#!/usr/bin/perl # Drakwizard # Copyright (C) 2002,2003 Mandrakesoft # # Authors: Arnaud Desmons # Florent Villard # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. package MDK::Wizard::NFS; use strict; use common; use services; use MDK::Wizard::Wizcommon; my $wiz = new MDK::Wizard::Wizcommon; my $o = { name => N("NFS Wizard"), var => { wiz_nfs_dir => '', wiz_nfs_level => '', wiz_netmask => '' }, needed_rpm => [ 'nfs-utils' ], defaultimage => "$ENV{__WIZ_HOME__}nfs_wizard/images/NFS.png" }; my %level = ( 1 => N("All - No access restriction"), 2 => N("Local Network - access for local network (recommended)") ); $o->{pages} = { welcome => { name => N("NFS Server Configuration Wizard") . "\n\n" . N("This wizard will help you configuring the NFS server for your network."), no_back => 1, next => 'nfs' }, nfs => { name => N("NFS server") . "\n\n" .N("Directory which will be exported to NFS clients. This directory will be exported in read only mode. It denies any request which requires changes to the filesystem."), data => [ { label => N("Directory:"), val => \$o->{var}{wiz_nfs_dir} }, ], complete => sub { if (! -d $o->{var}{wiz_nfs_dir}) { $::in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("The path you entered does not exist.")); return 1; } }, next => 'ask_level' }, ask_level => { name => N("Access control") . "\n\n" . N("NFS can be restricted to a certain ip class") . "\n\n" . N("Choose the level that suits your needs. If you don't know, the local network level is usually the most appropriate. Beware that the all level may be not secure."), pre => sub { $o->{var}{wiz_netmask} = network_mask() if !$o->{var}{wiz_netmask} || $o->{var}{wiz_netmask} eq '' }, data => [ { val => \$o->{var}{wiz_nfs_level}, list => [ keys %level ], format => sub { $level{$_[0]} } }, ], post => \&chooser, next => 'summary' }, shownet => { name => N("Grant access on local network") . "\n\n" . N("Access will be allowed for hosts on the network. Here is the information found about your current local network, you can modify it if needed."), data => [ { label => N("Authorized network:"), val => \$o->{var}{wiz_netmask} }, ], next => 'summary' }, summary => { name => N("The wizard collected the following parameters."), pre => sub { $o->{var}{wiz_text_level} = $level{$o->{var}{wiz_nfs_level}}; $o->{var}{wiz_netmask} = $o->{var}{wiz_nfs_level} == 1 ? "" : $o->{var}{wiz_netmask} }, data => [ { label => N("Exported dir:"), fixed_val => \$o->{var}{wiz_nfs_dir} }, { label => N("Access :"), fixed_val => \$o->{var}{wiz_text_level} }, { label => N("Netmask :"), fixed_val => \$o->{var}{wiz_netmask} }, ], post => \&do_it, next => 'end' }, end => { name => N("Congratulations") . "\n\n" . N("The wizard successfully configured your NFS server."), end => 1, next => 0 }, error_end => { name => N("Failed"), data => [ { label => N("Relaunch drakwizard, and try to change some parameters.") } ], no_back => 1, end => 1, next => 0, }, }; sub new { my ($class) = @_; bless { o => $o, }, $class; } sub network_mask { my $wiz_ip_server = $wiz->{net}->itf_get("IPADDR"); my $mask = $wiz->{net}->itf_get("NETMASK"); $mask = $mask || ""; $wiz_ip_server = $wiz_ip_server || ""; "$1.$2.$3.0/$mask" if $wiz_ip_server =~ /(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/; } sub chooser { $o->{var}{wiz_nfs_level} == 2 || 'shownet' } sub do_it { $::testing and return; my $line; my $file = "/etc/exports"; chomp($o->{var}{wiz_nfs_dir}); -f $file and cp_af($file, $file.".orig"); if ($o->{var}{wiz_nfs_level} == 2) { #my $mask = $wiz->{net}->itf_get("NETMASK"); $line = "$o->{var}{wiz_nfs_dir} $o->{var}{wiz_netmask}(ro,no_root_squash,sync)\n"; } else { $line = "$o->{var}{wiz_nfs_dir} *(rw,no_root_squash,sync)\n"; } my $t; foreach (cat_($file)) { if (/^(?!#).*$o->{var}{wiz_nfs_dir}\s/) { $t = $_; last; } } substInFile { s|^(?!#).*$o->{var}{wiz_nfs_dir}\s.*|#$&| } $file; append_to_file($file, $line); system("/usr/sbin/exportfs -a"); services::start('nfs') if services::is_service_running('nfs'); check_started('nfsd'); } 1;