path: root/pixmaps/svg/passwd-mdk.svg
diff options
authorAnne Nicolas <>2016-03-24 20:45:14 +0100
committerAnne Nicolas <>2016-03-24 20:45:14 +0100
commit1715263c8c7e2623259f462c6cf9cbd367cceebd (patch)
treed6da2e16d4c8d0f84cb892307e308a7fc297fb42 /pixmaps/svg/passwd-mdk.svg
parentb55aa75c233fa172c0e4e250e1c1826fa0ec3800 (diff)
parentc138e4cd295a0de7c385788f0cca15b4c9a1ac0e (diff)
Merge branch 'user/animtim/designWork'
Diffstat (limited to 'pixmaps/svg/passwd-mdk.svg')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pixmaps/svg/passwd-mdk.svg b/pixmaps/svg/passwd-mdk.svg
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