; Sections are read in the order given in base::layout, with section 'base' ; implicitly added at the end. If a config value is given more than once, ; the first entry wins. ; ; If a screen resolution can't be set, 640x480 is used as fallback (and ; section '640x480' added to the layout list). ; ; If the penguin screen is active, section 'penguin' is automatically added ; to the layout list. ; ; Color values: 24 bit RGB (e.g. 0xff0000 = red). ; [base] ; theme name theme=Mandriva Linux ; other sections to read layout=800x600,install ; penguin theme likelihood (in percent, -1 = auto) penguin=-1 ; activate speech output talk=0 ; sound volume (0..100) volume=70 ; menu background transparency (0..255) menu.transparency=0x20 ; default font font.normal=16x16.fnt ; main menu font font.large=16x16.fnt ; background image background=back.jpg ; max. visible main menu items mainmenu.entries=11 ; minimal main menu selection bar width mainmenu.bar.minwidth=400 ; main menu selection bar transparency (0..255) mainmenu.bar.transparency=100 ; main menu colors mainmenu.bar.color=0xffffff mainmenu.normal.fg=0xffffff mainmenu.selected.fg=0x000000 ; boot option colors bootopt.label.fg=0xffffff bootopt.text.fg=0xffffff ; progress bar color progress.bar.color=0x295202 ; menu colors menu.normal.bg=0xd8deed menu.normal.fg=0x000000 menu.selected.bg=0x6c6c6c menu.selected.fg=0xffffff ; window colors window.bg=0xd8deed window.fg=0x000000 window.title.bg=0x217b05 window.title.fg=0xffffff window.title.error.bg=0xc00000 ; help system colors help.link.fg=0x0000a0 help.link.selected.fg=0xffffff help.link.selected.bg=0x0000a0 help.highlight.fg=0x009000 ; panel colors panel.fg=0xffffff panel.title.fg=0xffffff panel.f-key.fg=0x33358c ; default keymap (e.g. de_DE, czech) keymap= ; replace underscores ('_') with space in menu entries _2space=1 [800x600] ; screen size screen.size=800,600 ; upper left corner mainmenu.pos=210,235 ; boot option input field position bootopt.pos=200,540 [640x480] ; screen size screen.size=640,480 ; upper left corner mainmenu.pos=130,122 ; boot option input field position bootopt.pos=263,380 [penguin] ; upper left corner mainmenu.pos=220,163 ; main menu selection bar transparency (0..255) mainmenu.bar.transparency=120 ; boot option input field position bootopt.pos=263,490 ; background image background=pback.jpg [install] ; show welcome animation welcome=1 ; beep when menu is ready beep=1 ; main menu item shown only if iso is tagged for media check mediacheck=mediachk ; main menu items where user can't add boot options nobootoptions=harddisk,memtest ; main menu items that are not passed an 'install' parameter noinstallopt=harddisk,firmware,memtest ; default driver update (one of: yes, no, file, url; default: no) dud= ; if 'dud=file': file name on DVD dud.file= ; if 'dud=url': URL dud.url= ; if 'dud=url': menu item name (default = 'URL') dud.url.name= ; serial line setup (up to four lines) ; format: port,baud,dev ; - port: 0-3: first four BIOS serial lines (COM1-COM4); >=4: I/O port (0x3f8) ; - baud: baud rate (e.g. 115200); 0 = autodetect (considers baud rates >= 9600) ; - dev: linux device name (e.g. ttyS0) ; - all lines are set up with 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit ; - if the bootloader also has a serial line setup, the port is ; automatically used serial.line0=0,0,ttyS0 serial.line1=1,0,ttyS1 serial.line2= serial.line3= ; show keymap menu as submenu in lang dialog keymap.submenu=1 ; show keymap in main menu keymap.mainmenu=0 [boot] ; show welcome animation welcome=0 ; beep when menu is ready beep=1 ; show keymap menu as submenu in lang dialog keymap.submenu=0 ; show keymap in main menu keymap.mainmenu=0