Abio kargatzailearen aukera nagusiak

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Bootloader interface =======

Bios sistemarekin >>>>>>> 7d93c82d3a5f5446f0d7370f43a99cb09ddabc63

By default, Mageia uses exclusively:

  • Grub2 (with or without graphical menu) for a Legacy/MBR or Legacy/GPT system

  • Grub2-efi for a UEFI system.


The mageia grafiko menu politak ditu:

Grub2 on Legacy/MBR and Legacy/GPT systems

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Ez aldatu "Abio Gailua" zer egiten duzun benetan jakin gabe.


Berez, Mageia GRUB (Ondare) kargatzaile berria zure disko gogorreko MBR (Master Boot Record)-an idazten du lehenengoz. Sistema eragile bat baino gehiago baduzu, Mageia saiatuko da abio menu berrira gehitzen.

Mageia gaur egun GRUB2 eskaintzen du GRUB ondarea eta Lilo gain aukerako abioko kargatzailea gisa.


Linux sistemek Grub2 abioko kargatzailea erabiltzerakoan ez daude onartuta GRUB (ondarea)gaitik eta ez du aitortzen lehenetsitako GRUB kargatzailea erabiltzen badu.

Instalazioan orrialdean zehar laburpena eskuragarri duen GRUB2 abio kargatzailea hemen erabiltzea da konponbiderik onena.

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Grub2-efi on UEFI systems

With an UEFI system, the user interface is slightly different as you cannot choose between with or without graphical menu

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Ez ezazu aukeratu "sda" bezalako gailu bat, edo MBR existentea gainidatziko du. Partizio fasean zehar aukeratutako root partizioa aukeratu behar duzu, adibidez sda7 bezala.

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If Mageia is the only system installed on your computer, the installer created an ESP (EFI System Partition) to receive the bootloader (Grub2-efi). If there are already UEFI operating systems installed on your computer (Windows 8 for example), the Mageia installer detects the existing ESP created by Windows and adds grub2-efi. Although it is possible to have several ESPs, only one is advised and enough whatever the number of operating systems you have.

Ez aldatu "Abio Gailua" zer egiten duzun benetan jakin gabe.

Mageia abio kargatzailea erabiliz

By default, according to your system, Mageia writes a new:

  • GRUB2 bootloader either into the MBR (Master Boot Record) of your first hard drive or in the BIOS boot partition.

  • Grub2-efi bootloader into the ESP

If you already have other operating systems installed, Mageia attempts to add them to your new Mageia boot menu. If you don't want this behaviour, click on Next and then uncheck the box Probe Foreign OS

Existitzen den abio kargatzaile bat erabiliz

Zure Mageia sistema erabilea existitzen den abiarazlera gehitzeko prozedura zehatza eskuliburu honen esparrutik kanpo dago, baina normalean abio kargatzaile instalazioak antzeman eta gehitu beharko luke. Ikusi kasuko sistema eragilearen dokumentazioa.

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Using chain loading =======

UEFI sistemarekin >>>>>>> 7d93c82d3a5f5446f0d7370f43a99cb09ddabc63

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If you don't want a bootable Mageia, but to chain load it from another OS, click on Next, then on Advanced and Check the box Do not touch ESP or MBR. =======

UEFI sistema batekin, erabiltzaile interfazearen zertxobait ezberdinak dira, ezin duzu abiarazlea aukeratu Grub2-efi soilik dagoelako eskuragarri >>>>>>> 7d93c82d3a5f5446f0d7370f43a99cb09ddabc63

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You will get a warning that the bootloader is missing, ignore it by clicking OK.


First page

  • Delay before booting the default image: This text box lets you set a delay in seconds before the default operating system is started up.

  • Security: This allows you to set a password for the bootloader. This means other people can not enter single user mode or change settings at the boot time.

  • Password: This text box is where you actually put the password

  • Password (again): Retype the password and Drakx will check that it matches with the one set above.

  • Advanced

    • Enable ACPI: ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) is a standard for the power management. It can save energy by stopping unused devices, this was the method used before APM. Unchecking it could be useful if, for example, your computer does not support ACPI or if you think the ACPI implementation might cause some problems (for instance random reboots or system lockups).

    • Enable SMP: This option enables / disables symmetric multiprocessing for multi core processors.

    • Enable APIC: Enabling or disabling this gives the operating system access to the Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller. APIC devices permit more complex priority models, and Advanced IRQ (Interrupt Request) management.

    • Enable Local APIC: Here you can set local APIC, which manages all external interrupts for a specific processor in an SMP system.

Hurrengo orria

  • Default: Operating system started up by default

  • Append: This option lets you pass the kernel information or tell the kernel to give you more information as it boots.

  • Probe foreign OS: see above Using a Mageia bootloader

  • Advanced

    • Video mode: This sets the screen size and colour depth the boot menu will use. If you click the down triangle you will be offered other size and colour depth options.

    • Do not touch ESP or MBR: see above Using the chain loading


Mageia zure ordenagailuan instalatutako lehen sistema bada, instalatzaileai ESP (EFI sistema partizioa) sortuko du (Grub2-EFI) kargatzaileak jasotzeko. Zure ordenagailuan UEFI sistema eragile bat bazegoen aldez aurretik (Windows 8 adibidez), Mageia instalatzaileak detektatuko ditu dauden Windows sortutako ESP eta grub2-EFI-ra gehituko ditu. Hainbat ESP izatea posiblea izan arren, soilik bat izatea aholkatzen da eta aski dituzun sistema eragileetako kopurua edozein izanik ere.

Ez aldatu "Abio Gailua" zer egiten duzun benetan jakin gabe.

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