#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- Mode: cperl -*- # Copyright (C) 2000 by Chmouel Boudjnah , # MandrakeSoft Inc. # Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the GNU # Public License (GPL) ###################### # Description: Launch window manager according to # /etc/X11/window-manager with various options. use Getopt::Long; my ($wm, $command, $window_mgr_file); my (@lf); my @getopt_args = ('l|list-active-session', 'm|window-manager-file=s', 'g|with-file-manager=s', 'p|picture=s', 'x|with-xterm', 'h|help', 'F|fallback', ); GetOptions(\%options, @getopt_args) || usage(1); usage() if $options{h}; $window_mgr_file = $options{'m'} ? $options{'m'} : '/etc/X11/window-managers'; die "$window_mgr_file don't exist\n" unless -r $window_mgr_file; parse_file($window_mgr_file); if ($options{l}){ print "\t\t\tActive Sessions:\n"; list_sessions(); exit(0); } unless ($ARGV[0]) { print STDERR "\n\t\tYou need to specify a Window Manager\n\n"; usage(1); } else { $wm = $ARGV[0] } if (!$exec{$wm} && !$options{F}) { print STDERR "I can't find an entry for $wm\n"; print STDERR "This is the list of active sessions:\n\n"; list_sessions(1); print STDERR "\nVerify your installation or adjust $window_mgr_file\n"; exit 1; } # Launching if ($options{p} and $options{b}) { print STDERR "option -p and -b are incompatible\n"; exit 1; } else { system("xsetroot", "-solid", $options{b}) if $options{b}; } if ($options{g} =~ /KFM/i) { system("kfm &"); } elsif ($options{g} =~ /GMC/i) { system("gmc &"); } elsif ($options{g} =~ /SFM/i) { #Special Pixel. system("sfm &"); } else { if ($options{g}) { print STDERR "You need to specify KFM or GMC to --with-filemanager"; exit(1); } } if ( $options{p} and ! -x '/usr/X11R6/bin/xsetbg') { print STDERR "Can't find xli installed, please adjust your installation\n"; exit(1); } else { system("xsetbg", $options{p}) if $options{p}; } if ($options{x}) { my $xterm = $ENV{XTERM} ? $ENV{XTERM} : "xterm -bg black -fg white"; system("$xterm &"); } # END $command = $script{$wm} ? $script{$wm} : $script{shift @lf}; exec ("/bin/sh", "-c", "$command"); sub parse_file { my $f=shift @_; local *F; my ($e, $s, $n, $i, $d); open F, $f or die "Can't open $f\n"; local $/ = "--@@--"; while () { $n = $1 if /^NAME=(.*)/m; $e = $1 if /^EXEC=(.*)/m; $d = $1 if /^DESC=(.*)/m; $i = $1 if /^ICON=(.*)/m; $s = $1 while /SCRIPT:(.*?)$/gs; if (-x $e) { $script{$n} = $s; $exec{$n} = $e; push @lf, $n; } } } sub list_sessions{my $e=shift @_;for(@lf){print{$e ? STDERR : STDOUT}"$_\n";}} sub usage { my $e = shift @_; (my $basename = $0) =~ s|.*/||; print { $e ? STDERR : STDOUT } << "EOF"; Usage: $0 [-Fxh] [ -b color ] [ window-manager session] Window-Manager launcher -b=COLOR --background=COLOR: Specify a background color. -g --with-file-manager: Launch with a filemanager [ KFM | GMC ] -x --with-xtermM: Display an xterm. -p=PIC --picture=PIC: Pictures to display in background. -l --list-active-session: List active sessions. -F --fallback: Try to fallback between window-managers if failing to launch the specified one. -h --help: Display this message. EOF exit($e); }