path: root/sbin/chksession
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sbin/chksession')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sbin/chksession b/sbin/chksession
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ef57e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sbin/chksession
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# (c) MandrakeSoft, Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com>
+# Copyright under GPL blah blah blah.
+## you'll don't find much info here, see --help.
+my @lf;
+sub usage {
+ my $e = shift @_;
+ $0 =~ s|.*/||;
+ print { $e ? STDERR : STDOUT } << "EOF";
+Usage: $0 [OPTION]...
+ -F --first: Print only first available entry.
+ -t, --test: Go in test mode.
+ -l, --list: List window-managers.
+ -f=FILE, --file=FILE: Specify an alternarte config files other
+ than /etc/X11/window-manager
+-x=ENTRY, --xsession=ENTRY: Product window-managers script of ENTRY.
+-r=ENTRY, --remove=ENTRY: remove an entry (product to stdin).
+ -k, --kdm: Product window-managers list for kdm sessions.
+ -g, --gdm: Product window-managers script for gdm sessions.
+ -h, --help: Product this help.
+ exit($e);
+sub parse_file {
+ my $f=shift @_;
+ open F, $f or die "Can't open $f\n";
+ local $/ = "--@@--";
+ while (<F>) {
+ $n = $1 if /^NAME=(.*)/m;
+ $e = $1 if /^EXEC=(.*)/m;
+ $d = $1 if /^DESC=(.*)/m;
+ $i = $1 if /^ICON=(.*)/m;
+ $s = $1 while /SCRIPT:(.*?)$/gs; chomp $s;
+ if (-x $e) { $script{$n} = $s; $exec{$n} = $e; $desc{$n} = $d; $icon{$n} = $i; push @lf, $n; }
+ }
+sub remove_entry {
+ my $e = shift @_;
+ my $f = shift @_;
+ open F, $f or die "Can't open $f\n";
+ local $/ = "--@@--";
+ while (<F>) {
+ next if /^NAME=$e/m;
+ print;
+ }
+ if @ARGV < 1;
+while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--/ || $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
+ $_ = shift;
+ if (/^--xsession=([^ ]+)/ || /^-x=([^ ]+)/) {
+ $xsession = $1;
+ } elsif (/^--first/ || /^-F/) {
+ $first++;
+ } elsif (/^--gdm/ || /^-g/) {
+ $gdm++;
+ } elsif (/^--list/ || /^-l/) {
+ $list++;
+ } elsif (/^--kdmsess/ || /^-k/) {
+ $kdm++;
+ } elsif (/^--test/ || /^-t/) {
+ $test++;
+ } elsif (/^--file=([^ ]+)/ || /^-f=([^ ]+)/) {
+ $file = $1;
+ } elsif (/^--remove=([^ ]+)/ || /^-r=([^ ]+)/) {
+ $remove=$1;
+ } elsif (/^--help/ || /^-h/ || /^-\?/) {
+ usage(0);
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Unrecognized switch: $_\n";
+ usage(1);
+ }
+$file = $test ? './window-managers' : '/etc/X11/window-managers' unless $file;
+die "$file don't exist\n" unless -r $file;
+$remove ? remove_entry($remove, $file) : parse_file ($file);
+if ($kdm) {
+ $session="SessionTypes=";
+ for(@lf) { $session .= /$lf[-1]/ ? "$_;failsafe;default" : "$_;" }
+ print "$session\n";
+ exit(0);
+if ($gdm) {
+ my $d = '/etc/X11/gdm/Sessions/';
+ chdir $d;
+ #Any better way ?
+ opendir D, $d;
+ for ( readdir(D)) { next if /^\.\.?/;next if /^Failsafe/; chmod 0644, $_; }
+ closedir D;
+ for my $file (@lf) {
+ open FH, ">/etc/X11/gdm/Sessions/$file" or die "Can't write to /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions/$file\n";
+ print FH "#!/bin/sh";
+ print FH $script{$file};
+ close FH;
+ chmod 0755, $file;
+ }
+ unlink 'Default';
+ symlink shift @lf, 'Default';
+if ($xsession) {
+ if ($script{$xsession}) {
+ print "#!/bin/sh\n";
+ print $script{$xsession}
+ } else {
+ print "xterm -geometry 100x25+0+0 &\n";
+ -x '/usr/X11R6/bin/icewm' ? print "icewm\n" : print "xterm -geometry 67x14+384+446\n";
+ }
+ exit (0);
+print shift @lf, "\n" if $first;
+if ($list) { my $p; for(@lf) { $p .= /$lf[-1]/ ? "$_ default failsafe" : "$_ " } print "$p\n"; }