diff options
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 21835075..54ee8b50 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,11 +3,19 @@
use Data::Dumper;
use Gtk;
init Gtk;
+#use strict;
$::isEmbedded = ($::XID, $::CCPID) = "@ARGV" =~ /--embedded (\w+) (\w+)/;
-my $pi=3.141592653589;
+my $pi=3.1416;
my $pixmap;
my $radius;
+my $dRadians_hour;
+my $dRadians_min;
+my $dRadians_sec;
+my $Radian;
+my $timer;
+my $midx, $midy;
+my $first=1;
my $window = $::isEmbedded ? new Gtk::Plug ($::XID) : new Gtk::Window -toplevel;
my $vbox = new Gtk::VBox(0,0);
@@ -16,15 +24,45 @@ $window->signal_connect ( delete_event => \&quit_global );
my $drawing_area = new Gtk::DrawingArea;
$vbox->pack_start($drawing_area, 1, 1, 0);
+$drawing_area->set_events(['button_press_mask', 'button_release_mask', "pointer_motion_mask" ]);
$drawing_area->signal_connect ( expose_event => \&expose_event );
$drawing_area->signal_connect ( configure_event => \&configure_event );
+$drawing_area->signal_connect ( button_press_event => sub { $pressed=1 });
+$drawing_area->signal_connect ( button_release_event => sub { $first=1; $pressed=0 });
+$drawing_area->signal_connect ( motion_notify_event => \&motion_event );
-Gtk->timeout_add(120, [\&Repaint, $drawing_area]);
+$timer=Gtk->timeout_add(120, sub { time_to_rad(); Repaint($drawing_area) });
+sub motion_event {
+ my ($widget, $event) = @_;
+ $pressed or return;
+ $first and Gtk->timeout_remove($timer);
+ $first and $Radian = determine_radian($event->{'x'}, $event->{'y'});
+ $$Radian=-atan2(($event->{'x'}-$midx),($event->{'y'}-$midy)) + $pi;
+ Repaint($widget);
+# print "AAAAAAAA" . $event->{'x'} . "\n";
+# print " -- # " . Data::Dumper->Dump([\$event], ['$event']) . "\n";
+ $first=0;
+sub determine_radian {
+ my ($x, $y) = @_;
+ my $res;
+ my $r;
+ foreach (\$dRadians_hour, \$dRadians_min, \$dRadians_sec) {
+ my $d=sqrt ( ($x - ($midx + 0.70 * $radius * sin ($$_)))**2 + ($y - ($midy - 0.70 * $radius * cos ($$_)))**2 );
+ $res or $res=$d, $r=$_;
+ $d<$res and $res=$d, $r=$_;
+ }
+ $r;
sub quit_global {
$::isEmbedded ? kill(USR1, $::CCPID) : Gtk->exit(0);
@@ -46,43 +84,44 @@ sub configure_event {
+sub time_to_rad {
+ my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);# now_tm = localtime (&now);
+ $dRadians_hour = ($hour % 12) * $pi / 6.0 + ($pi * $min / 360.0);
+ $dRadians_min = ($min * $pi / 30.0) + ($pi * $sec / 1800.0);
+ $dRadians_sec = $sec * $pi / 30.0;
sub Repaint
my ($drawing_area) = @_;
- my $update_rect = Gtk::Gdk::Rectangle;
$pixmap->draw_rectangle($drawing_area->style->white_gc, 1, 0, 0,
- my $midx = $drawing_area->allocation->[2] / 2;
- my $midy = $drawing_area->allocation->[3] / 2;
+ $midx = $drawing_area->allocation->[2] / 2;
+ $midy = $drawing_area->allocation->[3] / 2;
$radius = $midx < $midy ? $midx : $midy;
my $nHour;
my $gray_gc = $drawing_area->style->bg_gc('normal');
my $black_gc = $drawing_area->style->black_gc;
- foreach $i ([\&DrawTickAt, 12], [\&DrawPointAt, 60]) { $i->[0]($pixmap, $black_gc, $gray_gc, $_, $midx, $midy) foreach (1..$i->[1]) }
+ foreach my $i ([\&DrawTickAt, 12], [\&DrawPointAt, 60]) { $i->[0]($pixmap, $black_gc, $gray_gc, $_, $midx, $midy) foreach (1..$i->[1]) }
my $now = time;
- ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);# now_tm = localtime (&now);
+ my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);# now_tm = localtime (&now);
my $dRadians;
foreach ([$gray_gc, 5], [$black_gc, 0]) {
- $dRadians = ($hour % 12) * $pi / 6.0 + ($pi * $min / 360.0);
- DrawHour ($pixmap, $_->[0], $midx, $midy, $dRadians, $_->[1]);
- $dRadians = ($min * $pi / 30.0) + ($pi * $sec / 1800.0);
- DrawMin ($pixmap, $_->[0], $midx, $midy, $dRadians, $_->[1]);
- $dRadians = $sec * $pi / 30.0;
- DrawSec ($pixmap, $_->[0], $midx, $midy, $dRadians, $_->[1]);
+ DrawHour ($pixmap, $_->[0], $midx, $midy, $dRadians_hour, $_->[1]);
+ DrawMin ($pixmap, $_->[0], $midx, $midy, $dRadians_min, $_->[1]);
+ DrawSec ($pixmap, $_->[0], $midx, $midy, $dRadians_sec, $_->[1]);
- $update_rect->[0] = $update_rect->[1] = 0;
- $update_rect->[$_] = $drawing_area->allocation->[$_] foreach (2,3);
- $drawing_area->draw($update_rect);
+ $drawing_area->draw(undef);
sub DrawSec {
my ($pixmap, $gc, $midx, $midy, $dRadians, $dec) = @_;
$pixmap->draw_line ($gc,
- $midx+$dec, $midy+$_->[1],
+ $midx+$dec, $midy+$dec,
$midx+$dec + (0.80 * $radius * sin ($dRadians)),
$midy+$dec - (0.80 * $radius * cos ($dRadians)))