#!/usr/bin/perl use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use strict; # i18n: IMPORTANT: to get correct namespace (drakconf instead of libDrakX) BEGIN { unshift @::textdomains, 'drakconf' } use standalone; #- warning, standalone must be loaded very first, for 'explanations' use interactive; use common; local $_ = join '', @ARGV; /-h/ and die "usage: drakxconf\n"; /-version/ and die 'version: $Id$\n'; my $in = 'interactive'->vnew('su', 'default'); my @l = map { my $path; foreach my $i (split (":", $ENV{PATH})) { my $j = "$i/$_->{cmd}"; $path = $j if -x $j; } { des => $_->{des}, cmd => $path }; } ( { des => N("Display"), cmd => 'XFdrake' }, { des => N("Keyboard"), cmd => 'keyboarddrake' }, { des => N("Mouse"), cmd => 'mousedrake' }, { des => N("Network & Internet"), cmd => 'drakconnect' }, { des => N("Users and groups"), cmd => 'adduserdrake' }, { des => N("Services"), cmd => 'drakxservices' }, { des => N("Firewall"), cmd => 'drakfirewall' }, { des => N("Boot loader"), cmd => 'drakboot' }, { des => N("Auto Install"), cmd => 'drakautoinst' }, { des => N("Internet connection sharing"), cmd => 'drakgw' }, { des => N("3D Desktop effects"), cmd => 'drak3d' }, { des => N("Partitions"), cmd => 'diskdrake' } ); my $choice = $in->ask_from_listf(N("Control Center"), N("Choose the tool you want to use"), sub { $_[0]{des} }, \@l) or $in->exit(1); $in->end; -x $choice->{cmd} or die "$choice->{cmd} is not executable!\n"; exec $choice->{cmd}, @ARGV or $in->exit(1);