#!/usr/bin/perl # Drakwizard # Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft Arnaud Desmons (adesmons@mandrakesoft.com) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. package Smbconf; require "__WIZ_HOME__/common/scripts/Vareqval.pm"; require "__WIZ_HOME__/common/scripts/IFCFG.pm"; use MDK::Common; use strict; use Data::Dumper; # All possibilies in the config file must be precedeed by ";" # This script can just comment, uncomment or/and change values # but can not add anything. # so one variable cannot be commented and not in the same file. my $o = IFCFG->new(); sub check { $> and return 1; $o->is_dhcp() and return 2; 0; } sub check_services { $ENV{wiz_do_homes} and return 3; $ENV{wiz_do_file_sharing} and return 2; $ENV{wiz_do_printer_sharing} and return 1; 0; } sub check_dir { -d ($ENV{wiz_dir}) and return 10; 1; } # the "__" before comment is to avoid conflicts with possible "comment" variable # for variables value is in value key and comment idem (no risque of conflict) sub read_conf { my $self = {}; my ($file) = @_; my $menu; my @tab; my %conf; open(FH, $file) or die "$! ($file)"; while () { if (/^(\s*\;?\s*)\[(.*)\].*/) { $menu = $2; $conf{$menu}{__comment} = $1; } elsif (/^(?!\#)(\s*\;*\s*)(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/) { $conf{$menu}{$2}{value} = $3; $conf{$menu}{$2}{comment} = $1; } push @tab, $_; } $self->{conf} = \%conf; $self->{tab} = \@tab; bless $self; } # we parse @tab to check for values in the struct. sub write_conf { my $self = shift; my ($file) = @_; my $menu; open(FH, "> $file") or die "$!"; foreach (@{$self->{tab}}) { if (/^\s*\;?\s*\[(.*)\].*/) { $menu = $1; print FH "$self->{conf}->{$menu}{__comment}"."[$menu]\n"; } elsif (/^(?!\#)\s*\;*\s*(.*?)\s*=/) { print FH "$self->{conf}->{$menu}{$1}{comment}"."$1" ." = ". "$self->{conf}->{$menu}{$1}{value}\n"; } else { print FH $_; } } } #section has the name of the printer sub add_printer { my $self = shift; my ($printer) = @_; if (exists $self->{conf}->{$printer}) { $self->comment_menu($printer, " "); } else { $self->{conf}->{$printer}{printable}{comment} = " "; $self->{conf}->{$printer}{printer}{comment} = " "; push @{$self->{tab}}, "[$printer]\n"; push @{$self->{tab}}, "printer = $printer\n"; push @{$self->{tab}}, "printable = yes\n"; $self->{conf}->{$printer}{printer}{value} = $printer; $self->{conf}->{$printer}{printable}{value} = "yes"; } } sub list_printers { my @list if 0; return @list if @list; @list = sort grep /^(?!\#).*/, map { my ($printer) = split(':', $_); } cat_("/etc/printcap"); } sub check_users { return 1 if $ENV{wiz_do_printer_sharing}; 0; } sub comment_menu { my $self = shift; my ($menu, $str) = @_; return if (!$menu or !exists $self->{conf}->{$menu}); $self->{conf}->{$menu}{__comment} = $str; foreach (keys %{$self->{conf}->{$menu}}) { ($_ eq "__comment") and next; $self->{conf}->{$menu}{$_}{comment} = $str; } } sub comment_var { my $self = shift; my ($menu, $var, $str) = @_; $self->{conf}->{$menu}{$var}{comment} = $str; } sub chg_var { my $self = shift; my ($menu, $var, $str) = @_; $self->{conf}->{$menu}{$var}{value} = $str; } # all or selected printers sub printer_sharing { my $self = shift; if ($ENV{wiz_all_printers}) { $self->comment_menu("printers", " "); foreach my $printer (keys (%::bool)) { $self->comment_menu($printer, ";"); } } else { $self->comment_menu("printers", ";"); foreach my $printer (keys (%::bool)) { if (int($::bool{$printer})) { $self->comment_menu($printer, " "); $self->add_printer($printer); } else { $self->comment_menu($printer, ";"); } } } } sub get_printers { if ($ENV{wiz_do_printer_sharing}) { my $string; $ENV{wiz_all_printers} and return "all printers"; foreach (keys (%::bool)) { $string .= "$_, " if int($::bool{$_}); } "$string"; } else { "disabled"; } } sub check_workgroup { !$ENV{wiz_workgroup} and return 1; 10; } sub ask_acces { 10; } my $old = read_conf("/etc/samba/smb.conf"); sub get_write { $old->{conf}->{public}{"write list"}{value}; } sub get_read { $old->{conf}->{public}{"read list"}{value}; } sub check_banner { !$ENV{wiz_banner} and return 1; 10; } sub get_workgroup { $old->{conf}->{global}{workgroup}{value}; } sub get_banner { $old->{conf}->{global}{"server string"}{value}; } sub ask_dir { return 2 if $ENV{wiz_do_file_sharing}; return 1 if $ENV{wiz_do_printer_sharing}; 0; } sub get_dir { $old->{conf}->{public}{path}{value}; } sub get_file_sharing { return 0 if ($old->{conf}->{public}{__comment} =~ /\;|\#/); 1; } sub get_home_sharing { return 0 if ($old->{conf}->{homes}{__comment} =~ /\;|\#/); 1; } sub get_netmask { ""; } sub get_allow_host { $old->{conf}->{global}{"hosts allow"}{value}; } sub get_deny_host { $old->{conf}->{global}{"hosts deny"}{value}; } sub chk_level { # if ($ENV{wiz_level} == 2) { # $ENV{wiz_allow_allow} = "toto"; # $ENV{wiz_allow_allow} = "toto"; # } # else { # $ENV{wiz_hosts_deny} = "tata"; # $ENV{wiz_hosts_deny} = "tata"; # } # if ($ENV{wiz_level} == 3) { # $ENV{wiz_allow_allow} = "toto"; # $ENV{wiz_allow_allow} = "toto"; # } # else { # $ENV{wiz_hosts_deny} = "tata"; # $ENV{wiz_hosts_deny} = "tata"; # } $ENV{wiz_level}; } # remember one variable cannot be commented and not in the same file. sub do_it { my $file = "__WIZ_HOME__/samba_wizard/scripts/smb.conf.default"; my $conf = read_conf($file); $conf->chg_var("global", "workgroup", $ENV{wiz_workgroup}); $conf->chg_var("global", "server string", $ENV{wiz_banner}); $conf->chg_var("public", "write list", $ENV{wiz_write_list}) if $ENV{wiz_do_file_sharing}; $conf->chg_var("public", "read list", $ENV{wiz_read_list}) if $ENV{wiz_do_file_sharing}; my $ip = $o->itf_get("IPADDR"); if ($ENV{wiz_do_file_sharing}) { standalone->explanations("Enabling $ENV{wiz_dir} samba file sharing"); $conf->comment_menu("public", " "); $conf->chg_var("public", "path", $ENV{wiz_dir}); } else { standalone->explanations("Disabling samba file sharing"); $conf->comment_menu("public", ";"); } if ($ENV{wiz_do_homes}) { standalone->explanations("Enabling samba homes sharing"); $conf->comment_menu("homes", " "); } else { standalone->explanations("Disabling samba homes sharing"); $conf->comment_menu("homes", ";"); } standalone->explanations("Samba deny $ENV{wiz_hosts_deny}"); standalone->explanations("Samba allow $ENV{wiz_hosts_allow}"); # $conf->chg_var("global", "hosts deny", $ENV{wiz_hosts_deny}); # $conf->chg_var("global", "hosts allow", $ENV{wiz_hosts_allow}); if ($ENV{wiz_do_printer_sharing}) { standalone->explanations("Enabling printer sharing"); $conf->printer_sharing(); } else { standalone->explanations("Disabling printer sharing"); foreach my $printer (keys (%::bool)) { if (!int($::bool{$printer})) { $conf->comment_menu("$printer", ";"); } } $conf->comment_menu("printers", ";"); } $conf->write_conf("/etc/samba/smb.conf"); system("/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart"); 10; } 1;