#!/bin/bash # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4: apanel=`rpm --eval %perl_privlib`/AdminPanel function check_root_permissions { if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "You must be root to run this script" 1>&2 exit 1 fi } function uninstall { echo "== Uninstalling AdminPanel..." if [ -L $apanel ] then unlink $apanel fi if [ -f /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.mageia.policykit.pkexec.adminpanel.policy ] then rm /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.mageia.policykit.pkexec.adminpanel.policy fi if [ -f /usr/bin/apanel.pl ] then unlink /usr/bin/apanel.pl fi echo "== Removed" } # setup xhost to make apanel able to gain the required privileges using sudo function setup_xhost_conf { echo "== Setup xhost settings" xhost +local:root echo "== Done" } function uninstall_xhost_conf { echo "== xhost settings restored" xhost - echo "== Done" } function setup { echo "== Installing AdminPanel..." pushd . cd .. cp extras/org.mageia.policykit.pkexec.adminpanel.policy /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/ ln -s $PWD/AdminPanel `rpm --eval %perl_privlib` ln -s $PWD/apanel.pl /usr/bin popd echo "== Done" } function usage { echo "Usage:" echo "--remove uninstall AdminPanel references" echo "--install install AdminPanel references" echo "--privilege define the authentication method to gain privileges (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)" } check_root_permissions while getopts "hrip:" OPTIONS do case $OPTIONS in r ) uninstall && uninstall_xhost_conf ;; i ) setup && setup_xhost_conf ;; h ) usage ;; * ) usage ;; esac done