RPM=$(HOME)/rpm NAME = drakwizard VERSION := $(shell sed -n 's/%define version //p' < $(NAME).spec) RELEASE := $(shell sed -n 's/%define release //p' < $(NAME).spec) RELTAG := $(shell echo "V$(VERSION)_$(RELEASE)" | tr -- '-.' '__') TAR = $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 # TODO: get WIZ_HOME take care of usr prefix WIZ_HOME=/usr/share/wizards/ PERL_VENDORLIB=$(shell eval "`perl -V:installvendorlib`"; installvendorlib=$${installvendorlib\#/usr}; echo $$installvendorlib) WIZ = dhcp_wizard\ dns_wizard\ postfix_wizard\ samba_wizard\ time_wizard\ web_wizard\ ftp_wizard\ news_wizard\ proxy_wizard\ nisautofs_wizard \ installsrv_wizard \ pxe_wizard \ nfs_wizard \ kolab_wizard OTHER = data\ po all: # installs all the wizards... install: mkdir -p ${prefix}/sbin mkdir -p ${prefix}/$(PERL_VENDORLIB)/MDK/Wizard/ install -p drakwizard.pl ${prefix}/sbin/drakwizard perl -i -pe "s,(__WIZ_HOME__|\\\$$ENV{__WIZ_HOME__}),$(WIZ_HOME),g" ${prefix}/sbin/drakwizard perl -i -pe "s|new IFCFG|new MDK::Wizard::IFCFG|g" common/Wizcommon.pm for l in $(OTHER); do \ $(MAKE) -C $$l $@; \ done install --mode=u=rw,g=r,o=r -p common/*.pm ${prefix}/$(PERL_VENDORLIB)/MDK/Wizard/; \ for l in $(WIZ); do \ install --mode=u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx -d ${prefix}/share/wizards/$$l/images/; \ install --mode=u=rw,g=r,o=r -p $$l/*.pm ${prefix}/$(PERL_VENDORLIB)/MDK/Wizard/; \ install --mode=a=r -p $$l/images/*.png ${prefix}/share/wizards/$$l/images; \ if ls $$l/scripts/*.default &> /dev/null ; then \ install --mode=u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx -d ${prefix}/share/wizards/$$l/scripts/; \ install --mode=a=r -p $$l/scripts/*.default ${prefix}/share/wizards/$$l/scripts; \ fi \ done install --mode=a=r -p news_wizard/scripts/news.cron ${prefix}/share/wizards/news_wizard/scripts/; \ find ${prefix}/$(PERL_VENDORLIB)/MDK/Wizard -type f -regex ".*.pm$$" \ -exec perl -i -pe "s,(\\\$$ENV{__WIZ_HOME__}|__WIZ_HOME__),$(WIZ_HOME),g" \{\} \; pitest: cp samba_wizard/Samba.pm . perl -i -pe "s,\\\$$ENV{__WIZ_HOME__},$(WIZ_HOME),g" Samba.pm grep defaultimage Samba.pm clean: $(MAKE) -C po $@ rm -f *~ dis: clean cd ..; cp -rf wizard_perl $(NAME) cd ..; tar cf - $(NAME) | bzip2 -9 > $(TAR) cd ..; rm -rf $(NAME) changelog: ../common/username ( cvs2cl -U ../common/username -I ChangeLog -I tmp/ --accum ; \ rm -f ChangeLog.bak ; \ cvs commit -m "Generated by cvs2cl the `date '+%c'`" ChangeLog ; \ ) cvstag: cvs commit cvs tag $(RELTAG) localsrpm: dis ../$(TAR) $(RPM) cp -f ../$(TAR) $(RPM)/SOURCES -rpm -bs $(NAME).spec rm -f ../$(TAR) localrpm: localsrpm -rpm -ba --clean $(NAME).spec rpm: changelog cvstag dis ../$(TAR) $(RPM) cp -f ../$(TAR) $(RPM)/SOURCES -rpm -ba --clean $(NAME).spec rm -f ../$(TAR) oldlocalrpm: dis cp -f ../$(TAR) $(RPM)/SOURCES cp -f $(NAME).spec $(RPM)/SPECS/ -rpm -ba $(NAME).spec rm -f ../$(TAR) clean_test: rm -rf test test: clean_test @date mkdir test cp -r $(WIZ) test cp Wizard.dtd Makefile drakwizard.pl drakwizard.spec test.pl test find test -regex ".*\.wiz$$\|.*\.pm$$\|.*\.sh$$" -exec \ perl -i -pe "s|__WIZ_HOME__|$(PWD)/test|g" \{\} \; perl -i -pe "s|__WIZ_HOME__|$(PWD)/test|g" test/drakwizard.pl