use 5.006; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Test::More; use Data::Dumper; use Time::Piece; BEGIN { use_ok( 'ManaTools::Shared::TimeZone' ) || print "ManaTools::Shared::TimeZone failed!\n"; } ok( my $tz = ManaTools::Shared::TimeZone->new(), 'create'); is( $tz->get_timezone_prefix(), '/usr/share/zoneinfo', 'get_timezone_prefix' ); ok (my @l = $tz->getTimeZones(), 'getTimeZones'); ok (my $h = $tz->readConfiguration(), 'readConfiguration'); diag Dumper($h); ok (my $currService = $tz->ntp_program(), 'ntp_program'); diag "ntp_program got: < " . $currService . " >"; ok (my $a = ($tz->isNTPRunning() ? "running" : "not running"), 'isNTPRunning'); diag "Check if " . $currService . " is running got: < " . $a . " >"; ok (my $s = $tz->ntpCurrentServer(), 'currentNTPServer'); diag "ntpCurrentServer got: < " . ($s ? $s : "none") . " >"; ok (my @pairs = $tz->ntpServiceConfigPairs(), 'ntpServiceConfigPairs'); diag Dumper(@pairs); for my $pair (@pairs) { is ($tz->getNTPServiceConfig($pair->[0]), $pair->[1], "ntpServiceConfigPairs $pair->[0]"); } ok (my $services = $tz->ntpServiceList(), 'ntpServiceList'); diag Dumper($services); ok ($tz->refreshNTPServiceList(), 'refreshNTPServiceList'); ok ($services = $tz->ntpServiceList(), 'ntpServiceList after refresh'); diag Dumper($services); SKIP: { #remember to skip the right number of tests skip "To enable dialog tests set TEST_SET_DBUS", 3, unless $ENV{TEST_SET_DBUS}; eval {$tz->setLocalRTC(!$h->{UTC})}; is ($@, "", 'setLocalRTC' ); eval {$tz->setTimeZone($h->{ZONE})}; is ($@, "", 'setTimeZone'); my $t = localtime; eval {$tz->setTime($t->epoch())}; is ($@, "", 'setTime'); } done_testing;