use 5.006; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Test::More; BEGIN { use_ok( 'AdminPanel::Shared::GUI' ) || print "AdminPanel::Shared::GUI failed!\n"; use_ok( 'AdminPanel::Shared' ) || print "AdminPanel::Shared failed!\n"; } is (AdminPanel::Shared::distName(), 'adminpanel', 'distname'); ok( my $gui = AdminPanel::Shared::GUI->new(), 'create'); SKIP: { #remember to skip the right number of tests skip "To enable dialog tests set TEST_GUI", 11, unless $ENV{TEST_GUI}; ok( $gui->warningMsgBox({text => "Warning message! (no title, no richtext)
line two"}), 'wmb1'); ok( $gui->warningMsgBox({text => "Warning message!
line two", title => "WARN", richtext => 1}), 'wmb2'); ok($gui->infoMsgBox({text => "Info message!
line two", title => "INFO", richtext => 1}), 'imb'); ok($gui->msgBox({text => "Normal message! (no title, no richtext)
line two"}), 'mb1'); ok($gui->msgBox({title => "Message", text => "Normal message!
line two", richtext=>1}), 'mb2'); cmp_ok(my $btn = $gui->ask_OkCancel({title => "Tests", text => "All these tests seem to be passed"}), ">=", 0, 'askOkCancel'); diag "ask_OkCancel got: < " . ($btn == 1 ? "Ok": "Cancel"). " >"; cmp_ok($btn = $gui->ask_YesOrNo({title => "Question on tests", text => "Did these tests all pass?"}), ">=", 0, 'ask_YesOrNo'); diag "ask_YesOrNo got: < " . ($btn == 1 ? "Yes": "No"). " >"; #TODO cancel makes this test failing ok(my $item = $gui->ask_fromList({title => "Choose from list", header => "Which one do you select? [default is item 3]", default_button => 1, list => ['item 1', 'item 2', 'item 3', 'item 4'], default_item => 'item 3' }), 'ask_fromList'); diag "ask_fromList got: < " . ($item ? $item : "none") . " >"; ok( my $mul_selection = $gui->ask_multiple_fromList({ title => "Choose from list", header => "What do you have selected?", list => [ map { { id => $_, text=>'item 1', val => \$_ }, } (1,0,1,0)], }), 'ask_multiple_fromList'); diag "ask_multiple_fromList got: < " . join(' - ', @${mul_selection}) . " >"; ok(my $selection = $gui->select_fromList({ title => "Select from list", header => { text_column => "Items", check_column => "selected", }, list => [ { text => 'item 1', checked => 1}, { text => 'item 2', }, { text => 'item 3', checked => 0}, { text => 'item 4', checked => 1}, { text => 'item 5',}, ], }), 'select_fromList'); diag "select_fromList got: < " . join(' - ', @${selection}) . " >"; #TODO cancel makes this test failing ok($item = $gui->ask_fromTreeList({title => "Choose from list", header => "Which one do you select? [default is leaf 2]", default_button => 1, default_item => 'leaf 2', list => ['item 1/item 2/item 3', 'item 1/item 2/leaf 1', 'item 1/item 2/leaf 2', 'item 4/leaf 3', 'item 5']}), 'ask_fromTreeList'); diag "ask_fromTreeList got: < " . ($item ? $item : "none") . " >"; ok($gui->AboutDialog({ name => "Shared::GUI TABBED", version => $AdminPanel::Shared::VERSION, credits => "Copyright (C) 2014 Angelo Naselli", license => 'GPLv2', authors => "Angelo Naselli \nMatteo Pasotti ", }), 'AboutDialog'); ok($gui->AboutDialog({ name => "Shared::GUI CLASSIC", version => $AdminPanel::Shared::VERSION, credits => "Copyright (C) 2014 Angelo Naselli", license => 'GPLv2', authors => "Angelo Naselli \nMatteo Pasotti ", dialog_mode => 1, }), 'ClassicAboutDialog'); } done_testing;