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9 files changed, 105 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/sv/Select-and-use-ISOs.html b/sv/Select-and-use-ISOs.html
index 752aae1..07a1b8e 100644
--- a/sv/Select-and-use-ISOs.html
+++ b/sv/Select-and-use-ISOs.html
@@ -51,18 +51,19 @@
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Classical installer: After booting the media, it will follow a process
- allowing to choose what to install and how to configure your target
- system. This give you the maximal flexibility for a customized installation,
- in particular to choose which Desktop Environment you will install.
+ <p>Klassisk installation: Efter att du startat fr&aring;n mediet kommer du att g&aring;
+ igenom ett process d&auml;r du kan v&auml;lja vad som ska installeras och hur du
+ konfigurerar ditt system. Detta ger dig maximal flexibilitet f&ouml;r en
+ skr&auml;ddarsydd installation, speciellt vad g&auml;ller vilken skrivbordsmilj&ouml; som
+ du vill installera.
<li class="listitem">
- <p>LIVE media: you can boot the media in a real Mageia system without
- installing it, to see what you will get after installation. The
- installation process is simpler, but you get lesser choices.
+ <p>LIVE media: Du kan starta mediet i ett &auml;kta Mageia-system utan att
+ installera det f&ouml;r att se hur det ser ut efter installation. Installationen
+ &auml;r sedan l&auml;ttare men du har f&auml;rre val.
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@
- <p>Details are given in the next sections.</p>
+ <p>Detaljer f&ouml;ljer i n&auml;stkommande avsnitt.</p>
@@ -594,9 +595,9 @@
- <p>md5sum and sha1sum are tools to check the ISO integrity. Use only one of
- them. Keep one of them <a class="link" href="Select-and-use-ISOs.html#integrity">for further
- usage</a>. Then this window appears:
+ <p>md5sum och sha1sum &auml;r vertyg som anv&auml;nds f&ouml;r att kontrollera integriteten p&aring;
+ en ISO-fil. Anv&auml;nd och beh&aring;ll bara en av dem <a class="link" href="Select-and-use-ISOs.html#integrity">f&ouml;r
+ framtida anv&auml;ndning</a>. Sedan ser du det h&auml;r f&ouml;nstret:
@@ -619,11 +620,11 @@
- <p>Both checksums are hexadecimal numbers calculated by an algorithm from the
- file to be downloaded. When you ask these algorithms to recalculate this
- number from your downloaded file, either you have the same number and your
- downloaded file is correct, or the number is different and you have a
- failure. A failure infers that you should retry the download.
+ <p>B&aring;da kontrollsummorna &auml;r i hexadecimal och r&auml;knas ut av en algoritm fr&aring;n
+ filen som ska laddas ner. N&auml;r du sedan ber om en omr&auml;kning av den h&auml;mtade
+ filen fr&aring;n detta nummer s&aring; kommer du att f&aring; exakt samma nummer om filen &auml;r
+ oskadd, eller ett annorlunda nummer om filen &auml;r skadad. Om filen &auml;r skadad
+ b&ouml;r du ladda ner den igen.
@@ -730,16 +731,16 @@
- <p>To recover the original capacity, you must redo partitioning and re-format
- the USB stick.
+ <p>F&ouml;r att &aring;terf&aring; den ursprungliga kapaciteten m&aring;ste du partitionera och
+ formatera om USB-enheten.
- <div class="section" title="Using a graphical tool within Mageia">
+ <div class="section" title="Anv&auml;nda ett grafiskt verktyg i Mageia">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e183"></a>Using a graphical tool within Mageia
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e183"></a>Anv&auml;nda ett grafiskt verktyg i Mageia
@@ -752,11 +753,11 @@
- <div class="section" title="Using a graphical tool within Windows">
+ <div class="section" title="Anv&auml;nda ett grafiskt verktyg i Windows">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e187"></a>Using a graphical tool within Windows
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e187"></a>Anv&auml;nda ett grafiskt verktyg i Windows
@@ -767,8 +768,8 @@
<p>Du kan prova:</p>
- <p>- <a class="ulink" href="http://rufus.akeo.ie/?locale=en_US" target="_top">Rufus</a> using the
- "ISO image" option;
+ <p>- <a class="ulink" href="http://rufus.akeo.ie/?locale=en_US" target="_top">Rufus</a>
+ anv&auml;ndning av "ISO image"-alternativet;
@@ -778,11 +779,11 @@
- <div class="section" title="Using Command line within a GNU/Linux system">
+ <div class="section" title="Anv&auml;nda kommandoraden i ett GNU/Linux-system">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e194"></a>Using Command line within a GNU/Linux system
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="d5e194"></a>Anv&auml;nda kommandoraden i ett GNU/Linux-system
@@ -799,8 +800,8 @@
<td align="left" valign="top">
- <p>It is potentially *dangerous* to do this by hand. You risk to overwrite a
- disc partition if you get the device-ID wrong.
+ <p>Det &auml;r potentiellt *farligt* att g&ouml;ra detta f&ouml;r hand. Du riskerar att skriva
+ &ouml;ver en h&aring;rddiskpartition om du anger fel enhets-ID.
@@ -842,9 +843,9 @@
- <p>Alternatively, you can get the device name with the command
- <code class="code">dmesg</code>: at end, you see the device name starting with
- <span class="emphasis"><em>sd</em></span>, and <span class="emphasis"><em>sdd</em></span> in this case:
+ <p>Alternativt kan du ta reda p&aring; enhetsnamnet med kommandot <code class="code">dmesg</code>:
+ I slutet kan du se namn som b&ouml;rjar med <span class="emphasis"><em>sd</em></span>, och
+ <span class="emphasis"><em>sdd</em></span>. I det h&auml;r fallet:
<pre class="screen">[72594.604531] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 27 using xhci_hcd
@@ -868,8 +869,8 @@
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Find the device name for your USB stick (by its size), for example
- <code class="code">/dev/sdb</code> in the screenshot above, it is a 8GB USB stick.
+ <p>Leta upp enhetsnamnet f&ouml;r din USB-sticka (genom dess storlek),
+ t. ex. <code class="code">/dev/sdb</code> i sk&auml;rmdumpen ovan &auml;r ett USB-minne p&aring; 8GB.
diff --git a/sv/acceptLicense.html b/sv/acceptLicense.html
index 408a2bf..449b464 100644
--- a/sv/acceptLicense.html
+++ b/sv/acceptLicense.html
@@ -99,8 +99,9 @@
- <p>Klicka p&aring; <span class="guibutton">Versionsinformation</span> f&ouml;r att se vad som &auml;r
- nytt i den h&auml;r versionen av <span class="application">Mageia</span>.
+ <p>Det finns viktig information att l&auml;sa om den h&auml;r utg&aring;van av
+ <span class="application">Mageia</span> och du hittar det genom att klicka p&aring;
+ knappen <span class="guibutton">Versionsnyheter</span>.
diff --git a/sv/addUser.html b/sv/addUser.html
index 1d96e7c..1e2159d 100644
--- a/sv/addUser.html
+++ b/sv/addUser.html
@@ -132,9 +132,9 @@
<li class="listitem">
- <p><span class="guilabel">Password</span>: In this text box you should type in the user
- password. There is a shield at the end of the text box that indicates the
- strength of the password. (See also <a class="xref" href="addUser.html#givePassword" title="Notera">Notera</a>)
+ <p><span class="guilabel">L&ouml;senord</span>: I det h&auml;r textf&auml;ltet skriver du in
+ anv&auml;ndarens l&ouml;senord. Det finns en sk&ouml;ld i slutet av f&auml;ltet som indikerar
+ l&ouml;senordets styrka. (Se &auml;ven <a class="xref" href="addUser.html#givePassword" title="Notera">Notera</a>)
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@
- <p>If you don't want a world readable home directory for anyone, it is advised
- to only add a temporary user now and to add the real one(s) after reboot.
+ <p>Om du inte vill ha en hemkatalog som &auml;r l&auml;sbar f&ouml;r alla b&ouml;r du enbart l&auml;gga
+ till en tempor&auml;r anv&auml;ndare nu, och l&auml;gga till de verkliga efter omstarten.
@@ -203,12 +203,12 @@
- <p>If the <span class="guibutton">advanced</span> button is clicked you are offered a
- screen that allows you to edit the settings for the user you are adding.
+ <p>Om du klickar p&aring; knappen <span class="guibutton">avancerat</span> s&aring; kan du redigera
+ inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r den anv&auml;ndare du l&auml;gger till.
- <p>Additionally, you can disable or enable a guest account.</p>
+ <p>Du kan &auml;ven aktivera eller inaktivera ett g&auml;stkonto.</p>
<div class="warning" title="Varning" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
diff --git a/sv/doPartitionDisks.html b/sv/doPartitionDisks.html
index 5463e4c..4f971b5 100644
--- a/sv/doPartitionDisks.html
+++ b/sv/doPartitionDisks.html
@@ -93,10 +93,11 @@
- <p>With this option, the installer displays the remaining Windows partition in
- light blue and the future Mageia partition in dark blue with their intended
- sizes just under. You have the possibility to adapt these sizes by clicking
- and dragging the gap between both partitions. See the screen-shot below.
+ <p>Med det h&auml;r alternativet visar installationsprogrammet den resterande
+ Windows-partitionen i ljusbl&aring;tt och den framtida Mageia-partitionen i
+ m&ouml;rkbl&aring;tt, med deras tillt&auml;nkta storlek undertill. Du kan &auml;ndra storlekarna
+ genom att klicka och dra i mellanrummet mellan partitionerna. Se sk&auml;rmdumpen
+ nedan.
@@ -147,11 +148,11 @@
- <p><span class="bold"><strong>Partitions sizing:</strong></span></p>
+ <p><span class="bold"><strong>Partitionsstorlek:</strong></span></p>
- <p>The installer will share the available place out according to the following
- rules:
+ <p>Installationsprogrammet kommer att dela p&aring; tillg&auml;ngligt utrymme enligt
+ f&ouml;ljande regler:
@@ -159,33 +160,31 @@
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p>If the total available place is lower than 50 GB, only one partition is
- created for /, there is no separate partition for /home.
+ <p>Om det totala lediga utrymmet &auml;r under 50GB s&aring; kommer endast en partition
+ att skapas f&ouml;r /. Det finns ingen separat partition f&ouml;r /home.
<li class="listitem">
- <p>If the total available place is over 50 GB, then three partitions are
- created
- </p>
+ <p>Om det totala utrymmet &auml;r mer &auml;n 50GB s&aring; kommer tre partitioner att skapas</p>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p>6/19 of the total available place is allocated to / with a maximum of 50 GB</p>
+ <p>6/19 av det totala lediga utrymmet f&ouml;rdelas till / med ett maximum av 50GB</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>1/19 is allocated to swap with a maximum of 4 GB</p>
+ <p>1/19 &auml;r allokerat till swap med en gr&auml;ns p&aring; 4 GB</p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p>the rest (at least 12/19) is allocated to /home</p>
+ <p>resten (minst 12/19) f&ouml;rledas till /home</p>
@@ -196,8 +195,9 @@
- <p>That means that from 160 GB and over of available place, the installer will
- create three partitions: 50 GB for /, 4 GB for swap and the rest for /home.
+ <p>Det betyder att fr&aring;n 160GB och upp&aring;t med ledigt utrymme kommer
+ installationsprogrammet att skapa tre partitioner: 50GB f&ouml;r /, 4GB f&ouml;r swap
+ och resten till /home.
@@ -210,10 +210,10 @@
<td align="left" valign="top">
- <p>If you are using an UEFI system, the ESP (EFI System Partition) will be
- automatically detected, or created if it does not exist yet, and mounted on
- /boot/EFI. The "Custom" option is the only one that allows to check it has
- been correctly done
+ <p>Om du har ett EFI-system kommer ESP (EFI Systempartition) att k&auml;nnas igen
+ automatiskt eller skapas om den inte finns, samt monteras p&aring; /boot/EFI. Det
+ anpassade alternativet &auml;r det enda s&auml;ttet att kontrollera s&aring; att det har
+ utf&ouml;rts korrekt
diff --git a/sv/index.html b/sv/index.html
index 8badd10..fead8d0 100644
--- a/sv/index.html
+++ b/sv/index.html
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
<dt><span class="section"><a href="uninstall-Mageia.html">Avinstallera Mageia</a></span></dt>
- <dt><span class="section"><a href="uninstall-Mageia.html#d5e1205">Guide</a></span></dt>
+ <dt><span class="section"><a href="uninstall-Mageia.html#d5e1204">Guide</a></span></dt>
diff --git a/sv/selectLanguage.html b/sv/selectLanguage.html
index fd6ab86..578da42 100644
--- a/sv/selectLanguage.html
+++ b/sv/selectLanguage.html
@@ -84,16 +84,16 @@
<p>Mageia anv&auml;nder UTF-8 (Unicode)-st&ouml;d som standard.</p>
- <p>This may be disabled in the "multiple languages" screen if you know that it
- is inappropriate for your language. Disabling UTF-8 applies to all installed
- languages.
+ <p>Detta kan inaktiveras i sk&auml;rmen f&ouml;r "flera spr&aring;k" om du vet att det inte &auml;r
+ aktuellt f&ouml;r ditt spr&aring;k. Att inaktivera UTF-8 till&auml;mpas f&ouml;r alla
+ installerade spr&aring;k.
<li class="listitem">
- <p>You can change the language of your system after installation in the Mageia
- Control Center -&gt; System -&gt; Manage localization for your system.
+ <p>Du kan &auml;ndra spr&aring;ket f&ouml;r ditt system efter installationen i Mageias
+ kontrollcentral &gt; System &gt; Hantera spr&aring;k.
diff --git a/sv/setupBootloader.html b/sv/setupBootloader.html
index 6aaab52..642ca40 100644
--- a/sv/setupBootloader.html
+++ b/sv/setupBootloader.html
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@
- <p><a name="setupBootloader-pa4"></a>By default, Mageia writes a new GRUB (legacy) bootloader into the MBR
- (Master Boot Record) of your first hard drive. If you already have other
- operating systems installed, Mageia attempts to add them to your new Mageia
- boot menu.
+ <p><a name="setupBootloader-pa4"></a>Som standard kommer Mageia att skriva en ny GRUB (legacy)-starthanterare p&aring;
+ MBR (Master Boot Record) p&aring; din f&ouml;rsta h&aring;rddisk. Om du redan har andra
+ operativsystem installerade kommer Mageia att f&ouml;rs&ouml;ka l&auml;gga till dem i din
+ nya startmeny.
@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@
<td align="left" valign="top">
- <p><a name="setupBootloader-pa6"></a>Linux systems which use the GRUB2 bootloader are not currently supported by
- GRUB (legacy) and will not be recognized if the default GRUB bootloader is
- used.
+ <p><a name="setupBootloader-pa6"></a>Linuxsystem som anv&auml;nder GRUB2-starthanterare st&ouml;ds f&ouml;r n&auml;rvarande inte av
+ GRUB (legacy) och kommer inte att k&auml;nnas igen om standard starthanterare som
+ anv&auml;nds &auml;r GRUB.
@@ -141,9 +141,9 @@
- <p><a name="setupBootloader-pa47"></a>Do not select a device e.g."sda", or you will overwrite your existing
- MBR. You must select the root partition that you chose during the
- partitioning phase earlier, e.g. sda7.
+ <p><a name="setupBootloader-pa47"></a>V&auml;lj inte en enhet, t. ex. "sda" f&ouml;r d&aring; kommer du att skriva &ouml;ver din
+ nuvarande MBR. Du m&aring;ste v&auml;lja root-partitionen som du valde under
+ installationen tidigare, t. ex. sda7.
@@ -216,24 +216,25 @@
- <p>With an UEFI system, the user interface is slightly different as you cannot
- choose the boot loader since only Grub2-efi is available.
+ <p>P&aring; ett UEFI-system &auml;r anv&auml;ndargr&auml;nssnittet lite annorlunda eftersom du inte
+ kan v&auml;lja starthanterare, det &auml;r bara Grub2-efi som &auml;r tillg&auml;nglig.
- <p>If Mageia is the first system installed on your computer, the installer
- created an ESP (EFI System Partition) to receive the bootloader
- (Grub2-efi). If there was already UEFI operating systems previously
- installed on your computer (Windows 8 for example), the Mageia installer
- detected the existing ESP created by Windows and added grub2-efi. Although
- it is possible to have several ESPs, only one is advised and enough whatever
- the number of operating systems you have.
+ <p>Om Mageia &auml;r det f&ouml;rsta installerade operativsystemet p&aring; din dator s&aring; har
+ installationsprogrammet redan skapat en ESP (EFI Systempartition) f&ouml;r att ta
+ emot starthanteraren (Grub2-efi). Om det redan fanns ett UEFI-operativsystem
+ installerat p&aring; din dator (t. ex. Windows 8) s&aring; har Mageias
+ installationsprogram redan hittat den existerande ESP-partitionen som
+ Windows har skapat, och lagt till grub2-efi. Man kan ha mer &auml;n en
+ ESP-partition men enbart en rekommenderas och &auml;r tillr&auml;cklig oavsett hur
+ m&aring;nga operativsystem du har.
- <p>Don't modify the "Boot Device" unless really knowing what you do.</p>
+ <p>&Auml;ndra inte din "startenhet" om du inte verkligen vet vad du g&ouml;r.</p>
diff --git a/sv/setupBootloaderAddEntry.html b/sv/setupBootloaderAddEntry.html
index 16ff521..fb806b8 100644
--- a/sv/setupBootloaderAddEntry.html
+++ b/sv/setupBootloaderAddEntry.html
@@ -94,8 +94,9 @@
<td align="left" valign="top">
- <p>Editing other things can leave you with an unbootable system. Please don't
- just try something without knowing what you are doing.
+ <p>Om du redigerar andra inst&auml;llningar utan att veta vad du g&ouml;r kan resultera i
+ ett system som inte g&aring;r att starta. Var sn&auml;ll och &auml;ndra inget om du inte vet
+ vad du g&ouml;r.
@@ -118,17 +119,17 @@
- <p>In this case you are using Grub2-efi and you cannot use this tool to edit
- entries at this step. To do that you need to manually edit
- <code class="code">/boot/grub2/custom.cfg</code> or use <code class="code">grub-customizer</code>
- instead. All you can do here, is to choose the default entry in the drop
- down list.
+ <p>I det h&auml;r fallet anv&auml;nder du Grub2-efi och du kan inte anv&auml;nda detta verktyg
+ f&ouml;r att &auml;ndra i det h&auml;r steget. F&ouml;r att g&ouml;ra &auml;ndringar m&aring;ste du manuellt
+ redigera i <code class="code">/boot/grub2/custom.cfg</code> eller anv&auml;nda
+ grub-customizer. Det enda du kan g&ouml;ra h&auml;r &auml;r att v&auml;lja standardposten i
+ rullgardinsmenyn.
- <p>After a click on the <span class="guibutton">Next</span> button, another drop down
- list allows to choose the video resolution for Grub2 which is a graphical
- boot loader.
+ <p>N&auml;r du klickat p&aring; knappen <span class="guibutton">N&auml;sta</span> kommer du att se en
+ annan rullgardinsmeny d&auml;r du kan v&auml;lja uppl&ouml;sning i Grub2 som &auml;r en grafisk
+ starthanterare.
diff --git a/sv/uninstall-Mageia.html b/sv/uninstall-Mageia.html
index 3da64cd..f3ef274 100644
--- a/sv/uninstall-Mageia.html
+++ b/sv/uninstall-Mageia.html
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<div class="titlepage">
- <h3 class="title"><a name="d5e1205"></a>Guide
+ <h3 class="title"><a name="d5e1204"></a>Guide