path: root/pixmaps/svg/autologin-mdk.svg
diff options
authorTimothée Giet <>2016-02-22 19:46:57 +0100
committerTimothée Giet <>2016-02-22 19:46:57 +0100
commitc22bd790cd950e08da98571bb1f4a725ab421742 (patch)
treedb31baae6b2346eba6aca37a1d8e59c341823e7e /pixmaps/svg/autologin-mdk.svg
parentd2abe168ea2bdbb4006f35f6e4959d728579d50a (diff)
svg sources for new icons
svg sources for new icons
Diffstat (limited to 'pixmaps/svg/autologin-mdk.svg')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pixmaps/svg/autologin-mdk.svg b/pixmaps/svg/autologin-mdk.svg
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