#!/bin/bash ######################################################################################## # /usr/sbin/copyiso2usb ######################################################################################## # Usage: copyiso2usb [isofile] # Installs needed packages if missing - dcfldd cdialog udisks mlocate # Runs locate command if needed mmlocate.db doesn't exist, or is more than 24 hours # old, or requested. # Uses the locate command to find iso images, presented in a selection dialog, unless # a file name is passed as the only argument. # Lists usb drives in a selection dialog # Checks that the iso will fit on the selected drive # Confirms that the command should be run # Copies the iso image to the usb drive. # # Note for maintainers 'xgettext -d copyiso2usb -L Shell /usr/sbin/copyiso2usb' used # to create copyiso2usb.po (which was manually renamed to copyiso2usb.pot) # # If installing manually, also suggest installing Xdialog and runnning # 'ln -s /usr/bin/consolehelper /usr/sbin/copyiso2usb' ######################################################################################## # Author: David W. Hodgins - Mageia Qa team # 2013-06-02 Initial writing # 2013-06-04 Added iso as arg, fix for no partition table on usb stick, Thanks barjac. # 2013-08-22 Converted to use gettext for translations ######################################################################################## set -u # Show usage of unset variables as an error, to help catch typos. # Obtain translations for all static messages (message with vars translated when needed) . /usr/bin/gettext.sh TEXTDOMAIN=copyiso2usb export TEXTDOMAIN TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale/ export TEXTDOMAINDIR Newline="\n" TitleString=$(gettext "Copy iso image to usb drive") SelectISO=$(gettext "Select iso image to be copied to a usb drive") NoISOFound=$(eval_gettext "No iso images found.\${Newline}\${Newline}If an iso has been recently downloaded, please run /etc/cron.daily/mlocate.cron\${Newline}so that this script can find them using the locate command.") NoUSBDrives=$(gettext "No usb drives found.\${Newline}\${Newline}Please insert a usb drive, and then rerun this script.") SelectUSBDrive=$(gettext "Select usb drive to copy the iso image to") CopyCancelled=$(gettext "Copy cancelled. Exiting.") Waitmlocate=$(gettext "Running /etc/cron.daily/mlocate.cron. Please wait for 'rc=0' before continuing.") WaitCopy=$(gettext "Copying iso to usb drive. Please wait for 'rc=0' before continuing.") FileNameTemp=$(mktemp -p /tmp "${0##*/}".XXXXXX) # Set dialog command to use dialogcmd="/usr/bin/Xdialog" displaytest=${DISPLAY-"unset"} if [ ! -e /usr/bin/Xdialog ] || [ ! -x /usr/bin/Xdialog ] || [ "unset" = "$displaytest" ] ; then dialogcmd="/usr/bin/dialog" fi ThisScript="$0" if [[ ! ${ThisScript:0:1} = '/' ]] ; then ThisScript="$(pwd)/$0" fi # Function to get window size GetDisplaySize() { IFS=$':, ' read label MaxLines MaxColumns<<<"$($dialogcmd --print-maxsize --output-fd 1 2>&1)" unset IFS MenuHeight=$(( MaxLines - 5 )) } GetDisplaySize # Function to list all usb drives listusbdrives () { for block in /sys/devices/pci*/*/usb*/*/*/host*/target*/*/block/sd*; do device=${block##*/} # strip last slash and everything before it. printf '%s\n' "$device" done } menuitem=0 MenuText="" DisplayMenu() { GetDisplaySize $dialogcmd --backtitle "$TitleString" --title "copyiso2usb" --menu "$DisplayText" "$MaxLines" "$MaxColumns" "$MenuHeight" $MenuText 2>$FileNameTemp } DisplayInfo() { GetDisplaySize $dialogcmd --backtitle "$TitleString" --title "copyiso2usb" --msgbox "$DisplayText" "$MaxLines" "$MaxColumns" } RunCommandX() { GetDisplaySize printf '%s\n\n' "$DisplayText" >$FileNameTemp ( printf '%s\n' "$@" ; eval "$@" ; result=$? ; printf '%s\n' "rc=$result" ) >>$FileNameTemp & $dialogcmd --backtitle "$TitleString" \ --title "copyiso2usb" \ --tailbox "$FileNameTemp" "$MaxLines" "$MaxColumns" rm -f "$FileNameTemp" } RunCommand() { if [[ "$dialogcmd" = "/usr/bin/dialog" ]] ; then printf '%s\n\n' "$DisplayText" eval "$@" result=$? printf '%s\n' "rc=$result" else RunCommandX "$@" fi } ShowMsgExit() { DisplayText="$@" DisplayInfo exit 0 } # Function to install missing packages InstallPackageIfFileMissing() { # Install command, if it isn't already available if [ ! -x "$1" ] ; then Command="$1" Package="$2" CmdNotFoundInstalling=$(eval_gettext "\$Command command not found. Installing \$Package") DisplayText="$CmdNotFoundInstalling" RunCommand "urpmi --auto $2" result=$? if (($result)) ; then FailedExiting=$(eval_gettext "urpmi failed. Return code was \$result. Exiting.") ShowMsgExit "$FailedExiting" exit 1 fi fi } # Function to convert size to human readable format declare -a SpaceUnits=( B KB MB GB TB PB ) declare -i SpaceUnitsIndex declare -i SpaceInt setspaceunits () { SpaceUnitsIndex=0 (( Size *= 100 )) # add two decimal places while [ "$Size" -ge 102400 ] ; do let Size="$Size"/1024 (( SpaceUnitsIndex++ )) done SpaceString="$Size" StringLength=${#SpaceString} let Intlength="$StringLength - 2" StringLeft=${SpaceString:0:$Intlength} StringRight=${SpaceString:$Intlength} SpaceString="$StringLeft.$StringRight${SpaceUnits[$SpaceUnitsIndex]}" if [ "$Size" -gt 100 ] ; then SpaceString="$SpaceString"s else SpaceString="$SpaceString " fi printf '%s' "$SpaceString" } # Exit if not root. if [[ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]] ; then MustBeRoot=$(eval_gettext "Must be root to run \$ThisScript") ShowMsgExit "$MustBeRoot" exit 0 fi InstallPackageIfFileMissing /usr/bin/dcfldd dcfldd InstallPackageIfFileMissing /usr/bin/dialog cdialog InstallPackageIfFileMissing /usr/bin/udisks udisks InstallPackageIfFileMissing /etc/cron.daily/mlocate.cron mlocate if="" if [[ $# -eq 1 && -r "$1" ]] ; then if="$1" fi runmlocate="no" if [ -z "$if" ] ; then if [ ! -s /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db ] ; then runmlocate="yes" else dbdatetext=$(stat /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db|grep Modify) dbdate="${dbdatetext#* }" # strip upto and including first space dbdatesecondssince1970=$(date -u -d "$dbdate" "+%s") currentsecondscince1970=$(date -u "+%s") dbageseconds=$(( $currentsecondscince1970 - $dbdatesecondssince1970 )) if (("$dbageseconds" > "86400")) ; then # 86400 seconds is one day runmlocate="yes" else mlocateAsk=$(eval_gettext "mlocate.db is \${dbageseconds} seconds old (it's used to locate iso files), would you like it updated?") $dialogcmd --backtitle "$TitleString" \ --title "copyiso2usb" \ --yesno "$mlocateAsk" "$MaxLines" "$MaxColumns" Selected=$? if (( ! $Selected)) ; then runmlocate="yes" fi fi fi fi if [[ "$runmlocate" == "yes" ]] ; then DisplayText="${Waitmlocate}" RunCommand "/etc/cron.daily/mlocate.cron" fi IFS=$'\n' isolist=($(locate -eiq .iso|grep -i iso$)) unset IFS if [ "${#isolist[@]}" == 0 ] ; then ShowMsgExit "$NoISOFound" exit 2 fi for i in "${isolist[@]}" ; do isolistshow="${i// /_}" # Show spaces in file names as underscores MenuText="$MenuText $menuitem ${isolistshow}" (( menuitem++ )) done if [[ $# -eq 1 && -r "$1" ]] ; then if="$1" else DisplayText="$SelectISO" DisplayMenu Selected=$(<$FileNameTemp) rm -f "$FileNameTemp" if [[ "${Selected}" == "" ]] ; then exit 3 # Cancel selected fi if="${isolist[$Selected]}" fi shopt -s nullglob usbdrives=($(listusbdrives)) if [ "${#usbdrives[@]}" == 0 ] ; then ShowMsgExit "$NoUSBDrives" exit 4 fi menuitem=0 MenuText="" for dev in "${usbdrives[@]}" ; do IFS=$'\n' udisksinfo=($(udisks --show-info /dev/$dev |grep -e size -e label -e vendor -e model -e serial)) unset IFS Size=${udisksinfo[0]##*: } read -rd '' Size <<< "$Size" usbsize[$menuitem]="$Size" SizeString=$(setspaceunits) Label=${udisksinfo[2]##*: } Vendor=${udisksinfo[3]##*: } Model=${udisksinfo[4]##*: } Serial=${udisksinfo[5]##*: } if [[ "${Label}" == "" ]] ; then udisksinfo=($(udisks --show-info /dev/${dev}1 |grep -e label)) Label=${udisksinfo[0]##*:} fi Mountpoint="" read mntdev Mountpoint rest<<<"$(grep ^/dev/$dev /proc/mounts)" read -rd '' SizeString <<< "$SizeString" # Remove leading/trailing spaces SizeString="${SizeString// /_}" # Translate any embedded spaces to underscores Label="" read -rd '' Label <<< "$Label" if [[ "${Label}" == "" ]] ; then if [ -e "/dev/${dev}1" ] ; then IFS=$'\n' udisksinfo=($(udisks --show-info /dev/${dev}1 |grep -m 1 label)) unset IFS Label=${udisksinfo[0]##*:} fi fi read -rd '' Label <<< "$Label" Label="${Label// /_}" read -rd '' Vendor <<< "$Vendor" Vendor="${Vendor// /_}" read -rd '' Model <<< "$Model" Model="${Model// /_}" read -rd '' Serial <<< "$Serial" Serial="${Serial// /_}" read -rd '' Mountpoint <<< "$Mountpoint" Mountpoint="${Mountpoint// /_}" if [[ ! "${Mountpoint}" == "" ]] ; then Mountpoint="---MOUNTED_at_${Mountpoint}" fi MenuText="$MenuText $menuitem ${dev}.${SizeString}.${Label}.${Vendor}.${Model}.${Serial}${Mountpoint}" (( menuitem++ )) done DisplayText="$SelectUSBDrive" DisplayMenu Selected=$(<$FileNameTemp) rm -f "$FileNameTemp" if [[ "${Selected}" == "" ]] ; then exit 5 # Cancel selected fi of="${usbdrives[$Selected]}" ofsize="${usbsize[$Selected]}" ddcmd="dcfldd sizeprobe=if statusinterval=5 if='""$if""' of=/dev/$of bs=1M" read label IsoSize rest<<<"$(stat $if|grep Size)" if (( $IsoSize > $ofsize )) ; then TooBig=$(eval_gettext "ISO size is \$IsoSize bytes. Selected USB stick only has room for \$ofsize bytes. Copy cancelled. Exiting.") ShowMsgExit "$TooBig" exit 7 fi ConfirmRun=$(eval_gettext "About to run\${Newline}\${ddcmd}\${Newline}Please select yes to confirm, or no to cancel.\${Newline}NOTE: When it runs, please wait for 'rc=0' before continuing.") $dialogcmd --backtitle "$TitleString" \ --title "copyiso2usb" \ --yesno "$ConfirmRun" "$MaxLines" "$MaxColumns" Selected=$? if (($Selected)) ; then ShowMsgExit "$CopyCancelled" exit 7 fi DisplayText="$WaitCopy" RunCommand "${ddcmd} 2>&1" exit 0