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diff --git a/sq/doPartitionDisks.html b/sq/doPartitionDisks.html
index c32358b..3a0b1ec 100644
--- a/sq/doPartitionDisks.html
+++ b/sq/doPartitionDisks.html
@@ -147,11 +147,11 @@
- <p><span class="bold"><strong>Partitions sizing:</strong></span></p>
+ <p><span class="bold"><strong>P&euml;rmasa ndar&euml;seve:</strong></span></p>
- <p>The installer will share the available place out according to the following
- rules:
+ <p>Instaluesi do t&euml; ndajn&euml; hapsir&euml;n n&euml; dispozicion n&euml; baz&euml; t&euml; rregullave t&euml;
+ m&euml;poshtme:
@@ -159,15 +159,15 @@
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p>If the total available place is lower than 50 GB, only one partition is
- created for /, there is no separate partition for /home.
+ <p>N&euml;se hap&euml;sira totale n&euml; dispozicion &euml;sht&euml; m&euml; e ul&euml;t se 50 GB, vet&euml;m nj&euml;
+ ndarje &euml;sht&euml; krijuar p&euml;r /, nuk ka ndarje t&euml; ve&ccedil;ant&euml; p&euml;r /sht&euml;pi.
<li class="listitem">
- <p>If the total available place is over 50 GB, then three partitions are
- created
+ <p>N&euml;se hap&euml;sira totale n&euml; dispozicion &euml;sht&euml; mbi 50 GB, pastaj tre ndar&euml;se jan&euml;
+ krijuar
@@ -175,17 +175,19 @@
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p>6/19 of the total available place is allocated to / with a maximum of 50 GB</p>
+ <p>6/19 e hap&euml;sir&euml;s totale n&euml; dispozicion &euml;sht&euml; ndar&euml; p&euml;r / me nj&euml; maksimum
+ prej 50 GB
+ </p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>1/19 is allocated to swap with a maximum of 4 GB</p>
+ <p>1/19 &euml;sht&euml; ndar&euml; p&euml;r swap me nj&euml; maksimum prej 4GB</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>the rest (at least 12/19) is allocated to /home</p>
+ <p>pjesa tjet&euml;r (t&euml; pakt&euml;n 12/19) &euml;sht&euml; e ndar&euml; p&euml;r /sht&euml;pi</p>
@@ -196,8 +198,9 @@
- <p>That means that from 160 GB and over of available place, the installer will
- create three partitions: 50 GB for /, 4 GB for swap and the rest for /home.
+ <p>Kjo do t&euml; thot&euml; se prej 160 GB dhe mbi hapsir&euml;n e disponueshme, instaluesi
+ do t&euml; krijoj&euml; tre ndarje: 50GB p&euml;r /, 4 GB p&euml;r swap dhe pjesa tjet&euml;r p&euml;r
+ /sht&euml;pi.
@@ -210,10 +213,10 @@
<td align="left" valign="top">
- <p>If you are using an UEFI system, the ESP (EFI System Partition) will be
- automatically detected, or created if it does not exist yet, and mounted on
- /boot/EFI. The "Custom" option is the only one that allows to check it has
- been correctly done
+ <p>N&euml;se jeni duke p&euml;rdorur nj&euml; sistem UEFI, ESP (EFI Sistemi Ndarja) do t&euml;
+ zbulohet automatikisht, ose krijohet n&euml; qoft&euml; se nuk ekziston ende, dhe
+ montuar n&euml; /boot/EFI. N&euml; opsion "Modifiko" &euml;sht&euml; i vetmi q&euml; lejon p&euml;r t&euml;
+ kontrolluar se &euml;sht&euml; b&euml;r&euml; n&euml; m&euml;nyr&euml; korrekte