diff options
authorAngelo Naselli <anaselli@linux.it>2014-07-15 23:35:03 +0200
committerAngelo Naselli <anaselli@linux.it>2014-07-15 23:35:03 +0200
commitb39068542c78959219101b365587384dc5bd358a (patch)
parent99f385b075a343e3c9c8a8bf1fb10cae929f7d41 (diff)
add_callback ok button managed
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 172 deletions
diff --git a/lib/AdminPanel/Rpmdragora/edit_urpm_sources.pm b/lib/AdminPanel/Rpmdragora/edit_urpm_sources.pm
index 4b98d3c..e610cb0 100644
--- a/lib/AdminPanel/Rpmdragora/edit_urpm_sources.pm
+++ b/lib/AdminPanel/Rpmdragora/edit_urpm_sources.pm
@@ -230,6 +230,8 @@ sub _build_add_dialog {
sub add_callback() {
+ my $retVal = 0;
my $appTitle = yui::YUI::app()->applicationTitle();
## set new title to get it in dialog
yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle(N("Add a medium"));
@@ -332,6 +334,57 @@ sub add_callback() {
elsif ($widget == $okButton) {
+ my $item = $media_type->selectedItem();
+ my $sel = $item ? $item->index() : 0 ;
+ my $info = $radios_infos{$radios_names_ordered[$sel]};
+ my $name = $media_name->value();
+ my $url = $add_widgets->{url}->value();
+ $name eq '' || $url eq '' and interactive_msg('rpmdragora', N("You need to fill up at least the two first entries.")), next;
+ if (member($name, map { $_->{name} } @{$urpm->{media}})) {
+ interactive_msg('rpmdragora',
+ N("There is already a medium called <%s>,
+ do you really want to replace it?", $name), yesno => 1) or next;
+ }
+ my %i = (
+ name => $name,
+ url => $url,
+ distrib => $dist_media->value() ? 1 : 0,
+ update => $update_media->value() ? 1 : undef,
+ );
+ my %make_url = (
+ local => "file:/$i{url}",
+ http => $i{url},
+ rsync => $i{url},
+ removable => "removable:/$i{url}",
+ );
+ $i{url} =~ s|^ftp://||;
+ $make_url{ftp} = sprintf "ftp://%s%s",
+ defined($add_widgets->{login}) ?
+ $add_widgets->{login}->value() . ':' . $add_widgets->{pass}->value() :
+ '',
+ $i{url};
+ if ($i{distrib}) {
+ add_medium_and_check(
+ $urpm,
+ { nolock => 1, distrib => 1 },
+ $i{name}, $make_url{$radios_names_ordered[$sel]}, probe_with => 'synthesis', update => $i{update},
+ );
+ } else {
+ if (member($i{name}, map { $_->{name} } @{$urpm->{media}})) {
+ urpm::media::select_media($urpm, $i{name});
+ urpm::media::remove_selected_media($urpm);
+ }
+ add_medium_and_check(
+ $urpm,
+ { nolock => 1 },
+ $i{name}, $make_url{$radios_names_ordered[$sel]}, $i{hdlist}, update => $i{update},
+ );
+ }
+ $retVal = 1;
+ last;
else {
my $item = $media_type->selectedItem();
@@ -357,177 +410,7 @@ sub add_callback() {
#restore old application title
yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($appTitle) if $appTitle;
-sub to_be_removed {
- my $w = ugtk2->new(N("Add a medium"), grab => 1, center => 1, transient => $::main_window);
- my $prev_main_window = $::main_window;
- local $::main_window = $w->{real_window};
- my %radios_infos = (
- local => { name => N("Local files"), url => N("Medium path:"), dirsel => 1 },
- ftp => { name => N("FTP server"), url => N("URL:"), loginpass => 1 },
- rsync => { name => N("RSYNC server"), url => N("URL:") },
- http => { name => N("HTTP server"), url => N("URL:") },
- removable => { name => N("Removable device (CD-ROM, DVD, ...)"), url => N("Path or mount point:"), dirsel => 1 },
- );
- my @radios_names_ordered = qw(local ftp rsync http removable);
- # TODO: replace NoteBook by sensitive widgets and Label->set()
- my $notebook = gtknew('Notebook');
- $notebook->set_show_tabs(0); $notebook->set_show_border(0);
- my ($count_nbs, %pages);
- my $size_group = Gtk2::SizeGroup->new('horizontal');
- my ($cb1, $cb2);
- foreach (@radios_names_ordered) {
- my $info = $radios_infos{$_};
- my $url_entry = sub {
- gtkpack_(
- gtknew('HBox'),
- 1, $info->{url_entry} = gtkentry(),
- if_(
- $info->{dirsel},
- 0, gtksignal_connect(
- gtknew('Button', text => but(N("Browse..."))),
- clicked => sub { $info->{url_entry}->set_text(ask_dir()) },
- )
- ),
- );
- };
- my $checkbut_entry = sub {
- my ($name, $label, $visibility, $callback, $tip) = @_;
- my $w = [ gtksignal_connect(
- $info->{$name . '_check'} = gtkset(gtknew('CheckButton', text => $label), tip => $tip),
- clicked => sub {
- $info->{$name . '_entry'}->set_sensitive($_[0]->get_active);
- $callback and $callback->(@_);
- },
- ),
- gtkset_visibility(gtkset_sensitive($info->{$name . '_entry'} = gtkentry(), 0), $visibility) ];
- $size_group->add_widget($info->{$name . '_check'});
- $w;
- };
- my $loginpass_entries = sub {
- map {
- $checkbut_entry->(
- @$_, sub {
- $info->{pass_check}->set_active($_[0]->get_active);
- $info->{login_check}->set_active($_[0]->get_active);
- }
- );
- } ([ 'login', N("Login:"), 1 ], [ 'pass', N("Password:"), 0 ]);
- };
- $pages{$info->{name}} = $count_nbs++;
- $notebook->append_page(
- gtkshow(create_packtable(
- { xpadding => 0, ypadding => 0 },
- [ gtkset_alignment(gtknew('Label', text => N("Medium name:")), 0, 0.5),
- $info->{name_entry} = gtkentry('') ],
- [ gtkset_alignment(gtknew('Label', text => $info->{url}), 0, 0.5),
- $url_entry->() ],
- if_($info->{loginpass}, $loginpass_entries->()),
- sub {
- [ $info->{distrib_check} = $cb1 = gtknew('CheckButton', text => N("Create media for a whole distribution"),
- toggled => sub {
- return if !$cb2;
- my ($w) = @_;
- $info->{update_check}->set_sensitive(!$w->get_active);
- })
- ];
- }->(),
- sub {
- [ $info->{update_check} = $cb2 = gtknew('CheckButton', text => N("Tag this medium as an update medium")) ];
- }->(),
- ))
- );
- }
- $size_group->add_widget($_) foreach $cb1, $cb2;
- my $checkok = sub {
- my $info = $radios_infos{$radios_names_ordered[$notebook->get_current_page]};
- my ($name, $url) = map { $info->{$_ . '_entry'}->get_text } qw(name url);
- $name eq '' || $url eq '' and interactive_msg('rpmdragora', N("You need to fill up at least the two first entries.")), return 0;
- if (member($name, map { $_->{name} } @{$urpm->{media}})) {
- $info->{name_entry}->select_region(0, -1);
- interactive_msg('rpmdragora',
-N("There is already a medium by that name, do you
-really want to replace it?"), yesno => 1) or return 0;
- }
- 1;
- };
- my $type = 'local';
- my (%i, %make_url);
- gtkadd(
- $w->{window},
- gtkpack(
- gtknew('VBox', spacing => 5),
- gtknew('Title2', label => N("Adding a medium:")),
- gtknew('HBox', children_tight => [
- Gtk2::Label->new(but(N("Type of medium:"))),
- gtknew('ComboBox', text_ref => \$type,
- list => \@radios_names_ordered,
- format => sub { $radios_infos{$_[0]}{name} },
- changed => sub { $notebook->set_current_page($pages{$_[0]->get_text}) })
- ]),
- $notebook,
- gtknew('HSeparator'),
- gtkpack(
- gtknew('HButtonBox'),
- gtknew('Button', text => N("Cancel"), clicked => sub { $w->{retval} = 0; Gtk2->main_quit }),
- gtksignal_connect(
- gtknew('Button', text => N("Ok")), clicked => sub {
- if ($checkok->()) {
- $w->{retval} = { nb => $notebook->get_current_page };
- my $info = $radios_infos{$type};
- %i = (
- name => $info->{name_entry}->get_text,
- url => $info->{url_entry}->get_text,
- distrib => $info->{distrib_check} ? $info->{distrib_check}->get_active : 0,
- update => $info->{update_check}->get_active ? 1 : undef,
- );
- %make_url = (
- local => "file:/$i{url}",
- http => $i{url},
- rsync => $i{url},
- removable => "removable:/$i{url}",
- );
- $i{url} =~ s|^ftp://||;
- $make_url{ftp} = sprintf "ftp://%s%s",
- $info->{login_check}->get_active
- ? ($info->{login_entry}->get_text . ':' . $info->{pass_entry}->get_text . '@')
- : '',
- $i{url};
- Gtk2->main_quit;
- }
- },
- ),
- ),
- ),
- );
- if ($w->main) {
- $::main_window = $prev_main_window;
- if ($i{distrib}) {
- add_medium_and_check(
- $urpm,
- { nolock => 1, distrib => 1 },
- $i{name}, $make_url{$type}, probe_with => 'synthesis', update => $i{update},
- );
- } else {
- if (member($i{name}, map { $_->{name} } @{$urpm->{media}})) {
- urpm::media::select_media($urpm, $i{name});
- urpm::media::remove_selected_media($urpm);
- }
- add_medium_and_check(
- $urpm,
- { nolock => 1 },
- $i{name}, $make_url{$type}, $i{hdlist}, update => $i{update},
- );
- }
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
+ return $retVal;
@@ -1686,7 +1569,18 @@ sub mainwindow() {
elsif ($menuLabel eq $fileMenu{ custom }->label()) {
- add_callback();
+ if (add_callback()) {
+ yui::YUI::app()->busyCursor();
+ $dialog->startMultipleChanges();
+ $mirrorTbl->deleteAllItems();
+ my $itemCollection = readMedia();
+ $mirrorTbl->addItems($itemCollection);
+ $dialog->recalcLayout();
+ $dialog->doneMultipleChanges();
+ yui::YUI::app()->normalCursor();
+ }
elsif ($menuLabel eq $optionsMenu{ proxy }->label()) {