is ALWAYS of type Whole disk.
    my $info = {
	info => "DiskDrake partition table",
	rspeed => 5400,
	pcylcount => $hd->{geom}{totalcylinders},
	sparecyl => 0,
	ilfact => 1,
	ncyl => $hd->{geom}{cylinders},
	nacyl => $hd->{geom}{totalcylinders} - $hd->{geom}{cylinders},
	ntrks => $hd->{geom}{heads},
	nsect => $hd->{geom}{sectors},
	magic => $magic,


sub initialize {
    my ($hd) = @_;
    my $pt = { raw => [ ({}) x $nb_primary ], info => info($hd) };

    #- handle special case for partition 2 which is whole disk.
    $pt->{raw}[2] = {
	pt_type => 5, #- the whole disk type.
	flags => 0,
	start_cylinder => 0,
	size => $hd->{geom}{cylinders} * $hd->cylinder_size,

    $hd->{primary} = $pt;
    bless $hd, 'partition::sun';
