# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4: package AdminPanel::Module::Clock; #============================================================= -*-perl-*- =head1 NAME AdminPanel::Module::Clock - This module aims to configure system clock and time =head1 SYNOPSIS my $clockSettings = AdminPanel::Module::Clock->new(); $clockSettings->start(); =head1 DESCRIPTION Long_description =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command: perldoc AdminPanel::Module::Clock =head1 SEE ALSO SEE_ALSO =head1 AUTHOR Angelo Naselli =head1 COPYRIGHT and LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014, Angelo Naselli. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA =head1 FUNCTIONS =cut use Moose; use diagnostics; use AdminPanel::Shared::GUI; use AdminPanel::Shared::Locales; use AdminPanel::Shared::TimeZone; use AdminPanel::Shared::Services;# qw (services); use Time::Piece; use yui; extends qw( AdminPanel::Module ); ### TODO icon has '+icon' => ( default => "/usr/share/mcc/themes/default/time-mdk.png", ); has 'loc' => ( is => 'rw', init_arg => undef, builder => '_localeInitialize' ); sub _localeInitialize { my $self = shift; # TODO fix domain binding for translation $self->loc(AdminPanel::Shared::Locales->new(domain_name => 'libDrakX-standalone') ); # TODO if we want to give the opportunity to test locally add dir_name => 'path' } has 'sh_gui' => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, init_arg => undef, builder => '_SharedGUIInitialize' ); sub _SharedGUIInitialize { my $self = shift; $self->sh_gui(AdminPanel::Shared::GUI->new() ); } has 'sh_tz' => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, builder => '_SharedTimeZoneInitialize' ); sub _SharedTimeZoneInitialize { my $self = shift; $self->sh_tz(AdminPanel::Shared::TimeZone->new() ); } =head1 VERSION Version 1.0.0 =cut our $VERSION = '1.0.0'; #============================================================= =head2 BUILD =head3 INPUT $self: this object =head3 DESCRIPTION The BUILD method is called after a Moose object is created, in this methods Services loads all the service information. =cut #============================================================= sub BUILD { my $self = shift; if (! $self->name) { $self->name ($self->loc->N("Date, Clock & Time Zone Settings")); } } #============================================================= =head2 start =head3 INPUT $self: this object =head3 DESCRIPTION This method extends Module::start and is invoked to start admin clock =cut #============================================================= sub start { my $self = shift; $self->_adminClockPanel(); }; ### _get_NTPservers ## returns ntp servers in the format ## Zone|Nation: server # sub _get_NTPservers { my $self = shift; my $servs = $self->sh_tz->ntpServers(); [ map { "$servs->{$_}|$_" } sort { $servs->{$a} cmp $servs->{$b} || $a cmp $b } keys %$servs ]; } ### _restoreValues ## restore NTP server and Time Zone from configuration files # ## input '$datetime_only' restore date and time only # ## returns 'info', a HASH references containing: ## time_zone => time zone hash reference to be restored ## ntp_server => ntp server address ## date => date string ## time => time string ## ntp_running => is NTP running? # sub _restoreValues { my ($self, $datetime_only) = @_; my $info; if (!$datetime_only) { $info->{time_zone} = $self->sh_tz->readConfiguration(); $info->{ntp_server} = $self->sh_tz->ntpCurrentServer(); #- strip digits from \d+.foo.pool.ntp.org $info->{ntp_server} =~ s/^\d+\.// if $info->{ntp_server}; $info->{ntp_running} = $self->sh_tz->isNTPRunning(); } my $t = localtime; my $day = $t->strftime("%F"); my $time = $t->strftime("%H:%M:%S"); $info->{date} = $day; $info->{time} = $time; return $info; } sub _adminClockPanel { my $self = shift; my $appTitle = yui::YUI::app()->applicationTitle(); ## set new title to get it in dialog yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($self->name); ## set icon if not already set by external launcher yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationIcon($self->icon); my $factory = yui::YUI::widgetFactory; my $optFactory = yui::YUI::optionalWidgetFactory; die "calendar widgets missing" if (!$optFactory->hasDateField() || !$optFactory->hasTimeField()); # Create Dialog my $dialog = $factory->createMainDialog; # my $minSize = $factory->createMinSize($dialog, 40, 15); # Start Dialog layout: my $layout = $factory->createVBox($dialog); my $align = $factory->createLeft($layout); my $frame = $factory->createFrame($align, $self->loc->N("Setting date and time")); my $hbox = $factory->createHBox($frame); my $dateField = $optFactory->createDateField($hbox, ""); $factory->createHSpacing($hbox, 3.0); my $timeField = $optFactory->createTimeField($hbox, ""); $factory->createHSpacing($hbox, 1.0); $factory->createVSpacing($hbox, 1.0); $factory->createVSpacing($layout, 1.0); $align = $factory->createLeft($layout); $hbox = $factory->createHBox($align); my $ntpFrame = $factory->createCheckBoxFrame($hbox, $self->loc->N("Enable Network Time Protocol"), 0); my $hbox1 = $factory->createHBox($ntpFrame); my $changeNTPButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox1, $self->loc->N("Change NTP server")); $factory->createHSpacing($hbox1, 1.0); $factory->createLabel($hbox1,$self->loc->N("Current:")); $factory->createHSpacing($hbox1, 1.0); my $ntpLabel = $factory->createLabel($hbox1, $self->loc->N("not defined")); $factory->createHSpacing($hbox1, 1.0); $ntpLabel->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 2); $changeNTPButton->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 1); $factory->createHSpacing($hbox, 1.0); $factory->createVSpacing($layout, 1.0); $align = $factory->createLeft($layout); $hbox = $factory->createHBox($align); $frame = $factory->createFrame ($hbox, $self->loc->N("TimeZone")); $hbox1 = $factory->createHBox( $frame ); my $changeTZButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox1, $self->loc->N("Change Time Zone")); $factory->createHSpacing($hbox1, 1.0); $factory->createLabel($hbox1,$self->loc->N("Current:")); $factory->createHSpacing($hbox1, 1.0); my $timeZoneLbl = $factory->createLabel($hbox1, $self->loc->N("not defined")); $factory->createHSpacing($hbox1, 1.0); $timeZoneLbl->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 2); $changeTZButton->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 1); $factory->createHSpacing($hbox, 1.0); # buttons on the last line $factory->createVSpacing($layout, 1.0); $hbox = $factory->createHBox($layout); $align = $factory->createLeft($hbox); $hbox = $factory->createHBox($align); my $aboutButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $self->loc->N("About") ); my $resetButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $self->loc->N("Reset") ); $align = $factory->createRight($hbox); $hbox = $factory->createHBox($align); my $cancelButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $self->loc->N("Cancel")); my $okButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $self->loc->N("Ok")); $factory->createHSpacing($hbox, 1.0); ## no changes by default $dialog->setDefaultButton($cancelButton); # End Dialof layout ## default value my $info = $self->_restoreValues(); $dateField->setValue($info->{date}); $timeField->setValue($info->{time}); if (exists $info->{time_zone} && $info->{time_zone}->{ZONE}) { $timeZoneLbl->setValue($info->{time_zone}->{ZONE}); } if ($info->{ntp_server}) { $ntpLabel->setValue($info->{ntp_server}); } $ntpFrame->setValue($info->{ntp_running}); # get only once my $NTPservers = $self->_get_NTPservers(); while(1) { my $event = $dialog->waitForEvent(1000); my $eventType = $event->eventType(); #event type checking if ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::CancelEvent) { last; } elsif ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::TimeoutEvent) { my $t = Time::Piece->strptime($timeField->value(), "%H:%M:%S") + 1; $timeField->setValue($t->strftime("%H:%M:%S")); } elsif ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::WidgetEvent) { # widget selected my $widget = $event->widget(); if ($widget == $cancelButton) { last; } elsif ($widget == $okButton) { yui::YUI::app()->busyCursor(); my $finished = 1; # (1) write new TZ settings # (2) write new NTP settigs if checked # (3) use date time fields if NTP is not checked if ($info->{time_zone}->{UTC}) { # (1) $self->sh_tz->writeConfiguration($info->{time_zone}); } if ($ntpFrame->value()) { # (2) if ($info->{ntp_server}) { $self->sh_tz->setNTPServer($info->{ntp_server}); } else { $self->sh_gui->warningMsgBox({text => $self->loc->N("Please enter a valid NTP server address.")}); $finished = 0; } } else { $self->sh_tz->disableAndStopNTP(); # (3) my $t = Time::Piece->strptime($timeField->value(), "%H:%M:%S"); my $d = Time::Piece->strptime($dateField->value(), "%Y-%m-%d"); my $ts = sprintf("%02d%02d%02d%02d%04d.%02d", $d->mon, $d->mday, $t->hour, $t->min, $d->year,$t->sec); $ENV{PATH} = "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"; system("/usr/bin/date " . $ts); -e '/usr/sbin/hwclock' and system('/usr/sbin/hwclock', '--systohc'); } yui::YUI::app()->normalCursor(); last if ($finished); } elsif ($widget == $changeNTPButton) { # get time to calculate elapsed my $t0 = localtime; my $item = $self->sh_gui->ask_fromTreeList({title => $self->loc->N("NTP server - DrakClock"), header => $self->loc->N("Choose your NTP server"), default_button => 1, item_separator => '|', default_item => $info->{ntp_server}, skip_path => 1, list => $NTPservers}); if ($item) { $ntpLabel->setValue($item); $info->{ntp_server} = $item; } # fixing elapsed time (dialog is modal) my $t1 = localtime; my $elapsed = $t1->epoch - $t0->epoch; my $t = Time::Piece->strptime($dateField->value() . "T" . $timeField->value(), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') + $elapsed; $timeField->setValue($t->strftime("%H:%M:%S")); $dateField->setValue($t->strftime("%F")); } elsif ($widget == $changeTZButton) { # get time to calculate elapsed my $t0 = localtime; my $timezones = $self->sh_tz->getTimeZones(); if (!$timezones || scalar (@{$timezones}) == 0) { $self->sh_gui->warningMsgBox({title => $self->loc->N("Timezone - DrakClock"), text => $self->loc->N("Failed to retrieve timezone list"), }); $changeTZButton->setDisabled(); } else { my $item = $self->sh_gui->ask_fromTreeList({title => $self->loc->N("Timezone - DrakClock"), header => $self->loc->N("Which is your timezone?"), default_button => 1, item_separator => '/', default_item => $info->{time_zone}->{ZONE}, list => $timezones}); if ($item) { my $utc = 0; if ($info->{time_zone}->{UTC} ) { $utc = lc $info->{time_zone}->{UTC}; $utc = ($utc eq "false" || $utc eq "0") ? 0 : 1; } $utc = $self->sh_gui->ask_YesOrNo({ title => $self->loc->N("GMT - DrakClock"), text => $self->loc->N("Is your hardware clock set to GMT?"), default_button => $utc, }); $info->{time_zone}->{UTC} = $utc == 1 ? 'true' : 'false'; $info->{time_zone}->{ZONE} = $item; $timeZoneLbl->setValue($info->{time_zone}->{ZONE}); } } # fixing elapsed time (dialog is modal) my $t1 = localtime; my $elapsed = $t1->epoch - $t0->epoch; my $t = Time::Piece->strptime($dateField->value() . "T" . $timeField->value(), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') + $elapsed; $timeField->setValue($t->strftime("%H:%M:%S")); $dateField->setValue($t->strftime("%F")); } elsif ($widget == $resetButton) { my $datetime_only = $self->sh_gui->ask_YesOrNo({ title => $self->loc->N("Restore data"), text => $self->loc->N("Restore date and time only?"), default_button => 1, #Yes }); my $newInfo = $self->_restoreValues($datetime_only); if ($datetime_only) { $info->{date} = $newInfo->{date}; $info->{time} = $newInfo->{time}; } else{ $info = $newInfo; } $dateField->setValue($info->{date}); $timeField->setValue($info->{time}); if (exists $info->{time_zone} && $info->{time_zone}->{ZONE}) { $timeZoneLbl->setValue($info->{time_zone}->{ZONE}); } else { $timeZoneLbl->setValue($self->loc->N("not defined")); } if ($info->{ntp_server}) { $ntpLabel->setValue($info->{ntp_server}); } else { $ntpLabel->setValue($self->loc->N("not defined")); } $ntpFrame->setValue($info->{ntp_running}); } elsif($widget == $aboutButton) { my $translators = $self->loc->N("_: Translator(s) name(s) & email(s)\n"); $translators =~ s/\/\>\;/g; $self->sh_gui->AboutDialog({ name => $self->name, version => $self->VERSION, credits => $self->loc->N("Copyright (C) %s Mageia community", '2014'), license => $self->loc->N("GPLv2"), description => $self->loc->N("Date, Clock & Time Zone Settings allows to setup time zone and adjust date and time"), authors => $self->loc->N("



", "Angelo Naselli <anaselli\@linux.it>", $translators ), } ); } } } $dialog->destroy(); #restore old application title yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($appTitle) if $appTitle; }