path: root/lib/AdminPanel/Module/Firewall.pm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/AdminPanel/Module/Firewall.pm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1208 deletions
diff --git a/lib/AdminPanel/Module/Firewall.pm b/lib/AdminPanel/Module/Firewall.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ac56a5..0000000
--- a/lib/AdminPanel/Module/Firewall.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1208 +0,0 @@
-# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4:
-# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Matteo Pasotti <matteo.pasotti@gmail.com>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-package ManaTools::Module::Firewall;
-use Modern::Perl '2011';
-use autodie;
-use Moose;
-use Moose::Autobox;
-use utf8;
-use yui;
-use ManaTools::Shared qw(trim);
-use ManaTools::Shared::GUI;
-use ManaTools::Shared::Firewall;
-use ManaTools::Shared::Shorewall;
-use ManaTools::Shared::Services;
-use MDK::Common::Func qw(if_ partition);
-use MDK::Common::System qw(getVarsFromSh);
-use MDK::Common::Various qw(text2bool to_bool);
-use MDK::Common::DataStructure qw(intersection);
-use MDK::Common::File qw(substInFile output_with_perm);
-use List::Util qw(any);
-use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
-extends qw( ManaTools::Module );
-has '+icon' => (
- default => "/usr/share/icons/manawall.png",
-has '+name' => (
- default => "Firewall Manager",
-=head1 VERSION
-Version 1.0.0
-our $VERSION = '1.0.0';
-has 'dialog' => (
- is => 'rw',
- init_arg => undef
-has 'sh_gui' => (
- is => 'rw',
- init_arg => undef,
- builder => '_SharedUGUIInitialize'
-has 'loc' => (
- is => 'rw',
- init_arg => undef,
- builder => '_localeInitialize',
- required => 1,
-has 'all_servers' => (
- is => 'rw',
- init_arg => undef,
- isa => 'ArrayRef',
-has 'ifw_rules' => (
- is => 'rw',
- init_arg => undef,
- isa => 'ArrayRef',
-has 'wdg_ifw' => (
- is => 'rw',
- init_arg => undef,
- isa => 'ArrayRef',
- default => sub { [] },
-has 'wdg_servers' => (
- is => 'rw',
- init_arg => undef,
- isa => 'ArrayRef',
- default => sub { [] },
-has 'net' => (
- is => 'rw',
- init_arg => undef,
- isa => 'HashRef',
- builder => '_initNet',
-has 'unlisted' => (
- is => 'rw',
- init_arg => undef,
- isa => 'ArrayRef',
- builder => '_initUnlisted',
-has 'log_net_drop' => (
- is => 'rw',
- isa => 'Bool',
- default => sub { return 1; }
-has 'aboutDialog' => (
- is => 'ro',
- init_arg => undef,
- isa => 'HashRef',
- builder => '_setupAboutDialog',
-sub _setupAboutDialog {
- my $self = shift();
- return {
- name => "",
- version => $VERSION,
- credits => "Copyright (c) 2013-2015 by Matteo Pasotti",
- license => "GPLv2",
- description => "",
- authors => "Matteo Pasotti &lt;matteo.pasotti\@gmail.com&gt;"
- };
-sub _localeInitialize {
- my $self = shift();
- # TODO fix domain binding for translation
- $self->loc(ManaTools::Shared::Locales->new(domain_name => 'drakx-net') );
- # TODO if we want to give the opportunity to test locally add dir_name => 'path'
-sub _SharedUGUIInitialize {
- my $self = shift();
- $self->sh_gui(ManaTools::Shared::GUI->new() );
-sub _initAllServers {
- my $self = shift();
- my @all_servers = (
- {
- id => 'www',
- name => $self->loc->N("Web Server"),
- pkg => 'apache apache-mod_perl boa lighttpd thttpd',
- ports => '80/tcp 443/tcp',
- },
- {
- id => 'dns',
- name => $self->loc->N("Domain Name Server"),
- pkg => 'bind dnsmasq mydsn',
- ports => '53/tcp 53/udp',
- },
- {
- id => 'ssh',
- name => $self->loc->N("SSH server"),
- pkg => 'openssh-server',
- ports => '22/tcp',
- },
- {
- id => 'ftp',
- name => $self->loc->N("FTP server"),
- pkg => 'ftp-server-krb5 wu-ftpd proftpd pure-ftpd',
- ports => '20/tcp 21/tcp',
- },
- {
- id => 'dhcp',
- name => $self->loc->N("DHCP Server"),
- pkg => 'dhcp-server udhcpd',
- ports => '67/udp 68/udp',
- hide => 1,
- },
- {
- id => 'mail',
- name => $self->loc->N("Mail Server"),
- pkg => 'sendmail postfix qmail exim',
- ports => '25/tcp 465/tcp 587/tcp',
- },
- {
- id => 'popimap',
- name => $self->loc->N("POP and IMAP Server"),
- pkg => 'imap courier-imap-pop',
- ports => '109/tcp 110/tcp 143/tcp 993/tcp 995/tcp',
- },
- {
- id => 'telnet',
- name => $self->loc->N("Telnet server"),
- pkg => 'telnet-server-krb5',
- ports => '23/tcp',
- hide => 1,
- },
- {
- id => 'nfs',
- name => $self->loc->N("NFS Server"),
- pkg => 'nfs-utils nfs-utils-clients',
- ports => '111/tcp 111/udp 2049/tcp 2049/udp ' . network::nfs::list_nfs_ports(),
- hide => 1,
- prepare => sub { network::nfs::write_nfs_ports(network::nfs::read_nfs_ports()) },
- restart => 'nfs-common nfs-server',
- },
- {
- id => 'smb',
- name => $self->loc->N("Windows Files Sharing (SMB)"),
- pkg => 'samba-server',
- ports => '137/tcp 137/udp 138/tcp 138/udp 139/tcp 139/udp 445/tcp 445/udp 1024:1100/tcp 1024:1100/udp',
- hide => 1,
- },
- {
- id => 'bacula',
- name => $self->loc->N("Bacula backup"),
- pkg => 'bacula-fd bacula-sd bacula-dir-common',
- ports => '9101:9103/tcp',
- hide => 1,
- },
- {
- id => 'syslog',
- name => $self->loc->N("Syslog network logging"),
- pkg => 'rsyslog syslog-ng',
- ports => '514/udp',
- hide => 1,
- },
- {
- id => 'cups',
- name => $self->loc->N("CUPS server"),
- pkg => 'cups',
- ports => '631/tcp 631/udp',
- hide => 1,
- },
- {
- id => 'mysql',
- name => $self->loc->N("MySQL server"),
- pkg => 'mysql',
- ports => '3306/tcp 3306/udp',
- hide => 1,
- },
- {
- id => 'postgresql',
- name => $self->loc->N("PostgreSQL server"),
- pkg => 'postgresql8.2 postgresql8.3',
- ports => '5432/tcp 5432/udp',
- hide => 1,
- },
- {
- id => 'echo',
- name => $self->loc->N("Echo request (ping)"),
- ports => '8/icmp',
- force_default_selection => 0,
- },
- {
- id => 'zeroconf',
- name => $self->loc->N("Network services autodiscovery (zeroconf and slp)"),
- ports => '5353/udp 427/udp',
- pkg => 'avahi cups openslp',
- },
- {
- id => 'bittorrent',
- name => $self->loc->N("BitTorrent"),
- ports => '6881:6999/tcp 6881:6999/udp',
- hide => 1,
- pkg => 'bittorrent deluge ktorrent transmission vuze rtorrent ctorrent',
- },
- {
- id => 'wmds',
- name => $self->loc->N("Windows Mobile device synchronization"),
- pkg => 'synce-hal',
- ports => '990/tcp 999/tcp 5678/tcp 5679/udp 26675/tcp',
- hide => 1,
- },
- );
- return \@all_servers;
-sub _initIFW {
- my $self = shift();
- my @ifw_rules = (
- {
- id => 'psd',
- name => $self->loc->N("Port scan detection"),
- ifw_rule => 'psd',
- },
- );
- return \@ifw_rules;
-sub _initNet {
- my $self = shift();
- my $net = {};
- network::network::read_net_conf($net);
- return $net;
-sub _initUnlisted {
- my $self = shift();
- my @unlisted = ();
- return \@unlisted;
-sub check_ports_syntax {
- my ($ports) = @_;
- foreach (split ' ', $ports) {
- my ($nb, $range, $nb2) = m!^(\d+)(:(\d+))?/(tcp|udp|icmp)$! or return $_;
- foreach my $port ($nb, if_($range, $nb2)) {
- 1 <= $port && $port <= 65535 or return $_;
- }
- $nb < $nb2 or return $_ if $range;
- }
- return '';
-=head2 port2server
-=head3 INPUT
- $self: this object
- $ports: port object
- This method retrieves the server from a given port
-sub port2server {
- my $self = shift();
- my ($port) = @_;
- for my $service(@{$self->all_servers()})
- {
- if(any { $port eq $_ } split(' ', $service->{ports}))
- {
- return $service;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-=head2 to_ports
-=head3 INPUT
- $self: this object
- This method converts from server definitions to port definitions
-sub to_ports {
- my ($self, $servers) = @_;
- my $ports = join(' ', (map { $_->{ports} } @$servers), @{$self->unlisted()});
- return $ports;
-=head2 from_ports
-=head3 INPUT
- $self: this object
- $ports: ports object
- This method does...
-sub from_ports {
- my $self = shift();
- my ($ports) = @_;
- my @l;
- foreach (split ' ', $ports) {
- if (my $s = $self->port2server($_)) {
- push @l, $s;
- } else {
- push (@{$self->unlisted()}, $_);
- }
- }
- my @result = [ uniq(@l) ], join(' ', @{$self->unlisted()});
- return \@result;
-=head2 get_conf
-=head3 INPUT
- $self: this object
- $disabled: boolean
- $o_ports: object representing ports
- This method retrieves the configuration
-sub get_conf {
- my $self = shift();
- my ($disabled, $o_ports) = @_;
- my $possible_servers = undef;
- my $conf = ManaTools::Shared::Shorewall::read_();
- my $shorewall = (ManaTools::Shared::Shorewall::get_config_file('zones', '') && $conf);
- if ($o_ports) {
- return ($disabled, $self->from_ports($o_ports));
- } elsif ($shorewall) {
- # WARNING: this condition fails (the method fails)
- # if manawall runs as unprivileged user
- # cause it can't read the interfaces file
- return ($shorewall->{disabled}, $self->from_ports($shorewall->{ports}), $shorewall->{log_net_drop});
- } else {
- $self->sh_gui->ask_OkCancel({
- title => $self->loc->N("Firewall configuration"),
- text => $self->loc->N("drakfirewall configurator
- This configures a personal firewall for this Mageia machine."),
- richtext => 1
- }) or return;
- $self->sh_gui->ask_OkCancel({
- title => $self->loc->N("Firewall configuration"),
- text => $self->loc->N("drakfirewall configurator
-Make sure you have configured your Network/Internet access with
-drakconnect before going any further."),
- richtext => 1
- }) or return;
- return($disabled, $possible_servers, '');
- }
-sub set_ifw {
- # my ($do_pkgs, $enabled, $rules, $ports) = @_;
- my $self = shift();
- my ($enabled, $rules, $ports) = @_;
- if ($enabled)
- {
- my $ports_by_proto = ManaTools::Shared::Shorewall::ports_by_proto($ports);
- output_with_perm("$::prefix/etc/ifw/rules", 0644,
- (map { ". /etc/ifw/rules.d/$_\n" } @$rules),
- map {
- my $proto = $_;
- map {
- my $multiport = /:/ && " -m multiport";
- "iptables -A Ifw -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -p $proto$multiport --dport $_ -j IFWLOG --log-prefix NEW\n";
- } @{$ports_by_proto->{$proto}};
- } intersection([ qw(tcp udp) ], [ keys %$ports_by_proto ]),
- );
- }
- substInFile {
- undef $_ if m!^INCLUDE /etc/ifw/rules|^iptables -I INPUT 2 -j Ifw!;
- } "$::prefix/etc/shorewall/start";
- ManaTools::Shared::Shorewall::set_in_file('start', $enabled, "INCLUDE /etc/ifw/start", "INCLUDE /etc/ifw/rules", "iptables -I INPUT 1 -j Ifw");
- ManaTools::Shared::Shorewall::set_in_file('stop', $enabled, "iptables -D INPUT -j Ifw", "INCLUDE /etc/ifw/stop");
-=head2 choose_watched_services
-=head3 INPUT
- $self: this object
- $servers: array of hashes representing servers
- This method shows the main dialog to let users choose the allowed services
-sub choose_watched_services {
- my ($self, $servers) = @_;
- my @l = (@{$self->ifw_rules()}, @$servers, map { { ports => $_ } } @{$self->unlisted()});
- my $enabled = 1;
- $_->{ifw} = 1 foreach @l;
- my $retval = $self->ask_WatchedServices({
- title => $self->loc->N("Interactive Firewall"),
- icon => $self->icon(),
- # if_(!$::isEmbedded, banner_title => N("Interactive Firewall")),
- messages =>
- $self->loc->N("You can be warned when someone accesses to a service or tries to intrude into your computer.
-Please select which network activities should be watched."),
- },
- [
- {
- id=>'useifw',
- text => $self->loc->N("Use Interactive Firewall"),
- val => $enabled,
- type => 'bool'
- },
- map {
- {
- text => (exists $_->{name} ? $_->{name} : $_->{ports}),
- val => $_->{ifw},
- type => 'bool',
- id => $_->{id},
- },
- } @l,
- ]);
- return if($retval == 0);
- for my $server(@{$self->wdg_ifw()})
- {
- for my $k(keys @l)
- {
- if(defined($l[$k]->{id}) && defined($server->{id}))
- {
- if($server->{id} eq 'useifw')
- {
- $enabled = $server->{value};
- }
- else
- {
- if($l[$k]->{id} eq $server->{id})
- {
- $l[$k]->{ifw} = $server->{value};
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- my ($rules, $ports) = partition { exists $_->{ifw_rule} } grep { $_->{ifw} } @l;
- $self->set_ifw($enabled, [ map { $_->{ifw_rule} } @$rules ], $self->to_ports($ports));
- # return something to say that we are done ok
- return ($rules, $ports);
-sub ask_WatchedServices {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($dlg_data,
- $items) = @_;
- my $old_title = yui::YUI::app()->applicationTitle();
- ## set new title to get it in dialog
- yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($dlg_data->{title});
- my $factory = yui::YUI::widgetFactory;
- my $optional = yui::YUI::optionalWidgetFactory;
- $self->dialog($factory->createMainDialog());
- my $layout = $factory->createVBox($self->dialog);
- my $hbox_header = $factory->createHBox($layout);
- my $headLeft = $factory->createHBox($factory->createLeft($hbox_header));
- my $headRight = $factory->createHBox($factory->createRight($hbox_header));
- my $logoImage = $factory->createImage($headLeft, $dlg_data->{icon});
- my $labelAppDescription = $factory->createLabel($headRight,$dlg_data->{messages});
- $logoImage->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ,0);
- $labelAppDescription->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ,3);
- my $hbox_content = $factory->createHBox($layout);
- my $widgetContainer = $factory->createVBox($hbox_content);
- foreach my $item(@{$items})
- {
- if(defined($item->{label}))
- {
- $factory->createLabel($factory->createLeft($factory->createHBox($widgetContainer)), $item->{label});
- }
- elsif(defined($item->{text}))
- {
- my $ckbox = $factory->createCheckBox(
- $factory->createLeft($factory->createHBox($widgetContainer)),
- $item->{text},
- $item->{val}
- );
- $ckbox->setNotify(1);
- push @{$self->wdg_ifw()}, {
- id => $item->{id},
- widget => \$ckbox,
- value => $item->{val},
- };
- $ckbox->DISOWN();
- }
- }
- my $hbox_foot = $factory->createHBox($layout);
- my $vbox_foot_left = $factory->createVBox($factory->createLeft($hbox_foot));
- my $vbox_foot_right = $factory->createVBox($factory->createRight($hbox_foot));
- my $aboutButton = $factory->createPushButton($vbox_foot_left,$self->loc->N("&About"));
- my $cancelButton = $factory->createPushButton($vbox_foot_right,$self->loc->N("&Cancel"));
- my $okButton = $factory->createPushButton($vbox_foot_right,$self->loc->N("&OK"));
- my $retval = 0;
- # main loop
- while(1) {
- my $event = $self->dialog->waitForEvent();
- my $eventType = $event->eventType();
- #event type checking
- if ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::CancelEvent) {
- last;
- }
- elsif ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::WidgetEvent) {
- ### Buttons and widgets ###
- my $widget = $event->widget();
- # loop on every checkbox representing servers
- foreach my $server(@{$self->wdg_ifw()})
- {
- if($widget == ${$server->{widget}})
- {
- if($server->{id} eq 'useifw')
- {
- if(!${$server->{widget}}->value())
- {
- yui::YUI::ui()->blockEvents();
- foreach my $server(@{$self->wdg_ifw()})
- {
- if($server->{id} ne 'useifw')
- {
- ${$server->{widget}}->setValue(0);
- $server->{value} = ${$server->{widget}}->value();
- }
- }
- yui::YUI::ui()->unblockEvents();
- last;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $server->{value} = ${$server->{widget}}->value();
- }
- }
- }
- if ($widget == $cancelButton) {
- last;
- }elsif ($widget == $aboutButton) {
- my $abtdlg = $self->aboutDialog();
- $abtdlg->{name} = $dlg_data->{title};
- $abtdlg->{description} = $self->loc->N("Graphical manager for interactive firewall rules");
- $self->sh_gui->AboutDialog($abtdlg
- );
- }elsif ($widget == $okButton) {
- $retval = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- $self->dialog->destroy();
- #restore old application title
- yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($old_title);
- return $retval;
-=head2 choose_allowed_services
-=head3 INPUT
- $self: this object
- $disabled: boolean
- $servers: array of hashes representing servers
- This method shows the main dialog to let users choose the allowed services
-sub choose_allowed_services {
- my ($self, $disabled, $servers) = @_;
- $_->{on} = 0 foreach @{$self->all_servers()};
- $_->{on} = 1 foreach @$servers;
- my @l = grep { $_->{on} || !$_->{hide} } @{$self->all_servers()};
- my $dialog_data = {
- title => $self->loc->N("Firewall"),
- icon => $self->icon(),
- # if_(!$::isEmbedded, banner_title => $self->loc->N("Firewall")),
- banner_title => $self->loc->N("Firewall"),
- };
- my $items = [
- { label => $self->loc->N("Which services would you like to allow the Internet to connect to?"), title => 1 },
- if_($self->net()->{PROFILE} && network::network::netprofile_count() > 0, { label => $self->loc->N("Those settings will be saved for the network profile <b>%s</b>", $self->net()->{PROFILE}) }),
- { text => $self->loc->N("Everything (no firewall)"), val => \$disabled, type => 'bool' },
- (map { { text => $_->{name}, val => \$_->{on}, type => 'bool', disabled => sub { $disabled }, id => $_->{id} } } @l),
- ];
- return if(!$self->ask_AllowedServices($dialog_data, $items));
- for my $server(@{$self->wdg_servers()})
- {
- for my $k(keys @l)
- {
- if(defined($l[$k]->{id}) && defined($server->{id}))
- {
- if($l[$k]->{id} eq $server->{id})
- {
- $l[$k]->{on} = ${$server->{value}};
- last;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- # fake server, the checkbox allowing the user to disable the firewall
- # if Everything checkbox is selected, value = 1 then firewall disabled = 1
- $disabled = ${$server->{value}};
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- return ($disabled, [ grep { $_->{on} } @l ]);
-sub ask_AllowedServices {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($dlg_data,
- $items) = @_;
- my $old_title = yui::YUI::app()->applicationTitle();
- ## set new title to get it in dialog
- yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($dlg_data->{title});
- my $factory = yui::YUI::widgetFactory;
- my $optional = yui::YUI::optionalWidgetFactory;
- $self->dialog($factory->createMainDialog());
- my $layout = $factory->createVBox($self->dialog);
- my $hbox_header = $factory->createHBox($layout);
- my $headLeft = $factory->createHBox($factory->createLeft($hbox_header));
- my $headRight = $factory->createHBox($factory->createRight($hbox_header));
- my $logoImage = $factory->createImage($headLeft, $dlg_data->{icon});
- my $labelAppDescription = $factory->createLabel($headRight,$dlg_data->{title});
- $logoImage->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ,0);
- $labelAppDescription->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ,3);
- my $hbox_content = $factory->createHBox($layout);
- my $widgetContainer = $factory->createVBox($hbox_content);
- my $evry = undef;
- foreach my $item(@{$items})
- {
- if(defined($item->{label}))
- {
- $factory->createLabel($factory->createLeft($factory->createHBox($widgetContainer)), $item->{label});
- }
- elsif(defined($item->{text}))
- {
- my $ckbox = $factory->createCheckBox(
- $factory->createLeft($factory->createHBox($widgetContainer)),
- $item->{text},
- ${$item->{val}}
- );
- $ckbox->setNotify(1);
- if(!defined($item->{id}))
- {
- $evry = $ckbox;
- }
- if(defined($item->{disabled}))
- {
- $ckbox->setEnabled(!$item->{disabled}->());
- }
- push @{$self->wdg_servers()}, {
- id => $item->{id},
- widget => \$ckbox,
- value => $item->{val},
- };
- $ckbox->DISOWN();
- }
- }
- my $hbox_foot = $factory->createHBox($layout);
- my $vbox_foot_left = $factory->createVBox($factory->createLeft($hbox_foot));
- my $vbox_foot_right = $factory->createVBox($factory->createRight($hbox_foot));
- my $advButton = $factory->createPushButton($vbox_foot_left,$self->loc->N("A&dvanced"));
- my $aboutButton = $factory->createPushButton($vbox_foot_left,$self->loc->N("&About"));
- my $cancelButton = $factory->createPushButton($vbox_foot_right,$self->loc->N("&Cancel"));
- my $okButton = $factory->createPushButton($vbox_foot_right,$self->loc->N("&OK"));
- my $retval = 0;
- # main loop
- while(1) {
- my $event = $self->dialog->waitForEvent();
- my $eventType = $event->eventType();
- #event type checking
- if ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::CancelEvent) {
- last;
- }
- elsif ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::WidgetEvent) {
- ### Buttons and widgets ###
- my $widget = $event->widget();
- # loop on every checkbox representing servers
- foreach my $server(@{$self->wdg_servers()})
- {
- if($widget == ${$server->{widget}})
- {
- ${$server->{value}} = !${$server->{value}};
- }
- }
- if ($widget == $cancelButton) {
- last;
- }elsif ($widget == $aboutButton) {
- my $abtdlg = $self->aboutDialog();
- $abtdlg->{name} = $dlg_data->{title};
- $abtdlg->{description} = $self->loc->N("Graphical manager for firewall rules");
- $self->sh_gui->AboutDialog($abtdlg);
- }elsif ($widget == $okButton) {
- $retval = 1;
- last;
- }
- elsif ($widget == $advButton) {
- $self->ask_CustomPorts();
- }
- elsif ($widget == $evry) {
- foreach my $wdg_ckbox(@{$self->wdg_servers()})
- {
- if(defined($wdg_ckbox->{id}))
- {
- ${$wdg_ckbox->{widget}}->setEnabled(!${$wdg_ckbox->{widget}}->isEnabled());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $self->dialog->destroy();
- #restore old application title
- yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($old_title);
- return $retval;
-sub ask_CustomPorts {
- my $self = shift();
- my $adv_msg = $self->loc->N("You can enter miscellaneous ports.
-Valid examples are: 139/tcp 139/udp 600:610/tcp 600:610/udp.
-Have a look at /etc/services for information.");
- my $old_title = yui::YUI::app()->applicationTitle();
- my $win_title = $self->loc->N("Define miscellaneus ports");
- ## set new title to get it in dialog
- yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($win_title);
- my $factory = yui::YUI::widgetFactory;
- my $optional = yui::YUI::optionalWidgetFactory;
- my $advdlg = $factory->createPopupDialog();
- my $layout = $factory->createVBox($advdlg);
- my $hbox_header = $factory->createHBox($layout);
- my $headLeft = $factory->createHBox($factory->createLeft($hbox_header));
- my $headRight = $factory->createHBox($factory->createRight($hbox_header));
- my $labelAppDescription = $factory->createLabel($headRight,$self->loc->N("Other ports"));
- $labelAppDescription->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ,3);
- my $hbox_content = $factory->createHBox($layout);
- my $vbox_inputs = $factory->createVBox($hbox_content);
- my $labelAdvMessage = $factory->createLabel($factory->createHBox($vbox_inputs), $adv_msg);
- my $txtPortsList = $factory->createInputField($vbox_inputs,'');
- $txtPortsList->setValue(join(' ',@{$self->unlisted()}));
- my $ckbLogFWMessages = $factory->createCheckBox($factory->createHBox($vbox_inputs), $self->loc->N("Log firewall messages in system logs"), $self->log_net_drop());
- my $hbox_foot = $factory->createHBox($layout);
- my $vbox_foot_left = $factory->createVBox($factory->createLeft($hbox_foot));
- my $vbox_foot_right = $factory->createVBox($factory->createRight($hbox_foot));
- my $cancelButton = $factory->createPushButton($vbox_foot_right,$self->loc->N("&Cancel"));
- my $okButton = $factory->createPushButton($vbox_foot_right,$self->loc->N("&OK"));
- my $retval = 0;
- # main loop
- while(1) {
- my $event = $advdlg->waitForEvent();
- my $eventType = $event->eventType();
- #event type checking
- if ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::CancelEvent) {
- last;
- }
- elsif ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::WidgetEvent) {
- ### Buttons and widgets ###
- my $widget = $event->widget();
- if( $widget == $cancelButton )
- {
- $retval = 0;
- last;
- }
- elsif( $widget == $okButton )
- {
- if(scalar(@{$self->unlisted()}) > 0)
- {
- $self->unlisted([]);
- }
- my $invalid_ports = check_ports_syntax($txtPortsList->value());
- if(ManaTools::Shared::trim($invalid_ports) eq '')
- {
- if($txtPortsList->value() =~m/\s+/g)
- {
- my @unlstd = split(' ', $txtPortsList->value());
- foreach my $p(@unlstd)
- {
- push(@{$self->unlisted()},$p);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(ManaTools::Shared::trim($txtPortsList->value()) ne '')
- {
- push(@{$self->unlisted()}, ManaTools::Shared::trim($txtPortsList->value()));
- }
- }
- $retval = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- $self->sh_gui->warningMsgBox({
- title=>$self->loc->N("Invalid port given"),
- text=> $self->loc->N("Invalid port given: %s.
-The proper format is \"port/tcp\" or \"port/udp\",
-where port is between 1 and 65535.
-You can also give a range of ports (eg: 24300:24350/udp)", $invalid_ports)
- });
- $retval = 0;
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- $advdlg->destroy();
- #restore old application title
- yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($old_title);
- return $retval;
-sub get_zones {
- my $self = shift();
- my $confref = shift();
- my $disabled = shift();
- my $conf = ${$confref};
- my $interfacesfile = ManaTools::Shared::Shorewall::get_config_file('interfaces', $conf->{version} || '');
- network::network::read_net_conf($self->net());
- #- find all interfaces but alias interfaces
- my @all_intf = grep { !/:/ } uniq(keys(%{$self->net()->{ifcfg}}), detect_devices::get_net_interfaces());
- my %net_zone = map { $_ => undef } @all_intf;
- $net_zone{$_} = 1 foreach ManaTools::Shared::Shorewall::get_net_zone_interfaces($interfacesfile, $self->net(), \@all_intf);
- # if firewall/shorewall is not disabled (i.e. everything has been allowed)
- # then ask for network interfaces to protect
- if(!$disabled)
- {
- my $retvals = $self->sh_gui->ask_multiple_fromList({
- title => $self->loc->N("Firewall configuration"),
- header => $self->loc->N("Please select the interfaces that will be protected by the firewall.
-All interfaces directly connected to Internet should be selected,
-while interfaces connected to a local network may be unselected.
-If you intend to use Mageia Internet Connection sharing,
-unselect interfaces which will be connected to local network.
-Which interfaces should be protected?
- list => [
- map {
- {
- id => $_,
- text => network::tools::get_interface_description($self->net(), $_),
- val => \$net_zone{$_},
- type => 'bool'
- };
- } (sort keys %net_zone) ]
- });
- if(!defined($retvals))
- {
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- # it was: ($conf->{net_zone}, $conf->{loc_zone}) = partition { $net_zone{$_} } keys %net_zone;
- foreach my $net_int (@{$retvals})
- {
- push (@{$conf->{net_zone}}, $net_int);
- }
- return $retvals;
- }
- }
- foreach my $net_int(keys %net_zone)
- {
- push (@{$conf->{net_zone}}, $net_int);
- }
- return keys %net_zone;
-=head2 set_ports
-=head3 INPUT
- $self: this object
- This method extends Module::start and is invoked to
- start host manager
-sub set_ports {
- my ($self, $disabled, $ports, $log_net_drop) = @_;
- if (!$disabled || -x "$::prefix/sbin/shorewall") {
- # $do_pkgs->ensure_files_are_installed([ [ qw(shorewall shorewall) ], [ qw(shorewall-ipv6 shorewall6) ] ], $::isInstall) or return;
- my $conf = ManaTools::Shared::Shorewall::read_();
- if(!$self->get_zones(\$conf,$disabled))
- {
- # Cancel button has been pressed, aborting
- return 0;
- }
- my $shorewall = (ManaTools::Shared::Shorewall::get_config_file('zones', '') && $conf);
- if (!$shorewall) {
- print ("unable to read shorewall configuration, skipping installation");
- return 0;
- }
- $shorewall->{disabled} = $disabled;
- $shorewall->{ports} = $ports;
- $shorewall->{log_net_drop} = $log_net_drop;
- print ($disabled ? "disabling shorewall" : "configuring shorewall to allow ports: $ports");
- # NOTE: the 2nd param is undef in this case!
- if(!ManaTools::Shared::Shorewall::write_($shorewall))
- {
- # user action request
- my $action = $self->sh_gui->ask_fromList({
- title => $self->loc->N("Firewall"),
- header => $self->loc->N("Your firewall configuration has been manually edited and contains
- rules that may conflict with the configuration that has just been set up.
- What do you want to do?"),
- list => [ "keep", "drop"],
- default => "keep",
- });
- ManaTools::Shared::Shorewall::write_($shorewall,$action);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-=head2 start
-=head3 INPUT
- $self: this object
- This method extends Module::start and is invoked to
- start host manager
-sub start {
- my $self = shift;
- my @server = ();
- $self->wdg_servers(@server);
- # init servers definitions
- $self->all_servers($self->_initAllServers());
- # initialize ifw_rules here
- $self->ifw_rules($self->_initIFW());
- my ($disabled, $servers, $log_net_drop) = $self->get_conf(undef) or return;
- # $log_net_drop: network::shorewall log_net_drop attribute
- $self->log_net_drop($log_net_drop);
- undef($log_net_drop);
- ($disabled, $servers) = $self->choose_allowed_services($disabled, @$servers) or return;
- my $system_file = '/etc/sysconfig/drakx-net';
- my %global_settings = getVarsFromSh($system_file);
- if (!$disabled && (!defined($global_settings{IFW}) || text2bool($global_settings{IFW}))) {
- $self->choose_watched_services($servers) or return;
- }
- # preparing services when required ( look at $self->all_servers() )
- foreach (@$servers) {
- exists $_->{prepare} and $_->{prepare}();
- }
- my $ports = $self->to_ports($servers);
- $self->set_ports($disabled, $ports, $self->log_net_drop()) or return;
- # restart mandi
- my $services = ManaTools::Shared::Services->new();
- $services->is_service_running("mandi") and $services->restart("mandi");
- # restarting services if needed
- foreach my $service (@$servers) {
- if ($service->{restart}) {
- $services->is_service_running($_) and $services->restart($_) foreach split(' ', $service->{restart});
- }
- }
- # clearing pending ifw notifications in net_applet
- system('killall -s SIGUSR1 net_applet');
- return ($disabled, $ports);