# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4: package AdminPanel::Module::Services; #============================================================= -*-perl-*- =head1 NAME AdminPanel::Module::Services - This module aims to manage service with GUI =head1 SYNOPSIS my $serviceMan = AdminPanel::Module::Services->new(); $serviceMan->start(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module presents all the system service status and gives the availability to administrator to stop, start and active at boot them. From the original code drakx services. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command: perldoc AdminPanel::Module::Services =head1 SEE ALSO AdminPanel::Module =head1 AUTHOR Angelo Naselli =head1 COPYRIGHT and LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014, Angelo Naselli. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA =cut use Moose; use English; use MDK::Common::String qw(formatAlaTeX); use MDK::Common::DataStructure qw(member); use yui; use AdminPanel::Shared::GUI; use AdminPanel::Shared::Locales; use AdminPanel::Shared::Services; use File::Basename; extends qw( AdminPanel::Module ); has '+icon' => ( default => "/usr/share/mcc/themes/default/service-mdk.png", ); has '_services' => ( traits => ['Array'], is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]', default => sub { [] }, init_arg => undef, handles => { all_services => 'elements', add_service => 'push', map_service => 'map', service_count => 'count', sorted_services => 'sort', }, ); has '_xinetd_services' => ( traits => ['Array'], is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]', default => sub { [] }, init_arg => undef, handles => { all_xinetd_services => 'elements', add_xinetd_service => 'push', map_xinetd_service => 'map', xinetd_service_count => 'count', sorted_xinetd_services => 'sort', }, ); has 'on_services' => ( traits => ['Array'], is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]', default => sub { [] }, init_arg => undef, handles => { all_on_services => 'elements', add_on_service => 'push', map_on_service => 'map', on_service_count => 'count', sorted_on_services => 'sort', }, ); has 'running_services' => ( traits => ['Array'], is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]', default => sub { [] }, init_arg => undef, handles => { all_running_services => 'elements', add_running_service => 'push', map_running_service => 'map', running_service_count => 'count', sorted_running_services => 'sort', }, ); has 'sh_gui' => ( is => 'rw', init_arg => undef, builder => '_SharedUGUIInitialize' ); sub _SharedUGUIInitialize { my $self = shift(); $self->sh_gui(AdminPanel::Shared::GUI->new() ); } has 'sh_services' => ( is => 'rw', init_arg => undef, lazy => 1, builder => '_SharedServicesInitialize' ); sub _SharedServicesInitialize { my $self = shift(); $self->sh_services(AdminPanel::Shared::Services->new() ); } has 'loc' => ( is => 'rw', init_arg => undef, builder => '_localeInitialize' ); sub _localeInitialize { my $self = shift(); # TODO fix domain binding for translation $self->loc(AdminPanel::Shared::Locales->new(domain_name => 'libDrakX-standalone') ); # TODO if we want to give the opportunity to test locally add dir_name => 'path' } =head1 VERSION Version 1.0.0 =cut our $VERSION = '1.0.0'; =head1 METHODS =cut #============================================================= =head2 BUILD =head3 INPUT $self: this object =head3 DESCRIPTION The BUILD method is called after a Moose object is created, in this methods Services loads all the service information. =cut #============================================================= sub BUILD { my $self = shift; if (! $self->name) { $self->name ($self->loc->N("adminService")); } $self->loadServices(); } #============================================================= =head2 start =head3 INPUT $self: this object =head3 DESCRIPTION This method extends Module::start and is invoked to start adminService =cut #============================================================= sub start { my $self = shift; if ($EUID != 0) { $self->sh_gui->warningMsgBox({ title => $self->name, text => $self->loc->N("root privileges required"), }); return; } $self->_servicePanel(); }; #============================================================= =head2 loadServices =head3 INPUT $self: this object =head3 DESCRIPTION This methonds load service info into local attributes such as xinetd_services, on_services and all the available, services =cut #============================================================= sub loadServices { my $self = shift; my $refresh = 1; my ($l, $on_services) = $self->sh_services->services($refresh); my @xinetd_services = map { $_->[0] } $self->sh_services->xinetd_services(); $self->_xinetd_services(); $self->_xinetd_services(\@xinetd_services); $self->_services(\@$l); $self->on_services(\@$on_services); $self->_refreshRunningServices(); } sub _refreshRunningServices { my $self = shift; my @running; foreach ($self->all_services) { my $serviceName = $_; push @running, $serviceName if $self->sh_services->is_service_running($serviceName); } $self->running_services(\@running); } ## _serviceInfo sets service description accordingly to ## selected service status ## param ## 'service' service name ## 'infoPanel' service information widget sub _serviceInfo { my ($self, $service, $infoPanel) = @_; yui::YUI::ui()->blockEvents(); ## infoPanel $infoPanel->setValue(MDK::Common::String::formatAlaTeX($self->sh_services->description($service))); yui::YUI::ui()->unblockEvents(); } sub _serviceStatusString { my ($self, $serviceName) = @_; my $started; if (MDK::Common::DataStructure::member($serviceName, $self->all_xinetd_services)) { $started = $self->loc->N("Start when requested"); } else { $started = ($self->sh_services->is_service_running($serviceName)? $self->loc->N("running") : $self->loc->N("stopped")); } return $started; } ## _serviceStatus sets status label accordingly to selected item ## param ## 'service' yui CB table (service table) ## 'item' selected item (service) sub _serviceStatus { my ($self, $tbl, $item) = @_; my $started = $self->_serviceStatusString($item->label()); # TODO add icon green/red led my $cell = $tbl->toCBYTableItem($item)->cell(1); if ($cell) { $cell->setLabel($started); $tbl->cellChanged($cell); } } ## fill service table with service info ## param ## 'tbl' yui table sub _fillServiceTable { my ($self, $tbl) = @_; $tbl->deleteAllItems(); my $itemCollection = new yui::YItemCollection; foreach ($self->all_services) { my $serviceName = $_; my $item = new yui::YCBTableItem($serviceName); my $started = $self->_serviceStatusString($serviceName); # TODO add icon green/red led my $cell = new yui::YTableCell($started); $item->addCell($cell); $item->check(MDK::Common::DataStructure::member($serviceName, $self->all_on_services)); $item->setLabel($serviceName); $itemCollection->push($item); $item->DISOWN(); } $tbl->addItems($itemCollection); } ## draw service panel and manage it (main dialog) sub _servicePanel { my $self = shift; my $appTitle = yui::YUI::app()->applicationTitle(); ## set new title to get it in dialog yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($self->name); ## set icon if not already set by external launcher yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationIcon($self->icon); my $mageiaPlugin = "mga"; my $factory = yui::YUI::widgetFactory; my $mgaFactory = yui::YExternalWidgets::externalWidgetFactory($mageiaPlugin); $mgaFactory = yui::YMGAWidgetFactory::getYMGAWidgetFactory($mgaFactory); my $dialog = $factory->createMainDialog; my $vbox = $factory->createVBox( $dialog ); my $frame = $factory->createFrame ($vbox, $self->loc->N("Services")); my $frmVbox = $factory->createVBox( $frame ); my $hbox = $factory->createHBox( $frmVbox ); my $yTableHeader = new yui::YTableHeader(); $yTableHeader->addColumn($self->loc->N("Service"), $yui::YAlignBegin); $yTableHeader->addColumn($self->loc->N("Status"), $yui::YAlignCenter); $yTableHeader->addColumn($self->loc->N("On boot"), $yui::YAlignBegin); ## service list (serviceBox) my $serviceTbl = $mgaFactory->createCBTable($hbox, $yTableHeader, $yui::YCBTableCheckBoxOnLastColumn); $self->_fillServiceTable($serviceTbl); $serviceTbl->setImmediateMode(1); $serviceTbl->setWeight(0, 50); ## info panel (infoPanel) $frame = $factory->createFrame ($hbox, $self->loc->N("Information")); $frame->setWeight(0, 30); $frmVbox = $factory->createVBox( $frame ); my $infoPanel = $factory->createRichText($frmVbox, "--------------"); #, 0, 0); $infoPanel->setAutoScrollDown(); ### Service Start button ($startButton) $hbox = $factory->createHBox( $frmVbox ); my $startButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $self->loc->N("Start")); ### Service Stop button ($stopButton) my $stopButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $self->loc->N("Stop")); # dialog buttons $factory->createVSpacing($vbox, 1.0); ## Window push buttons $hbox = $factory->createHBox( $vbox ); my $align = $factory->createLeft($hbox); $hbox = $factory->createHBox($align); my $aboutButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $self->loc->N("About") ); $align = $factory->createRight($hbox); $hbox = $factory->createHBox($align); ### Service Refresh button ($refreshButton) my $refreshButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $self->loc->N("Refresh")); my $closeButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $self->loc->N("Close") ); #first item status my $item = $serviceTbl->selectedItem(); if ($item) { $self->_serviceInfo($item->label(), $infoPanel); if (MDK::Common::DataStructure::member($item->label(), $self->all_xinetd_services)) { $stopButton->setDisabled(); $startButton->setDisabled(); } else { $stopButton->setEnabled(1); $startButton->setEnabled(1); } } while(1) { my $event = $dialog->waitForEvent(); my $eventType = $event->eventType(); #event type checking if ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::CancelEvent) { last; } elsif ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::WidgetEvent) { # widget selected my $widget = $event->widget(); my $wEvent = yui::toYWidgetEvent($event); if ($widget == $closeButton) { last; } elsif ($widget == $aboutButton) { my $translators = $self->loc->N("_: Translator(s) name(s) & email(s)\n"); $translators =~ s/\/\>\;/g; $self->sh_gui->AboutDialog({ name => $self->name, version => $self->VERSION, credits => $self->loc->N("Copyright (C) %s Mageia community", '2013-2014'), license => $self->loc->N("GPLv2"), description => $self->loc->N("adminService is the Mageia service and daemon management tool\n (from the original idea of Mandriva draxservice)."), authors => $self->loc->N("



", "Angelo Naselli <anaselli\@linux.it>", "Matteo Pasotti <matteo.pasotti\@gmail.com>", $translators ), } ); } elsif ($widget == $serviceTbl) { # service selection changed $item = $serviceTbl->selectedItem(); if ($item) { $self->_serviceInfo($item->label(), $infoPanel); if (MDK::Common::DataStructure::member($item->label(), $self->all_xinetd_services)) { $stopButton->setDisabled(); $startButton->setDisabled(); } else { $stopButton->setEnabled(1); $startButton->setEnabled(1); } } # TODO fix libyui-mga-XXX item will always be changed after first one if ($wEvent->reason() == $yui::YEvent::ValueChanged) { $item = $serviceTbl->changedItem(); if ($item) { yui::YUI::app()->busyCursor(); $self->sh_services->set_service($item->label(), $item->checked()); # we can push/pop service, but this (slower) should return real situation $self->_refreshRunningServices(); yui::YUI::app()->normalCursor(); } } } elsif ($widget == $startButton) { $item = $serviceTbl->selectedItem(); if ($item) { yui::YUI::app()->busyCursor(); $self->sh_services->restart_or_start($item->label()); # we can push/pop service, but this (slower) should return real situation $self->_refreshRunningServices(); $self->_serviceStatus($serviceTbl, $item); yui::YUI::app()->normalCursor(); } } elsif ($widget == $stopButton) { $item = $serviceTbl->selectedItem(); if ($item) { yui::YUI::app()->busyCursor(); $self->sh_services->stopService($item->label()); # we can push/pop service, but this (slower) should return real situation $self->_refreshRunningServices(); $self->_serviceStatus($serviceTbl, $item); yui::YUI::app()->normalCursor(); } } elsif ($widget == $refreshButton) { yui::YUI::app()->busyCursor(); $self->loadServices(); $dialog->startMultipleChanges(); $self->_fillServiceTable($serviceTbl); $dialog->recalcLayout(); $dialog->doneMultipleChanges(); yui::YUI::app()->normalCursor(); } } } $dialog->destroy(); #restore old application title yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($appTitle) if $appTitle; } no Moose; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1;