#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id$ # Copyright (C) 1999-2002 MandrakeSoft # Damien Krotkine # Thierry Vignaud (tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. my $_xbindir = "/usr/X11R6/bin"; my $_bindir = "/usr/bin"; my $_sbindir = "/usr/sbin"; my $mcc_dir = "/usr/share/mcc"; my $themes_dir = "$mcc_dir/themes/"; my $_wizdir = "/usr/share/wizards"; BEGIN { !$ENV{DISPLAY} and exec ("/usr/sbin/drakxconf; reset") } use Gtk; use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use standalone; use common; use interactive; use detect_devices; use my_gtk qw(:helpers :wrappers :various); use ugtk qw(:helpers :wrappers :various); use strict; # set the locale, needed for proper fontset and charset selection Gtk->set_locale; use Config; use POSIX qw(uname); my $in = 'interactive'->vnew('su', 'default'); my ($_version, $conffile, $class_install) = ("9.0", "/etc/mcc.conf","/etc/sysconfig/system"); #we'll show log only once and don't restart it with new embedded process my $show_log = 1; my $still_in_splash_screen = 1; my %h = getVarsFromSh($conffile); my %class = getVarsFromSh($class_install); defined $h{THEME} or $h{THEME} = 'default'; defined $h{EMBEDDED} or $h{EMBEDDED} = bool2text(1); defined $h{LOGS} or do { if ($class{CLASS} eq 'expert') { $h{LOGS} = bool2text(0)} else { $h{LOGS} = bool2text(1) } }; my ($embedded, $logs) = (text2bool($h{EMBEDDED}), text2bool($h{LOGS})); my $theme = $h{THEME}; if ("@ARGV" =~ /--theme (\w+)/) { $theme = $1 } -d "$themes_dir/$theme" or $theme = 'default'; add_icon_path("$themes_dir/$theme"); my $window_splash = new Gtk::Window -popup; $window_splash->signal_connect (delete_event => \&quit_global); $window_splash->set_title(N("Mandrake Control Center")); $window_splash->set_policy(0, 0, 1); $window_splash->set_position(1); $window_splash->add( gtkadd(gtkset_shadow_type(new Gtk::Frame(), 'etched_out'), new Gtk::Label(N("Loading... Please wait"))) ); $window_splash->show_all; Gtk->main_iteration while Gtk->events_pending; my $timer_splash = Gtk->timeout_add(200, sub { Gtk->main_iteration while Gtk->events_pending }); # timeout to avoid refresh problem Gtk->timeout_add(100, sub{ 1 }); my $rc = "$mcc_dir/$theme/gtkrc"; -r $rc and Gtk::Rc->parse($rc); my ($log_check_box, $embedded_check_box, $timeout); $::isWiz = -e "/usr/sbin/drakwizard"; $::isRpmDrake = -e "/usr/sbin/rpmdrake"; # { key => [log_exp, binary, gtkplug?, alternate] } my $exec_hash = { N("Boot Disk") => [ "drakfloppy", "$_sbindir/drakfloppy", 1], N("Boot Config") => [ "drakboot", "$_sbindir/drakboot", 1 ], N("Auto Install") => [ "drakautoinst", "$_sbindir/drakautoinst", 1 ], N("Monitor") => [ "XFdrake", "$_sbindir/XFdrake monitor", 1 ], N("Resolution") => [ "XFdrake", "$_sbindir/XFdrake resolution", 1 ], N("Graphical server configuration") => [ "XFdrake", "$_sbindir/XFdrake", 1 ], N("Hardware List") => [ "harddrake", "$_sbindir/harddrake2", 1 ], N("Mouse") => [ "mousedrake", "$_sbindir/mousedrake", 1 ], N("Printer") => [ "printerdrake", "$_sbindir/printerdrake", 1, "$_sbindir/printerdrake" ], N("Scanner") => [ "scannerdrake", "$_sbindir/scannerdrake", 1 ], N("Users") => [ "userdrake", "$_bindir/userdrake", 1 ], N("Keyboard") => [ "keyboarddrake", "$_sbindir/keyboarddrake", 1 ], N("Hard Drives") => [ "diskdrake", "$_sbindir/diskdrake --hd", 1 ], N("NFS mount points") => [ "diskdrake", "$_sbindir/diskdrake --nfs", 1 ], N("Samba mount points") => [ "diskdrake", "$_sbindir/diskdrake --smb", 1 ], N("WebDAV mount points") => [ "diskdrake", "$_sbindir/diskdrake --dav", 1 ], N("Partition Sharing") => [ "diskdrake", "$_sbindir/diskdrake --fileshare", 1 ], N("Connection") => [ "drakconnect", "$_sbindir/drakconnect", 1 ], N("Connection Sharing") => [ "drakgw", "$_sbindir/drakgw", 1 ], N("Proxy Configuration") => [ "drakproxy", "$_sbindir/drakproxy", 1 ], N("Security Level") => [ "draksec", "$_sbindir/draksec", 1 ], N("Security Permissions") => [ "drakperm", "$_sbindir/drakperm", 1 ], N("Programs scheduling") => [ "drakcronat", "/usr/X11R6/bin/drakcronat", 1 ], N("Firewall") => [ "drakfirewall", "$_sbindir/drakfirewall", 1 ], N("Backups") => [ "drakbackup", "$_sbindir/drakbackup", 1 ], N("Menus") => [ "menudrake", "$_sbindir/menus_launcher.pl", 1, "$_bindir/menudrake" ], N("Services") => [ "drakxservices", "$_sbindir/drakxservices", 1 ], N("Fonts") => [ "drakfont", "$_sbindir/drakfont", 1 ], N("Date & Time") => [ "clock", "$_sbindir/clock.pl", 1 ], N("Logs") => [ "logdrake", "$_sbindir/logdrake", 1 ], # little workaround to avoid drakconf freeze N("Console") => [ "rxvt", "", 0, ["$_xbindir/rxvt", "rxvt", 1] ], # N("Console") => [ "rxvt", "$_xbindir/rxvt", -1 ], N("Install Software") => [ "rpmdrake", "$_sbindir/rpmdrake", -1 ], N("Remove Software") => [ "rpmdrake", "$_sbindir/rpmdrake-remove", -1 ], N("Mandrake Update") => [ "rpmdrake", "$_sbindir/MandrakeUpdate", -1 ], N("Software Sources Manager") => [ "rpmdrake", "$_sbindir/edit-urpm-sources.pl", -1 ], N("TV Cards") => [ "drakxtv", "$_sbindir/drakxtv", 1 ], N("DNS Client") => ["Client wizard", "drakwizard $_wizdir/client_wizard/client.wiz", -1 ], N("DHCP") => ["DHCP wizard", "drakwizard $_wizdir/dhcp_wizard/dhcp.wiz", -1 ], N("DNS") => ["DNS wizard", "drakwizard $_wizdir/dns_wizard/dns.wiz", -1 ], N("FTP") => ["FTP wizard", "drakwizard $_wizdir/ftp_wizard/ftp.wiz", -1 ], N("News") => ["News wizard", "drakwizard $_wizdir/news_wizard/news.wiz", -1 ], N("Postfix") => ["Postfix wizard", "drakwizard $_wizdir/postfix_wizard/postfix.wiz", -1 ], N("Proxy") => ["Squid wizard", "drakwizard $_wizdir/proxy_wizard/proxy.wiz", -1 ], N("Samba") => ["Samba wizard", "drakwizard $_wizdir/samba_wizard/samba.wiz", -1 ], N("Time") => ["Time wizard", "drakwizard $_wizdir/time_wizard/time.wiz", -1 ], N("Web") => ["Web wizard", "drakwizard $_wizdir/web_wizard/web.wiz", -1 ], }; # { name => [ label, icon core ] } my %wizard = ("client" => [ N("DNS Client"), 'server-mdk'], "dhcp" => [ N("DHCP"), 'server-mdk'], "dns" => [ N("DNS"), 'server-mdk'], "ftp" => [ N("FTP"), 'ftp-mdk'], "news" => [ N("News"), 'news-mdk'], "postfix" => [ N("Postfix"), 'postfix-mdk'], "proxy" => [ N("Proxy"), 'web-mdk'], "samba" => [ N("Samba"), 'diskdrake_samba'], "time" => [ N("Time"), 'time-mdk'], "web" => [ N("Web"), 'web-mdk'], ); # { class_name => [ # [ label, icon core ] # ] # } my @tree = ([N("Boot"), 'boot-mdk', [ [N("Boot Disk"), 'drakfloppy-mdk'], [N("Boot Config"),'drakboot-mdk'], [N("Auto Install"), 'drakfloppy-mdk'], ] ], [N("Hardware"), 'drakhard-mdk', [ [N("Hardware List"),'harddrake-mdk'], [N("Monitor"),'XFdrake-mdk'], [N("Resolution"),'resolution-mdk'], [N("Graphical server configuration"),'XFdrake-mdk'], [N("TV Cards"),'tv-mdk'], [N("Keyboard"), 'keyboard-mdk'], [N("Mouse"), 'mousedrake-mdk'], [N("Printer"),'printer-mdk'], [N("Scanner"),'scanner-mdk'], ] ], [N("Mount Points"),'partition-mdk', [ [N("Hard Drives"), 'diskdrake_hd'], (map { my ($type, $name, $scan) = @$_; map_index { my $full_name = $name . ($::i ? $::i + 1 : ''); $exec_hash->{$full_name} = [ "diskdrake", "$_sbindir/diskdrake --removable=$_->{device}", 1 ]; [ $full_name, "diskdrake_$type" ]; } $scan->(); } do { my %cdroms_by_type; foreach (detect_devices::cdroms()) { my $type = detect_devices::isBurner($_) ? 'burner' : detect_devices::isDvdDrive($_) ? 'DVD' : 'cdrom'; push @{$cdroms_by_type{$type}}, $_; } ( [ 'cdrom', N("CD-ROM"), sub { @{$cdroms_by_type{cdrom} || []} } ], [ 'dvd', N("DVD"), sub { @{$cdroms_by_type{DVD} || []} } ], [ 'cdwriter', N("CD Burner"), sub { @{$cdroms_by_type{burner} || []} } ], [ 'floppy', N("Floppy"), \&detect_devices::floppies ], [ 'zip', N("Zip"), \&detect_devices::zips ], ), }), [N("NFS mount points"), 'diskdrake_nfs'], [N("Samba mount points"), 'diskdrake_samba'], [N("WebDAV mount points"), 'webdav-mdk'], [N("Partition Sharing"), 'diskdrake_fileshare'], ] ], [N("Network & Internet"),'net-mdk', [ [N("Connection"), 'drakconnect-mdk'], [N("Proxy Configuration"),'drakconnect-mdk'], [N("Connection Sharing"),'drakgw-mdk'], ], ], [N("Security"),'security-mdk', [ [N("Security Level"), 'draksec-mdk'], [N("Security Permissions"), 'drakperm-mdk'], [N("Firewall"), 'firewall-mdk'], ] ], [N("System"),'system-mdk', [ [N("Menus") , 'menudrake-mdk'], [N("Services") , 'service-mdk'], [N("Fonts"), 'drakfont-mdk'], [N("Date & Time") , 'time-mdk'], [N("Logs"), 'logdrake-mdk'], [N("Console"), 'console-mdk'], [N("Users"), 'user-mdk'], [N("Programs scheduling"), 'time-mdk'], [N("Backups"), 'backup-mdk'], # [N("RFBDrake"), 'unknown-mdk'], ] ], if_($::isRpmDrake, [N("Software Management"),'software', [ [N("Install Software"), 'rpmdrake'], [N("Remove Software"), 'rpmdrake-remove'], [N("Mandrake Update"), 'MandrakeUpdate'], [N("Software Sources Manager"), 'source-manager'], ] ]), if_($::isWiz, [N("Server Configuration"), 'wizard-mdk', [ (map { if_(-e '/usr/share/wizards/'.$_.'_wizard/'.$_.'.wiz', $wizard{$_}) } keys %wizard) ] ]), ); #------------------------------------------------------------- my $window_global = new Gtk::Window -toplevel; my ($pixmap_back_right, undef) = gtkcreate_png('mcc-core-back'); $window_global->signal_connect (delete_event => \&quit_global); $window_global->set_title(N("Mandrake Control Center %s", $_version)); $window_global->set_policy(0, 1, 1); my $notebook_global; my $left_back_pixbuf_unaltered = gtkcreate_png_pixbuf('mcc-left-back'); my $left_back_pixbuf_unaltered_h = gtkcreate_png_pixbuf('mcc-left-back2'); my @darea_left_list; my $cursor_hand = new Gtk::Gdk::Cursor 60; my $cursor_normal = new Gtk::Gdk::Cursor 68; my ($index, $left_locked, $pending_app) = (0, 0, 0); my $darea_left_sav; my $back; ($back->[0], undef) = gtkcreate_png('mcc-left-back'); $back->[1] = $back->[0]; ($back->[2], undef) = gtkcreate_png('mcc-left-back2'); # Create left icons foreach (@tree) { $index++; my $index = $index; my $text = $_->[0]; my $darea_left = gtkset_usize(new Gtk::DrawingArea, 160, 45); $darea_left->{state} = 0; my ($dbl_area_left, $pix, $width, $height); $darea_left->set_events(['exposure_mask', 'enter_notify_mask', 'leave_notify_mask', 'button_press_mask', 'button_release_mask' ]); # 0 => unselected, 1 => highlited, 2 => selected my @left_back_pixbuf = ( compose_with_back($_->[1], $left_back_pixbuf_unaltered), compose_with_back($_->[1], $left_back_pixbuf_unaltered, 170), compose_with_back($_->[1], $left_back_pixbuf_unaltered_h)); my ($pixbuf_width, $pixbuf_height) = ($left_back_pixbuf[0]->get_width, $left_back_pixbuf[0]->get_height); my $draw = sub { my ($dx, $dy) = ($darea_left->allocation->[2], $darea_left->allocation->[3]); my $state = $darea_left->{state}; if (!defined($dbl_area_left)) { ($pix, $width, $height) = create_pix_text($darea_left, $text, $darea_left->style->font, max($dx-40, 0), $dy, 0, 0, $back, 160, 45, 0, 1); $dbl_area_left = new Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap($darea_left->window, $dx, $dy); } # Redraw if state change (selected <=> not selected) if (!$dbl_area_left->{state} || $state != $dbl_area_left->{state}) { $dbl_area_left->{state} = $state; $darea_left->{dbl} = $dbl_area_left; fill_tiled($darea_left, $dbl_area_left, $back->[$state], 40, $dy, 40, 45); $dbl_area_left->draw_pixmap($darea_left->style->bg_gc('normal'), $pix->[$state], 0, 0, 40, 0, $width, $height); $left_back_pixbuf[$state]->render_to_drawable($dbl_area_left, $darea_left->style->fg_gc('normal'), 0, 0, 8, 10, $pixbuf_width, $pixbuf_height, 'normal', 0, 0); } $darea_left->window->draw_pixmap($darea_left->style->bg_gc('normal'), $dbl_area_left, 0, 0, 0, 0, ($dx, $dy)); }; $darea_left->signal_connect(expose_event => $draw); $darea_left->signal_connect(realize => sub { $darea_left->window->set_cursor($cursor_hand) }); $darea_left->signal_connect(enter_notify_event => sub { return if ($darea_left->{state} != 0); $darea_left->{state} = 1; &$draw; }); $darea_left->signal_connect(leave_notify_event => sub { return if ($darea_left->{state} != 1); $darea_left->{state} = 0; &$draw; }); $darea_left->signal_connect(button_release_event => sub { $left_locked and return; $pending_app && !splash_warning(N("The modifications done in the current module won't be saved."), 1) and return; clean_socket(); $notebook_global->show; $darea_left->{state} == 2 and set_page($index), return; foreach (@darea_left_list) { $_->[1]->window->set_cursor($cursor_hand); if($_->[1]{state} != 0) { $_->[1]{state} = 0; $_->[1]->draw(undef); } } $darea_left->window->set_cursor($cursor_normal); $darea_left->{state} = 2; &$draw; if ($still_in_splash_screen) { $still_in_splash_screen = 0; update_exp(); } set_page($index); $darea_left_sav = $darea_left; }); push @darea_left_list, [ ($index-1)*45, $darea_left ]; } my ($exp_frame, $emb_box, $emb_wait, $emb_socket); my ($global_width, $global_height) = (720, 578); # embedded processes pid will be stocked there my @pid_launched; # logdrake pid are stocked here my @pid_exp; $window_global->add( gtkpack_(new Gtk::VBox(0, 0), 0, my $title_w = get_main_menu($window_global), 0, my $fixed_title = gtkset_usize(new Gtk::Fixed, $global_width, 55), 0, new Gtk::HSeparator, 1, gtkpack_(new Gtk::HBox(0, 0), 0, my $fixed_left = new Gtk::Fixed, 1, gtkpack_(my $right_box = new Gtk::VBox(0, 0), 1, gtkpack_($emb_box = new Gtk::VBox(0, 0), 1, $emb_wait = gtkpack_(new Gtk::VBox(0, 0), 1, new Gtk::HBox(0, 0), 0, gtkpack_(new Gtk::HBox(0, 0), 1, new Gtk::VBox(0, 0), 0, gtkadd(gtkset_shadow_type(new Gtk::Frame, 'etched_out'), my $run_darea = gtkset_usize(new Gtk::DrawingArea, 128, 128) ), 1, new Gtk::VBox(0, 0), ), 0, new Gtk::Label(N("Please wait...")), 1, new Gtk::HBox(0, 0), 0, gtkadd(gtkset_layout(gtkset_border_width(new Gtk::HButtonBox, 10), 'end'), gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(N("Cancel")), clicked => sub { Gtk->timeout_remove($timeout) if $timeout; kill('USR1', $$) }), ) ) ), 1, $notebook_global = new Gtk::Widget ('Gtk::Notebook', show_border => 0, show_tabs => 0), ) ) ) ); sub update_exp { return if $still_in_splash_screen || $pending_app; if($logs && !$exp_frame) { gtkpack__($right_box, gtkadd($exp_frame = gtkset_shadow_type(gtkset_usize(gtkset_border_width(new Gtk::Frame(N("Logs")), 5), 0, 120), 'etched_out'), ) ); } if($logs) { $exp_frame->show_all; } if (!$logs && $exp_frame) { $exp_frame->destroy(); undef $exp_frame; } } #540, 420 my ($notebook_width, $notebook_height) = (540, 420); $notebook_global->set_usize(40, $index * 50); $emb_box->set_usize(40, $index * 50); if ($ENV{LANGUAGE} !~ /zh|sl|nl/) { $log_check_box->set_active($logs); $embedded_check_box->set_active($embedded); } update_exp(); res_socket(); foreach (@darea_left_list) { $fixed_left->put($_->[1], 0, $_->[0]) } $fixed_left->signal_connect(realize => sub { $fixed_left->window->set_back_pixmap($back->[0], 0) }); my $dbl_area; my ($pixmap_back, undef) = gtkcreate_png('mcc-title-back'); my ($pixmap_icon, undef) = gtkcreate_png('mcc-title-icon'); $fixed_title->put(my $darea_title = gtkset_usize(new Gtk::DrawingArea, 335, 55), 0, 0); # 335 -> 450 $fixed_title->signal_connect(realize => sub { $fixed_title->window->set_back_pixmap($pixmap_back, 0) }); $darea_title->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { my @dim = @{$_[1]{area}}; my ($dx, $dy) = ($darea_title->allocation->[2], $darea_title->allocation->[3]); if (!defined($dbl_area)) { $dbl_area = new Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap($darea_title->window, $dx, $dy); fill_tiled($darea_title, $dbl_area, $pixmap_back, 110, 55, $dx, $dy); $dbl_area->draw_pixmap($darea_title->style->bg_gc('normal'), $pixmap_icon, 0, 0, 0, 0, 325, 55); } $darea_title->window->draw_pixmap($darea_title->style->bg_gc('normal'), $dbl_area, $dim[0], $dim[1], $dim[0], $dim[1], $dim[2], $dim[3]); }); my $pix_dbl; $notebook_global->append_page(my $summary_darea = new Gtk::DrawingArea); $summary_darea->signal_connect(size_allocate => sub { $pix_dbl = undef }); # needed when hiding emb_box $summary_darea->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { my ($dx, $dy) = ($summary_darea->allocation->[2], $summary_darea->allocation->[3]); if (!defined($pix_dbl)) { $pix_dbl = new Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap($summary_darea->window, $dx, $dy); my ($splash_pix, undef) = gtkcreate_png("mcc-splash"); fill_tiled($summary_darea, $pix_dbl, $splash_pix, $notebook_width, $notebook_height, $dx, $dy); my $style = $summary_darea->style->copy(); $style->font(Gtk::Gdk::Font->fontset_load(N("-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-20-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-1,*-r-*"))); $pix_dbl->draw_string($style->font, $summary_darea->style->black_gc, 80, 115, N("Welcome to the Mandrake Control Center")); open VERS, "/etc/mandrake-release" or die N("cannot open this file for read: %s", $!); my ($sysname, $nodename, $release, undef, $machine) = uname(); my $i = 0; foreach( [N("System:"), substr(, 0, -1)], [N("Hostname:"), $nodename], [N("Kernel Version:"), $release], [N("Machine:"), $machine]) { $pix_dbl->draw_string($summary_darea->style->font, $summary_darea->style->black_gc, 80, 150+$i, $_->[0]); $pix_dbl->draw_string($summary_darea->style->font, $summary_darea->style->black_gc, 81, 150+$i, $_->[0]); $pix_dbl->draw_string($summary_darea->style->font, $summary_darea->style->black_gc, 200, 150+$i, $_->[1]); $i+=20; } } $summary_darea->window->draw_pixmap ($summary_darea->style->white_gc, $pix_dbl, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dx, $dy); 0; }); my ($run_pixbuf, $run_counter, $run_counter_add); my $right_back_pixbuf = gtkcreate_png_pixbuf('mcc-core-back'); $run_darea->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { my $pixbuf = compose_pixbufs($run_pixbuf, $right_back_pixbuf, $run_counter); $pixbuf->render_to_drawable($run_darea->window, $run_darea->style->fg_gc('normal'), 0, 0, 0, 0, $pixbuf->get_width, $pixbuf->get_height, 'normal', 0, 0); $run_counter += $run_counter_add; $run_counter_add = -$run_counter_add if $run_counter < 100; $run_counter_add = -$run_counter_add if 245 < $run_counter; }); $window_global->set_usize($global_width, $global_height); my $left_back_pixbuf_unaltered_50 = gtkcreate_png_pixbuf('mcc-left-back2'); # Create right notebook pages foreach (@tree) { $notebook_global->append_page(gtkicons_labels_widget($_->[2], $window_global, $summary_darea, $pixmap_back_right, $left_back_pixbuf_unaltered_50, $notebook_width, $notebook_height, 55, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, \&compute_exec_string, $exec_hash)); } Gtk->main_iteration while Gtk->events_pending; $notebook_global->signal_connect(switch_page => sub { my (undef, $tab_widget, $tab_number) = @_; $tab_number > 0 or return; $tab_widget->child->child->child->{redraw_function}->(); }); $window_global->set_usize($global_width, $global_height); #$window_global->set_default_size($global_width, $global_height); $window_global->set_position('center'); Gtk->main_iteration while Gtk->events_pending; $window_global->show_all; $emb_box->hide; my $p = $#tree + ($::isWiz ? 1 : 0); Gtk->timeout_remove($timer_splash); $notebook_global->set_page(0); $window_splash->destroy(); $window_global->set_position(1); $SIG{USR1} = \&sig_usr1; $SIG{USR2} = \&sig_usr2; $SIG{TERM} = \&quit_global; $SIG{CHLD} = sub { wait }; Gtk->main; sub sig_usr1 { $left_locked = 0; clean_socket(); gtkset_mousecursor_normal(); $darea_left_sav and $darea_left_sav->{state} = 2, $darea_left_sav->draw(undef); $notebook_global->show; } sub sig_usr2 { $left_locked = 0; $emb_wait->hide; $emb_socket->show; } #--- # i18n routines # IMPORTANT: next two routines have to be redefined here to # get correct namespace (drakconf instead of libDrakX) # (This version is now UTF8 compliant - Sg 2001-08-18) #--- push @::textdomains, 'drakconf'; sub fork_ { my ($prog, $do_not_kill) = @_; my $pid; unless ($pid = fork) { splash_warning(N("cannot fork: %s", $~)) unless defined $pid; exec($prog); } return if $do_not_kill; push @pid_launched, $pid if ($embedded); } sub compute_exec_string { my ($icon, $log_exp, $exec, $gtkplug, $alternate) = ($_[0], @{$_[1]}); if ($embedded) { if ($gtkplug != -1) { # not explicitely not embedded $notebook_global->hide; res_socket(); $emb_box->show; $emb_socket->realize; $exec .= " --embedded " . $emb_socket->window->XWINDOW . " " . $$; } if ($gtkplug > 0) { $emb_wait->show; if ($run_pixbuf) { undef $run_pixbuf;#->unref; } $run_pixbuf = gtkcreate_png_pixbuf($icon . "_128"); $run_counter = 255; $run_counter_add = -10; Gtk->timeout_remove($timeout) if $timeout; $timeout = Gtk->timeout_add(70, sub { $run_darea->draw(undef); 1 }); $left_locked = 1; $pending_app = 1; fork_($exec); } elsif ($gtkplug == -1) { # explicitely not embedded fork_($exec, 1); } else { # gtkplug == 0 $emb_socket->show; $SIG{CHLD} = undef; $emb_socket->steal(launch_xapp($alternate)); $SIG{CHLD} = sub { wait }; } } else { # not embedded fork_($gtkplug == 0 ? $alternate->[0] : $alternate || $exec); } if ($embedded && $gtkplug != -1) { foreach (@darea_left_list) { $_->[1]->window->set_cursor($cursor_hand); if ($_->[1]{state} != 0) { $_->[1]{state} = 0; $_->[1]->draw(undef); } } } if ($logs && $show_log) { my $pid; gtkadd($exp_frame, my $exp_socket = new Gtk::Socket); $exp_socket->realize; my $exec_log = "logdrake --explain=$log_exp --embedded " . $exp_socket->window->XWINDOW . " " . $$; $show_log = 0; if ($exec =~ /(drakfont|drakconnect|drakboot)/) { $exp_frame->hide() } # $window_global->height < 600 # fork_($exec_log, 1); unless ($pid = fork) { splash_warning(N("cannot fork: %s", $~)) unless defined $pid; exec($exec_log); } push @pid_exp, $pid; } } sub launch_xapp { my $b = "xwininfo -root -tree -int | grep '" . $_[0][1] . "'"; my @before = split ('\n', `$b`); my $mcc_pid = $$; fork_($_[0][0] . "; kill -USR1 $mcc_pid"); my $res = 0; while (!$res) { my @after = split ('\n', `$b`); while (@after ne ($_[0][2]+@before)) { @after = split ('\n', `$b`); } my $i = 0; my $c; foreach (@after) { $c = $after[$i] if !member($after[$i], @before); $i++; } $c =~ /\s*([0-9]*)\s*/; $res = $1; } $res; } sub clean_socket { $emb_box->hide; foreach (@pid_launched) { kill 'TERM', $_ if (defined $_); } @pid_launched = (); $emb_socket and $emb_socket->destroy(); $pending_app = 0; update_exp(); } sub res_socket { clean_socket(); gtkpack($emb_box, $emb_socket = new Gtk::Socket); $emb_socket->hide; $emb_wait->hide; } sub quit_global { foreach((@pid_launched,@pid_exp)) { kill 'TERM', $_ if (defined $_) } setVarsInSh($conffile, { EMBEDDED => bool2text($embedded), LOGS => bool2text($logs), THEME => $theme, }); gtkset_mousecursor_normal(); Gtk->exit(0); } sub splash_warning { my ($label, $cancel_button) = @_; my $ret; my $win_about = new Gtk::Dialog(); $win_about->set_position(1); $win_about->set_border_width(10); gtkpack__($win_about->action_area, gtkadd(new Gtk::HButtonBox, gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button($cancel_button ? N("OK") : N("Close")), "clicked" => sub { $ret = 1; Gtk->main_quit }), if_($cancel_button, gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(N("Cancel")), "clicked" => sub { Gtk->main_quit })), ) ); gtkpack($win_about->vbox, gtkpng("warning"), new Gtk::Label($label), ); $win_about->show_all(); $win_about->set_modal(1); Gtk->main; $win_about->destroy(); $ret; } sub new_dialog { my ($title) = @_; my $window_about = new Gtk::Dialog(); $window_about->set_position(1); $window_about->set_border_width(10); $window_about->set_title($title); $window_about->action_area->pack_start(gtkadd(new Gtk::HButtonBox, gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(N("Close")), "clicked" => sub { $window_about->destroy() })),0,0,0); $window_about->set_policy(0, 0, 1); $window_about->set_modal(1); $window_about; } sub more_themes { my $window_about = new_dialog(N("More themes")); my $style1 = $window_about->style->copy(); $style1->font(Gtk::Gdk::Font->fontset_load(N("-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-20-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-1,*-r-*"))); gtkpack_($window_about->vbox, 0, gtksetstyle(new Gtk::Label(N("Getting new themes")), $style1), 0, gtkadd(gtkset_shadow_type(gtkset_border_width(new Gtk::Frame(N("Additional themes")), 10), 'etched_out'), gtkpack(new Gtk::HBox(0, 5), N("Get additional themes on www.damz.net"), ) ) ); $window_about->show_all(); } sub about_mdk_cc { my $window_about = new_dialog(N("About - Mandrake Control Center")); my $label = new Gtk::Label(); my $style1 = $label->style->copy(); $style1->font(Gtk::Gdk::Font->fontset_load(N("-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-20-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-1,*-r-*"))); my $clist = new Gtk::CList(3); my $i = -1; $i++, $clist->append(@$_) foreach ([ N("Authors: "), '', ''], [ '', 'Thierry Vignaud', 'tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com'], [ '', 'Daouda Lo', 'daouda@mandrakesoft.com'], [ '', ''], [ N("Old authors: "), '', ''], [ '', 'Chmouel Boudjnah', 'original C version'], [ '', 'Damien "dams" Krotkine', 'perl version'], [ '', 'Yves Duret', 'logdrake integration'], [ '', ''], [ N("Artwork: "), #-PO If your language allows it, use eacute for first "e" and egrave for 2nd. N("Helene Durosini"), 'ln@mandrakesoft.com'], [ '', 'Anh-Van Nguyen' ,'avnguyen@mandrakesoft.com'], ); # Give our translators the ability to show their family and # friends that thez participated ... #-PO Add your Name here to find it in the About section in your language. my $translator_name = N("~ * ~"); #-PO Add your E-Mail address here if you want to show it in the about doialog. my $translator_email = N("~ @ ~"); if ($translator_name ne "~ * ~ " && 0) { $i++, $clist->append(@$_) foreach ( [ '', ''], [ N("Translator: "), $translator_name, $translator_email], ); } $clist->set_selectable($_, 0) foreach (0..$i); $clist->columns_autosize(); $clist->set_column_justification(0, "right"); gtkpack_($window_about->vbox, -r "$themes_dir/$theme/splash_screen_about.png" ? (0, gtkpng("splash_screen_about")) : (1, gtksetstyle(new Gtk::Label(N("Mandrake Control Center %s\n", $_version)), $style1),), 0, new Gtk::Label(''), 0, new Gtk::Label(N("Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Mandrakesoft SA")), 0, new Gtk::Label(''), 1, $clist, ); $clist->columns_autosize(); $window_about->show_all(); } sub connect_to_site { my ($link,$help)=@_; my $browser = $ENV{BROWSER}; my $initial_user = $ENV{INITIAL_USER}; if (!$browser) { splash_warning(" ". N("Warning: No browser specified") ." "); return } if ($help) { fork_("$browser $link &"); } else { if ($initial_user ne "root" && $initial_user ne undef) { fork_("su -m -l $initial_user -c \"$browser $link &\""); } else { splash_warning(" ".N("Security Warning: I'm not allowed to connect to the internet as root user")." "); } } } sub get_main_menu { my ($window) = @_; my $accel_group = new Gtk::AccelGroup(); my $item_factory = new Gtk::ItemFactory('Gtk::MenuBar', '
', $accel_group); my @theme_list = grep { -d "$themes_dir/$_" } all($themes_dir); $item_factory->create_items( ( { path => N("/_File"), type => '' }, { path => N("/_File").N("/_Quit"), accelerator => N("Q"), callback => \&quit_global }, { path => N("/_Options"), type => '' }, { path => N("/_Options").N("/Display _Logs"), callback => sub { $logs = $log_check_box->active; update_exp() ; $show_log = 1 if $logs }, type => '' }, { path => N("/_Options").N("/_Embedded Mode"), callback => sub { $embedded = $embedded_check_box->active }, type => ''}, if_(all($themes_dir) > 1, { path => N("/_Themes"), type => '' }, (map { my $l = $_; my %h = ( path => N("/_Themes"). "/" . ($l eq $theme ? " O " : " ") . "_$l", callback => sub { $theme eq $l and return; !$pending_app || splash_warning( N("This action will restart the control center.\nAny change not applied will be lost."), 1) and sig_usr1(), exec "$0 --theme $l"; }, ); \%h; } @theme_list), { path => N("/_Themes").N("/_More themes"), callback => \&more_themes }, ), { path => N("/_Help"), type => '' }, { path => N("/_Help").N("/_Report Bug"), callback => sub { fork_("drakbug --report drakconf &") } }, { path => N("/_Help").N("/_About..."), callback => \&about_mdk_cc } ) ); $window->add_accel_group($accel_group); $log_check_box = $item_factory->get_widget("
".N("/Options").N("/Display Logs")); $embedded_check_box = $item_factory->get_widget("
".N("/Options").N("/Embedded Mode")); return ($item_factory->get_widget('
')); } sub set_page { my ($index) = @_; update_exp; $notebook_global->set_page($index); }