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1 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index d79e2e7..5bc4577 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,177 @@
+2011-12-05 02:47
+ * menu/update-menus.filter: run update-menus by filetriggers also
+ when /etc/menu.d is changed
+2011-12-05 02:47
+ * sbin/chksession: chksession: add support for generic
+ --generate=DIR and --wrap-sessions
+ See mgabz #2740. This also allows migrating other users to the
+ more
+ readable and robust versions, avoiding the use of hardcoded
+ directories
+ in chksession.
+2011-12-05 02:47
+ * menu/applications.menu.in: show submenus before menu entries by
+ default (except More)
+ Alter <DefaultLayout> so that submenus appear before normal
+ entries in
+ menus that do not specify their own <Layout>.
+ This should mostly affect Education, Science, Wine, and custom
+ menus.
+2011-12-05 02:47
+ * menu/applications.menu.in: sanify Education and Science menus
+ - drop "Other" submenus, simply show those applications under
+ main level
+ (note: this is not the famous "More", this is something else)
+ - do not show applications under Education -> Science if they are
+ already shown somewhere under Science (bug #1633)
+ - remove specific <Layout>s to use <DefaultLayout> and its
+ inlining
+ settings, dropping single-entry submenus up one level on desktops
+ that support the inline_attribute (GNOME does, KDE applets don't)
+2011-12-05 02:47
+ * menu/applications.menu.in: adjust excluding GNOME settings from
+ menus
+ GNOME settings tools were excluded from several menus because
+ - GNOME has its own menu for them
+ - They are not relevant for non-GNOME
+ However, GNOME doesn't seem to have a separate menu for them
+ anymore,
+ but instead has a control center.
+ Also, they matched some applications that are useful in non-GNOME
+ (like
+ GParted).
+ Therefore, exclude only entries that have
+ - X-GNOME-Settings-Panel (they are included in GNOME control
+ center)
+ or
+ - GNOME and X-GNOME-*Settings (they seem to be individual
+ application
+ settings shortcuts, useful mostly in the previous distinct
+ settings
+ menu but not so much cluttering the general Tools menu)
+ This shouldn't hide any previously visible tools, but should fix
+ e.g.
+ missing gconf-editor.
+ This also has the effect that GNOME;HardwareSettings; tools like
+ GParted
+ now appear in KDE under SystemTools.
+ If unwanted applications appear, they should get
+ OnlyShowIn/NotShowIn,
+ get moved elsewhere, or handled individually in some other way.
+2011-12-05 02:47
+ * menu/applications.menu.in: show applications with category System
+ in ToolsMore if not shown elsewhere
+ Non-native System category applications were previously not
+ always
+ displayed anywhere.
+ However, they are actually useful for other desktops (and if not,
+ should
+ have OnlyShowIn/NotShowIn), so have them in ToolsMore.
+ Add an exception for KDE system settings to not appear on
+ non-KDE.
+ This fixes e.g. avahi-discover to show up in KDE.
+2011-12-05 02:47
+ * menu/applications.menu.in: add support for X-Mageia-CrossDesktop
+ (bug #2449)
+2011-12-05 02:47
+ * menu/applications.menu.in: show applications with native desktop
+ but not native toolkit in SystemTools
+ For consistency with other menus, allow applications that have
+ native
+ desktop category but not native desktop toolkit in SystemTools
+ menu.
+ This fixes things like
+ Categories=GNOME;System;FileTools
+ that would only show up in KDE, but not in GNOME.
+2011-12-05 02:47
+ * menu/applications.menu.in: drop ineffective exclude of non-GTK/Qt
+ filesystem tools from SystemTools
+ 'FileSystem' category was excluded from SystemTools if the
+ application
+ didn't have either GTK/GNOME or Qt/KDE categories as well.
+ However, the actual fd.o category name is 'Filesystem', so the
+ rule was
+ ineffective.
+ Instead of correcting the typo, simply remove it, as System
+ Filesystem
+ tools should probably always be shown in SystemTools regardless
+ of
+ toolkit. If the application is not a system tool but a more
+ user-oriented one, it should have Utility;Filesystem; instead.
+2011-12-05 02:47
+ * menu/applications.menu.in: remove excess Emulator entries from
+ applications.menu.in
+ Remove Emulator category includes/excludes from ToolsMore, as
+ ToolsMore
+ is declared as <OnlyUnallocated> and all Emulators are already
+ allocated
+ at least in ToolsEmulators.
+2011-12-05 02:46
+ * menu/applications.menu.in: remove excess TerminalEmulator entry
+ from applications.menu.in
+ The entry is inside <and><or> but discounted below in <and><not>:
+ (foo || TerminalEmulator || bar) && !(foobar || TerminalEmulator)
+ Remove the superfluous first occurrence.
+2011-12-02 10:54
+ * faces/green.png, faces/pink.png, faces/purple.png, faces/red.png,
+ faces/yellow.png: Add extra new faces for dm
+2011-11-17 14:58
+ * ChangeLog, Makefile: New version
+2011-11-17 14:37
+ * bookmarks/konqueror/bookmarks-download.xml,
+ bookmarks/mozilla/mozilla-download.html: remove Mandriva link for
+ Mageia wiki (bug #3199)
2011-11-17 14:37
* bookmarks/konqueror/bookmarks-download.xml,